Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
Ben avatar
Windows Server 2019 firewall not blocking inbound connections that don't meet a rule
in flag

I'm configuring a new Windows Server 2019 VPS. I have set the firewall on the Public Profile to "Inbound connections that do not match a rule are blocked"

Public Profile configuration screenshot

I have setup 2 rules to allow connections to my SSH server, and to allow web traffic through, as you can see here:

Inbound rules screenshot

There's also a 3rd rule there to block traffic to port 3389 (RDP). Th ...

Score: 0
rubynt avatar
Why does this try to use the wrong path?
st flag

The nginx tries to access the key at /etc/nginx which is wrong, because nginx or openssl allows to use variables. Did I use/set it wrong?

server {
        listen 80 default_server;
        listen [::]:80 default_server;

        index main.html index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;
        server_name   ~^(?<pre>.+\.)?(?<domain>.+)\.(?<post>.+)$ _;

        listen [::]:443 ssl ht ...
Score: 2
strom avatar
Ansible fetch from various hosts various files
va flag

I am newbie to ansible. My goal is to fetch files from various servers. Each server has different path where a file is stored. Destination path is always the same.

I have the following:

- name: fetch files
  hosts: hosts
    - name: fetch files
       src: /home/ubuntu/test1/testing1.txt
       dest: /home/ubuntu/
       flat: yes
       when: inventory_hostname == "ansible1"

Score: 0
user2913139 avatar
Iptables not dropping packets?
in flag

I have super simple iptables rule:

iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o ens34 -j MASQUERADE

iptables -F INPUT
iptables -A INPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT

Which gives me:

root@ubuntu:/etc/init.d# iptables -L -n -v
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
 pkts bytes  ...
Score: 1
Sam Foley avatar
pfSense VLAN tagged and untagged packets on one interface
us flag

I'm running into an issue here, I'm sure I'm being a fool but after 4 hours thought I'd see if anyone can quickly educate me!

I have a new pfSense. Its going into an SMB client who currently only have a flat network.

I am trying to connect a UniFi AP to the network with a segregated SSID for public use. To do this I am aiming to have on that single port (direct cabled to the AP):

  1. Untagged network ...
Score: 0
miroslav22 avatar
Debian 11 network bridging issue
im flag

Was hoping someone might be able to help with a bridging issue on Debian 11... I can't get it to work and I've been tearing my hair out all day! The bridged interface will not get an IP via DHCP and if you configure it statically it's not accessible.

What I'm trying to do is simple and something I've done many times before. So to prove I'm not going mad, I've created 2 brand new virtual machin ...

Score: 0
gbayi_omo avatar
CRITICAL keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] Unable to validate token: Failed to fetch token data from identity server
cn flag

I am building openstack (Yoga version on Ubuntu 22.04) high availability using ssl configuration. I was able to get other services to work using https (except neutron, cinder and dashboard), but Nova throws the error in /var/log/nova/nova-api.log below:

CRITICAL keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] Unable to validate token: Failed to fetch token data from identity server: keystonemiddleware.auth_tok ...

Score: 0
Domain clients cannot UNC to \\domain. They can UNC to \\domain\netlogon and \\domain\sysvol
in flag

Server 2019 domain controllers and Server 2019 member servers. We can enter these UNC paths in File Explorer or the Run prompt:


However, we cannot enter these UN paths. When we do, it fails with the error "Network Path Not Found":


If we don't specify a folder under "\mydomain," the system fails  ...

Score: 0
YorSubs avatar
Java, how does the PATH work with 32-bit and 64-bit Java installs?
eg flag

I have installed the Chocolatey Java package choco install jre8 -y which installs both the 32-bit and 64-bit packages.

When I type java.exe on the console, I see that it is the 32-bit version and that it is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe. When I go to that PATH location, it seems to be a soft or hard link, and it contains java.exe, javaw.exe, and javaws.exe

Score: 0
Grum avatar
Is it possible to redirect outgoing traffic on an already used port without using iptables?
mp flag

I am wondering is there is another solution than iptables to redirect outgoing traffic on a port that is already used to another one, on the same machine locally.


