Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
gctwnl avatar
How do I get lighttpd access log to stdout?
in flag

I am running lighttpd in a docker container on Ubuntu (as a service that must always be up in my traefik setup). My docker-compose.yml contains:

    image: sebp/lighttpd
    container_name: lighttpd
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /srv/docker/traefik/lighttpd/etc/lighttpd.conf:/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
      - /srv/docker/traefik/lighttpd/log/error.log:/var/log/lighttp ...
Score: 2
Hasanuzzaman Sattar avatar
AlmaLinux 8.6 cloning issue
pk flag

I have cloned an AlmaLinux 8.6 server to another AlmaLinux 8.6 server using the following command. sudo rsync -vPa -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' --exclude-from=/root/exclude-files.txt / [[REMOTE-SERVER-IP]]:/

My /root/exclude-files.txt file contains the following things.


But after clon ...

Score: 1
Jing He avatar
What exactly is Kubernetes API datastore?
pe flag

THis page mentioned Kubernetes API datastore -- -- and it seems to suggest that Kubernetes API datastore is a replacement of etcd.

But I have not found more info on this "Kubernetes API datastore" and I do not know how to check if my current k8s instance is using "Kubernetes API datastore" or etcd as data storage componen ...

Score: 1
Masood Lapeh avatar
Unbound as a caching intermediate server is slow, and doing more than what I need
cy flag

What I need

A forwarding DNS server as an intermediry to another DNS server that serves expired records and renews its cache later.


I tried to use unbound as the only software that I've found to have this serve-expired feature.

However the problem with my unbound setup is that it sends multiple queries and does weird stuff to make itself slower (~few hundred ms) than a simple dig or nsloo ...

Score: 1
IMIEEET avatar
how can i reroute incoming connection without passing it from my server
fo flag

here is whats happening

i ran a openvpn server on a server outside my coutry and tunneled it using stunnel from a server inside country(because of vpn restrictions i cant connect to it directly)

but it seems like goverment or somebody else dicovered this and since they cant block a ip inside country they are forcing packet loss to and from it(i cant even ping correctly from inside server and the res ...

Score: 1
yildizabdullah avatar
Cannot delete corrupted SVN repository in VisualSVN Server
id flag

I have been using VisualSVN Server (version 3.9.7). Recently one of the SVN repositories is somehow corrupted and I would like to delete the repository and its database from the filesystem. However, I get the following error when I try to delete the repository:

Can't remove directory '<PATH_TO_REPOSITORY>\db\revprops\0': The directory is not empty.

I also see the following message on the VisualS ...

Score: 1
Mr Pro avatar
htaccess syntax issue when moving script to a subfolder
cn flag

I have recently purchased a script but this script only works in public_html folder . I need to install it in a subfolder named shop ( public_html/shop/ ) . Now the following .htaccess rules work perfectly when the script is placed in public_html but as soon as I move it to the shop folder , everything stops working . How should I edit the following htaccess rules to make it work in /shop folder ?

Score: 3
Gamification avatar
How to tell whether a linux tcp socket had recent activity?
cx flag

Most of the time, when changing or upgrading a network service, I would do this during maintenance hours but some services are rarely used so it is tempting to just check whether it is currently in use and if not, take it down for a minute or five.

Some service may not have an access log or I might just be too lazy to check it.

Is there a way to check whether there has been recent activity on its tc ...

Score: 0
Emad Sh avatar
centos 7 file too short during boot
cn flag

I boot my centos 7 in normal mode and when I try to login without asking password says login incorrect, after I boot in single mode and in boot log I see this error on during boot: /usr/sbin/sulogin: error while loading shared libraries: /lib64/ file too short Authorization not available. check if polkit service is running or see debug message for more information and after that I can't ...

Score: 0
Yaroslav Minieiev avatar
There is no dir "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/mdev_supported_types" with 5.19.0-23-generic
hm flag

I've an issue with 5.19.0-23-generic #24-Ubuntu SMP, — there is no /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/mdev_supported_types dir.

uname -a
Linux hp1 5.19.0-23-generic #24-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Oct 14 15:39:57 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
ls '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/mdev_supported_types'
ls: cannot access '/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/mdev_supported_types': N ...
Score: 1
mahdi bigdely avatar
How to bypass whitelist based internet censorship
ca flag

How can we bypass internet censorship in Iran

In Iran government blocked internet access to global and we can only access servers that hosted in Iran datacenters.

