Latest Server related questions

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Ridae HAMDANI avatar
Module Apache mod_remoteip cause SSL Handshake failed (5) when load testing
es flag

I have Haproxy which load balance the traffic to two apache servers.
When I benchmark with apache benchmark tool I have no errors and everything works as expected.

But when I activate the proxy protocol communication between HAProxy and apaches I start having issues.

There are two scenarios

1- Load testing with less then 500 request/second everything works well.

2- Load testing with concurrent reque ...

Score: 0
Snoopy17 avatar
rsync: remote command not found (code 127) at io.c(254) [sender=3.1.2]
rw flag

To establish a backup between a local file server and a remote webspace (with ssh and rsync access) I wanted to use rsync.

With the command

rsync -aPv -e "ssh -vv IonosSB" --delete /volume1/fff/sss/ [email protected]:aaa/fff/sss

I receive the error message:

bash: command not found
debug2: channel 0: written 55 to efd 6
debug2: channel 0: obuf  ...
Score: 0
user5525652 avatar
Returns of UDP packets are discarded
ga flag

I use High avaibility pfSense 2.6.0 cluster and I strange behavior with UDP when use Discord voice channel. In fact, discord voice channel display "No route" and traffic analysis paquets traffics seem be discarded.

The pfsense configuration is very simple :

re0: WAN - (CARP Upstream GW :
Gateway is Netgear device configured in router mode  ...
Score: 0
Steve Folly avatar
Hardware suitability for Kubernetes
cn flag

I can find many interweb articles about amount of RAM required for Kubernetes, but I'm struggling to find minimum spec CPUs.

I have a machine with Xeon E5410 @ 2.3GHz, and 16GB of RAM.

I'm finding I'm struggling to run k3s on it and deploy just Loki, Grafana and Prometheus (including kube metrics and node exporters) - I see many pod restarts due to readiness probes timing out, and CPU usage is very  ...

Score: 0
stackbiz avatar
How to create accesslog in OpenLDAP with name "{2}accesslog"
bw flag

I'm trying to setup OpenLdap on ubuntu.

The following command is trying to add the accesslog database:

ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f test.ldif

When the name is "{2}mdb", the result is success:

dn: olcDatabase={2}mdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
objectClass: olcMdbConfig
olcDatabase: {2}mdb
olcDbDirectory: /var/lib/ldap/accesslog
olcSuffix: cn=accesslog
olcRoot ...
Score: 0
Mike avatar
Windows Active Directory cannot show user files while on VPN
in flag

I have this setup with a local LAN where I have changed the main router from PFSense to a UDM PRO router and new VPN Active Directory users no longer see their documents while working remote.

The network has several servers and one of them is a Windows Active Directory. While everything works fine if the users are working from the local network, when I connect with a VPN things are no longer working ...

Score: 0
nipy avatar
AWS CLI usage from Google Cloud Shell
br flag

I installed AWS CLI on GCP Cloud shell as per instructions for Linux:

curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install

This works as expected but when returning after an overnight break I get the error:

-bash: aws: command not found 

The AWS folder is still in my home directory:

ls ~/aws
dist  install  THIRD_PARTY_LICEN ...
Score: 1
Llewyn S avatar
Accessing Devices on SubnetA from SubnetB
cd flag

Hi All been beating my head all day and will continue to do so but hoping someone can guide me in a direction.

My routing Problem

I am currently trying to plug an IP Cam directly into ubuntu machine that has an eth0 and wlan0 interface. I'm trying to route it so that PCs on SubnetA can access the IPCam on Subnet B. So far, I have managed to get the PCs to access eth0 on the machine but not the IP Cam.The way I did this was ...

Score: 0
Avis avatar
Scapy packets are not being recognized
do flag

I am manually sending MDNS response packets from the server using SCAPY to the mobile (Both in same network) when it looks for a chrome cast (The cast device is in another network).

The packet is been sent to the by the server, I have seen it log in wireshark. (The packet I copied when the actual cast connection was happening when the chrome cast is in same network as the mobile),

I also ...

Score: 0
The Senate avatar
When Remotely Managing IIS the "Server Certificates" button is missing
dk flag

This question is very similiar to this

In sumary you need local access to the server or RDP into it, but because I'm running a "domained" Server Core how do I install a SSL certificate?

