Latest Server related questions

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R2Bleep2 avatar
Unable to create PostgreSQL user over TLS using createuser
us flag

I need to create a new PostgreSQL user on a remote PostgreSQL 13 server from on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine. createuser and psql (postgresql-client) are on the Ubuntu server. I was hoping I could use createuser to create the user like this:

createuser -SDRP -U pgadmin -h -p 5433 -d defaultdb

Normally when connecting to my server I use:

psql -U pgadmin -h -p 5433  ...
Score: 0
restic: display file operations EXCEPT "unchanged" entry
bd flag

restic has a -vv option that allows tracking operations like:

unchanged /export/screenlog.0
unchanged /export/public/acme
new       /export/public/newfile
modified  /export/public/testfile, saved in 109.562s (0 B added, 0 B stored, 522 B metadata)
modified  /export/, saved in 117.857s (0 B added, 0 B stored, 787 B metadata)

restic spews a huge number of those unchanged entries and it's unnecessary r ...

Score: 0
Marius Anderie avatar
Is two web servers and one shared file server a good idea?
bd flag

Current problem:

  • we have a single web server that hosts a website with user generated content
  • the server constantly needs more upgrades to keep up with the storage space
  • it's hard to make changes without temporarily disabling the website

Idea to fix these problems:

  • add a file server that is responsible for storing all data (it provides a shared remote directory and a remote MySQL server)
  • add two  ...
Score: 0
Tojas avatar
Docker doesn't show information on STDERR
cz flag

I am trying to send the apache error logs to STDERR inside a docker container. Here's my site-config.conf file regarding the logs:

<VirtualHost *:8008>
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/test_error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/test_access.log combined

Also, here's the relevant part of the Dockerfile:

RUN ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/apache2/test_access.log \
&&amp ...
Score: 0
Fluxion Kali Linux [*] Error, path points to non-existing or empty hash file
cn flag

when I am asked to enter an absolute Path what should I enter?

If I insert this path to a file created by me it gives me an error


[                                                                           ]
[                  FLUXION 6.9    < Fluxion Is The Future >                 ]
[                                                                   ...
Score: 0
Mike Mc. avatar
Start-Process argument list includes nested quotes - still possible to do?
au flag

After searching for answers and trying many things, nothing is working.

Goal: Run robocopy from within Powershell in order to grab the latest 30 days of files from a user's home directory, omitting specific folders because speed is important to migrate data off-hours.

Problem: I need to exclude a folder with robocopy with this argument: /XD "application data" However, I can't use normal quotes be ...

Score: 0
Nasser Afarin avatar
Nginx reverse proxy behind squid proxy
th flag

I have to create a reverse proxy for my internal services to call third party service. some of our third party service providers has a squid or any http proxy with authentication to reach out their services.

For simulation I create a reversproxy with name "reverseproxy" that expose port 85, we expect if customer browse http://localhost:85/httpsbin2/api/get then all traffic sent to ...

Score: 0
I cannot get an otherwise functional Powershell script to run on a schedule
us flag

Environment: Server 2019 Domain Controller.

I have a simple script that combs through my AD users and disables anyone who hasn't logged in within the past 35 days (org policy). Looks like this:

Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties Name,Lastlogontimestamp,PasswordNeverExpires | Where-Object {([datetime]::FromFileTime($_.lastlogontimestamp) -le (Get-Date).adddays(-35)) -and ($_.passwordNeverExpires -ne "tru ...

Score: 0
Blizzard7469 avatar
Docker: mapping container UID to an "non-existing" UID on host
sb flag

I am tinkering with Linux namespaces to better understand how Docker (or rather, runc) interacts with them.
By default, Docker does not create a user namespace for a container, meaning that UID 0 inside the container also means UID 0 on the host.

One way to bridge this potential security issue is to change the UID under which the processes inside a container are run by using, either the USER instruction  ...

Score: 2
norinori avatar
Ansible: "You need to install 'jmespath' prior to running json_query filter", but it is installed
sl flag

I am using Ansible on top of Python3 and Enterprise Linux 8 (Rocky Linux 8).
When I try to use json_query, I am getting the following error:

fatal: [ansible]: FAILED! => {"msg": "You need to install \"jmespath\" prior to running json_query filter"}

But the Python module appears to be installed already:

# dnf install python3-jmespath
Last metadata expiration check: 1:44:38 ago on Mi 02 Nov 2022 12 ...
Score: 1
Christian avatar
Webserver cannot be reached from outside, but updates are available and URLs are resolved
aq flag

I'm having trouble with my web server. It cannot be reached from outside, and I don't know how to proceed.

