Latest Server related questions

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VladF avatar
How can I restore Postgres DB with pg_basebackup in my case?
va flag

I have two DB servers and backup which is configured by pg_basebackup. You can see whole command below.

pg_basebackup -h $PGHOST -p $PGPORT -U $PGUSER -w -D $backup_dir/psql_base_backup_$(date +"%d-%m-%y") -l "$(date)" -F tar -z -R -P &>> $backup_dir/status.log

Below you can see my prod DB which I want to backup:

postgres=# \c sks-api
You are now connected to database "sks-api" as user  ...
Score: 0
Klagor Mundavi avatar
phpmyadmin Mysql frozen in time
ar flag

i got a remote mysql database connection to work on my on ubuntu 22.04. I see on the website that i setup that data gets into the database as users are active in the website but when i check phpmyadmin the values in the database wont change, it's like it's frozen in time with the same values in the tables and rows that wont update in phpmyadmin itself.

I have had the website run for an hour now a ...

Score: 0
Andrea avatar
Nginx reverse proxy http2 push preload
gb flag

I configured nginx 1.18 to push an image with the preload.

This i the nginx configuration
        location / {
             proxy_pass http://miosito;

             proxy_http_version 1.1;
             proxy_set_header Connection "";
             proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
             proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

             http2_push_preload on;
Score: 1
Ardneliahs avatar
How to make two squid servers share the same disk cache?
is flag

I'm trying to setup squid proxy in a kubernetes environment as a caching server with 3 replicas. I wanted to know whether all three replicas can share the same disk storage, or I'll have to assign separate storage to each. Currently all three of them have this in the config:

cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256

All three replica mount the same volume, so /var/spool/squid/ is shared among the thre ...

Score: 0
Xingyao Wu avatar
tunneling through IPV6 network to access IPV4 VPN server?
bd flag


  1. I have my computer [C] at home which has public ipv6 address but only private ipv4 address.

  2. My mobile phone [P] has ipv6 address and can visit ipv6 sites.

  3. Now I'm running an ipv4 only VPN on [C] and I want to connect [P] with [C] through ipv6 tunnel so that [P] can visit ipv4 resources through VPN on [C].

the network layout would be [P]---(ipv6)---[C~~~VPN(ipv4 only)]---(ipv4)---[Remote]. ...

Score: 0
Gill-Bates avatar
Debian: Simple way to compress files wanted
ps flag

I often need to compress archives in Linux. is there a simpler way instead of always building such complicated commands?

tar zcvf /tmp/mybackup.tar.gz /home/important
Score: 1
MoonLight avatar
Programmatically (SH Script) check which server is traffic routed too by HA Proxy
sz flag

I have 2 HA Proxy servers with Keepalived configured with them, and have 2 backend servers to which traffic is routed by HA Proxy, am writing a shell script that will sync a directory between backend servers based on which server is currently set as active using osync (I dont want activity status about the HA Proxy servers but the backend servers) (HA is configured as Active-Passive, switches to availab ...

Score: 0
cjsmith87 avatar
How do I setup two NIC's on Hyper-V VM, one for physical network and one for internet access via NAT?
vg flag

I am running Hyper-V on a physical Windows 2019 server with a dual NIC. NIC #1 is connected to my office network, which is in turn, is connected to the internet. NIC #2 is connected to a separate physical desktop switch that has other physical PCs connected to it.

On the Hyper-V Server I am running a single VM which will act as DHCP, DNS and a Web Server for the Test Network. We are running multi ...

Score: 0
Naran avatar
Preserve client IP in GKE
mu flag

I have a backend application behind an nginx ingress controller in a GKE cluster and I want to whitelist a certain IP only to access it. I added to the associated ingress this annotation: "my-ip/32"

I also have the externalTrafficPolicy set to Local in the ingress controller service.

The issue is that when I hit my application it always return

Score: 0
SevillaLarry avatar
OpenStack Zed - Debian Bullseye - Placement verification error - Unable to establish connection - Errno 111 - caught SIGWINCH
gu flag

Summary: Verifying installation of Placement API with OpenStack Zed under Debian 11 Bullseye gives error msg "Unable to establish connection", errno 111.