Score: 6
xfs: difference between block size and sector size
bd flag

mkfs.xfs has two following options among others:

-b block_size_options
      This  option  specifies  the  fundamental  block  size  of  the  filesystem.    The   valid
      block_size_options  are:  log=value  or size=value and only one can be supplied.  The block
      size is specified either as a base two logarithm value with log=, or in bytes  with  size=.
      The  default  value is 4096 bytes (4  ...
Score: 0
TheNoob avatar
NGINX Block traffic to my home IP (default new website page or first subdomain), requiring a valid domain name hosted at home
cn flag

My goal: disable/drop traffic to just home IP without domain in request.

Issue: Currently, if I (or anyone else) accesses my home IP via HTTP or HTTPS, it will show the first subdomain that is configured as a virtual host. I have tried multiple different configurations to drop or show my home IP "domain" as 410 Gone or even 444 drop connection, without success.

Here is the default server block in /e ...

Score: 0
SrKurtz avatar
unixODBC SQLFetch infinite loop after INSERT statement
et flag

I'm trying to work with unixODBC and a SAP Hana database, and created a simple C program to INSERT/SELECT into the database. My problem is, if I use for example

while ((ret = SQLFetch(stmt)) == SQL_SUCCESS) {

It works perfectly, but if I do an INSERT statement like:

SQLExecDirect(stmt, "INSERT INTO NEWTABLE VALUES ('test');", S ...
Score: 0
Justin avatar
HTTP/1.1 500 ERROR in Apache Tomcat 9.0.31
kr flag

We're really looking forward to your advice on this topic.

This issue we face in an application, using Apache Tomcat release 9.0.31. The HTTP/1.1 500 error message, we never saw it with Apache Tomcat release 9.0.22 (which we had before).

From a desktop application (installed on every users’ laptop) called Design Studio, robots need to be uploaded to the web application (called Management Console). ...

Score: 0
ChrisChoBG avatar
Is it possible to whitelist file extension in Juniper SRX UTM AntiVirus module for specific website
ve flag

I have a SRX300 running 21.2R3-S2.9 and syslog got message:juniper.srx300 RT_UTM:

AV_FILE_NOT_SCANNED_PASSED_MT: AntiVirus: SESSION_ID=47244670993 source-zone "TRUST" destination-zone "UNTRUST"> profile-name="av_profile"
action="PASSED" reaso ...
Score: 0
coquinho avatar
Ansible: Loop over the items of a host list and execute role
tw flag

I have an application composed of micro modules distributed on multiple hosts.



Each module has specific location and configuration files. I'd like to fetch the config for all installed modules

    path: "/opt/moduleA"
    files_to_fetch: ['*.conf']
    path: "/ ...
Score: 1
Access from classic resources to ARM storage account in Azure
in flag

This is a generalised version of what I posted on stack StackOverflow.

I have a number of storage accounts in Azure - the "new" ARM deployment model. I also have a number of old classic resources (VMs and Cloud Services) - using "old" ASM model. There are reasons why these cannot be migrated to ARM at this time - the question is not about migration.

I am trying to configure the storage accounts to allo ...

Score: 2
Nikolay Dyankov avatar
Incredibly slow connection to EC2 instance after moving to another region
ni flag

I just moved my instance from Frankfurt to N. Virginia, and now I'm getting really slow loading times for my website. The DOM loads quickly, but then I wait over 40 seconds for a 500kb image. This shouldn't be happening, am I missing a config somewhere?

Score: 0
noamt avatar
Google Workspace Calendar invites never received
mc flag

My company is using Google Workspace configured with one primary domain, and another domain alias All mail is sent and received from and exists for backwards compatibility only.

Recently we've encountered a small number of cases where an external Gmail user never receives a Calendar invite we send them. To clarify, this is not an issue with invite responses, but with the in ...

Score: 1
TaLeDa avatar
Is there a way to use Docker inside of a Pod in a Kubernetes cluster with containerd on the nodes
ru flag

I have a Kubernetes cluster running with containerd on the nodes. I don't have the ability to install things on the nodes. My task now is to deploy a pod which can use docker commands inside, for examle a docker pull or push. So docker should work in the container even though it is not installed on the host system. So I can't just mount the docker socket because it doesn't exist on the host. Is there a  ...