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • ufw is not running
    • executing ufw status on the server yields Status: inactive
  • ping [public server IPv4] from outside does not return anything
  • ping [server URL] resolves to IPv6, but nothing is returned
  • Ports are open
    • Running nc -v [IPv4 of server] [PORT] on the server gives
Score: 0
Appleoddity avatar
Does Win-Acme / LetsEncrypt renew existing certificates or replace them?
ng flag

I'm at the initial stages of considering the use of LetsEncrypt certificates for my Windows radius server. I don't see any purpose in the purchase and renewal process every year for what it is used for.

My question is this...Using Win-Acme to automatically renew the certificates, does it extend/renew the existing certificate, or does it create a new certificate and remove the old?

In my Radius confi ...

Score: 0
Rumotameru avatar
gss_add_oid_set_member() failed for [ntlmssp]
dk flag

I has installed gssntlmssp (on centos7) but when I specify it in gssapi as GssapiBasicAuthMech or GssapiAllowedMech, gssapi behaves as if in wasn't installed at all (gss_add_oid_set_member() failed for [ntlmssp])

here ntlmssp.conf:

# NTLMSSP mechanism plugin
# NOTE: to activate the NTLM SSP mechanism do the following
#     * FOR krb5 < 1.12: copy the content of this file in /etc/gss/mech
#     * ...
Score: 0
TylerDurden avatar
Growing a RAID-10 on Synology NAS?
us flag

I was hoping to add two additional disks to my Synology NAS. Currently it is configured as a four disk RAID-10, no SHR, BTRFS, single volume system. Unfortunately extending a RAID-10 is not possible via GUI but it is possible according to the shipped mdm utility.

I took the following steps:

  1. added two more hard disks to the system
  2. formatted the hard disks identically to the existing disks
  3. added t ...
Score: 0
Oleg Bovykin avatar
How to use ALB Ingress without rewriting every helm chart?
cm flag

I am trying to use ALB ingress with default helm charts, but struggle to solve simple problems with headers.

In Kubernetes ingress-nginx it's easy to add annotations to add headers (CORS), but with ALB I can't do such a simple thing.

I can solve this problem with the sidecar Nginx container, which will add headers, but it will require rewriting helm recipes or maintaining separate manifests with the ...

Score: 0
Eliot-BPJ avatar
Can't boot on my Linux anymore after changing boot order (dual boot windows/debian)
aw flag

Some months ago, I changed my boot order to make my windows in first boot position. Since this day I can't boot on my linux anymore because I don't see it when i'm booting.

After some research I've found that the problem may come from the fact that i've installed my Linux partitions with LVM, which may not be a good idea on a dual boot. But i'm not sure of anything.

I did not try a lot of things cau ...

Score: 1
RAMIREZ avatar
Nginx Server with multiple applications on sub-directories
ph flag

My team has a server we use for internal tools and tests. It has a subdomain pointing to it: What we're trying to achieve is to have multiple applications, each with under a sub-directory. I.e.:

  • - generic entry page
  • our internal redmine (a ruby on rails server)
  • a drupal website we are curr ...
Score: 0
Tarun Gupta avatar
GCP image import error: install_apt_packages failing
um flag

I was trying to import a debian-11 image (debian-11-genericcloud-amd64.raw) using gcloud compute images import command. However it was failing, and looking at the logs it seems that install_apt_packages is failing. What could be the reason for this? There's not much information given in the logs below to dissect it further.

Maybe it's unable to install the GCP guest environment packages due to so ...

Score: 1
milad avatar
Redirect traffic of one proxy to another one
ng flag

I have installed a v2ray client on my server and I can connect to it successfully. Assume it is listening on following address:


I also installed MTProto proxy on my server to serve my users:

/snap/bin/mtproxy -u mtproxy -p 8888 -H 8000 -S my_secret --aes-pwd proxy-secret proxy-multi.conf -M 1  

But now I want to send the output traffic of MTProto to v2ray:

 Clients ===> MTP ...
Score: 0
Jing He avatar
How to install kube-controller-manager command?
pe flag

I have installed kubernetes cluster using kubeadmin flowing this SOP:

But after installation finished, I find there is no kube-controller-manager command. However, this flannel network plugin asks me to use kube-controller-manage ...

