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Volodymyr Litovka avatar
Azure log analytics API read
cn flag

I'm trying to get read access to Azure Log Analytics from my app and did the following steps:

  1. Registered App under the “App registrations” in AD portal
  2. Added platform: Web; redirect URI: http://localhost/auth under the Authentication tab
  3. Requested and granted to this App API permissions to read Log Analytics Data: Log Analytics API : Data read : Type Application : Status Granted

and then, using ...

Score: 0
Christian Matthew avatar
HAPROXY ingress controller setup using mTLS with configmap with just the ingress load balancer because it's ssl offloaded. No need for backend check
us flag

I was able to achieve ssl offloading with Haproxy. So great product and appreciate that capability!

With that said, I need to doing mutual TLS but am a little confused on how that will work with the ingress controller configmap.

Going through this reference i've created a client cert, intermediate cert and root cert.

To note, I am terminating the ssl cert (which is from letsencrpt) on the load ba ...

Score: 3
runningraptor avatar
What are the commands for restarting a service after a file is changed in Chef?
cn flag

I am unable to figure out the correct solution in that if only when a file is updated, i.e. a conf file of a service, then the service is restarted (stopped and then started).

This is what I have in my foo.rb file.

cookbook_file '/etc/foo/foo.conf' do
  source 'foo.conf'
  action :touch

service 'foo' do
  subscribes :restart, 'file[/etc/foo/foo.conf]', :immediately

And what I got after runnin ...

Score: 0
Maciej Cygan avatar
Shell script - Syntax error: end of file unexpected on Debian 11
cn flag

I have an identical file on two systems but one system is running Debian 8 and the other is 11

# Provides:          warner
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start daemon at boot time
# Description:       Enable service provided by daemon.
### END I ...
Score: 0
iXô avatar
pfSense nat a port to a site-to-site openvpn host
mx flag

I have 2 pfsense linked via a openvpn site-to-site configuration.

I have this : Site A with public IP : pubA, and a Site B that have a non-public-rootable ip, on site B I have a host hostB that I want to be able to be accessed via the pubA public ip.

So, I created a nat rule on the pfsense of site A from port 1443 to hostB:443, hostB is on the private network of site B network, but is pingable from  ...

Score: 2
Ian avatar
CRON not sending output to email, but writing output /var/log/cron
it flag

I have a Rocky 8.5 server. Initial settings in Cron as follows (same as our other servers, which work fine forwarding cron output emails)


35 * * * * /usr/bin/echo "XXXXX 123 CRON REDIRECT CAPTURE" >/tmp/mycommand.log 2>&1

Which works fine, and writes to the log. But I want it to send an email instead with output. If I get the command to call sendma ...

Score: 0
public s3 bucket file download getting access denied error for files transfered from another account
in flag

Hi i have created a bucket in s3 and made public, If i upload any file i am able to download the file with url from public. But when I did a copy of all s3 files from another account (which also had public permissions) to this new bucket in different account i am not able to downlaod those files in both public / logged in to same account


  • there is no kms keys set as well i.e by default no encriptio ...
Score: 1
Red Hat avatar
Making changes to DNS (bind) through git, how make it?
je flag

What is the correct way to change the entries in the Bind zone file and apply it through Gitlab CI/runner?

Score: 0
behnam-io avatar
How to forward a port to a destination through a chain of 2 servers with HAProxy
md flag

I want to forward a port through a chain of 2 servers, which is when a request comes from the client side to server#1, it should first send the reques to server#2, and then to the destination. I want to achieve the same resulf of this ssh command:

# example I want to foward port 8443 to remote address
# so I can run this command on the server#1
ssh -fNTL ...
Score: 0
WojtekPL avatar
Openstack Yoga - compute services losing RabbitMQ connection during VM delete
sc flag

We are in progress of deploying small Openstack Yoga cluster on Centos 9 and HP Gen9 servers (single controller non-HA, and about 10 compute nodes; currently only one compute attached).

In general our current 1 controller + 1 compute setup seems to behave well (actions like new volume/port/VM creation and connecting it all toghether work OK; Openstack Dashboard accessible, no issues there).

