Latest Server related questions

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kcpf avatar
How to forward DNS requests from MAAS to AWS Inbound endpoint
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I am trying to access a private DNS from AWS in MAAS. I already have everything set up, including the inbound endpoint in Amazon. I added the inbound endpoint address in "Upstream DNS used to resolve domains not managed by this MAAS", however, for some reason, it is not working. I can see that when I try to do a nslookup in the private DNS, MAAS do not show anything, but when I do a nslookup with the in ...

Score: 0
Stupid Man avatar
How to configure Mongo Atlas cluster to be accessible only from AWS ECS?
cn flag

I have a NodeJS application which runs as a container on AWS ECS inside its VPC. For the database I have a cluster on Mongo Atlas. How can I configure Mongo Atlas so that the database is only accessible from ECS IP addreses and not from any other IP?

Right now, ECS is configured to auto-assign a public IP address to my tasks, so there is no fixed public IP address which I can whitelist on Mongo A ...

Score: 0
Ant avatar
What kind of server has 416 cores?
kr flag

I was looking for something completely unrelated and found the gcloud m2-node-416-11776 which apparently has 416 cores and up to 12TiB of Memory.

I then did some digging and found the Azure Mv2-series with the M416ms v2 being the biggest one of them which also has 416 cores and 12 TiB of Memory.

The Google machines only say that they use skylake CPUs, the Azure ones say that the CPUs are Intel® Xe ...

Score: 0
Dariko77 avatar
OpenVPN Site-To-Site with Edgerouter and AsusMerlin
co flag

I have two distant places each with a public IP and I want to make the LAN network of these places as if they were one. That is, the machines in SiteA can communicate with the machines in SiteB and those in SiteB with those in SiteA.

In SiteA I have a Edgerouter12 with OpenVPN up and running. In SiteB I have a Asus Merlin A86U with OpenVPN up and running tho.

Network Overview

Main Config:

Router SiteA:

Score: 1
pierostz avatar
Apache reverse proxy not working and generates a 404 error
bl flag

I have an installation of Shiboleth that runs on Jetty 9. Through Apache I have a reverse proxy to the 8080 port of Jetty which serves the Shiboleth instance.

When I curl http://localhost:8080/idp/shibboleth in the console, the instance responce is generated correctly.

However when I do the same on my browser I get a 404 error.

This is some indication that th ...

Score: 0
Marcia Turley avatar
Please help me! How do I create new projects on a new account?
kr flag

I really need someone who knows how to set up new projects in Google Cloud inside and out for a definitive answer. I'm setting up a new project in Google Cloud so that I can Send Emails in WordPress using the Gmail SMTP Server.

Every time I try to create any new project, I get a generic error message telling me that I need to select a parent organization or location.

Error message states:

You don’t h ...

Score: 1
jona avatar
Rsync only include files with specific string in name
id flag

I want to use rsync to backup databases from my webserver.

I created a cronjob on the webserver that creates a mysqldump of the database and names it with the current date in the beginning every night. Files older than 30 days will be deleted.

Now I want to backup only the databasefile of the current date to my NAS via a cronjob.

How can I only include that one file? Or vise versa, how can I excl ...

Score: 0
i_wonder avatar
How to write a batch job query that has wait times, dependencies and conditional execution?
kr flag

I'm trying to write a batch job that executes via task scheduler. The objective is to run these exe jobs sequentially. However, some of these jobs have dependencies on others. for eg.

  1. job1.exe (no dependencies. exe for an API call)
  2. job2.exe (no dependencies. exe for an API call)
  3. job3.exe (python file in exe, requires job1 to run successfully, waiting 3 mins before executing)
  4. job4.exe (python file in exe ...
Score: 1
File permission issue - You need permission to perform this action
br flag

This is a very strange issue related to a dfs replicated folder.

The share in question is shared with "Everyone" with full access and permissions are applied to sub-folders using ACLs. Three groups are applied to each folder (Full access to a file administrators group, Read and execute access to a Read only group and Modify access to a Read/Write group).

All is fine in terms of creating/modifying f ...

Score: 1
justadev avatar
Windows server how to install newest apache with php 5.6
cn flag

I was requested by a client to setup a Windows server 2016 for using a 3rd party app.

The app requires to run on php 5.6. The security department of the company requires that the apache will be at least 2.4.39.

I tried to install xampp. I found an archive that supports php 5.6.40, but apache version is 2.4.38:

PS C:\xampp\apache\bin> .\httpd.exe -v
Server version: Apache/2.4.38 (Win64)
Apache Lou ...
Score: 0
whuykvpp avatar
Preventing redirects for file serving in apache
cn flag

I am working with a specific proprietary (and no longer properly supporter) http client, and it has an issue of giving up on trying to download files if an http server throws a 301. I am using mod_speling with CheckSpelling On and CheckCaseOnly On, and what I am describing happens when a request is made with the path, for example, being /documentroot/Media/audio.mp3, while the actual path is /docum ...

Score: 0
Nephews avatar
Import exisiting Logical Volume into Openstack
gb flag

My Openstack (Microstack on Ubuntu) got screwed up and I had to reinstall it. Putting a backup of the Openstack config back in place didn't work so have to start "fresh".

The problem now is: I have my LV group "cinder-volumes" with all its Logical Volumes. But I can't seem to find a way to "import" these existing volumes into Openstack.

  ACTIVE            '/dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv' [<110.29 GiB] i ...
Score: 0
icingaweb2 fails to import command, service and host configuration and templates from icinga
au flag

I have Gentoo Linux installed, and I am trying to get icinga2 configured and run properly using icingaweb2 and director using PostGreSQL 13.3 db. this problem is generic and not related to gentoo linux itself because i did most of the stuff manually.

so I emerged icinga2 and execute icinga2 node wizard to set it up as a master node.

then I emerged icingaweb2 and downloaded and configure the relevant  ...

Score: 0
bkr879 avatar
Cannot resize XFS partition after volume increase
us flag

I have increased the size of my volume from 8GB to 16GB. After resizing the volume, I would like to expand the partition to take on the additional space.

However, this operation is failing with data size unchanged, skipping.

$ lsblk
xvda    202:0    0  16G  0 disk
└─xvda1 202:1    0  16G  0 part /
$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
dev ...
Score: 0
gelonida avatar
select an haproxy tcp back end depending on source ip
de flag

I have basic haproxy knowledge and know how to handle the selection of tcp backends depending on the SNI server name.

The relevant lines are

    acl is_myhost req.ssl_sni -i
    acl is_otherhost req.ssl_sni -i

    use_backend mybackend if is_myhost
    use_backend otherbackend if is_otherhost

Now I'd like to change them to something that allows me to chose the back end also  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.