Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
tonso avatar
Client TCP segments arrive in batches
br flag

The scenario is the following: a WebSocket server and clients exchange messages at some pace (like 40-50 times in a second). However, for one client, once in a few minutes I'm observing that there is a 5-second (always the same span) period, when TCP segments (containing client's WebSocket messages, as well as ACKs to server messages) from the client arrive in batches (one batch is accumulated for a few ...

Score: 0
Tom Hayes avatar
Adding another TLD to dnsmasq installed with Laravel Valet
pa flag

I've got Laravel Valet set up on my Mac (Monterey 12.5.1) to run PHP based sites locally on the .test TLD. This all works as expected and everything is fine.

I'm trying to set up another fictional TLD (.6d) to point to a server on my LAN (say I've tried what I understand to be the normal way of adding this in dnsmasq - by adding a file called 6d in /etc/resolver with the following ...

Score: 1
jwsl224 avatar
Is GPU-P (GPU-Paravirtualization) Safe?
pl flag

i'm working on building a virtualization server and i want to partition the GPU like the LTT team did in this video and how craft did in this video. i want to this in the production environment for a local business because of the obvious lower cost/station. my question is, is it secure? can an attacker run scripting on the host through the graphics driver which is linking the VM to the host. the reason  ...

Score: 0
dranobob avatar
How to pass driver parameters via dkms?
in flag

I am trying build/install a driver via dkms. I have successfully started the driver with its default parameters but not sure how to add optional params?

For example to install the driver using insmod I can specify an arg such as:

insmod ./rp2.ko polling_mode=0

with dkms I create a dkms.conf

Score: 0
voltes.7777 avatar
where is it most appropriate to apply/maintain IP restrictions rules - Azure WAF or NSG
ar flag

this is regarding the appropriateness of implementing IP restrictions either in WAF or NSG. im for implementing in NSG since its portable i.e. does not need WAF to be there. also the rules in NSG will work even if WAF is mistakenly disabled or deleted. altho using WAF for this purpose is not altogether a bad decision my impression is that WAF is more appropriate for malware detection, DDOS prevention et ...

Score: 0
Pedro Ruiz Maldonado avatar
systemd-nspawn and firewall
uz flag

I have a systemd-nspawn container configured with systemd-networkd, DHCPServer=yes and IPMasquerade=yes

For replication I've opened a mysql port in /etc/systemd/nspawn/machine.nspanw

[Network] Port=tcp:33101:3306 VirtualEthernet=yes

But I don't want to open this port for everybody, only from replication server ip. So I've installed a firewall.

The simplest firewall is UFW, so:

apt install ufw ufw d ...

Score: 0
Paul avatar
IIS 10 2 domains with SSLs on same IP - SNI checked for both but 1 of them still doesnt work
br flag

Using fictional domains here instead of the actual ones I have this situation: has binding set up in IIS and is linked to SSL and has "Require Server Name Indication" checked. has binding in IIS and is linked to it's own SSL and has "Require Server Name Indication" checked.

Going to in a browser works fine.

Going to in a browser gives an e ...

Score: 0
ArnOCP avatar
Port forwarding UDP10000
lt flag

Sorry for my poor english... here is my network:


I try to setting up a jitsi meet server behind my two Firewalls and the reverse proxy, but i meet a problem. I can access to video and sound through my lan, so the UDP10000 port is open on the FWB. I try to connect to my server through internet is ok, but no sound and no video, so i thought the UDP 1000 port is not accessible? How can i test ...

Score: 0
El-Salatinie avatar
'FETCH' command with a 'BAD' response: Error in IMAP command FETCH: Invalid messageset (0.001 + 0.000 secs). on DoveCot IMAP Server
cn flag

I'm hosting my webserver using postfix and dovecot. it works fine when i try to connect using my iphone and my macbook. I need to connect an external WebbApplication to get all E-Mails over IMAP Connection. The connection can be authenticated. I just can't get all mails. I get the following response:

The IMAP server replied to the 'FETCH' command with a 'BAD' response: Error in IMAP command FETCH:  ...
Score: 0
needrestart doesn't restart libvirtd.service
bd flag

Running needrestart repeatedly gives me this line:

Restarting services...
 systemctl restart libvirtd.service

Restarting the service with systemctl does not solve this problem.

