Latest Server related questions

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Manny avatar
How "ip route get" decides outgoing interface
za flag

Wondering what decides the outgoing interface. Here is my setup

Eno1 - 192.168.3 0.2/24, Gateway -
Eno2 -,  Gateway -

My routing table looks like this -

[root ~]# ip route
    nexthop via dev eno1 weight 1
    nexthop via dev eno2 weight 1 dev eno1 proto kernel scope link src metric 100
192.16 ...
Score: 0
Thums avatar
How to SSH into a computer connected to a modem while connected to a router that's bridged to that modem?
so flag

I have a Modem/Router (NAT) that authenticates to my ISP's fiber optic cable. This modem has one ethernet cable connected to my Computer and another to the WAN port of a Wi-Fi router.

The Router is set to Bridged mode. Connected to this router is a laptop and a server.

Both the Laptop and Server can access the Modem's configuration page ( but they cannot ping the Computer ( (

Score: 0
peter avatar
Warning - InnoDB: Page xxx in the doublewrite buffer is not within space bounds: page [page id: space=yyy, page number=zzz]
sa flag

I keep encountering this warning when the tablespace file mytable.ibd is over 4G bytes, then get the following error:

[ERROR] InnoDB: Trying to access page number xxx in space yyy, space name mydatabase/mytable, which is outside the tablespace bounds. Byte offset 0, len zzz, i/o type read. If you get this error at mysqld startup, please check that your my.cnf matches the ibdata files that you hav ...

Score: 3
Tintervenor avatar
How to restrict openvpn route at server side even if client side using no-pull
la flag

I know that client side openvpn configuration can use route-nopull and write theirselves route. But this may cause some secure problem, for example when you don't want to let vpn user visit some node through vpn gate.

So how to restrict route scope at server side even if vpn user modify their client configuration and write self-defined route?

Score: 1
David Chidester avatar
Nextcloud installation broken after upgrading to Ubuntu server 22.04
bt flag

I'm currently running Nextcloud on Ubuntu server. After upgrading from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS, I couldn't log into Nextcloud. I switched the PHP modules from 7.4 to 8.1 as recommended in this forum post, but I still can't log in. Whenever I go to the login page, I just get this error:

Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please conta ...

Score: 0
Prudhvikrishna1 Ch avatar
Nis user cant login to NIS master server
ms flag

I have created a NIS environment . Nis users are able to login to all nis client machine but not able to login to NIS master.

login as: nani [email protected]'s password: Access denied [email protected]'s password:

I have pointed the passwd files to var/yp/ location and update this entries in /etc/sysconfig/yppasswd file as well

kindly please suggest which file i need to modify to all the nis users t ...

Score: 1
Craig avatar
SMB MultiChannel pinning a few CPU cores and not hitting NIC saturation
vn flag

I have two servers with twin RDMA enabled 25GbE NICs installed. For the time being, during testing, they are direct connected... no switch between them. If I just make a single SFP28 connection between them, I can easily saturate the 25GbE link. However, when I set up the second one, the most I can hit is 35Gbps instead of the desired 50Gbps.

Not wanting to bore you and go into all the configurat ...

Score: 2
slawek avatar
nmcli eqivalent of ip route add command for interface routing
rw flag

I can add route over the interface using ip route add command, for example:

ip r a dev main-br

How to achieve the same using nmcli?

Score: -1
Franz avatar
Which RAID is best for private use of NAS
tt flag

I want to buy the DS 920+ with (4x)6TB Seagate IronWolf NAS HDD. I definitely want some reliability. I obviously don't want to lose any data which is stored on the NAS.

Which RAID would be the best? I think RAID 1 (12 TB is enough of course) but what about RAID 5? Is this a good idea?

Score: 1
How to **keep** my SSLCipherSuite list for my LAMP stack current?
in flag

I have been running several LAMP servers for 5+ years with Let's Encrypt certs. Today, I did the SSL test by Qualys to learn that I had lost my coveted A+ because the ever-evolving cipher-suites list had changed and now I had weak cipher suites in use. Searching the internet will bring you to myriad websites, each with differing answers based on age. I lo ...

Score: 0
Drake Ramoray avatar
Proxy works on browser, but in python requests and wget get stuck
nf flag

I have an ipv6 proxy that I generated by a vps, the problem that the proxy only works in the browser, the site supports ipv6, and I have already used this type of proxy by subscription of a provider and it worked normally by python, my question what could be causing this problem?

