Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
Guilherme Castello avatar
NGINX can't find the index.html in any location
bd flag

I'm new at nginx and i'm trying to deploy a react application but things is not working very well.

I have my dist folder with my static files (index.html, css and js) in /home/ec2-user/difo/digital-input-for-operators-react/dist.

My default page of nginx is working well in port 80, but when i try to reach the port 3000 (which is the number that i put in the listen directive) i have 404 error page. ...

Score: 0
Brian Karabinchak avatar
Change IDRAC password for a VMWare ESXI 7.0.3 VMKernel server?
it flag

I have a new server we bought from dell, a DELL EMC PowerEdge T440 that has VMWare ESXi 7.0.3 VMKernel Release Build 19482537 on it. Basically looks like a yellow/white/black bio's screen when I turn it on.

I need to change the IDRAC password so that a coworker can remote into our office vpn and work on it. I can't figure out how to do this from the screens though I don't see menus named anythi ...

Score: 0
Claudio Ghirardi avatar
Adding a group to a folder structure "basing" on another existing group's rights
tz flag

thanks for reading this wall of text anyways.

My scenario:

i have a mega-folder called Projects. Every subfolder is a different project. So, for example, i have Projects\N123456 - New Coca Cola.

Now, the folder N123456blabla has a set of subfolders, each one (or almost) with specific not inherited permissions from the "mother" N123456blabla folder.

Let's suppose that the base folder N123456's access is al ...

Score: 1
Jakub avatar
kubernetes kubectl Undo --insecure-skip-tls-verify to enable TLS Verification once again after it has been disabled
na flag

For testing purposes I have disabled tls verification for my cluster by typing:

$ kubectl get nodes --insecure-skip-tls-verify

This was done to temporarily fix a problem with an invalid certificate. Now that my certificate is valid again, I don't know how to enable tls verfication once again, without creating a completely new cluster.

I have already tried (without success):

$ kubectl get nodes -- ...

Score: 0
GuiRitter avatar
NGINX setup for web returning default configuration when using suffix
cn flag

I have a VPS where I have several projects running. Some of them serve web pages (made with React) and others are REST API endpoints for some of those pages.

All is working. But I've added a new feature to one of those web pages that is not working. Namely, I have a URL that looks like this: and that is serving the right files.

But now I need to  ...

Score: 0
shm0rt avatar
Not able to create SSL on Nginx Proxy Manager
ca flag

After I implemented Nginx Proxy Manager, everything was working fine. I've also done the DNS rewrite on Adguard Home for it to work. For some reason, I can't create the SSL, so it's HTTP only now. + if I am directly in my Network, it's very buggy. The domains are only available for like 50% of the time. I have no Idea where even to start looking for the Problems.

Score: 0
Pigeoni avatar
Cloudflare Tunnel without having to also use noTLSVerify?
au flag

I’ve got a simple domain setup on an Ubuntu server running Apache (literally just displays a static HTML file); I set it up with LetsEncrypt and it was working without issue. I wanted a bit more security so decided to use Cloudflare.

I setup the DNS through Cloudflare and it was working flawlessly once I setup the SSL to use the Cloudflare certs (so it would stop the ‘too many redirects error ...

Score: 1
sbx avatar
Debian Server - clients can't ping between interfaces/subnets
co flag

I can't ping clients between interfaces/subnets e.g. pinging from Mac (, which is connected to eth0 to the Android ( which is connected to wlan0.

Note: I can access internet from all devices.

Note Edit #1: Android is connected and awake, I can ping device if I am connected via wlan0 on Mac - this not solving my problem.

How to forward connection between these devices?

There is  ...

Score: 1
william00179 avatar
Java unable to start as service on Centos/Rocky/Fedora "Failed to mark memory page as executable"
lr flag

A bit of a strange issue here that google doesn't turn up any results for except the JVM source code of this error message.

I have a simple Spring Boot fat jar, myapp.jar and I am trying to run this as a systemd service.

I have created a user to run this service useradd --system --no-create-home --shell=/sbin/nologin myapp

Firstly if I attempt to run this application via the shell, sudo -u myapp java ...