Not even killing /usr/sbin/libvirtd and restarting the service manually (which reports no errors) helps.


% lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
R ...
Score: 0
Tobias Åkerlund avatar
Storageclient.ListObjects causes thread cancel error when deployed to server
lk flag

I have some code that fetches files from Google Cloud Storage. The code works fine when run on my local development machine but when deployed to our production server it always "stops" whenever the parameter "objectsInBucket" (in the code below) is used.

In the example below the last code that actually executes correctly when deployed to the server is the line "LogHelper.LogToConsole("-6").

If I "un ...

Score: 0
sam23 avatar
AWS CLI Unknown options: --include,*.m3u8 For S3
cn flag

Can the AWS CLI tool be used to only list/retrieve certain file types in S3? I was trying:

aws s3 ls --summarize --human-readable --recursive s3:// --include "*.m3u8"

but receiving "Unknown options: --include,*.m3u8"

I tried grep but it will just filter the return, so the sum will still be incorrect.

I need to download all m3u8 files and then reupload them with a chan ...

Score: 2
DevelJoe avatar
Can't get Apache rewrite to work on Docker PHP-Apache container
in flag

I've followed suit to quite some instructions, tutorials, and also questions in this forum, but I can still not get this working. I've setup a REST API using a PHP Apache Docker container, and need to create a rewrite rule in my apache config to reroute API requests to index.php (the REST controller). Currently, with what's written below, I'm getting a 404:

File Structure on local machine (listed everyt ...

Score: 0
Richard Krehbiel avatar
ufw data direction switched?
km flag

So I'm configuring a new OpenVPN server; the VPN is tun0.

I want VPN clients to be able to resolve names from dnsmasq on the VPN server. I use this command:

ufw allow in on tun0 to any port 53 proto udp

And now, "ufw status" says this:

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
53/udp on tun0             ALLOW       Anywhere 

What the hell? I want to allow ...

Score: 1
cybin avatar
SSH will always authenticate as root
vi flag
# ssh -l admin
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password: 

Using "OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5+deb11u1, OpenSSL 1.1.1n" I want to connect to a remote host, but what ever I try, it always reverts the login to root. Configuration files has been renamed to ensure that no User option is being applied. The only hint I get is this line:

debug1: Authent ...
Score: 0
RedBluff avatar
does servercore:ltsc2019 image support 8.3 (SFN) names?
us flag

I have a script using 8.3 filename (C:\Progra~1 ) and it doesn't work on docker image I checked and dir /x actually doesn't show short format like it does on windows server 2019 OS. Windows Server 2019 OS Is this a known issue or maybe windows docker images do not support it anymore?

Score: 0
Roger M avatar
Filter report in PDQ based on number of application versions
in flag

I have a semi-large user base (approx 600 clients), all of them with standardized and individual applications. We manage most of the software with PDQ, but users are allowed to install their own software as well.

From time to time, some of the applications that are installed won't get upgraded, and we end up having many different versions of the same software in our environment. This can be becau ...

Score: 0
FTP performance issues - VMWare, cisco etc
ru flag

We are experiencing FTP performance issues. Looks like speed drops dramatically the more hops we are away from the server.

Cerberus FTP server, running on VMWare. 2 machines on the same VMWare host and subnet can get 25Mbyte/s, but speed drops to 2.5MB/s 10 hops away. sftp is way faster for some reason. IIS FTP has issues as well. Running on another port (2121) did not fix anything. Cisco routers ...

Score: 0
Is it possible to use tcpdump directly with a virtual switch created with vde_switch
cn flag

I am currently running a lab environment with qemu and a virtual switch (vde_switch). Since I am running on a Mac m1 (monterey), it was not possible to use a bridged connection (vde_switch does not have the -tap option on my Mac...). Therefore, I am using a socket to isolate the switch.

The lab machines are connected to this switch. I would like to be able to capture the traffic between the machi ...

Score: -1
Tyler avatar
Does anyone by any chance happen to know anything about URL 404 page
id flag

Does anyone by any chance happen to know anything about URL 404 page Error resolutions If so I appreciate your feedback Here is an example below actually exact Thanks again much appreciated!!

“Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request”

Score: -2
dev_ops_not avatar
Installing Images from docker offline
pr flag

I need some solution.