Score: 1
fpemud avatar
What is the maximum number of virtualhosts lighttpd can handle?
es flag

What is the maximum number of VirtualHosts a single lighttpd instance can handle?

I'd like to confirm some numbers before deploying lighttpd for production.

Here's a similar question for the old apache httpd.


Score: 0
I want to use openssl pkcs12 to convert lots of pem files into pfx files - but is it possible to pass in a password via the command line?
ru flag

I want to use openssl pkcs12 to convert lots of pem files into pfx files - but is it possible to pass in a password via the command line?

I have quite a lot of pem files:

So I want to enter a password into Powershell once that is then used to pass in via the command line -> rather than have to keep manually typing it in twice for each pem.

Is this even possible?

I have tried -pass pass: which does not ...

Score: 2
Bruce Merry avatar
GRUB fails to start kernel after net_dhcp
ng flag

I originally ran into this problem trying to redeploy a machine using MAAS, but I can reproduce it just with the already-installed OS and GRUB, with Ubuntu 20.04. The machine is set up for UEFI boot.

To reproduce (but see below):

  1. Boot the machine and get the GRUB menu.
  2. Press 'c' to get a command line, run net_dhcp efinet1 (or just net_dhcp; efinet1 is the primary network interface for that machine) ...
Score: 0
Pablo Gonzalez-Trejo avatar
VM not working after Reset
mx flag

Our VM is no longer resolving since we did a reset. Reserved IP address is no longer assigned, we can not find a way to re-assign.

Anyone know how to do this?



Score: 1
N. J avatar
How to troubleshoot - BUG in libdispatch?
cn flag

I've a service on my linux server that I need start, however when starting the service i get the follwing error code after running systemctl status [SERVICE]


$ systemctl status [SERVICE]
BUG in libdispatch 0xfffffffffffff
BUG in libdispatch 0xa14

I'm fairly new to linux and I wonder where I should start, I have not found anything in the /var/log/messages which reflects the overall OS.

One of my qu ...

Score: 1
Vinn avatar
Cloning a UTM virtual machine - IP address the same?
tz flag

Can someone point me in the right direction on how to configure the IP address of cloned VMs with UTM?

When I create a new UTM VM, the IP address is different. This is fine.

When I clone an exisitng UTM VM, the IP is the same as the clone.

My question is, where do I start with configuring the clone to have it's own IP?

Note - I am using a shared network. And I am using ubuntu.

Score: 0
John avatar
Linux find command to return files AND owner of files NOT owned by specified user
ro flag

I have the following terminal command:

find /home/not_this/ \! -user not_this_user_account

The goal is to find all the files and directories not owned by the specified user and this version of the find command works great.

However I'd really like to return the owner of the returned files and directories as well.



Would return this:

someone_els ...
Score: 0
Vishnu Soman avatar
openssl PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:707:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY
uz flag

Very new to SSL installation in Tomcat 8.5. OS: CentOS 7

I have SSL certificates from GoDaddy and have the private key used to generate the certificates. This private key was shared in a .txt file and I copied it into a .key file to distinguish it from other files. It is stored in a file

In a bundle from GoDaddy downloaded for Tomcat following files are present

  1. a-hash-code.crt
  2. a-h ...
Score: 2
DilLip_Chowdary avatar
Decrease Size of EBS Volume attached to EC2 Instance
ua flag

I've created an EC2 instance with some 100 GB initial size, thereafter I realized this much size is not required, I've to decrease the size now.

What I tried?

  • Create a new volume with the desired size.
  • Attach new volume to ec2 instance.
  • Setup New volume (grub-install, EFI partition, etc)
  • Copy data from old_volume to new_volume.
  • Detach old volume.

But this process is a little bit complex as this can't  ...

Score: 0
Andrew Janke avatar
Setting default shell on Azure Linux VM using AAD login?
cn flag

I am using the new Azure Active Directory ("AAD") Login mechanism to log in to Azure Ubuntu Linux VMs in my Azure environment, and I'd like to change the default shell for my user. The thing you'd normally do with chsh -s. chsh is not working for me, and I'm wondering what I'm supposed to do instead in this case. Does anybody know how to change the default shell for an AAD-authentication account on a ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.