Is it better to install the AD CA role, or is it possible install the certificate locally and how?

Thanks for the help :)


After a more carefull analysis the CA of my SSL Certificate (ZeroSSL) only a provides a  ...

Score: 0
Benjamin Jones avatar
pptp-linux- route route all traffic expect internet traffic
es flag

From pptp documentation, defaultroute and replacedefaultroute are used to route all traffic through PPP0 tunnel.

with these options, route -n results: U 0 0 0 ppp0

this results in internet traffic going through ppp0

However this isn't what I want to use the ppp0 tunnel for. How do I get all internet traffic through wlan0 but still have a VPN  ...

Score: 1
benji avatar
Configuring SSL with Nginx on Ubuntu Server
sa flag

I have been following some tutorials online, and I have gotten my flask app up and running. I have added domain names, and they work correctly. However, now im trying to use Certbot to get a SSL certificate for nginx.

This is the command since I already have created the certificate.

certbot install --cert-name

I keep getting the error:

Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsenc ...
Score: 1
Mikha avatar
Is there a way to add multicast to loopback interface on a kubernetes pod?
cn flag

Using an in-prem kubernetes installation on baremetal (Ubuntu) servers, installed with kubeadm.

Kubernetes version is 1.25.3

Need to have multicast on a pod's loopback for the automated tests running, and I didn't find a way to get it. For a single-pod scenario it's probably possible by using the host network in yaml:

hostNetwork: true

But it's not an option in our case since we have multiple pods  ...

Score: 0
Servs avatar
Centos 7 firewalld refuses to stop running
ge flag

Checking the service shows the following:

   Loaded: masked (/dev/null; bad)
   Active: inactive (dead)

So i tried forcing it to shutdown

[root@localhost ~]# ps aux |grep firewalld
root      1414  0.1  0.5 363088 31968 ?        Ssl  19:40   0:01 /usr/bin/python                                                                  2 -Es /usr/sbin/firewalld
root      1737  0.0  0.0 112 ...
Score: 1
Peter Tremblay avatar
Nginx conflicting server name in server block configuration
ly flag

After getting certbot certificates i get the following error when doing nginx -t :

nginx: [warn] conflicting server name "" on, ignored
nginx: [warn] conflicting server name "" on,ignored
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

Here is my server  ...

Score: 0
Dave Hughes avatar
Systemd service stdout incompletely captured by systemd journal
zm flag

I have a trivial systemd service (called "testpath") which simply prints some output to be captured by the journal. The journal is intermittently and unpredictably losing part of the output. The behaviour seems so erratic, and the test case so trivial, that it's hard to see how it could be any kind of intended behaviour.

Can anyone offer a explanation in terms of expected systemd behaviour? Faili ...

Score: 1
Marco Fincato avatar
MariaDB regularly freezes every 1-2 days
so flag

I'm using MariaDB on Ubuntu 22.04 running on a Proxmox container (LXC). I have two instances for two different services, but since upgrading from 21.10 to 22.04 both instances completely freeze once every 1-2 days.

Trying to restart MariaDB doesn't work, because it's frozen and won't close. For the same reason even trying to reboot the container doesn't work, and the only way to unfreeze it is to ...

Score: 1
jlanssie avatar
How can I forward-proxy https requests with Nginx?
co flag

I am running a local web app on my dev machine. And I want to reach my local web app from a test machine (a phone).

I set up Nginx to listen on port 8888. My test machine can reach my dev machine at this port.

Requests that should go the local web application are reverse-proxied from port 8888 to the local web app port 3000. These requests work fine.

Requests that should go to the internet are forward- ...

Score: 1
Rawkon avatar
MySQL Corrupted After System Crash
cn flag

I'm using MacOS Monterey 12.6.1 with Homebrew 3.6.6 and MariaDB 10.8.3

The OS crashed out of nowhere and rebooted itself. After the reboot I was unable to connect to the database: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

Current results of "mysqld" command:

[Note] mysqld (server 10.8.3-MariaDB) starting as process 12300 ...
[Warning] Setting lower_case_table_names=2 because ...
Score: 1
Should we enhance DMARC to allow aligned DKIM enforcement?
cn flag

Currently, DMARC only requires aligned DKIM or SPF.

