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Score: 0
multipass cloud-init.yaml ssh asks for password
jp flag

I am trying to get ssh working in multipass, so I can ssh user@ip -i not using multipass shell.

I am using the following cloud-init:

ssh-keygen -C vmadmin -f user_key

  - default
  - name: vmadmin
      - ssh-rsa xxx vmadmin

multipass launch -n testvm --cloud-init cloud-init.yaml
chmod 400

Why is it asking for pas ...

Score: 0
shorif2000 avatar
octavia load balancer missing policies on openstack
us flag

I am trying to integrate octavia load balancer into openstack yoga on ubuntu 22.04 lts

I have followed this guide

here are my install instructions

It seems I am missing roles in openstack which I cannot figure out why as the test is not working ...

Score: 0
QuiteMoistBread avatar
XServe not recognizing drives in bay
hr flag

I recently got an XServe A1246 and am looking to install two 1TB Drives in a RAID in it. The issue that I am having is that neither of the 1TB drives are being recognized when trying to install an OS or looking for them in Disk Utility.

Before I got the two 1TB drives, I had a 500GB drive which is successfully recognized and shows up as an available drive when installing an OS.

I have included pictu ...

Score: 0
noobie avatar
After Syspreping a VHDX on a VM, mounting it means restoring to previous state
ir flag

I create a VM with a VHDX. I write some txt files in C:\LocalFiles. If I turn off the VM using Stop-VM and restart it, the files are still there. The problem arises when I run C:\Windows\System32\sysprep\SysPrep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown The VM shuts down after 3 or 5 seconds.

If a go to the VHDX (not the AVHDX with a GUID name) and mount it, those txt files are gone! Those files are created befor ...

Score: 0
Satish avatar
HP BL460c Gen9 blade missing CPU
in flag

I am seeing a very strange issue on a couple of blades which show one of the missing CPUs out of two CPUs. During boot time BIOS showed two CPUs detected but when i went to BIOS [F9] i saw one CPUs missing. I did upgrade firmware etc. but it didn't help even with the same firmware version running on other blades and they are showing two CPUs.

Boot time detected 2 CPUs

enter image description here

In BIOS setting only showing  ...

Score: 0
Heru Prasetyo Utomo avatar
Nginx - How to redirect /.html path
nl flag

i want to redirect route that looking for html file with empty name,

this request => /blablablabla/.html, i want to redirect it to /my-correct-page

using my rule, i was able to redirect all request to /blablablabla/ path, for example: /blablablabla/flower.html was successfully redirected and all other request was successfully redirected for that path, except for this one /blablablabla/.html

locat ...
Score: 0
Danil avatar
Raw file in proxmox
ae flag

I created a vm in proxmox. Now i need to use my astra.raw file. I saved raw file in /tmp. How i can import my astra.raw file in VM? I try to use sudo qm importdisk 220 astra1.raw tmp and feetback was astra1.raw: non-existent or non-regular file

Score: 0
Azure, what does "Enable managed boot diagnostics" give you that you cant get without it?
pk flag

When you create a VM (e.g. ubuntu) with Azure, one option is "Enable managed boot diagnostics". I have read the linked help page, but this didnt help.

Surely, if the OS has a problem starting, and ssh is not working, there is way to view the console output via azure portal?

If so, why would you want to "enable managed boot diagnostics", which presumably ads significant cost for small instances?

I was  ...

Score: 0
dthumb avatar
Oracle Linux 8 TFTP Server Failure
lv flag

I'm configuring a TFTP server on Oracle Linux 8 and running into some weird issues.

Configuration files:

Description=Tftp Server

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/in.tftpd -c -p -s /tftpboot

::::::::::: ...
Score: 0
Luke Devon avatar
persistence_timeout break the LB logic in Keepalived
af flag

In a DR mode load balancer configuration with ipvsadm + keepalived, persistence_timeout n value making unexpected issues. I have two real servers configured (web - port 80) for testing purpose. When I enable persistence_timeout with 2 or 7200, always web request goes to one Real server. if I configure persistence_timeout 2, even after 2 sec or 2 min still the traffic diverts to only a one Real server. O ...