Note: Im using the same headers from chrome in python.

Browser img

Wget img

Python img

Score: -1
Element Zero avatar
Stop and Start IIS Website remotely using WMSVC
sk flag

We have configured access to a web site on a remote machine using the guide here. This lets us access the remote web site using WMSVC. The end goal though is we want to be able to connect to the site remotely and stop and start it using powershell. Note that although this seems to grant access to the specific website, the user DOES NOT have any permissions on the web server itself so doing things like PSE ...

Score: 1
Eduard Paul Lakida avatar
Implement SSO between a custom app and Microsoft 365 with custom identity provider
bz flag

I’m trying to implement SSO between a custom app and Microsoft 365 so that when the users hit any link to Teams o SharePoint Online in the Liferay app, ADFS doesn't ask for credentials. Context:

enter image description here

  • ADFS is owned by corp global IT team and changing its IdP role for AAD/M365 environment is not feasible… Also “Custom SSO provider” cannot replace ADFS as it doesn’t have windows credentials SSO ( ...
Score: 0
Patrick Almeida avatar
ACL (Access Control List) not working in RHEL 9
pt flag

I'm creating some ACLs in my RHEL 9 laboratory under learning purposes. But I faced the following problem.

As user1 I've created a file named "aclfile" under /tmp and created an ACL so user100 can operate read and write actions over this file.

[user1@server1 tmp]$ pwd
[user1@server1 tmp]$ touch aclfile
[user1@server1 tmp]$ setfacl -m u:user100:rw aclfile
[user1@server1 tmp]$ getfacl -c aclfile
us ...
Score: 0
shane avatar
Configure AWS VPN with security rules for internal load balancer
in flag

currently we have an AWS client vpn setup to give users access to our VPC. We are using active directory groups to allow certain users access to ip ranges. However, we would like to allow some users to only access an internal load balancer we have set up. The ip addresses on the internal ELB change sometimes and break the rules we have set up.

Is there a better way to set up the network so users  ...

Score: 0
David avatar
How to use environment variable in apache config condition?
ke flag

In my apache config file I'm trying to set a virtual host on port 443 IF my environment variable is not dev

I have a docker container running via docker-compose which specifies the environment variables.

To check the env variables are properly set, I remote into my container:

root@4f212c1c7e23:/var/www# echo ${APP_ENV}

Below is the apache config file that is apart of the volume mapped to the contain ...

Score: -1
Obirieni Simeo avatar
RedHat Server duplicates eth0 on boot
cn flag

I have setup a RedHat 9 VM on Azure cloud with one virtual NIC which the VM recognizes as eth0. However, I have noticed that after booting up or restarting, the VM creates a duplicate device eth1 with the same IP address as eth0. eth1 does not appear anywhere in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/* Trying to delete it using ip link delete eth1 produces the error RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported

Score: 1
Chris Ward avatar
Is eBPF compatible with network namespaces on Ubuntu 22.04?
US flag

I am experimenting with eBPF and network namespaces, because ultimately I want to filter traffic among Kubernetes containers. But I am finding that this doesn't work. I am using eBPF and user code from the usual test case I am working on , and when I run I get a failure a ...

Score: 0
Vítor Baptista avatar
How to configure a forward proxy to keep a historical mirror of the websites accessed?
cn flag

I'm scraping information regarding civil servants' calendars. This is all public, text-only information. I'd like to keep a copy of the raw HTML files I'm scraping for historical purposes, and also in case there's a bug and I need to re-run the scrapers.

This sounds like a great usage for a forward proxy like Squid or Apache Traffic Server. However, I couldn't find in their docs a way to both:

  • Keep a pe ...
Score: 0
leorio paradiknight avatar
nginx rate global limit split between two groups?
tm flag

I've gone through the limit_req_zone docs and also searched through but haven't seen whether it's possible to do this with nginx rate limiting. I want to do the following:

  1. set a global rate limit ie. limit_req_zone global zone:general 10r/s

  2. let's say there's a vip group of whitelisted ip addresses. I want to split 5r/s amongst the vip group, and then everyone else has 5r/s to fight over.

Ideally I cou ...

