Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
Linux Livirt/KVM: Place all VMs in cpuset by default without reconfiguration
cn flag

I'm trying to set up a system whereby I have some process on a set of hosts that are in one (shielded) cpuset, while everything else (i.e. all the VMs) are in another. The goal here is to have a hyperconverged system where the VMs run on some arbitrary set of of the CPU cores, while the storage process run on the other cores, with isolation. I've selected cpuset to achieve this task as it seems like the ...

Score: 0
M41DZ3N avatar
Ubuntu 22.04 ActiveDirectory Password Syncronisation
us flag

I have Ubuntu 22.04 clients witch login with activeDirectory Domain accounts. (joined domain)

A password policy is active to force a new password every 2 month. The password can be changed on multiple plattforms (Owa, MS Teams, TerminalServer).

if a user does not change his password in Ubuntu, it doesn't get syncroniest to the Ubuntu client and only the old Password is valid for login.

in my sssd.conf  ...

Score: 0
callegar avatar
How to subscribe to Office 365 IMAP folders
in flag

since about the beginning of November, I have troubles in using mail clients to access Office 365 mailboxes via IMAP. Specifically, it has become impossible to subscribe to IMAP folders, so that the MUA will only show "INBOX" and "TRASH"

As a workaround it is possible to configure the MUA to display all the folders it finds, regardless of any subscription, but this is clearly undesirable.

Does anyon ...

Score: 0
jacopo3001 avatar
DNS redirecting to mantainance page during planned mantainance - what happens to google indexing?
om flag

We are planning a mantainance that could take down the services for a whole day. I would like therefore to show a mantainance page, explaining the issue and providing additional info/links. During this time, the machines will be completelly down, so I guess we am stuck to manage any redirection through the DNS.

I understand the typicaly procedure would be:

lower TTL (at least one day in advance, or  ...

Score: 1
RussellHarrower avatar
NGINX 302 redirect / proxy
ec flag

I have an icecast server that runs on port 8000 however when I set up a proxy using NGINX I seem not to be able to make it look like it is the original server.

I am wondering is there anyway to kinda like make a NGINX that is parked and pointed at port 8000 but allow traffic from port 80

 server {
  listen 80;
  listen [::]:80;

  gzip on;
  gzip_proxied any;
  gzip_comp_lev ...
Score: 0
Alex Kous avatar
DL380 iLO not displaying power usage
mk flag

I have a DL380 Gen 7 and when I log into iLO, the power tab says 0 watts. I've tried restarting multiple times. The weird thing is that HWInfo says that I use 100-200 watts. Can someone explain this?

Screenshot of Power Tab

Score: 0
stackname avatar
Implementing arithmetic rules in sieve to filter recipient address, is it possible?
lu flag

For example, the receiver's address should have the following pattern:

last digit = (1st digit + 2nd digit)%10.

If I find someone sends me an email whi ...

Score: 0
Francisco avatar
Windows Server 2019 Domain Controller: the operating system partition grows until it is full
ca flag

I have a Windows Server 2019 (Standard Edition) operating system whose partition runs out of space in a few days (C: has 100GB total) crashing the operating system. It works as a Domain Controller (DC) in a small organization. You only have WinRAR, antivirus program and Acronis True Image Services installed; updates for the Operating System are not downloaded. I have checked temporary files and they are p ...

Score: 1
DZet avatar
Finding resources about switching CIFS from soft to hard mount
ng flag

We have some NFS shares and smb CIFS shares mounted over TCP/IP on our RHEL 7 machine. The shares are part of a HNAS that sits on a VSP. As per default the NFS shares are mounted with the "hard" option (man nfs). For the CIFS the default "soft" option is set (man mount.cifs), their smb version ranges from 2.1 to 3.0. Now we are wondering whether it would be good to set the CIFS shares also to "hard".

Score: 1
Selective EXEC with LDAP-based sudo
ng flag

I'm trying to translate this sudoers file into LDAP:

Defaults env_reset, env_keep="LESSSECURE SSH_CLIENT", !authenticate, noexec, requiretty, secure_path=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin

Cmnd_Alias DNS = /usr/local/bin/dnsmanager
Cmnd_Alias LOGS = /usr/bin/tail /var/log/named.log, /usr/bin/less /var/log/named.log
admin ALL = (root) EXEC: DNS, LOGS

Where I'm having trouble is the noexec default, ...

