Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
opadfnezig avatar
Server closing connection after ssh login
vn flag

Working on archlinux, last updated today. Tried to setup a web application on the server. Got error 'core dumped' when tried su, decided to reboot. After reboot the problem started.

ssh -vvv output after I input my password(can provide full log if needed):

Last login: Tue Nov  1 02:16:34 2022 from
debug3: receive packet: type 96
debug2: channel 0: rcvd eof
debug2: channel 0: output open  ...
Score: 0
NicolasSens avatar
GCloud SQL timed out on a Docker container
hu flag

I have a flask app in a Paperspace Deployment Docker container. It is connected to a Google Cloud SQL (MySQL).

Here are the variables in the YALM parameters:

    value: xx.xx.xx.xx
    value: my_user
    value: xxxxx
    value: db_01

And the related code:

HOST =os.envi ...
Score: 0
dill03 avatar
Amazon ec2 OS upgrade/instance type upgrade
sz flag

My company is needing to upgrade the OS of our EC2 instances from AML 1 to AML 2 since end of life is 6/2023. We recently released a significantly large add-on to our application, so we are talking about upgrading the instance type as well... Our current instance size is m3.large, and we have seen some latency recently. To clarify, we need OS upgrade AS WELL as instance type upgrade on production enviro ...

Score: 2
Siddharth avatar
Cannot use 2FA due to even when it is enabled
np flag

I'm trying to enable google 2FA using package fedora google-authenticator ( This is my /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

#       $OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1.104 2021/07/02 05:11:21 dtucker Exp $

# To modify the system-wide sshd configuration, create a  *.conf  file under
#  /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/  which will be automatically included below
Include /etc/ssh/ss ...
Score: 0
Cannot combine looped variables
cn flag

I have well over a dozen jobs within AWX, but given the following code only returns one job name:

- name: Set job_name(s) as facts for limiting job rename
    job: "{{ job_name|default([]) + [ {
      'name': item['name']
      } ] }}"
  loop: "{{ query('awx.awx.controller_api', 'job_templates', host=awx_host,
                     username=awx_user, password=awx_pass, verify_ssl=False)  ...
Score: 0
David Charvát avatar
VPN gateway together on the same server with kubernetes
cn flag

I have one server with kubernetes (single node cluster) with several microservices behind ingress. Is it possible to add Wireguard VPN (installed directly on the OS) to such a server? Set it to default gateway (egress) mode. I want the client to be able to access the rest of the Internet safely through the VPN tunnel. I don't know if this combination will work. So far I have always run the VPN on a sepa ...

Score: 1
wilsotc avatar
Ceph reports bucket space utilization and total cluster utilization that is inconsistent
cn flag

I copied the contents of an older Ceph cluster to a new Ceph cluster using rclone. Because several of the buckets had tens of millions of objects in a single directory I had to enumerate these individually and use the "rclone copyto" command to move them. After copying, the number of objects match but the space utilization on the second Ceph cluster is much higher.

Each Ceph cluster is configured ...

Score: 0
Denny avatar
Postfix: Reject mail based on From not matching the Received From
eg flag

I want to reject mail when it comes in from one domain but the spammer outs the users email in the "From:" field

Here's the pertinent headers:

Received: from ( [])
    by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1A0E6921F3C
    for <[email protected]>; Sat, 29 Oct 2022 22:10:18 -0500 (CDT)
From: &lt ...
Score: 0
dsb27 avatar
What can be done about files with CRC errors?
ne flag

I have some files that are refusing to copy from one drive to another, giving Cyclical Redundency Check errors on windows 10.

I really don't think there's a problem with the drive(s) they're both pretty new and chkdsk and sfc do not report any errors.

I'm wondering what I can do to repair these files?


The files in question were previously copied from another destination, so file recovery programs ...

Score: 0
George Girgolas avatar
Resize partitions Ubuntu 18.04 RAID 1
bs flag
This is the output of fdisk -l

    Disk /dev/sda: 5.5 TiB, 6001175126016 bytes, 11721045168 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 3F81FC32-1FB9-4EE4-8226-95022D806E2C

Device          Start         End    Sectors  Size Type
/dev/sda1        4096    671129 ...
Score: 0
Can't communicate on remote ip using local vip through IPSEC (IPSEC is up + Test port works)
ru flag

good afternoon. I have the following problem in pfSense:

The Service for package Zabbix Proxy not want to go up.

