
Ubuntu 20.04 freezes (Kubuntu) with google meet call. How to troubleshoot?

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My Ubuntu 20.04 freezes every 2nd or 3rd - 1 hr call, that leaves me to hard restart / reset my system almost everyday, and I lose all the tabs and settings for the day.

These are the last lines in /var/log/syslog -

** NOTE: Replaced logs to more relevant logs as mentioned below**

Jun  9 12:03:29 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2715]: message repeated 14 times: [ fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x5642d1e56d58)]
Jun  9 12:05:01 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[25308]: [25302:25302:0609/] Every renderer should have at least one task provided by a primary task provider. If a "Renderer" fallback task is shown, it is a bug. If you have repro steps, please file a new bug and tag it as a dependency of
Jun  9 12:06:02 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2525]: kdeinit5: PID 56552 terminated.
Jun  9 12:06:02 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2525]: kdeinit5: PID 56555 terminated.
Jun  9 12:06:02 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2525]: kdeinit5: PID 56554 terminated.
Jun  9 12:06:09 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2592]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 27633, resource id: 148897803, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0
Jun  9 12:06:09 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2525]: kdeinit5: PID 56579 terminated.
Jun  9 12:06:09 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2525]: kdeinit5: PID 56578 terminated.
Jun  9 12:06:09 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2525]: kdeinit5: PID 56580 terminated.
Jun  9 12:06:25 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: CTRL-EVENT-BEACON-LOSS 
Jun  9 12:06:26 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <warn>  [1686308785.9296] sup-iface[0x55b07c400210,wlp2s0]: connection disconnected (reason -4)
Jun  9 12:06:26 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[25308]: [25302:25332:0609/] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -106
Jun  9 12:06:26 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=04:70:56:69:8b:f0 reason=4 locally_generated=1
Jun  9 12:06:26 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308786.0091] device (wlp2s0): supplicant interface state: completed -> disconnected
Jun  9 12:06:26 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=CORE type=WORLD
Jun  9 12:06:26 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308786.0092] device (p2p-dev-wlp2s0): supplicant management interface state: completed -> disconnected
Jun  9 12:06:27 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308786.0093] device (wlp2s0): supplicant interface state: disconnected -> scanning
Jun  9 12:06:27 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308786.0094] device (p2p-dev-wlp2s0): supplicant management interface state: disconnected -> scanning
Jun  9 12:06:27 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2656]: powerdevil: Releasing inhibition with cookie  622
Jun  9 12:06:27 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2656]: powerdevil: Can't contact ck
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: SME: Trying to authenticate with e4:75:dc:e3:ed:16 (SSID='LolipopWireless24' freq=5180 MHz)
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap kernel: [96645.512116] wlp2s0: authenticate with e4:75:dc:e3:ed:16
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap kernel: [96645.514167] wlp2s0: send auth to e4:75:dc:e3:ed:16 (try 1/3)
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap kernel: [96645.515182] wlp2s0: authenticated
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap kernel: [96645.518827] wlp2s0: associate with e4:75:dc:e3:ed:16 (try 1/3)
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap kernel: [96645.520674] wlp2s0: RX AssocResp from e4:75:dc:e3:ed:16 (capab=0x1011 status=0 aid=5)
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap kernel: [96645.521902] wlp2s0: associated
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: Trying to associate with e4:75:dc:e3:ed:16 (SSID='LolipopWireless24' freq=5180 MHz)
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308789.3198] device (wlp2s0): supplicant interface state: scanning -> associating
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: Associated with e4:75:dc:e3:ed:16
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308789.3198] device (p2p-dev-wlp2s0): supplicant management interface state: scanning -> associating
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308789.3211] device (wlp2s0): supplicant interface state: associating -> associated
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=COUNTRY_IE type=COUNTRY alpha2=GB
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308789.3211] device (p2p-dev-wlp2s0): supplicant management interface state: associating -> associated
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308789.3376] device (wlp2s0): supplicant interface state: associated -> 4-way handshake
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308789.3377] device (p2p-dev-wlp2s0): supplicant management interface state: associated -> 4-way handshake
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with e4:75:dc:e3:ed:16 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to e4:75:dc:e3:ed:16 completed [id=0 id_str=]
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308789.3999] device (wlp2s0): supplicant interface state: 4-way handshake -> completed
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap NetworkManager[860]: <info>  [1686308789.4138] device (p2p-dev-wlp2s0): supplicant management interface state: 4-way handshake -> completed
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: CTRL-EVENT-SIGNAL-CHANGE above=0 signal=-69 noise=9999 txrate=585100
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap kernel: [96645.630773] wlp2s0: Limiting TX power to 19 (20 - 1) dBm as advertised by e4:75:dc:e3:ed:16
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap wpa_supplicant[901]: wlp2s0: CTRL-EVENT-SIGNAL-CHANGE above=1 signal=-69 noise=9999 txrate=585100
Jun  9 12:06:29 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2656]: powerdevil: Scheduling inhibition from ":1.877" "/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable" with cookie 626 and reason "Playing audio"
Jun  9 12:06:34 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2656]: powerdevil: Enforcing inhibition from ":1.877" "/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable" with cookie 626 and reason "Playing audio"
Jun  9 12:06:34 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2656]: powerdevil: Added interrupt session
Jun  9 12:06:34 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2656]: powerdevil: Can't contact ck
Jun  9 12:06:41 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[25308]: [54060:14:0609/] Failed to unprotect RTP packet: size=128, seqnum=9383, SSRC=6666, previous failure count: 200
Jun  9 12:07:32 lolipop-lap /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[2525]: kdeinit5: PID 56557 terminated.

I am sure of the above log lines, as I restarted this laptop after it froze only after about 2 hours so the timestamp makes sense. Could anyone decipher these lines for me please, and tell me whats wrong? What Could I fix (which driver etc?).

I understand that this could be because google chrome fails, but why does the whole system have freeze, and what can I do for Linux to recover with just chrome failing?

kurudi@lolipop-lap:~$ cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS"

And Kubuntu DDE version

kurudi@lolipop-lap:~$ plasmashell --version
plasmashell 5.18.8
waltinator avatar
it flag
Don't post logvomit. Post a tiny relevant fragment. In your case, the avtual problem is earlier in the log. Your first message at `12:07:32` is part of the post failure cleanup. Read `man journalctl` and use `journalctl` to look at logs. Page through the log, look for a gap in timestamps just before `12:07:32`.
DKuruppath avatar
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Thanks for responding, Re- pasting logvomit... my problem was that I didnt know what to read on ubuntu logs, so I took the last 3 mins of the log and pasted.
DKuruppath avatar
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@waltinator, now I have updated the above logs to 1 more minute before 12:07 - could you let me know what exactly has happened here? is this a combination of wifi disconnection and google chrome issue at the same time ? (Once we identify the relevant logs for this issue, I will reduce the log lines in question above to only specific ones, and remove the rest.)
DKuruppath avatar
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Guess, its not obvious for anyone why the system froze with any logs... This behaviour is very much simulatable / repeatable and hence there should be some bug which it hits. Will leave it here then ...
DKuruppath avatar
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The system crashed once more today after just 30 mins of a google meet call. When comparing entries from syslog, this line repeats before every crash - "powerdevil: Scheduling inhibition from ":1.896" "/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable" with cookie 596 and reason "Playing audio"" Could this be the reason for my system crashes?
waltinator avatar
it flag
You have both `wlp2s0` and `p2p-dev-wlp2s0` trying to configure the same hardware, and interfering with each other. Pick one
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.