Score: 1
A. Trevelyan avatar
How to configure MACSEC Key Agreement (MKA) with hostapd & wpasupplicant?
id flag

I'm trying to setup MKA between some clients (using wpa_supplicant) and an authenticator (using hostapd).

Additionally I have a RADIUS server(using FreeRADIUS) that is going to be handling the authentication side of things.

RADIUS server has FreeRADIUS configured for EAP-TLS Authenticator has hostapd configured with the RADIUS server as auth server Clients have their client certs & wpasupplicant  ...

Score: 0
Matthew Yabsley avatar
Reverse proxy by domain names
ch flag

forgive me as I'm a novice user.

I have a single IP address internet connection, I would like to direct traffic for multiple domain names to different machines on my local network.

Example 192.168.0100 Example

The only trigger I wish to use is by domain name only to map to my local machines.

From casual reading people speak of using Nginx as a reverse proxy however th ...

Score: 0
Eric Brown avatar
What are some ways to check for data leaks on a server
fr flag

I have a site that is being protected by Cloudflare and recently, Cloudflare has been blocking requests being made to the admin panel from another country where no one should have access to the admin. The admin URLs contain security keys that can be linked back to numerous workers who do have admin access to the site, so these are not random attempts to connect to the admin, they are targeted requests.  ...

Score: 0
Smylers avatar
NTFS directory listing missing
cn flag

A directory on an NTFS partition no longer lists its contents, but the files are still there if I can remember their full names. Is there a way to get the directory listing working again?

I caused the breakage by (stupidly) yanked an external disk's lead out before the computer had reported that it had been unmounted successfully. The partition is NTFS, mounted on Ubuntu Linux as type fuseblk. I'd just  ...

Score: 0
Dan Swartzendruber avatar
Changing permissions for anonymous bind requests?
gb flag

I have a webmail server (roundcube) on CentOS 7. It's enrolled with a freeipa server, and authentication for email/ssh/etc using sssd is working perfectly. The issue: I have only a few users, so for now, I'm using roundcube's example_address_book, where the user names and email addresses are list explicitly. I'd love to switch to an LDAP address book, but anonymous bind (which works, I can use ldapse ...

Score: 0
user3075255 avatar
How to start-up an compute instance with out Google Console
tj flag

I´m getting training on GPC and I have this question:

How to start a virtual machine without using Google Console. I mean, I had in a project some month ago, and we used Leostream Connection Broker assign a virtual machine to an user account and the user control the virtual machines (Start, Stop, Re-start).

How can I assign a compute instance to an user account, and this user account have only acce ...

Score: 0
Teckfrekk avatar
AWS EC2 windows instance 1/2 status check
ao flag

I converted my ec2 instance running on windows server 2016 from m5.large to m6a.large, type change successful,

Problem is:

  1. but Instance status checks : failed
  2. verified Get instance screenshot, its showing the windows login screen but I am not able to connect with instance.
Score: 0
CuriousGoat avatar
Synchronise Office 365 Group Members
by flag


  • I have a list of internal users who are assigned to an office 365 group A. We now want to make other office 365 groups (B, C, ...) that will inherit/synchronize all users from group A and allow for additional external or internal users to be added/removed (unique per team). What is the best architecture to achieve this result?

What I Tried:

  • Within Azure AD you can change an office gr ...
Score: 0
Santiago Vallejo avatar
NGINX + OpenSSL + Docker. Cannot load certificate key Permission denied. SSL:error:0200100D:system
as flag

I want to deploy a SSL certified angular app using nginx reverse proxy on docker (using docker compose). I've generated self-signed certification with openssl and made the configurations to the nginx config file. But I get error message in docker container:

[emerg] 1#1: cannot load certificate key "/etc/ssl/private/aims.key": BIO_new_file() failed (SSL: error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission d ...
Score: 0
apache ssl file locations in 1 location in configs
fr flag

I have a handful of virtual hosts configured in apache. Everything is working as it should. I have an admin type question. Where can i put the path for SSL cert files so that I only have to put it in 1 place as opposed to below (each vhost i setup)?

