
Unknown Display error fix

xk flag

I have a very interesting question. My video card is an nvidia gt 730 and it supports 3 monitors. One VGA, 1 DVI and 1 HDMI. I have 2 monitors and both VGA. Now my second monitor's VGA cable at my computer is plugged in with an DVI changer. And i keep having this Unknown display. Can somebody help me? Display settings screenshot

David avatar
cn flag
First thought the monitor does not work with the adapter.
Tihamer Dragomer avatar
xk flag
Yes its working and showing image but ubuntu wont recognize and i cant change resolution and it has now 1280x1024 and this monitor is 1366x768
David avatar
cn flag
Please update the question with this info with the edit command.
David avatar
cn flag
From the resolution you have given I am thinking this is quite an old monitor?
David avatar
cn flag
This is quite old graphics card, launched on June 18th, 2014. This new OS may simply not understanding the monitor info. That is just a guess as you have not give an version info for the OS you are using.
sarlacii avatar
pm flag
Please provide additional details to highlight exactly what you need - eg. exact version of Ubuntu (and tag it so) - check via "lsb_release --all" as well as the output of "xrandr" run as your user in a terminal. Format the output to make it readable, and add it to your question. Also, search for similar questions for your distro, it is a fairly common issue. Go well.
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