Score: 0
Life Impactor avatar
Cannot edit journald.conf
rw flag

I'm working with a embedded linux machine that was made with Buildroot. The default user is root and I would like to edit /etc/systemd/journald.conf to set the SystemMaxUse to prevent the log files from taking all the limited space.

When I try to edit this file as root using vi journald.conf it says [ReadOnly] in the status bar. The permissions for user are rw yet I can't write to this file as root. I  ...

Score: 1
Evan Appleby avatar
How to manage multiple environments for an app on Ubuntu with Apache server?
gu flag

I have a PHP app and I would like to host staging, demo, and production servers from one instance on Linode. The challenge I am running into is loading different environment variables for each server.

I have created multiple .conf files in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ which look like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerAdmin [email protected]
     ServerAlias sta ...
Score: 1
bruin avatar
How tofind the kernel driver name for the pcie controller in a running linux system booted from uefi/acpi?
in flag

I have an Ampere ARMv8 server running Ubuntu 20.04. I want to find out the kernel driver used for the PCIe controllers. How should I do?

My purpose is to prove a hypothesis that for a server (which has UEFI/ACPI capability) to install official distros (such as Ubuntu/Debian w/o modification), the PCIe controller drivers has to be in the kernel source tree for that distro.

Part of the dmesg|grep - ...

Score: 2
aruuu avatar
AWS CloudWatch Alarm on Max Average CPU from ASG
hu flag

I am trying to create an alarm in CloudWatch which triggers when any node in a given ASG has greater than 90% average CPU utilisation.

I don't want to just do MAX, because we often see short spikes to above 90%, where the AVG would still be ~80% for that time.

I'm only interested if a node in the ASG is consistently over 90% utilisation.

You can do this in Explorer web interface with an "Aggregate" but ...

Score: 0
smomma avatar
Troubleshooting long docker build times in ADO pipelines
mo flag

Attached is a snippet of the logs of a docker build step that is part of an ADO pipeline. Pretty new to ADO. The docker build steps are taking multiple minutes for each action. We are using self-hosted agents. Could this be an agent issue or something else? Any ideas of where to start investigating are appreciated.

Snippet from build logs

Score: 0
Mark Mulder avatar
How to get docker to build this file?
ni flag


Every time I use this command line to get docker to build, I keep getting the errors shown the the powershell window.

failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to read dockerfile: open /var/lib/docker/tmp/buildkit-mount3797320125/Dockerfile: no such file or directory
PS C:\Users\mark404> docker build -t C:\Usersnode-lafs-web .

Do I need to include a path or something? How would I format t ...

Score: 0
Илья Бугримов avatar
php-fpm access log to rsyslog
do flag

I am trying to find a solution for getting logs from php72 php-fpm yii2 application behind nginx on several numbers of servers: at now application writes its logs to files on server disk, yii performs rotation of log files.

But this solution requires fast and large disks that costs $$ and getting logs in one place with shared dir - another problem because acessing files from several servers cause ...

Score: 2
iiiooo avatar
Run a linux docker container on Windows Server 2022
sd flag

I have a Windows Server 2022 running on GCP. I've installed docker as described here:

Namely, I did this:

Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Repository PSGallery -Force
Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider
Restart-Computer -Force

However, when I try to run a linux image, I get

PS C:\Windows\system32& ...
Score: 0
t0rxe avatar
SMTP - (Google Mail) 550-5.7.26 This message does not pass authentication checks (SPF and DKIM)
ru flag

I have a working mail server and have been for several years, but I recently changed the server location some place else and as such, it has a different IP for the A record.

I have setup the DNS SPF record to have dual IP's to see if that fixes it, but it still doesn't work with Googles Mail server.

v=spf1 ip4: ip4: -all


  • My primary A record points to the first IP 12 ...
Score: 0
Yotta Mxt avatar
After deleting a big file the space isn't freed even after rebooting the system:
bz flag

So I have that problem. The space hasn't been freed, either checking by GUI (Nautilus or Disks utility) or by TUI(df). I've read that it could be because another process was still handling the file when deleted, so you've removed the link but the file is still somewhere deep in the filesystem. Of course, I tried the lsof commands and other solutions, but I couldn't find the deleted file. I also read tha ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.