Score: 0
Boot configuration Data error during PXE boot after add VMware drivers
ve flag

I have WDS and MDT installed on a Windows Server in my network. The WDS server is on the same subnet as the client machine. I am getting the following error on my VMware VMs when trying to boot LiteTouch over PXE:

enter image description here

I can't figure out how to get rid of the error. I've tried:

  1. Recreating the LiteTouch boot image in MDT and re-importing it into WDS.
  2. Rebooting the WDS/MDT server multiple times.
  3. Switching the  ...
Score: 1
Titi avatar
What is the best directory to place your cron jobs?
sh flag

We have a machine that executes cron jobs. We'd like to upload (via scp) cron job files to. Here is an example of a cron job file (test.cron):

* * * * * echo "test" > /tmp/test_cron

This runs if you do it using crontab -e then save, and then that ends up in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/$USER, we can't use this anymore (company policy).

If I place this file test.cron in the /etc/cron.d it doesn't run. Do ...

Score: 0
vishnumotghare avatar
How to enable password policy on readonly filesystem?
st flag

I'm using a read-only filesystem (squashfs). I've used the overlays file system to mount /etc directory. I can change the password using passwd command.

I've included libpam & libpwquality packages to enable the strong password policy. I see the following files are present in /etc/pam.d directory

common-account                 common-session-noninteractive  runuser-l                      su-l
commo ...
Score: 0
Boris avatar
Proper rsyslog configuration
ye flag

I have Debian 8 (Jessie) and need to write messages to log. Suppose, I have a program which sends to syslog:

#include <syslog.h>
int main()
   openlog("progname", LOG_CONS, LOG_USER);
   const char* msg = "{\"dt\":\"1670932865\",\"msg\":\"OK\"}";
   syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", msg);

Part of /etc/rsyslog.conf:

template(name="outfmt" type="list") {
if $progra ...
Score: 0
Joshua Schroijen avatar
Docker-in-docker/GitLab CI: adding and using credential helper
ng flag

For my organization I am building a GitLab CI/CD pipeline for one of our projects. One job in this pipeline will be executed on a Docker executor GitLab runner running on one of our own servers. The job involves using image docker:20.10.20 together with service docker:20.10.20-dind. The goal is to build a Docker image from my project that is uploaded in the project's container registry hosted on git ...

Score: 0
Baptiste Placé avatar
iperf3 test bandwidth : TCP much slower than UDP
lr flag

I'm trying to find out why one of my servers, used for fileserving, is sending files at a very slow rate, around 7 Mbits/sec, through nginx.

I've been using iperf3 to test transfer rate between servers, both on Debian 11.

  • FrenchServ : $ iperf3 -s
  • CanadianServ : $ iperf3 -c -P 1 -t 10 -b 1G // Attempts to send, using 1 connection, in 10 sec, 1GB of data

This test over TCP gives t ...

Score: 0
Majid Hajibaba avatar
ip tables quota malfunction
gr flag

I use the following rules to limit packets:

sudo iptables -I FORWARD --source -j DROP
sudo iptables -t filter -I FORWARD --source -m quota --quota 20000000000 -j ACCEPT

But after a while, I see the following happens (the packet bytes are over 20 gb):

25     19M   21G ACCEPT     all  --  *      *            quota: 20000000000 bytes
26    ...
Score: 0
Desi Shofiana Sari avatar
My mysql Exportir not appears on my Prometheus localhost
ml flag

So I have 2 VMs in my virtualbox, there are Monitor and Target. So, in the Monitor VM, I install Grafana as monitoring and in Target VM, I install Prometheus as target monitoring. For now I've installed MySQL-exporter in Target VM, and I can access localhost for Mysqld exporter. As you can see : MySQLd and this: metrics But when I try go to Prometheus, there no one of MySQL exporter metrics: Prometheu ...

Score: 0
Nils avatar
Netplan routes do not seem to wrok with scaleway ip failover
by flag

I have a scaleway dedicated server (dedibox) with as my primary IP.

i have linked a "failover ip" to this server

i can ssh into the server with the two ip, but i can't get the outgoing traffic to go through

if i completely remove the primary IP from the netplan config file the server becomes unreachable ( can't even ssh into it with )

here is my netplan configuratio ...

Score: 0
mikestreety avatar
Use bastions config file for server configuration
ng flag

I'm in the process of setting up a jump server/bastion host for several of our developers and was wondering if it is possible to use the config file on the bastion for final server resolution.

