Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
paulinventome avatar
Adding my remote public static IP to an Azure VNET so I can access a private VM inside the VNET
bt flag

I don't even know if this is possible. But I have a VM in azure running just private IP. I can access this VM from my azure web app when it is running in Azure.

But I need to develop against it and I am running VSCode etc locally and I'm able to access cosmodb and other azure services without issue. But I cannot access this VM as it is closed off publicly.

So I am wondering whether I can add my publ ...

Score: 0
Henk Bakker avatar
powerdns migration from old custom version
cy flag

This is my first question on serverfault, so please bear with me.

At my work we've currently have a custom webgui that uses ruby on rails to enter DNS records into the custom powerdns database. The naming convention of the tables is different than the normal database schema. The version of Powerdns on this server is old (3.0). This server is the master for a bunch of slave name servers. These sl ...

Score: 0
arunkumar avatar
OpenVPN - TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds
br flag

I have installed OpenVPN on my Ubuntu 22.04 server using the system package manager and generated a configuration file for the server. When I try to use that conf file to connect to the server from my home laptop, an Arch Linux machine, with $ openvpn user.ovpn. I get the following error:

2023-03-08 14:32:15 UDPv4 link local: (not bound)
2023-03-08 14:32:15 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET] ...
Score: 1
Damian Games avatar
Certificate only works from client side, how do I debug something like this? (graylog/filebeat/JVM keystore)
gw flag

I created 2 key-certificate pairs with the exact same method. However, while trying to setup TLS on my graylog server to a remote filebeat node, it does not successfully connect when trying to connect with a regular certificate validating the authenticity of the graylog server.

Then, if disable server side TLS but I enable client authentication, it miraculously works and I have a TLS connection.  ...

Score: 0
sam kirubaharan avatar
Debugging random 502 Proxy errors
cc flag

I am facing random occurrences of 502 Proxy Error. We have a 3rd party application running in our server. It uses a reverse proxy to serve the request. The Proxy server is returning 502 Proxy Errors in a random manner. A similar request that failed 5 mins back passes in future tries. The number of occurrences is quite high

I am running out of ideas to debug. I am facing this in production setup.  ...

Score: 0
MikiBelavista avatar
Why did my AWS ELB failed? No route to host
in flag

I have tried to install Jenkins on Kubernetes cluster,but can not connect to my ELB

k get svc
NAME            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)     AGE
jenkins         ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP      41m
jenkins-agent   ClusterIP     <none>        50000/TCP   41m
kubernetes      ClusterIP       <none>        443/ ...
Score: 3
elsni avatar
Change Alpine Linux default shell
ve flag

Alpine defaults to ash as the login shell, I want to change it to bash.

What I did so far:

  • installed bash by sudo apk add bash
  • installed shadow by sudo apk add shadow
  • I changed my user's login shell to /bin/bash with chsh
  • checked that /etc/passwd contains /bin/bash as default login shell for my user

but that seems to be ignored. When I login (on console or ssh) I always end up in the ash shell ...

Score: 0
ar099968 avatar
keycloak: Sharing autentication beetween different domain
mx flag

my company has multiple top domains, eg.

I have created a subdomain for each authentication domain:

and behind each subdomain there is the same keycloak instance.

The authentication works as long as the user stays within the same top domain but as soon as the user changes the top domain he’s in he’s logged out.

Is there a way for ...

Score: 0
N. J avatar
FreeIPA only as ldap server
cn flag

I want to try setup FreeIPA in my home lab, but I do not want any more additonal stuff like, Certificates and DNS. I just want the IPA to work as a LDAP server.

Does the FreeIPA installation support such feature, so I can disable these functionalities?

Score: -1
Nealesh avatar
I block ports using firewall still they are accessed
hu flag

I am using Avast firewall. I blocked ports from 1024 to 55535 yet I see apps established connection on ports in that range.

enter image description here

As you can see on the screenshot, the machine is making mirror connection. Is this a malware or any kind of attach?

Regards, Nealesh

Score: 0
folow avatar
Adding process to cgroup returns error "write error: Invalid argument"
ru flag

On Red Hat 8.7 on x86_64 I would like to restrict process to be allowed to use only 50% of CPU time.

