
Is It Possible to Make an EC2 Instance Part of a VPN Protected by Global Protect

ke flag

What am I running?

EC2 instance Ubuntu 22.04 with a static elastic ip address The instance has only one network interface, whose details say it is an Elastic network interface. (I believed every instance has a primary network interface, but I do not see any PNI).

What I want to do?

My company has an on-prem virtual machine running MSSQL server at, but that is behind the globalprotect VPN from Palo Alto Networks. Even when I make a call to that database, I have to connect to global protect manually from my laptop. So my question is, is there any special step I need to take to make the EC2 part of the globalprotect network?

I talked to my company network administrator, who wants the public IP address of the EC2 instance (which I use for SSH) and the mac address. I got the mac address by entering

$ ip addr

in the terminal, under the ens3 interface. But can I assume the mac will remain fixed across stopping and restarting the instance? Also, the inbound/outbound rules have to be altered?

Some readings led me to believe I have to create an ENI, as the primary network interfaces do not support a fixed mac address. But when I checked the instance details, it seems the only interface present is an ENI.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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