I think they used whitelisting technique to block internet

can we bypass it ?

we can't use vpns because access to outside servers are blocked.

Score: 0
Tom Ma avatar
RDC(Remote Desktop Connection) cannot access remote server
in flag

I uses Windows APP - RDC to access remote server for daily work. BTW, before I start RDC, I need to login OpenVPN. This morning the connection suddenly lost. And OpenVPN connection was lost too. I tried to connect again, it doesn't work.

Just trying today, and it works when I use another hotspot. The OpenVPN can login, and RDC connection works.

I am not IT person but very interesting to troubleshooting ...

Score: 2
Brian Chrisman avatar
completely media-less kexec install of a rhel-based distro?
id flag

I'd like to be able to install a small redhat server from kexec without media being present on the system during the installation (no hdd, removable media, or network). This seems feasible because I can generate and kexec boot an initramfs of the relevant size without trouble and kexec loads the whole initramfs into memory at load-time, allowing the initramfs programs to overwrite the storage that origi ...

Score: 0
Nitrox avatar
Assign an AD Group Read only Permission to Multiple User Home Drive Folders using CSV list
tz flag

I'm trying to put together a script to perform the following task:

First to add an AD Security Group named "ADMigration" and assign it (Read access) to a large list of User Home Drives (folders) contained in a CSV file.

I have a master user list CSV file with the home drive location/path and would like to leverage the list to apply the new permissions to the ACL of each user home folders.

I have been r ...

Score: -1
William avatar
Please explain this traceroute
si flag

What might cause the middle two RTT to timeout. This happens every time. Users are reporting slow network access from the remote site. We have contacted Meraki and they have not found anything wrong. We have replaced cables. We have contacted the ISP of the ELAN (nothing wrong). We have rebooted the stacks. These traceroutes have been performed with no users on the network. Normally there are about 15 u ...

Score: 1
How to expose image names to pod for use a version tag? Kubernetes
cn flag

Is there an easy way to use container image name or tag as a ENV variable so that I can use it to provide the image name and tag in a pod (for version information). I am new user. This idea is to work-around my lack of knowledge in how kustomization.yaml can source "variables" from a config-map.yaml

Currently I set up an environment variable which I envsubt into kustomization.yaml, and from there ...

Score: 0
roughnecks avatar
Cannot embed/play shoutcast stream in website when using Chrome
us flag

I have a shoutcast server running on a VPS and I would like to embed the stream in my website, so I did the following:

<audio controls>
<source src="http://myIP:port/live" type="audio/aac">

And the problem is that this code only works in Firefox, while it doesn't in Chrome (greyed out player controls). I believe this is an issue with the stream being "http" only, but anyway  ...

Score: 0
javacavaj avatar
Azure AD Change UPN
cn flag

I have an account ([email protected]) in an Azure Active Directory (non-Hybrid). I want to change the UPN name "admin." to "firstname.lastname".

The field is editable in Azure Portal and altered using the Set-MsolUserPrincipalName cmdlet in the MSOnline PowerShell module. Are they any negative implications to making this change? Loss of access to a resource?

Score: 0
Tom Anderson avatar
Is it possible to use mapped variables in the nginx error log filename?
us flag

I've configured a site like this:

map $time_iso8601 $yyyy {
    default '0000';
    "~^(?<y>\d{4})-(?<m>\d{2})-(?<d>\d{2})" $y;

map $time_iso8601 $mm {
    default '00';
    "~^(?<y>\d{4})-(?<m>\d{2})-(?<d>\d{2})" $m;

map $time_iso8601 $dd {
    default '00';
    "~^(?<y>\d{4})-(?<m>\d{2})-(?<d>\d{2})" $d;

server {
    listen 80;
    se ...
Score: -1
d3m0n avatar
unable to get deployment statu
mx flag

During VMware vCenter 7 deployment on the second stage of installation, after a reboot, when trying to log in https://:5480/ redirects to https://:5480/configurev2/#/

"unable to get deployment status"

at the same time, the center itself allows entering normally through 443

This is already the 10th attempt to install. Checked all the articles about FQDN, /etc/resolve and hostname issues. The hostname both ...