I tried to limit a process with cgroups following Red Hat tutorial Setting CPU limits to applications using cgroups-v1 and I have successfully created cgroup and limit CPU time on specific process on my test computer.

Now I would like to do the same on production computer but I run into a problem. I  ...

Score: 0
Craig deepC avatar
Exchange Server 2019 can't send email on port 25
es flag

I have setup a windows server 2022 with Exchange 2019 and am unable to send out email because outgoing port 25 is blocked. says they have removed the default SMTP block from my barebones server. They claim the port is open both inbound and outbound. Also Vultr firewall is unavailable for barebones servers.

I have done the following:

  1. Stopped the firewall (Windows Defender) completely [Image]
Score: 0
mbmast avatar
From a running EC2 instance, how do I download the AWS generated private key for use with SSH and WinSCP?
vn flag

From a running EC2 instance, how do I download the AWS generated private key for use with SSH and WinSCP in PEM format?

enter image description here

I expected to see Download on the Actions menu, but it's not there. I'm posting this after spending a few hours trying to get this information in a way I can understand it.

Score: 0
Jaumzera avatar
Two EKS cluster using the same LoadBalancer
us flag

Does anybody know if it is possible (and how) to share the same ELB between two Ingress Controllers on different EKS clusters in the same VPC?

I have one cluster EKS cluster already running and I just created a second one. I'd like to use the same ELB that is being used for the first in the second's ingress controller. Is is possible?

I tried installing a new IngressController through Helm on my se ...

Score: 2
Sudharsan Punniyakotti avatar
systemd file not pickuping environment values
ru flag

Systemd file for filebeat doesn't pickup env variables and throw as below

ExecStart=/usr/share/filebeat/bin/filebeat -environment systemd $BEAT_LOG_OPTS $BEAT_CONFIG_OPTS $BEAT_PATH_OPTS (code=exited, status=2)

Below is my systemd for filebeat service

Description=Filebeat sends log files to Logstash or directly to Elasticsearch.
Documentation= ...
Score: 0
Rado avatar
nginx try_files and multiple location blocks
us flag

I have 2 domains, each with its own document root. The root of one domain contains the folders pics and docs that I want accessible through the other domain. So and would show the same image.

Below is an excerpt from the config file for domain2. It doesn't work - I always get a 404 when accesing the image in domain1 root on domain2. I'd welcom ...

Score: 0
Discard less important logs during overload with fluentbit or fluentd
in flag

Assuming I could identify more or less important logs by pattern-matching them, is there a way to configure fluentd (or fluentbit) to do intelligent shedding (discards) when it starts to buffer to much (back-pressure from output)?

Are there other log-processing filters that would do this?

Basically, under low/normal loads I want to pass all the logs, but during overload or spike situation I would li ...

Score: 1
Jason Adams avatar
Apache2 Configuration Issue - Deny from external IP, allow by hostname
ae flag

I've been messing with this for a couple days now and can't seem to get it to work. I have 2 sites enabled via their own config files. site1.conf & site2.conf

Each sites has rewrite rules from Let's Encrypt that route them to site*-le-ssl.conf

Having an issue where when I enter my public IP into the browser it is loading site1 where I want to either have an error like forbidden or something oth ...

Score: 0
Etterz avatar
Issues with robocopy /xf switch when using a variable for the /xf in powershell
cn flag

I've got a cleanup job that is running daily to clean a number of directories based on a csv file. The CSV file contains the following:


I'm extracting the ExcludeItems data using:

$ExcludeItems = $ExcludeItems.Replace($separator,",")
$ExcludeItems = "`" + $ExcludeItems`""

Mind you I've tried  ...

Score: 0
David Mora avatar
SSH TCP Forwarding and VSCode
bv flag

Thanks for taking a look at my question.

I've been writing code from my desk to a remote server managed by WHM/cPanel (for which I have full root access) with VS Code Remote SSH functionality for a few months without any major connectivity trouble. All of a sudden (as in: since yesterday) VS Code can't display the contents of folders on the server for apparently any cPanel account while it can su ...

