
How do I change the "Default keyring" password?

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i am on Kubuntu 22.04 running KDE Plasma 5.24.7.

I have recently changed my Operating System user password, and I also changed my KWallet password.

Since then, when I boot my pc, this popup appears, sayng that

An application wants access to the keyring "Default keyring"

Popup asking to input password to unlock the "Default keyring"1

To unlock it I must enter my old kwallet password.

I am very confused:

  1. is this popup kwallet? I don't think cause I am totally sure that I successfully changed kwallet password
  2. how do I change this "Default keyring" password?

I have found this similar question but it's more focused on Gnome. I would also appreciate a clarification about the relation between kwallet and this keyring.

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I think I found the answer by myself, this thread on an archlinux forum put me on the right path.

Essentially the popup I see is "Gnome Keyring", and it's installed and used even on a KDE Plasma installation cause some application relies on it.

So when I changed my KWallet password, the Gnome Keyring password remained unchanged.

The solution was to install Gnome Seahorse and with it, change the password of the "Default keyring" and "Login".

I must say that this sounds very complex and outside the scope of an average user.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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