Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
yellowhat avatar
Persistent volume claims vs subPath
aw flag

I would like to use a single mount point on a node (ie /data) and have a different sub folder for each PersistentVolumeClaim that I am going to use in my cluster.

At the moment I have multiple StorageClass and PersistentVolume for each sub folder, for example:

kind: StorageClass
  name: prometheus
volumeBindingMode: ...
Score: 0
Fa1rid avatar
Route SoftEther VPN traffic through another host on the network
id flag

Here is my setup:

Debian host 1:


Running SoftEther VPN Server with its Virtual Hub. This Virtual Hub has Virtual NAT and Virtual DHCP, it doesn't use any tun/tap devices. It seems that this Virtual Hub is only visible to the VPN server and its clients.

SoftEther SecureNAT Interface settings:
Gateway: 1 ...

Score: 0
Luca De Fassi avatar
VPN client creation on Ubuntu with strongswan fails
sj flag

I've set up a L2TP VPN server on my home router and the connection between Windows 10 clients works properly. Now I want to set up a VPN client on a Ubuntu 18.04 machine. I've used this configuration (x.x.x.x is the static IP of my home router and y.y.y.y is the private IP of my ubuntu machine):


config setup
     nat ...
Score: 0
fail2ban - changing banaction not working as expected
ws flag

I am using fail2ban to mitigate attacks on my webservers (Ubuntu 18.04lts). This is working really well, but recently I've noticed a growing trend of returning attacks. So I added a new rule for these:

# enabled = false
enabled = true
filter = repeatOffence
port = http,https,smtp
logpath = /var/log/fail2ban.log
maxretry = 3
# search up to 2 days
findtime = 172800
# ban for a week
ba ...
Score: 0
Harish Mahi avatar
unable to start java using shell script from /etc/rc.loal file
gi flag

i have a java based web application and using Apache server.

once centos reboots java process not running again even existing java process killing and for that i created a script to start apache, cassandra and java process. apche server and cassandra starting but java not starting

for debugging i added echos in my script and appending echo to a file and am able to see the all echo's.

i tried these cha ...

Score: 0
Andreas avatar
Force displaylanguage on a Azure Virtual desktop instance
us flag

We have several different Windows Virtual desktop solutions on Azure with the Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops image. We want everything to be in Swedish and not the default English.

Several GPOs and policys has been setup on the DC to control the language, but sometimes the displaylanguage still turns back randomly to english.

Instead of troubleshooting the GPOs I want to ask the question ...

Score: 0
Anders avatar
Debian preseed - US language - DK keymap
gw flag

I can't get the debian preseed.cfg to work (I am using debian 11.5) I am trying to setup the fully automated install with US language but Danish keyboard layout. This is where I am now - which obviously is not correct.

My grub.cfg:

menuentry --hotkey=i 'AutoInstall' {
    set background_color=black
    linux    /install.amd/vmlinuz language=en country=DK locale=en_DK keymap=dk preseed/file=/cdrom/pres ...
Score: 0
Brenden Delong avatar
How do you set up multiple virtualhosts on apache2 using only the server ip and server alias?
sj flag

I'm trying to set up apache with multiple virtual hosts "" and "" however, I'm only able to access and not I also have to enter the static IP of my server "" in order to access the site. I'm assuming apache is using the most relevant host (alphabetically). Basically, I'm unable to load either site using the server alias.

Here is the c ...

Score: 0
hcomputer avatar
spamassassin and subject utf base64
ph flag

I have a problem with some spam messages with the subject field encoded in utf8 base 64 and weird characters used to fool the filter rules


raw subject of incoming email

Subject: =?UTF-8?B?UklGSVVU0J4gREkgUklOTtCeVtCe?=#821538

decode by spamassasin contains this char О instead of O


so the rule not trigger

header     __SUBJECT ...
Score: 0
node in docker in aws instance is running out of memory, why?
us flag

My NodeJS application is running inside a docker container on an ec2 instance. It is running out of memory way before the server itself is running out of memory. The container is only able to use around 25% of the memory. But why?

The following mechanisms seem not to be the cause:

  • ulimit returns unlimited.
  • cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/docker/memory.limit_in_bytes returns 9223372036854771712

I am runn ...