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName url1.domain.copm
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/url1/
    ErrorLog "/var/log/ ...
Score: -1
Quirik avatar
SSL certificate
az flag

I have root and intermediate certificate, and I need to create the certificate which I need to install on RADIUS server. However, I don't have clear idea in my head about this. Here are my questions:

  1. How to create the certificate? Do I first need to create public/private key which then I need to sign with Root or Intermediate certificate?

  2. Would this certificate be the "server certificate"?

  3. Whi ...

Score: 0
serverstackqns avatar
Error 503 service unavailable - varnish,drupal & nginx
cn flag

We are having a Varnish server which is running in port 6081 and an NGINX server hosting drupal website on another server. So, the VCL file is as below:

# Default backend definition. Set this to point to your content server.
backend default {
.host = ""; //nginx server IP
.port = "80";
.connect_timeout = 60s;
.between_bytes_timeout = 60s;

We are able to connect directly to port 80 of t ...

Score: -1
Damien Clauzel avatar
What is the web server software announcing itself as "VDL/1.0"?
ma flag

I am looking at an old web form located at:

Of course, it is obsolete, bogus, without TLS, etc.

But I don’t recognize the web server publishing it. And yet, I came across my fair share of rotten and esoteric software! . Google does not immediately find anything relevant.

→ Can you identify this web server VDL/1.0 ?

$ curl --head --insecure http:// ...
Score: 0
Sandra avatar
Nginx : How close existing client connections after a delay?
us flag

I need to close the current client connection if downloading a resource takes too long (more than 30 minutes).

How do I tell NGINX to close existing client connections if they exceed a certain timeout (30 minutes)?

server {
    listen       443;

    #charset koi8-r;
    #access_log  /var/log/nginx/log/host.access.log  main;

    root        /var/ww ...
Score: 0
Heniek Kowalski avatar
Juniper - SNMP not working with prefix list
cz flag

I have a problem with configuration SNMP on juniper MX2200.

My configuration:

snmp {
    description "Juniper MX2200";
    location "MyHome";
    community tango {
        authorization read-only;
        client-list-name SNMP-list;
    trap-group jun-tr-gr {
        version v2;
        categories {

policy-options {
    prefix-list SNMP- ...
Score: 0
Maor Bari avatar
Pink in memory htop
ki flag

What does the pink color in memory htop means and how can I reset it?

You can see example here: htop preview

Score: -1
grogsy avatar
Deployment PHP with OpCache
in flag

How do you do deployment PHP applications with enabled OpCache? My situation:

  • I have web server with PHP 7.4 and enabled OpCache.
  • Server is common virtual 4vCPU + 8GB RAM.
  • I use tool Deployer - finished with switch symlink.
  • Deployment is many times on day. Usually I deploy 5-10x times small changes.
  • Before deploy I have load 3-4.
  • After deploy I run opcache_reset (curl for http request) and load is > ...
Score: 0
Sahriar Saikat avatar
Cronjob to visit each url of a list but not save them
cz flag

I have a txt file list.txt that have bunch of urls, one every line. I want to set a cron job that wget/curl each url of the file once a day but does not save them in the computer.

I tried to run this on the terminal first.

wget -i /root/list.txt -O /dev/null

The command doesnt work understandably. It saves the list.txt to /dev/null, not the files from the urls inside list.txt. Then it says "no urls found ...

Score: 0
urek mazino avatar
Kill the processes if it running for more than one hour bash script
mp flag

i have this bash script that run python program in ubuntu server every 5 monites if not alredy running , i want to make it kill program if it running more tha one hour and re run it any help


if pgrep -f "/home/user/crawler/panel/crawler/"
    echo "script running"
    # Command when the script is runnung
    echo "script not running"
    /home/user/crawler/env/bin/pyt ...
Score: 0
Kausik Maitra avatar
SASL authontication is not working in postfix SMTP
tf flag

Here my details

mantech@mail:/etc/pam.d$ ls
chfn             common-session-noninteractive  login     runuser
chpasswd         cron                           newusers  runuser-l
chsh             cups                           other     su
common-account   gdm-autologin                  passwd    sudo
common-auth      gdm-fingerprint                pmta      systemd-user
common-password  gdm-launch- ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.