Score: 1
user1529597 avatar
SSH ChrootDirectory Fails on login error: /dev/pts/2: No such file or directory
bq flag

I've created a user in Ubuntu and given them password auth access so they can login with ssh but i want to restrict their usage to a custom home folder located in:

/var/www/daniel (is a root folder with correct permissions)
/var/www/daniel/home (which is owned by daniel:daniel and 755 permissions) 


/etc/ssh/sshd_config (i've enabled internal sftp)

Match User daniel
  PasswordAuthentication ye ...
Score: 1
Elad Weiss avatar
AWS security group cross regions
us flag

I am trying to set a security group A to allow SSH access from security group B in a different region. I don't have much experience with networking in general and AWS networking.

Followed the instruction from here:

You cannot reference the security group of a peer VPC that's in a different Region. Instead, use the CIDR block of the peer VPC.

So I did... I copied the CIDR from the source region and added ...

Score: 1
Change upstream response from 302 to 301 in nginx
cn flag

I have a Django app as an upstream using Gunicorn in nginx, and that app sometimes sent me back a 302 with a Location. And that it's perfectly fine.

We can't touch Django's code but colleagues need the 302 to be 301.

So I would like to modify that 302 to 301, but I haven't found a way to do it without using LUA. I have tried combinations of "error_page" statement, eg. error_page 302 =301 @redirect;

Score: 0
How to set dependency of an external deb file in the deb file?
kr flag

I need to create a deb file with just set two other deb files as dependency so that both of them will install before this deb file.

If it is a package available in apt repo, I can directly mention as -d like I kept for nano and git below. But it is not supporting to set external deb files.

So, I kept in --before-install to a shell script. But getting below error.

preinst file:

echo "---pre Install ...
Score: 0
Nazhir avatar
How to clone a linux server that it fails , so in case of sometning goes wrong in the process of fixing it i still have the original hard drive?
id flag

My problem is that I have a hard drive having a linux server (It fails during booting up process) and some valuable files. ( tried almost all solutions on the internet but no luck)

Now I found a company aking to send the hard drive for a fix , but as I have some valuable information on my hard drive I need to be able to clone the hard drive and send a copy to them , (in case of lost , failure etc ...

Score: 0
The correct domain settings in /etc/resolv.conf?
cn flag

Currently I'm trying to configure settings of internal enterprise domain names for virtual SUSE hosts, which OS is SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4.

There are two domain names that the SUSE hosts need to resolve: "" and "", and the domain name of these SUSE hosts' name has been set to "" correctly.

The domains and records are all lo ...

Score: 2
Kosmylo avatar
NGINX access logs from single page application
ci flag

I have a frontend angular app of single page application with the following nginx configuration:

http {
    include /etc/nginx/mime.types;

    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log;

    server {
        listen 80;
        server_name localhost;
        root /usr/share/nginx/html;
        index index.html;
        location / {
            try_f ...
Score: 0
uberrebu avatar
Nginx http to http redirect 400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port
bv flag

i have an app that is exposed at http on port and https on port

so i have the 80 and 443 nginx server block to help redirect request coming on the http port to the https port of the app

$ curl

<head><title>400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port</title&g ...
Score: 0
MikeSchem avatar
How to connect to PLC that has an unchangeable static IP and no gateway
sa flag


I've got a PLC that has a static IP I can't change and a gateway that can't be set. I need to be able to talk to the PLC over TCP on my corp network. Seems like a good candidate for NAT...


I've added a TC-Link ER605 router in front of the PLC with a network matching the network for the PLC ( and I've got the WAN configured to a subnet on my network ( ...

Score: 0
user123456 avatar
How do I map a domain name to public ip in azure virtual machine?
hr flag

I have created a vm using

I have installed IIS it is working in localhost,

I maped the public ip to iis.

Now I bought a domain from

How Can I map the domain name to the public Ip ?

Score: 1
block14 avatar
Office administrative department requesting "admin" namespace
ua flag

Our system administration (technology) department manages and maintains our servers and internet systems. It uses the admin namespace. An example is [email protected] .

Our company newly formed an administrative (office) department that handles human resources type tasks. They requested [email protected] for their department email address. For obvious reasons they should not have access to this.

How ...