I will need to be using docker in a totally isolated environment, without any connection to the internet, for the development team, the question is how could I be doing for docker to be installing the images, it is possible to download a repository from the docker hub and make it available in a server for the isolated environment to be doing the installations?

Score: 0
DavidDunham avatar
BareOS job "running" = stuck. normally takes minutes (hours have passed)
au flag

How can I troubleshoot a BareOS job?

This one shows as running, I have cancelled and restarted it but it seems stuck. I have furthermore restarted the bareos-fd, bareos-sd and bareos-dir on the server.

enter image description here

enter image description here

When I go into bconsole and type list jobs, this appears (same as the GUI):

11,117 | ZH-lin10-Catalog-job | ZH-lin10-fd | 2022-11-10 09:33:53 | B | F | 0 | 0 | R  ...

Score: 0
Roman DotNetDev avatar
SQL Server - Windows Active Directory users
sb flag

I am actually using SQL server for my application. If I work with one user (Install and Update app with WIX installer) everything works good, but if I try to change me windows user account to the other user, who can work with such database, but do not have Login of the user who was installing app with publishing DB, in Logins directory in SSMS. This user uses SQL Server Authentication. Is there a way to ...

Score: 0
Ydrab avatar
SFTP access to EFS - Security
iq flag

I have recently configured an EFS to which several people in the compan need SFTP access. I configured AWS transfer family which i've connect to using a VPC endpoint. Everything is working fine, however, our security systems are telling me that "VPC endpoint is publicly accessible" (it is restricted to my IP in the security group) and that I should "Secure your VPC endpoint by allowing access to only tr ...

Score: 0
A web server that takes contents from another one, and serves it with slightly modified HTML
co flag

I have a web site (please note: I own and run it). I want to be able to run a slightly modified version of it on . The contents would be identical; however, I would apply some minor modifications to the HTML. Basically, when somebody requests, the server in would make a request to (asking for /something.html) and then respond with the contents (after making s ...

Score: 0
Della avatar
How to Make the IP Address Appear as Part of Bash Prompt?
ke flag

Running an Amazon EC2 instance with Ubuntu 22.04. The elastic ip address is

I want the bash prompt to read like this (no space)

[email protected]:~/working_directory$

Based on some advice on the net, I edited the top of the /etc/hosts file like this localhost

and even added the following line to .bashrc

export PS1='\[\033[0;32m\]\u@\h:\[\033[36m\]\W\[\033[0m\] ...
Score: 0
jsBug avatar
Nginx in not recognizing nested routes(react-router) after the docker container build
va flag

I would like to deploy my project at this moment but i have gotten one issue after i ran the docker build I used the nginx server with docker build

In locally react-router is working fine and i had not gotten any issue while running in localhost in development and even with the normal build too

when i build the project with docker container with nginx server its working only to normal routes, whe ...

Score: 1
Froxz avatar
Ceph alertmanager config
sn flag

I've installed ceph using cephadm

Including monitoring stack prometheus, alertmanager, node-exporter

Currently I'm trying to add a telegram receiver (Telegram is supported from v0.24.0, so I've manually updated mgr/container_image_alertmanager fro 0.23 to 0.24) for alertmanager, but can't find in docs where alertmanager.yml should be created.

I can see this file is created inside ceph cluster /var/l ...

Score: 0
Omar Aladdin avatar
azure devops self-managed agent installation on Ubuntu
cn flag

my environment is Ubuntu 20.04, after running ./config.cmd command and adding my correct details I get the following error:

System.PlatformNotSupportedException: NTLM authentication is not possible with default credentials on this platform.
   at System.Net.Security.NegotiateStreamPal.AcquireCredentialsHandle(String package, Boolean isServer, NetworkCredential credential)
   at System.Net.NTAuthent ...
Score: 0
DotNet Developer avatar
Unable to add roles to windows server?
cn flag

I installed 2 windows servers (2016 Standard) in Hyper-V. In one of them I am not able to add any role. Here is screenshot,

enter image description here

Although some checkboxes are enabled, when I click on them they are not getting checked. Why? What might be the reason for that? The other server is fine. I installed there DNS and Domain Controller.


I don't know why, but when many virtual machines are running on Hyper-V the ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.