We have  ...

Score: 0
davis1011001 avatar
AWS EC2 Free tier data transfer
vu flag

Does changing t2 micro free tier to unlimited cause also unlimited out internet data transfer?

Score: 0
Divyank avatar
Iptables: VM getting locked out when Blocking all OUTBOUND Ports
bh flag

I am trying to block all ip's other few ip's given in OUTPUT Chain.

When I install Iptables OUTPUT chain was empty & input chain added STATED, ESTABLISHED ip's along with REJECT all ip's other than given INPUT chain rules. It works, I only needed to add ssh, and other ports to allow traffic from input chain. REJECT rule got added in INPUT when I installed iptables.

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) ...
Score: 0
Unable to open VMware VMs on Google Cloud instance
in flag

I'm running Workstation Pro 16 on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS on a Google cloud VM. The vm is configured for nested virtualization.

I get the following error:

"Unable to change virtual machine power state. This host supports Intel VT-x, but the Intel VT-x implementation is incompatible with VMware Workstation. This host does not support "Intel EPT" hardware assisted MMU virtualization. VMware Workstation does not ...

Score: 0
yogihosting avatar
ssh local port forwarding not working when url is redirecting to https
us flag

I have a windows 10 home with Linux kali running inside it with vmware virtual machine software.

There is a local website that opens on url in linux and has self signed certificate. I have added it's ip entry on etc/hosts file so that it opens on

The /etc/hosts file entry on linux:

This local website redirects to https url when opened on  ...

Score: 0
OTP before password with pam_radius and NPS
bd flag

I have successfully configured pam_radius on a Ubuntu client so that users are asked for an OTP. The radius server is an NPS with Azure MFA extension. The OTP is checked against Azure.

It works well, but I'd rather not send the user credentials to the NPS, so that only the OTP is checked. Also it would be nice to ask the user for OTP before the password.

I read elsewhere ( ...

Score: 1
UM-Li avatar
Sieve Does not Work in Postfix + Dovecot + LMTP + Virtual Mailbox Setting
lt flag

I am setting up a spam filter on my email server but cannot get sieve to sort the mails. All spams are delivered straight to the inbox despite rules written in .dovecot.sieve. In mail logs Postfix reports that spams (marked with X-Spam-Flag in their headers) are successfully delivered to maildir, and Dovecot reports no error at all. Dovecot version is 2.3.13 (89f716dc2). Please advise.

/etc/postfix ...

Score: 0
Zippy avatar
Removal of one HDD (2TB) from a storage pool gives me warnings (2TB+8TB+8TB SHR)
gh flag

I have 3 drives in Storage Pool 1 and want to remove one of the drives (2TB). I went to Storage Manager and deactivate the small drive and now gives me warnings. I plan to later add another 8TB but in the mean time just keep the two.

Drive config: 2TB+8TB+8TB SHR

Is deactivating the correct way and then what do I have to do to remove the warnings and only keep the 2 drive configuration?

I would opt to  ...

Score: 0
pagerbak avatar
Artifactory sends wrong reset password URL
gb flag

When a user uses the "Forgot password", they are sent a URL to the reset-password page in Artifactory. In our case the URL contains an extra /ui, like this


Once removed the URL works perfectly. I've searched the settings, but can't find anything that can change that.

We have a reverse Apache httpd proxy in front of the Artifactory instance, so perh ...

Score: 0
Héctor avatar
Slow read speed in ZFS mirror (slower than write speed, and very slow for small chunk sizes)
jp flag

I have a server running debian on top of a ZFS 3-way mirror of Exos X18 18TB (ST18000NM001J).

I'm benchmarking it and I'm finding some surprises for the read rate under certain conditions.

But first, for the benchmarking I created a benchmarking dataset (rpool/benchmarking) with primary and secondary cache set to none to avoid benchmarking the chache when reading, and also compression set to off to  ...

