Latest Server related questions

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Cloud setup for occasional high to extreme CPU-intensive tasks (instant vertical scaling?)
in flag

I have a business workload that has very low CPU-usage most of the time, and occasionally needs to burst to very high CPU-usage. It currently runs on a dedicated server with 32 cores, but was hoping to transition to a cloud hosting solution. The demands are roughly:

  • 1 core most of the time
  • 32 cores approximately every 20 minutes on average for about 30 seconds (not pre-determined intervals, and needs  ...
Score: -1
Tom Baires avatar
Network Configuration WebInterface
co flag

I'm search a simple webinterface for manage the network configuration of an ubuntu server. On default our machines are on dhcp. But i want the option to change to an fix ipaddress. Is there nothing available for this task? I have only found this project for ubuntu core

Score: 0
Dariko77 avatar
ASUS Merlin OpenVPN Client Route
co flag

I am have a established conection between two sites ( VPN Site-To-Site) using Edgerouter (SiteA - and a Asus Merlin (SiteB -

On RouterB I have the following configurations:

  • Create NAT on tunnel - YES
  • Inbound Firewall - ALLOW
  • Force Internet traffic through tunnel - "Policy Rules(Strict)"

On redirect routes I applied:

  • src: dst: iface:VPN

When I ap ...

Score: 1
bbergvt avatar IIS requests not timing out after executionTimeout Value
in flag

We have set system.web/httpRuntime executionTimeout = 60s for our .net 4.8 application hosted on server 2019 IIS 10. From time to time we see varied requests exceeding this timeout by a large margin, sometimes requests show up as running for hours. What would be cases where this timeout would not be honored? IIS settings

Handful of long running requests

Score: 2
intechops6 avatar
Why is AWS S3 Object count is measured iin units used to measure file size?
in flag

In AWS, the files/objects are stored in S3 bucket and the files/object count should list the total no of files/objects stored in S3 bucket as an INTEGER value.

But I see the S3 object count as floating value and the unit represented is letter 'G' like below in AWS S3 dashboard. Why is the unit used to represent object count has the unit used to represent the file size? if this is not the unit lik ...

Score: 0
Master avatar
use ppp for Internet for netns
jp flag

Use of

ip r add via src


Error: Invalid prefsrc address

How to fix this?

Goal: netns (host) => ppp0 => Internet via ppp0

My config:

/home# ip netns
ns1 (id: 0)   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

/home# ip netns exec ns1 ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default  ...
Score: 1
Tigger avatar
Spin up all raid drives at the same time
ph flag

Here is the configuration:

  • 4 HDDs in a RAID-5 array (mdadm)
  • hdparm spin_down_time set for all disks
  • Debian jessie 8.11

When the drives are in standby mode and the RAID array is requested, they wake up "sequentially", one after another.
It makes the access delayed for many seconds.

Is there a way to make all the drives spin up at the same time ?

Score: 1
Using stunnel as proxy between SSL versions for SMTP with STARTTLS
in flag

I have a quite old software which doesn't support TLS 1.2. However SMTP Server only supports TLS 1.2.

Now I wanted to use stunnel to connect to SMTP server and and also listening for smtp access. I have already a valid certificate for this server. Before configuring different TLS versions I only wanted to test if this "stunnel proxy" works in general. I use Thunderbird to connect to :587 In [TLS_ ...

Score: 0
Can you enable certificate authentication in ADFS for devices *only* so that users don't receive a certificate prompt in the browser?
cn flag

Everything is in 2019 functional level.

We host our ADFS WAPs in Azure. Because the Azure servers are registered in Azure AD, they have the Azure DRS CA in the trust chain, and so the WAPs are willing to accept registered device certificates for any workstation, even though those devices aren't actually registered in our tenant. This has a side-effect of prompting users for certificates that the s ...

Score: 0
Tobias avatar
AzureADConnect: Expression with concatenated string
as flag

Our users are created and maintaned in OnPrem AD and synched to Azure with the AzureADConnect. I am trying to get an expression to work:

We have locations in different countries, so the title of the user in the "title" AD attribute is the title in the local language. We also put the title in english into the "extensionAttribute5". Now I would like to manage that the "title" attribute in AzureAD i ...

Score: 1
Julian Martinz avatar
Server 2016 DNS // Forward DNS request to parent domain if not available in subdomain
sd flag

Is it possible to forward DNS requests to the parent domain (managed by the same server) if there's no entry in a subdomain?

Eg. requesting would automatically forward to foo.acme.lan if there is no foo in the nyc.acme.lan zone.

Nameserver is a windows server 2016 and right now we are solving the desired behaviour with multiple DNS suffixes in the DNS search list on the client sid ...

Score: 0
Sauron avatar
Installing a PFX with bundle-ca included, do I still have to install the ca-authority in root?
br flag

I have a Windows web server, and usually I install the ca-authority in "LocalMachine\Root" and the intermediary PFX certificate in "LocalMachine\My", everything works well. Now I wonder, if during the PFX certificate generation I include the ca-bundle, can I avoid to install the ca-authority in "LocalMachine\Root" and just install the PFX with included the bundle-ca in "LocalMachine\My"?

Score: 0
RKB83 avatar
How to enable hyper-v kernel modules in ubuntu 18.04
cl flag

I'm prep'ing our on-premise Ubuntu VM to be shifted to Azure for which one requirement is that it requires hyper-v modules enabled in the kernel. I've been following the procedure in the following article,

but even after that i can't find any of the hyper-v modules(hv_vmbus, hv_storvsc, hv_blkvsc, hv_netvsc) when i d ...

Score: 0
Alain avatar
Exchange 2019 ssl certificate invalid
ve flag

I have installed Exchange 2019 for testing purposes. I have purchased a domain name and a certificate. After I installed it, the status shows: invalid. Thank you. enter image description here

Here is the result of certutil -verify

    CN=ZeroSSL RSA Domain Secure Site CA
  Name Hash(sha1): 082e3ff9058cfe8a7c18bd13efdf1d1660707a6b
  Name Hash(md5): ab1639dd9160fab0f92496ffe91dc2aa
    C ...
Score: 0
Sauron avatar
Do I need to use the bundle-ca when generating a pfx?
br flag

I just bought a "Positive SSL certificate". The crt files and bundle-ca from the issuing company (Sectigo) arrived via email. To generate the pfx I use the "PEM TO PKCS #12" from this site Is it necessary that in "Bundle File" I insert the bundle-ca received? The pfx certificate is still generated even without inserting it, so I wonder what is needed and if excludi ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.