Score: 0
VladF avatar
How can I find out who wrote huge amount of data on disk?
va flag

I've noticed that free disk space has become smaller for some reasons. The graphs show that in about 15 minutes the disk was a quarter full. Can I find out who write this huge amount of data to the disk?

Score: -1
Conrad avatar
Laptop disk swap HDD to SSD
th flag

In order to get a little more boost out of an oldish laptop, I want to swap the internal HDD out with an SSD. The laptop is: Acer Aspire E 14 Touch (E5-471P-32VS).

I started by backing it all up, and upgrading from the original 8.1 to Windows 10, this was fine, and completed smoothly.

Now I want to change the HDD out. It came with a Western Digital (Blue) 1TB (WD10JPVX), so I cloned the disk (with dd o ...

Score: -1
OSS IT avatar
Network Shared Drive
tm flag

We have window server 2016. The server are configured as a domain.

I tried to explore in the disk management, but stuck after creating new volume for E (external hard disk). D is the existed network shared folder access that are granted for users.

enter image description here

What do I need to do, to increase the storage size? Currently the storage size is 1.36TB and we are left with 240GB in the server. enter image description here

How do I go about  ...

Score: 0
max pleaner avatar
Is it possible to specify storage class with azcopy?
cn flag

I would like to use azcopy to sync a local drive with cloud storage. However I want to specify it to use archive storage tier. Is this possible? I am not really clear from the help page:

$ ./azcopy.exe --help
AzCopy 10.16.1
Project URL:

AzCopy is a command line tool that moves data into and out of Azure Storage.
To report issues or to learn more about the tool ...
Score: 2
how to verify the setting of linux ntp client?
cn flag

I'm currently managing some RHEL 7.9 hosts which need to sync time to NTP server and only the ntpd can be utilized for time sync.

I did the following configurations in OS but not sure whether the result indicting they're correct or not.

  1. the time server in the environment is
  2. in the /etc/ntp.conf file, the parameters were written: server and restrict
  3. comman ...
Score: 2
Steven Lu avatar
How to check CPU utilization of Linux kernel networking?
pr flag

I implemented a "bridge" on my home network where I've got

ISP <--1Gb Internet--> Router <--1GbE--> Linux Workstation <--40GbE DAC/Fiber--> Windows PC

by following this guide:

To my surprise, this seems to be working great and I can get nominal internet performance via speed ...

Score: 0
Running Linux Server: Howto Install Ubuntu to an Available Empty Partition & Migrate?
mw flag

I want to install Ubuntu on a headless server, over my present Linux install (older Ubuntu and a different flavor), using an available empty partition.

My root device has /boot, / and the empty partition (call it E). From the running Linux server, I'd like to install Ubuntu to E and then shift the system to running from E.

Then, I'd like wipe the original / partition, copy E over it, and update gru ...

Score: -1
13months avatar
How to sync from azure cloud to a local server
ps flag

I'm new to this company which only has an azure active directory in the cloud.

  • I'm tasked with getting azure active directories from the cloud to sync to my local server.
  • All the guides I've read thus far go from local to cloud sync. I need the cloud to local sync.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

Score: 1
soriak avatar
nginx configuration for nextcloud with path
cn flag

I run nextcloud on docker (image nextcloud:production-fpm) with an nginx-container (image: nginx) as reverse-proxy (handling SSL-termination) based on the example nginx-configuation ( This works.

Now however I want nextcloud to be served in an path (i.e. instead of ...

Score: 0
Collin avatar
DNS hierarchy: Does more labels lead to increased DNS resolution time?
gh flag

I have been taught that DNS resolvers work backwards from the top-level domain, checking for child nameservers at each level. For example, a resolver trying to resolve would, assuming no caching, consult the root servers, then the .COM nameservers, then check for its own NS records -- and if there are none -- resolve this fourth-level domain using's authoritativ ...