Score: 0
Thom avatar
Moving email from google
ph flag

We purchased a business and the previous owner had an email with our domain name along with info and such and it was hosted by google. I'm paying for [email protected] and want to move to my email server but can't move without moving hers.

The catch is that she has a bunch of historical emails that she wants to keep and when I move the email she will lose the previous emails even though I have n ...

Score: 0
CP3O avatar
What CLI tool helps rotate my mysqldump files on cloud storage: daily backups, weekly, and monthly backups with deletion?
in flag

I need to backup my mysqldump files from my database server, daily. I need to retain:

  • daily backups for a week
  • weekly backups for a month
  • monthly backups for a year
  • yearly backups after that

My preferred cloud storage is AWS S3.

My backups would run once every 12 hours, and then upload to cloud storage. After this, automatically I would need to delete backups that fall outside of the above retention ...

Score: 1
squidconspiracy avatar
Samba AD sysvol sync unison permissions issue
mr flag

I'm having an issue with syncing the unix permissions and ownership on the sysvol between two Ubuntu Samba AD DCs using unison. I have copied the idmap.ldb file from DC1 to DC2 and the Windows permissions seem to be set correctly on the sysvol. However, the incorrect Unix permissions and ownership is preventing clients from reading newly created policies from the sysvol on DC2. If I run

$ sudo samb ...
Score: 0
Para D avatar
Are 302 redirects visible to the final destination?
cn flag

Consider the following scenario:

Both https://foo and https://bar redirects the user's web browser to https://destination using the Location header with HTTP response code 302

My question is, is it possible at the https://destination server to recognize, through which server the traffic is redirected from?

Score: 0
mahdi bigdely avatar
Bypass country access firewall
ca flag

I live in Iran

in Iran internet is blocked and Iranian can only access to Iran IP ranges and other ranges are blocked.

How can we bypass this ?

Do we need VPS for this ?

Score: 0
Nathaniel Eldridge avatar
High Packet Loss on Device when Plugged into Unifi Network
lr flag

We have 3 large format projectors of the same model on our network all plugged into a small switch. Recently, we have been unable to reliably load 2 of the 3 projectors' web management pages. Further investigation revealed that we were getting about 50% packet loss when accessing these devices.

The branch of this network is:

  1. 3 Projectors
  2. Unmanaged Linksys Switch
  3. Managed Cisco CBS350
  4. Primary IT U ...
Score: 0
JozefSK avatar
RootDirectory in systemd ignored?
vn flag

I am trying to execute service but result is "Failed to locate executable /usr/sbin/myservice: No such file or directory".

Service runs under chroot.

Service contains:

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/myservice -n -f /etc/rsyslog.d/myservice.conf

File is available in the path

ls -l /chroot/myservice/usr/sbin/myservice
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root ro ...
Score: 2
SenseiRalph avatar
Links in company emails are being clicked from random IPs
vu flag

We make phishing campaigns to our users with Lucy Security. The emails include a link to a landing page. When clicked, stats are sent to our phishing platform that include which user clicked, when, and from which IP.

We whitelisted Lucy Security's server IP in our anti-spam (Defender 365) so that spam confidence is set to -1, attachments and links are not checked, etc. Thus far we don't get much  ...

Score: 1
How best to deal with large dovecot inboxes?
ir flag

I have a small number of mail users (abut 100) and some have comparatively large (10Gb+) mail boxes. I'm running Ubuntu using postfix and dovecot Maildir format.

I could just keep adding storage, but perhaps a cheaper way is to extract attachments older and larger than a threshold, and put these in a place for user download (eg S3) before auto deletion? Not sure how to do that exactly though.

What d ...

Score: 0
tantony avatar
GPO not applying at OU level
cm flag

I'm a new user here, and I've searched for this here. I had an Interactive logon: Message text for users attempting to log on already working. Then I changed the wording on the logon banner, and also the Interactive logon: Message title for users attempting to log on title to something else. But after I did gpupdate /force and restarting, its still showing the old messages and title. I did gpupd ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.