
Why doesn't Snap install Gnome automatically if Firefox can't be opened without it?

id flag

Firefox wasn't opening on Kubuntu for me. When I ran it via terminal I got the following error.

Error: not connected to gnome-3-38-2004 content interface.

  1. Why does Firefox depends on Gnome on Kubuntu?
  2. Why doesn't it gets installed as Firefox dependency?

I am on fresh install of Kubuntu 23.04.

cn flag
  1. Firefox Snap is packaged to use the GTK toolkit, which is why it requires gnome components.

  2. That that component is not installed as Firefox dependency must have been a glitch during installation. Else, it might be a packaging issue, but that seems unlikely to me: in that case the issue would have been identified and resolved quickly.

id flag
It certainly doesn't seem to be a glitch because of you search this issue you will find lots of posts like this. I nuked Snap folder and then installed Firefox again. So maybe it is because of that but certainly not a promising start for 23.04.
FedKad avatar
cn flag
Please, see also this:
vanadium avatar
cn flag
@FedKad, thanks. So yes, it could be more than an occasional glitch: it could be a bug.

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