E.g. we have

  • developer
  • bastion
  • client

Currently, I have the following in the developer .ssh/config

Host bastion
  User developer

Host client
  User client-user
  HostName client-ip
Score: 0
raidensan avatar
Understanding GCP AppEngine dispatch.yaml 20 rule limit
cl flag


I am working on a GCP project where apps are deployed in AppEngine Standard Environment for Java8 and routing is done by dispatch.yaml. Also, we are using custom domain.

We have around 30 services.

I don't have the original dispatch.yaml, assume it's lost.


Contrary to well documented max. amount of rules ( 20 ) I see more than 20 in my dispatch rules.

To see the currently defined rules  ...

Score: 0
Azure: how to reimage VM (ubuntu) via portal UI?
pk flag

We need to start again with the original ubuntu install. We could delete the vm and create a new one, but this is tedious, easy to get the wrong settings, and also gets a new IP when we have already whitelisted and setup DNS for the old ip, and also setup the AZure firewall settings for this server.

I understand there is a way via CLI, but we dont use this, we only use the UI.

I also understand tha ...

Score: 1
Windows server standard, processes not able to utilize all physical CPU
ma flag

Please find the attached picture. I have windows server 2019. with SQL server web edition and IIS. the CPU always shows (on all 4 servers of same specification) that its utilizing only 48 cores (out of 96 cores (logical))

As you can see 48 cores are always at 100% utilization and the rest are almost sleeping. What could be a possible reason as the server provider gave us fully licensed windows. w ...

Score: 0
CptRetro avatar
Executable file to hide credentials
fk flag

is there any software that can be used to pack credentials into an EXE file and hide them? The executable file should then start a PowerShell script with the stored access data.

I saw something like this 15 years ago and need it today to deploy a script via Citrix VAD.

Thank you very much.

Score: 0
joenpc npcsolution avatar
How to redirect subdomain in apache virtualhost (CentOS8)?
ps flag

I have an apache virtual host for the main domain and subdomain as below.

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /var/www/html/example/public 
<Directory /var/www/html/example> 
  AllowOverride All 
RewriteEngine On 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}$1 [R=301,L] 

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName subdomain.example ...
Score: 2
Maris B. avatar
How to enable logging of Event ID 7042 (service stop reason)?
mn flag

Event with ID 7042 gets logged in the Event Log when two particular services (custom apps) stop on Windows Server 2022. The problem: one Windows Server is not logging those events. Is there an option or policy to enable logging of the 7042 event?

Score: 0
Siddhu avatar
Does the rsync command will end once it is completed
mc flag

I'm running a command to sync the folder.
I would like to know whether the rsync command will keep on running even if all files are synced.

Since I'm having script


function simSync {

ssh zsclxengcc1d mkdir -p $RESULTS
rsync -avzh --include=d3plot* --include=binout* $SCRATCH/ HOST1:$RESULTS

# Sync the Files

#Run simulation
mpirun   -report-bindings  $SOLVER ncpus=$NCPU i=$ ...
Score: 0
joenpc npcsolution avatar
How to make redirect rewrite rule for https subdomain on apache (CentOS8)?
ps flag

I have own domain for example.

Below is my apache virtual host with 301 redirect rewrite rule.

<VirtualHost *:80> 
 DocumentRoot /var/www/html/example/public 
 <Directory /var/www/html/example> 
   AllowOverride All 
RewriteEngine On 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}$1 [R=301,L] 

I can only ac ...

Score: 0
Markus Down avatar
How to connect Cloudfare to an EC2 Amazon server?
me flag

Im running an Amazon EC2 server with Ubuntu. I've installed Nginx and gone through the setup instructions provided here. The link has one of the chain of tutorials. I've done all the setup, and successfully connected my google provided domain to Cloudflare. My issue is that Cloudflare isn't connecting to the server. Whenever I type in my domain, it just shows "webpage not found". Is there another guid ...

Score: 0
john_smith avatar
Is it impossible to access rds and elasticache redis in AWS fargate only by setting a role?
ca flag

I tried to access the aws service rds and elasticache redis through fargate's task role.

I connected the full access of the service to the task role, but it was not connected, so I allowed the subnet with the security group setting, and the connection was possible.

Is it possible to access only after setting the original role and security group?

Or did I not set the role properly?

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.