The scenario is as follows:

  1. pfSense has a IPSEC VPN with Zabbix Server

    Zabbix IP is

  2. pfSense has a VIP (Virtual IP) linked to pfSense, which is what Zabbix Server will use to communicate on Phase 2 of IPSEC

    Virtual IP is

  3. If i go to Diagnostics > Test Port an ...
Score: 0
Francisco avatar
How to apply delays pool on this case
ca flag

I have a squid proxy server with ncsa_auth, with 2 user´s groups, and one domain that doesn't require authentication. The link to internet it´s only of 2 Mbps. How do I apply delay_pools to optimize browsing, assigning 70 KB/s to users_basic_access group, 80 KB/s to users_internet_access, and in the case of the domain that does not need authentication (noauth_domain), that browsing from each PC ...

Score: 0
Dimitar Veljanovski avatar
NGINX only one virtual server is working
us flag

I have configured 3 virtual servers for an application:

  • Static file server (
  • API server (
  • Admin panel (web) server (

I want to run all three of these servers on a single nginx server by configuring three virtual servers in sites-available, creating a systemic link into sites-enebled and including them in the nginx.conf file.

Here is the admin.example. ...

Score: 0
Vlad avatar
How do I keep NGINX directory ownership after installation on Amazon 2 EC2
ca flag

I have NGINX server set up as proxy to a rails application.

In the main config file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf I've set user to be ec2-user, which is the default user for this instance.

Since NGINX server is installed via sudo (root account), I had to change ownership of the lib directory sudo chown -Rf ec2-user:ec2-user /var/lib/nginx this way in order to be able to show the compiled VueJS parts of the a ...

Score: -1
Volodymyr Litovka avatar
azure alert chained processing
cn flag

need your advice on which way to choose to solve the following task: upon firing Azure alert, I need to enrich it with additional data and send summary to either/both email and Teams:

                                /--> Teams
Alert -> Python Script -> ... -+ 
                                \--> E-Mail

Simply sending alert by email is included into Alerts, but this way provides only links ...

Score: 0
isuckatservers69 avatar
Publish Root CA CRL to network drive
aq flag

I am currently "prototyping" a Windows PKI with AD CS Role. I have two-tier hierarchy (Root Offline CA -> Enterprise Sub-CA -> Digital Certs).

Furthermore, I am trying to publish the CRL of my Root CA to a network drive. Let me explain my setup:

I have a Domain-Controller (DCVS01), serving for the domain foonet.local. Additionally, I have a Windows Server 2019 (WS01) which is in the domain. ...

Score: 1
Shaamaan avatar
Why cannot I map an DSF/SMB share using New-SmbGlobalMapping?
ru flag

I've got a DFS folder: \\my.domain\Storage$ I'd like to map it to a particular Windows Server Core machine using the New-SmbGlobalMapping PowerShell command using specific credentials.

Alas, when I attempt to do so I get a The network name cannot be found error. I know for a fact that the network name itself is OK because I can simply cd from PowerShell into that DFS folder...

Any idea what's goin ...

Score: 0
shane avatar
How to configure postfix to forward mail to all valid local users to a single external email account and still bounce non-existent users
cc flag

I have a postfix service configured on a linux server to successfully send/receive email, with SPF/DKIM/DMARC all working, however I don't want email kept on the server. Instead I would like email addressed to any local account (e.g. [email protected], [email protected]) whether it is generated locally by something like cron, or whether it is received externally (e.g. by someone replying to a locally gen ...

Score: 0
Julien avatar
XenServer 6.2 export-vm
rw flag

i have an old XenServer Hypervisor 6.2 that i'd like to empty.

i tried to export vm with : xe vm-export vm= filename=<Mount -Path of CIFS share>/test.ovf

the export succeed and i got a file named .ovf, but its doesnt this to be the expected OVF format its juste an XVA filetype which i cannnot use.

how can i proceed to export my VM to another hypervisor ? id like to be able to import it in AWS

Score: 0
ddCorazon avatar
Squid Get allowed url List from external http server
mm flag

I have a question about squid, is it possible to retrieve allowed domain url/ips list from an external http server?

The thing is I have many squid servers and i would like to host the allowed domains and ips list on a http server, which would give the ability in case of change to add/remove domains/ips just once on the http server and not on all squid servers.

Does anyone already did it ? I am using ...