Score: 0
uWSGI application behind traefik
us flag

My current setup looks like:

request -> traefik (for https) -> NGINX -> uWSGI

where uWSGI is started with the following opts:

UWSGI_OPTS="--socket /tmp/uwsgi.sock \
            --http \

The docs say

If your proxy/webserver/router speaks HTTP, you have to tell uWSGI to natively speak the http protocol (this is different from --http that will spawn a proxy by itself) ...

Score: 13
Should you encrypt data between 2 servers in the cloud?
vn flag

If I have several AWS EC2 and azure instances running on separate regions. I am using rabbitmq to exchange messages between them. Should I worry about adding TLS and encrypting those connections?

In other words if server A is on AWS us-east for example and server B is in azure how bad will it be if they exchange information without it being encrypted? Only the internet service provider and Amazon ...

Score: 0
meilon avatar
nginx to not modify query only redirect for reverse proxy
cn flag

I have to put a nginx reverse proxy in front of a web service for TLS termination which does 302 redirection only with query part of the URI:

GET /path/to/document?query=1

Returns 302 with 
Location: ?query=2

nginx always builds the full URI but omitting the document, therefore the redirects don't work

GET /path/to/document?query=1

Returns 302 with 
Location: h ...
Score: 0
Shaamaan avatar
Auto re-create docker container when it stops without Kubernetes
ru flag

I've managed to get Docker set up on both a Linux and a Windows host in our organization for internal use.

Now I'd like to set up some "self-cleaning" DevOps worker agents; I've already got a Windows-based image of a DevOps agent prepared on the Windows host which has all we need for our internal build pipelines and which connects to our DevOps when started. Once started it'll keep running pipeli ...

Score: 0
Tony avatar
Oracle 19c database session unstable with Azure Load Balancer
jp flag

We are trying to implement a HA setup with an Oracle database in Azure, somewhat as described in DBAKevlar's white paper and Oracle HA in Azure - Options. Our setup includes an Oracle Data Guard pair (primary and standby database) in 2 availability zones, an observer in a 3rd zone, and an Azure Load Balancer. The Oracle database pair is in FSFO mode, so that it will automatically fail over if the prim ...

Score: 0
HarrySun avatar
Through the ssif interface, ipmi_poweoff cannot be used normally
py flag

I am testing a server with arm architecture. When testing the ipmi function, I found that ipmi_poweroff cannot be used normally.

Debugging found that the function was stuck in the while loop in ipmi_request_in_rc_mode . When calling the poll method of the msghandler module, it was found that intf->handlers->poll was 0. But ipmitool can be used normally, which proves that the transmission bet ...

Score: 1
Citoyen x14 avatar
How to open communication PYTHON socket with a SERVER SOCKET on AWS EC2 to a CLIENT SOCKET on my local pc?
by flag

Sorry my english is not good

I want to established connexion from my client socket on my local pc to a host server socket on AWS EC2 instance.

I'm trying to follow suggestions from here and code from here.

The issue I'm facing is that I do not know how to open a socket and listen to incoming traffic on EC2. My EC2 is a UBUNTU free tier instance. No matter what I try I can't get it to work.

Someone said he ...

Score: 1
Adam avatar
How can I loop over files in a directory and move only the unique files using ansible
tm flag

I’m trying to loop over all files in a directory, these files are named differently but should have the same contents. Is there a way to loop through all these files using ansible and then move the unique files into a different directory.

Thanks in advance

Score: 1
UM-Li avatar
Set Apache to Block HTTPS Requests to a Certain Subdomain
lt flag

I have these domains

pointing to the same server IP, but want my website to be accessible only via and which have SSL certificates. I run a TCP-based service accessed via; there is no SSL certificate for it, but currently I can still access the website via this subdomain.

How should I configure Apache so that it bl ...

Score: 1
Jacob Bruinsma avatar
How do I test my Proxmox VM Guest's Watchdog? (Windows 10 VM)
de flag

My Proxmox (Qemu) uses the i6300esb watchdog device driver. Windows shows the Watchdog Timer device under Device Manager.

How do I test this? I tried disabling the watchdog device but nothing happened after a few minutes, so that didn't work.

The ONLY relevant result I can find is a 20 year old topic on the Red Hat forums, stating that this driver is broken and should not be used:

https://bugzilla.r ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.