Score: 0
IjonTichy avatar
IIS Express webapps don't show up in the system tray gui when I launch an core app from VS 2022 IDE
tn flag

I'm using Windows Server 2019 and would like to be able to stop or restart the app on iisexpress server from system tray gui in case there are any glitches, how can I restart the app with or without the system tray gui? I would prefer to just stop and restart the app not the entire server as I was able to do in the past using the system tray gui, but if anyone knows how to do this using bat script or us ...

Score: 0
Assign systemd slice to a specific cset automatically
cn flag

On Debian under systemd, by default KVM virtual machines under libvirt get assigned to the "machine.slice" slice.

If I then add a cpuset for this slice with cset and some custom set of CPUs, and start a VM, the VM is added to the proper cpuset, i.e.

user@host ~ $ sudo cset set --list --recurse
         Name       CPUs-X    MEMs-X Tasks Subs Path
 ------------ ---------- - ------- - ----- --- ...
Score: 0
user1529597 avatar
Create ubuntu user with home folder located in www and restrict ssh access using ChrootDirectory to that folder
bq flag

I posted this on stackoverflow and was told to post here:

I am running a Ubuntu remote dev server, heavily restricted (due to compliance) environment which i previously had configured correctly for many devs a year ago but forgotten it.

On this sever i log in as root and have my own folder in


and everything works fine, i am now adding new users to this server but can't get it  ...

Score: 4
user69374 avatar
Ubuntu 22.10 not allowing SSH with a password (worked in Ubuntu 22.04)
cn flag

Normally I connect to our Ubuntu servers with ssh using a shared key. That works.

Occasionally I will change the /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set "PasswordAuthentication yes" to allow someone to connect using a password. If they connect without the -i option specifying a key, it will prompt them for a password

This behavior seems to have changed in the latest Ubuntu 22.10

Even with PasswordAuthentication y ...

Score: 0
jekii avatar
remove of the Google cloud organization
cv flag

enter image description hereMaybe someone knows how to delete a user from the organization, I will explain in more detail, I have a Google Works space that needs to be deleted, but I cannot do it because you write that I have an active project on the Google cloud, after going there I transferred it to another mail ( in order not to delete) more precisely, I changed the owner, and in theory he should h ...

Score: 0
Wesley B avatar
Cloudflare CNAME Flattening and Windows DNS server
sg flag

I have an issue that has been stumping me for the past few days. Lets say we have a website called This site has CNAME flattening through cloudflare and this is working fine externally. For internal use has an internal A record resolved by Windows DNS, along with being a CNAME record pointing externally.

This all worked great un ...

Score: 0
user2958456 avatar
Getting command not found using sudo, but not for running command as root without sudo
by flag

wierd issue where if you use sudo command for certain commands it is not found. But runnning it as root user WITHOUT sudo does work

root@ip-172-31-43-153:/home/ubuntu# sudo xfs_growfs -d /
sudo: xfs_growfs: command not found
root@ip-172-31-43-153:/home/ubuntu# which xfs_growfs
root@ip-172-31-43-153:/home/ubuntu# sudo which xfs_growfs

path  ...

Score: 0
Sandra avatar
Nginx: close connections that have been open for over an hour
us flag

I am using an Nginx server with debian 11 to offer download resources.

I need to reset client connections that have been open for over an hour.

Currently, I restart the Nginx service via a cron job every hour. This method is too aggressive and closes client connections that have been open for less than an hour.

I'm looking for a solution to gracefully close connections that have been open for over an h ...

Score: 0
Nisse avatar
Ubuntu autoinstall failing when creating partitions
dk flag

I have a problem with autoinstall. The config loads correctly, but when trying to create the partitions it fails. I'm running everything in a virtual machine before testing it on the live system.

My config looks like this:

  version: 1
    hostname: <redacted>
    password: "<redacted>"
    username: <redacted>
  locale: <redacted>
  keybo ...
Score: 2
Christian Matthew avatar
NGINX: Configure to setup mTLS with ssl_client_certificate, ssl_verify_client, ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key
us flag

Right off the bat there are a couple posts that go through this issue but I am unsure what the settings are doing exactly in order to achieve the correct result. I'm able to verify the client but not vice versa. I want the client to verify what's coming from the server.


server {

    listen 443 ssl;

    client_max_body_size 60M;

    ssl_certificate /letsencrypt/l ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.