Score: 0
Chris9834 avatar
Logon via Remoptedesktop (randomly) not allowed, but works with IP instead of name
id flag

it's a company environment. DNS name resolution ist fine (really), all PC are part of the same domaine.

If i want to connect from a PC to another using the name of the target computer (with or without domaine does not change anything) it throws a error "mit den Anmeldeinformation konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden"/"no logon possible with that credentials" If i try to connect to the remot ...

Score: 0
Roger Heathcote avatar
I can't find my Cloud Armour logs despite enabling them 15 mins ago. Is that kind of delay normal?
cn flag

I'm trying to debug a waf rule. I've set it to preview in Cloud Armour and checked the policy is applied to all 3 of my services. I then went into Load Balancer and clicked edit (there's only one load balancer) then chose "Backend configuration" and clicked the pencil icon next to the service that runs my API. In the sidebar I checked "Enable logging" and set the rate to 1 (capture all events) and click ...

Score: 0
Jochen avatar
Forward virbr0 (VM) traffic through IPSec tunnel
cn flag

I have a virbr0 interface, created by libvirt with

inet  netmask  broadcast

There's an active IPSec tunnel with


The VMs are able to reach but now I would like the VMs to have all their traffic redirected to instead of using the default gateway of the machine.

I thought I could use s ...

Score: 0
txblx avatar
can you cancel the --forcerescan action
cv flag

i was wondering if it was possible to cancel the --forcerescan action after running it ? as far as i can see all it does is adds

echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_device/${host}:${channel}:${id}:${lun}/device/rescan

Im assuming that this flag stays even after a server restart? would echoing a 0 (or "") to those files stop/cancel it?

I hope i explained correctly :-)

Score: 0
serverstackqns avatar
Variable in AWK
cn flag

How can I add a variable within awk command? below is my command:

cat /home/ubuntu/test/copy.txt | awk 'NR==21{print ".host = "$line";"}1'

$line is basically an IP address which is retrieved from a text file. With the above command the output looks like

.host = ;

Any immediate help would be really appreciated.

Format of copy.txt

backend default { = value; need to be here
.port = "8080";
Score: 1
Corobori avatar
Running Dism.exe CleanupImage takes ages and eventually ends up with an error
mw flag

On Wednesday evening I launched on my Windows Server 2016 Diskm.exe as this "dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup". I thought it would be a straightforward process but when I checked it out on Thursday morning it was stuck at 70.4% and TiWorker.exe still working (and eating up a lot of CPU).

enter image description here

I checked it out several times in the morning and it always was showing the same value. In the a ...

Score: 0
Paresh Maheshwari avatar
How to server index.php from different directory through .htaccess?
us flag

I am working on a project which is in Yii2. I have to integrate swagger UI for API documentation. My current directory structure:

current directory structure

This is what the .htaccess looks like:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . index.php
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
   Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

When I hit http://xx ...

Score: 0
Shaamaan avatar
Docker in docker - how to ensure it's cleaned up after itself?
ru flag

I've built a Swarm-based Docker setup for our on-prem DevOps pipelines. Docker-based pipeline agents are started and can perform build operations. I also have a few of those agents capable of building new docker images - this was enabled by binding \\.\pipe\docker_engine from the host with these containers.

This generally works... however in case there's an issue with the build process it'll likely leav ...

Score: 1
Alexander Kolodziej avatar
keepalived with --log-file doesnt work
eg flag

I have keepalived 2.0.19 running in Ubuntu 20.04.

Trying to add the --log-file= option to DAEMON_ARGS in /etc/default/keepalived results in this.

keepalived[454603]: -g requires configure option --enable-log-file

But if i also add --enable-log-file i get this (too)

keepalived[454603]: Unknown option --enable-log-file

The man-page doesnt mention --enable-log-file. And if i look at output of 'keepalived  ...

Score: 0
user999441 avatar
Should e-mails signed with another domain's DKIM key be treated as spam?
in flag

Every now and then I browse my spam folder (for science!). Recently (after adding DKIM Verifier plugin to my MUA) I noticed that some e-mails have valid DKIM signature, but the Verifier points out that sender domain and signing domain are different. This got me thinking:

Should e-mails like this be treated as spam unconditionally? Are there any scenarios where such e-mails are legitimate?

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.