However spoofing SPF is relatively simple for an experienced hacker:

  • You should only control a single IP address in the often large SPF range of e-mail service providers (Microsoft, Google, Mailchimp, ...). It may be even possible to legally do so if the list contains out of date IP addresses.
  • Or you can try to use a bug/hole in the sender verification  ...
Score: 0
HiddeV22 avatar
Automatically discoverable mail server settings
vi flag

I have a Postfix/Dovecot email-server set up, and it all works really well, but when I try to add the email to well-known email clients (e.g. Outlook) it will say the email settings could not be discovered or something of that nature, I then have to fill in the email settings myself (by these settings I mean servers, ports other stuff like that) and then it will work. This made me wonder whether there i ...

Score: 1
PK232 avatar
Crond Inactive Every Other Minute
zw flag

I have a problem with crond (dated 13Feb21) on my Slackware 14.2 x86_64 (Linux version 5.12.10) server.

I have a script that crond runs every minute that accesses an external device for current data and logs it to a file. I will call the script Script1, and it runs fine.

I also have anther script that runs every minute and it processes a file that is larger in size each time the script runs. As re ...

Score: 0
Paul Stearns avatar
How can I best construct data structures to retrieve similar values for demographic matching?
de flag

The job is person demographic matching/consolidation.

I have incoming person demographic information which I need to determine if it is a match against an existing person in the a dataset. I get the following data;

Score: 0
manish.mandal avatar
Increase in spams through website contact forms after change of server
ua flag

I recently moved my website from Hostgator to an Amazon Web Services' EC2 instance. From a few days later people/bot started posting spam messages in the forms that are on the website. Is there anything technical that may have triggered this? Is there anything that a system admin can do?

(The messages are being posted through the forms, they are not being sent using any API or by hacking into the ...

Score: 0
Ant avatar
Allow ranges of IP through Cloudflare WAF
ye flag

I need to allow some IP ranges through Cloudflare, for receiving a webhook.

Setting them through WAF -> Tools one by one works, but I have some /28 subnets masks that are not allowed there, because:

Only an IPv4 range (CIDR) value of /16 or /24 is allowed for IP Access Rules. Use Firewall Custom Rules and IP Lists instead.

I created a list and tried adding it in Firewall rules, ie. (ip.src in  ...

Score: 0
Masood Lapeh avatar
Can't make v2ray to send DNS queries to its localhost
cy flag

There are two v2ray servers A and B with similar configurations but A works as an intermediary (vmess+websocket on both inbound and outboud) to reach B.

I want to make A to send incoming DNS queries to its localhost:53 where CoreDNS is listening on. How to do it?

I've done this in A:

      "protocol": "dns",
      "tag": "dns_out",
      "settings": {
        "address": "localhost",
Score: 0
Tracing a packet across a DNAT boundary and into OpenVSwitch
pt flag

I am trying to figure out where a connection is getting dropped in a complex SDN environment that involves a combination of nftables rules and an OpenVSwitch switch with complex flow rules.

I have a connection originating from (not a real address), targeting (also not a real address) 222.333.61.241. The destination address is accessible through a VLAN interface on the target host:

Score: 0
gctwnl avatar
Moving nginx/minio setup to docker/traefik/minio
in flag

I am currently running an nginx server in front of a number of minio servers. Each minio server runs on its own port on localhost for a single user and nginx is used for SSL termination and forwarding to that internal process. The nginx config looks like this:

server {
    listen              9000 ssl;
    root                /opt/local/share/nginx/;
    ssl ...
Score: 0
DanRan avatar
Nginx IP address www redirection happening on LEMP server without having a c-name or redirect entry in DNS records. Virus or misconfiguration?
mx flag

On Oracle Cloud server, I have set up a Wireguard VPN Server running Ubuntu Server 20.04. Then, I have set up a Raspberry Pi LEMP Web server as the VPN client to the Oracle Wireguard server. My Raspberry Pi LEMP Server successfully obtains the exact IP address of my Oracle Wireguard Server, and tunnels its traffic through the Oracle Wireguard server. This all seems to work. However, Now I am having a st ...

Score: 0
Klagor Mundavi avatar
Any ubuntu Control Panel for Canonical Ubuntu aarch64 22.04 Ampere (Arm processor)
ar flag

I am running a server with Any ubuntu Control Panel for Canonical Ubuntu aarch64 22.04. Ampere (Arm processor)

I wonder if there is any good Control panel that will work with this ?

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.