Score: 0
Wodel avatar
Kolla-ansible Yoga how to update with new image containers with local registry?
sa flag

I am trying to update my Openstack, which was deployed using kolla-ansible, using the documentation here (

The documentaion says this about the update:

  1. Update kolla-ansible package.
  2. Pull the new images
  3. And finally execute kolla-ansible deploy

In my deployment I am using a local registry, so my update operation goes like this ...

Score: 0
soroush avatar
Redirect to login page after logined to minio console
in flag

I am going to run the service with Minio and I run it with docker-compose:

version: '3.7'
        container_name: service_minio
        restart: always
            - 9000:9000
            - 9001:9001
            - ./volumes/minio/data:/data
            - MINIO_ROOT_USER=minioa ...
Score: 1
making all S3 uploads to digitaloceans spaces default to being public
cn flag

I'm using DigitalOcean Spaces to upload a bunch of files in different directories. In particular, I'm using WinSCP to do the upload via the S3 protocol.

The problem is that, per WinSCP, all the files are being uploaded with public access to them disabled.

My question is... how can I make it so that the uploads default to being public when I upload them?

Score: 2
How to get Dovecot quota status to message correctly?
ir flag

I have a testing VM running Ubuntu with postfix, dovecot and a couple of users set up using Roundcube to send mail locally via SMTP.

If I set the Dovecot quota of User A to 20K and then send about 18K of mail to them from User B, this puts them at 90% of their quota. I can see this with doveadm quota get -u usera (and I see Roundcube shows this in its UI in fact).

But they do not get a notificati ...

Score: 1
Noah Wu avatar
Postfix doesn't run in macOS Ventura
mp flag

I have just updated my Mac to macOS Ventura. When I try to start postfix, it says "$daemon_directory/master -t 2> /dev/null postfix/postfix-script: fatal: the Postfix mail system is already running". However with ps -ef | grep --color postfix I can see that nothing is running.

Any suggestions?

Score: 0
liuyl_it avatar
Questions about PV. syntax in ks.cfg
gb flag

Here just for example:

part pv.01 -size=100 -grow -ondisk=/dev/sda
part pv.02 -size=300 -grow -ondisk=/dev/sdb
  1. Is the purpose of the PV.<ID> usage merely used to customize the initial size of some disk?

  2. How to specify the <ID> value of some PV ahead of time since itself would be "random" number?

Refer the following http link: CentOS/RHEL 7 LVM Partitioning in Kickstart?

Score: 1
PDAVID avatar
How to edit /usr/sbin/sshd File
om flag

Prevent SSH from advertising its version number

Here is what i am doing

cp /usr/sbin/sshd /tmp

ksh -o vi

cd /tmp

strings -t d -a -n 7 sshd | grep -i openssh

After i am getting this output

 149143 0@openssH
 244802  OPENSSHI
 244972 openssh-H9
 496496 OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.7
 499144 [email protected],[email protected],ecdsa-sha2-nistp521-cert-v ...
Score: 0
emitrax avatar
MITMProxy transparent mode not working
gq flag

I’m trying to use MITMproxy in Transparent mode. I have two machines:

  • One Linux machine on which I run MITMProxy
  • One Android Embedded Device which traffic I want to redirect transparently

I’m focusing only on IPv4 and HTTP for now to keep things simple. Not TLS or IPv6.

On Linux I run MITMProxy with

mitmproxy --mode transparent --showhost

On Android I’ve run

adb shell sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_fo ...
Score: 0
Alternative to incron in Photon OS
fk flag

I'm setting up a server with Photon OS. I need to get a notification everytime a file is modified. I used incrontab in former Ubuntu Server setups, but this utility is not available in Photon OS repositories.

Provided I can compile it or create an script to check if the file was modified, I would like if there is an alternative or a way to install incrontab in Photon OS.


Score: 0
bicyclesonthemoon avatar
git-http-backend on apache2 can pull but not push: remote: fatal: not a git repository: '.'
sj flag

(I had to replace 'http' with 'hxxp' everywhere because otherwise I couldn't post it because apparently this looks like spam)

I have set up git on my server (Debian, arm).
I use the git-http-backend with apache2 so that the repositories can be accessed from outside.
There is no problem with downloading a repository, but it is not possible to push:

4.b:~/pro> git clone hxxp://botcastle1a/git/tes ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.