Score: 0
Kraal avatar
Is there a way to check "boot after power loss" BIOS configuration from CLI?
in flag

Is there a way to check from CLI under linux (Debian based) how the BIOS is configured for "boot on power loss" ? I need something similar to Check `Restore on AC/Power Loss` from CMD/Powershell on windows 10 but for linux.

I had a look at dmidecode and biosdecode commands but found nothing sor far (to be honest I don't really know what to look for).

Rationale: verify remotely if servers will boot ...

Score: 0
Stipe Galić avatar
Temperature sensor forcing shutdown of HP DL380 G10 server
fk flag

I have a HP DL380G10 server running Windows 2016. In the last few days, HP's Agentless Management Services started to initiate system shutdown with the following message:

Description of Event ID 521, IML Class Code 2, Event Code 19: System Overheating (Temperature Sensor 30, Location I/O Board, Temperature 127) Check fans, processor heat sink and air baffles installation.

At the same time, system fans  ...

Score: 0
user969640 avatar
how to ignore x509 certificate on Mac terminal
gb flag

I am on my local terminal in Mac, and I am trying to login to this harbor repo - https://:50003 I have added server ip to /etc/hosts file. I have added this server entry as insecure registry in daemon.json file

Now when I do docker login , this error comes up


docker login servername:50003
 Username: developer

Error response from daemon: Get "https://server01:50003/v2/": x509: certificate  ...
Score: 0
Anjali avatar
Want to redirect URL and change slug to url parameter
tj flag

I am stuck with a mod rewriting on Apache htaccess.

my URL looks like this :


I want it to redirect like this:


I am using the following code :

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteRule ^(\w+)$ ./redirect.php?id=$1

Please help

Score: 0
Hoodad Tabibi avatar
Openstack Glance Configutarion on HTTPS RESTAPI + Nginx Reverse Proxy
ly flag

I am trying to install openstack Using ssl certs i am able to run keystone (on port 5000) but when i try to connect to glance api (port 9292) it fails it is only accessible with http not https i feel like keystone works because it has seperate configuration file in "/etc/apache2/site-enabled/keystone.conf" but glance(and other services) has different story you create endpoints via openstack cli (apache2 ...

Score: 1
sibaz avatar
How do you Defrag an XFS file system
ar flag

My old workstation, has /var /usr and /home mounted on an xfs file system, and it seems to spend most of its time grinding away, and getting slower and slower, much like windows used to 20 years ago, when it was heavily fragmented.

So how do I check the fragmentation status of XFS disks, and how do I fix it when I identify it.

I assume there is some magic, which prevents the old FAT type mess, but c ...

Score: 1
herrhannes avatar
Traefik fails to obtain letsencrypt certificate for internal domain: DNS update failed: dns: bad signature
cn flag

my goal is to be able to obtain certificates for "internal" domains using traefik. With "internal", I mean there is no public A record. For this reason, I won't be able to use the http challenge offered by letsencrypt. Therefore, I am trying to configure traefik's certresolver to use the dns01 challenge.

What I have achieved so far:

  • bind is configured to accept dynamic updates using the key traefi ...
Score: -1
HDR avatar
My server is attacking other servers
cz flag

I've been reached by OVH multiple times regarding a dedicated server which I bought from them, and they're saying that the server is attacking other hosts on their network. The first time, the server was an open proxy due to a misconfiguration (I've enabled the proxy with Apache and didn't restrict it), so I've reinstalled the server and resolved the issue (that's what I thought).

And now it's th ...

Score: 0
Sergey Shcherbakov avatar
Key cache semantics in Kubernetes KMS Plugin
cn flag

When Kubernetes is configured with a KMS plugin, independently from the cachesize value I'm setting and the cache warm up I'm doing by reading out all existing Secrets in the cluster, the entire cluster admin access via kubectl depends entirely on the KMS availability and seizes in ~3 seconds (default value for timeout?) after I shutdown KMS plugin in my experiments.

Do you know what could have been done  ...

Score: 3
Andy Watkins avatar
gcloud crashed (ValueError): Command type [CommandType.DESCRIBE] has already been registered
gq flag

I'm experiencing some strange errors with some of the gcloud CLI commands. These commands worked up until some point last week.

Most of the gcloud CLI commands work fine, A few that we need for our deployment scripts crash with strange errors, as follows

gcloud redis instances describe myinstance --region=us-central1
ERROR: gcloud crashed (InvalidSchemaError): Wait commands must include an async secti ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.