I'm new to OpenStack.

I have used these guides:

OpenStack Installation Guide documentation

Installation — openstack-placement documentation ...

Score: 0
TheRed27 avatar
Bind9 unable to resolve external nameserver
am flag

I have set up a DNS Server within my company's LAN.

Local nameservers works correctly, however those outside such as are not resolved...

By running dig I get this result:

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 5354 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHOR ...

Score: 1
A H avatar
Iptables, Limit the number of IPs connected to a specific port per second
vn flag

iptables can limit connections per ip at the same time with the --connlimit command .
but I want to know is there a way to limit connected IPs at the same time?
for example, if you limit connections to 30, then multiple IPs can connect to port, but any IP can create max 30 connections, but I want to create a rule that limits IPs, not every IP connections. for example, I want to set a rule that only 2 ...

Score: 0
Catscarlet avatar
Is there a way to capture packages by using tcpdump with ipset?
in flag

I got a big ipset and I want to capture networking packages related/not-related to these IPs.

Is there a way to capture packages by using tcpdump with ipset as param?

Score: 0
Nikita Kipriyanov avatar
How to access the contents of VMDK file in the ESXi host?
za flag

We have a number of computers based on the old HP ProLiant Gen1 blades, and we are going to get rid of that. It is impossible to reinstall the software which is licensed and support requirement are quite tough, we decided to virtualize is's system as is. We know that software will still work; it's Oracle based, and in particular we support the life of this system by moving hard disks into another simila ...

Score: -1
Nikolay avatar
Does Alpine Linux Docker Image contain OpenSSL
gp flag

Does the official alpine docker image bundle OpenSSL.

I created a new container locally and I can't find the openssl command.

Is there an official doco with everything that's installed by default? I couldn't find it on the alpine website?

Score: 0
PersianGulf avatar
Squid and redirect traffic
cn flag

I need to set address of my proxy(squid server) and related port to get traffic from FreeBSD or Linux in my browser box.
I have Internet in my squid box.
How do I configure my squid server?

Score: 0
lampShadesDrifter avatar
Couldn't read source object ACLs. Source bucket must not have storage.uniformBucketLevelAccess enabled and the service account must have storage.ob
us flag

Attempting to manually test creating an exact backup for a GCS bucket via Data Transfer Service in the GCP browser UI and getting error...

Couldn't read source object ACLs. Source bucket must not have storage.uniformBucketLevelAccess enabled and the service account must have storage.objects.getIAMPolicy on the source object.

Yet, my source bucket does not have uniform Access Control and I do have

Score: 0
sherpaurgen avatar
Issue with idrac9 keyboard
cn flag

I am using idrac9 virtualconsole (PowerEdge R440) with ubuntu 20.04 with kernel 5.4.0-65. The issue is, virtualconsole doesn't respond(across reboots) to keystrokes from virtual keyboard as well local keystrokes(my laptop) when the server is rebooted. If its rebooted couple of times the keyboard starts working again and if power cycled again the virtual console stops receiving keystrokes. I have tried l ...

Score: 0
pkSML avatar
Debian 11 - Cockpit VMs - Host and VM cannot ping each other
in flag

I have a server running Debian 11. I installed Docker and have several containers running successfully. I also like the option of being able to spin up libvirt/qEMU VMs via Cockpit. (FWIW, I also have OpenVPN running on the host.)

I created a bridged interface with my NIC being a slave, and my VM is attached to the bridge. So my VM has a LAN IP address, which is pretty cool. The problem is that whi ...

Score: -1
bopea avatar
Linux analyze and monitoring log tool?
kr flag

I have a server using OS centos-7, but sometimes my server got slow with some processes. I want to check which service or process makes the system slow. how to check the percentage of CPU, ram, or disk consumption that make the server slow. So please help me to find open source tools which can store and analyze log with long term.


from the new system engineer.