Score: 17
royappa avatar
Does issuing an SSL certificate at a new company immediately invalidate the certificates on our servers?
ma flag

We have a wildcard certificate issued by GoDaddy coming up for renewal, and I would like to use a different company (which is yet to be chosen). The wildcard certificate is on use at a dozen sites across a few servers. There will be a gap of a few hours between the certificate being issued at the new authority, and when we can install the certificate on all those sites & servers. During that gap, wi ...

Score: 0
dos4dev avatar
Can't ping AWS elastic load balancer
in flag
  • I created Load balancer.

    NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                                 PORT(S)                      AGE 
    open-imis-gateway   LoadBalancer   443:31394/TCP,80:31355/TCP   3h43m
  • Inbound and Outbound rules allows all traffic.

Score: 1
John Doe avatar
nftables set of couples { IP/MAC address }
ca flag

Is it possible to do something like this :

    set authorized {
    type ipv4_addr ether_addr
    flags constant

    elements = {
        { ipaddr: 192.168.1.xx, etheraddr: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx },
        { ipaddr: 192.168.1.xx, etheraddr: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx },
        { ipaddr: 192.168.1.xx, etheraddr: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx },

This returns a syntax error. Is there a valid syntax to do it ? Nothing s ...

Score: 0
jvf1975 avatar
OpenLDAP Client hangs indefinitely on SSL_connect
gi flag

I'm using the C/C++ OpenLDAP client library. I specified a NETWORK_TIMEOUT and TIMEOUT of 3 seconds in my openldap.cfg. However, when the OpenLDAP client library issues SSL_connect, it hangs indefinitely and the client application does not see a timeout. Is there a way to timeout the SSL_connect to say 3 seconds? What am i missing as far as timing out the connection?

Score: 0
robot2022 avatar
Security updates for linux server with only local network access
sm flag

I am using Compute Engine and VPC Networks in Google Cloud Platform.

I have a "classic" frontend - backend server setup inside Google Cloud with two VPC Networks which are connected trough VPC-Peering (for another purpose, validator for a blockchain).

The frontend consists of a few full nodes, full nodes are accessible and accessing other full nodes in the internet and contain the current state and  ...

Score: 1
hackjutsu avatar
Understanding proxy_cache_bypass $http_cache_control
us flag

According to Nginx's doc on proxy_cache_bypass

Defines conditions under which the response will not be taken from a cache. If at least one value of the string parameters is not empty and is not equal to “0” then the response will not be taken from the cache:

I want the request with the header Cache-Control: no-cache to bypass the Nginx cache and be forwarded to the upstream service. Shall I ...

Score: 0
ESXi 5.5 -> 7.03 direct upgrade?
us flag

I'm looking into a long-overdue upgrade from ESXi 5.5

The server is a standalone, bare metal server at OVH

I intend to mount the iso over the virtual java kvm

Can I upgrade to 7.03 directly, or do I have to take intermediate steps over 6.x?

The cpu is compatible with 7.03 the vmfs is 5.60, also compatible with ESXi 7.03, at least the spec say that vmfs5 is compatible both <=6 and >=6.5

Are an ...

Score: 0
anotherlostedguy0 avatar
Windows 11 L2TP and IPSEC: Where to set the IpSec group
ie flag

First of all:

Score: 0
Luke Pittman avatar
Emails delivered, but no where to be found
cn flag

I have been working on this for 2 days now and am desperate for some help.

Postfix & Dovecot 
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009
Plesk 18.0.50

For the most part emails are flowing into the server correctly - however I have an odd scenario where some emails that come through our external spam filter and flow through an account that's a forward or an alias, they do not actually end up in the users  ...

Score: 0
abe avatar
Best practice Mac Admin to wipe returned Mac
sb flag

The issue we have is getting laptops back and needing to wipe them but the person is no longer contactable and they have not shared the password and they have left iCloud logged in.

I tried adding an admin account to the devices but they did not show up in recovery mode. I later found out that is due to the disk being encrypted by the user.

I have seen that mdm solutions will allow us to wipe but we ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.