Score: 0
9527 avatar
How to ensure OpenVPN ccd uniqueness when use TLS in multi-client server mode
us flag

Many user client use TLS certificates in ccd, but how to ensure generated certificates is unique. Suppose I know your ccd name, I might generate a new certificate under your name. How to avoid this situation?

Score: 1
Scripted Password Change Does Not Survive Reboot Unless One Login Occurs - Debian 11
mx flag

I am trying to automatically set the root password to random characters via bash script. The script is part of a Vagrant shell provisioner. If the script runs the password change only, I am able to login to the instance just fine. I can then reboot the instance. After the reboot, I am still able to login using that same password as root.

However, if I include a reboot at the very end of the shell ...

Score: 0
Joseph Willcoxson avatar
How could domain controller not be able to change password of AD user
gb flag

Trying to troubleshoot a customer. We have a service running on their AD domain controller. The service rotates passwords for certain accounts defined by customer at a predetermined timeout. The service works on every customer site so far.

However, new potential customer, it does not work.

The service is in .NET and calls UserPrincipal.SetPassword() with a new password. That call throws an E_ACCE ...

Score: 0
calestyo avatar
OpenStack: Can one have the instance's iface listen on the (public) floating IP?
la flag

It seems the default modus operandi of OpenStack instances is to have then assigned a private IP via DHCP and associate a floating IP with that instance/private IP, when the instance shall be reachable via the internet.

OpenStack then seems to do NAT between those two.

Now that should be a showstopper for every service (running inside the instance) which needs to know its own global IP because it se ...

Score: 0
Dark angel avatar
How to add vpn to network with dmz
et flag

Consider the diagram on attached pic, which shows a typical DMZ Web server configuration. How can this architecture be upgraded by appropriately adding a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for dedicated users?

Pic showing: Typical DMZ Web Server Configuration enter image description here

Score: 1
Shaamaan avatar
Credential spec not respected by Docker Swarm?
ru flag

I've got a Docker swarm hosted on Windows Server 2022. I've created a credentialspec file since I need the service to use a gMSA. I've also defined a compose file to launch my service:

version: '3.8'

    image: privaterepo.local/devops-agent-win-generic:latest
    hostname: '${AZPOOL}_Generic-{{.Task.Slot}}'
      - "cred ...
Score: 0
shaneoh avatar
Trigger downstream Jenkins job on timed loop until upstream job has completed
ck flag

I run a Jenkins server on Linux that has a number of agents connected to it, some Linux and some Windows. All the jobs on the controller are managed using the Jenkins DSL.

At the moment I have an overarching Jenkins job ("parent job") that simply calls a number of other downstream jobs in a particular order.

The point of these jobs is handling patch management for some Windows Jenkins on-demand agen ...

Score: 1
Max Hudson avatar
System architecture for storing sensitive data separately without single point of access
ae flag

We're building a SaSS platform with support for integrations. Each client has multiple integrations. We'd prefer not to store these integration tokens in a centralized location, where there's a single point of access to all tokens for all clients.

Our current approach is to run separate servers for each client, with separate hosting accounts. This means in order to access all N clients accounts y ...

Score: 0
Erica9595 avatar
How configure from nginx proxy to a tomcat docker container?
sd flag

I state I'm not an expert I'm learning; said this.....

i can't configure nginx on host to pass requests in tomcat container;

So I installed:

  1. tomcat in the container accessible (example ip) from internet and the example tomcat page is displayed
  2. nginx and the sample nginx page is displayed

"tomcat and nginx are on the same machine with the only difference that tomcat is ins ...

Score: 0
jose cervantes avatar
Why have a error 502 Bad Gateway Nginx, I have installed Engintron on my WHM
pe flag

This is the configuration of default.conf:

server {
#listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=off;

server_name localhost;

deny all; # DO NOT REMOVE OR CHANGE THIS LINE - Used when Engintron is disabled to block Nginx from becoming an open proxy

# Set the port for HTTP proxying
set $PROXY_TO_PORT 80;

include common_http.conf;

location = /nginx_status {

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.