Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
Hokascha avatar
DHCP Discover Packets don't reach server
au flag

I have a dumb IoT device that simply asks for a DHCP lease and gets no answer. I figured out that the request never reaches my routers DHCP server and I have no clue on why that happens. If I run a DHCP server on a PC right next to the IoT device on the same switch everything works as expected. Running a DHCP server right next to the upstream router (on a Raspi connected to the router) also shows no evi ...

Score: 2
John Skiles Skinner avatar
Webpacker can't find static assets
cr flag

I created a Mastodon instance with DigitalOcean's preconfigured droplet which deploys version 5.3.5 of Mastodon on Ubuntu 20.04. I ran the setup wizard, then I immediately upgraded it to v4 of Mastodon with the official instructions.

After the restart, the web UI is down. The log /var/log/syslog contains:

ActionView::Template::Error (Webpacker can't find media/icons/favicon-16x16.png in /home/mastodon/liv ...
Score: 0
raitech avatar
HP Raid Controller p420i 18TB disk support on DL380 Gen8?
cn flag

I have some 18TB Seagate Disks on a DL380 Gen8 HP server with p420i raid controller, with 2GB cache module. I have created a RAID5 with 16TB disks but with 18TB disks, all disks are recognized but when I want to create a RAID volume, all disks fail. (a pic enclosed)

enter image description here

I did not find any HP document that help me find out what is the max disk size a p420i can support in practice. I know that HP indicated tha ...

Score: 0
Mecanik avatar
Bad argument `−−hashlimit−above'
in flag

I am trying to limit packets per second / per IP, however iptables complains about this stating: Bad argument `−−hashlimit−above'.

My rule is as follows:

iptables -I TEST -p tcp -m tcp -m hashlimit −−hashlimit−above 512kb/s −−hashlimit-burst 1mb --hashlimit-mode srcip --hashlimit-name test -j DROP

The example above is literally taken from the iptables man page. Host is using ipta ...

Score: 1
peter avatar
How can I locate the php script that issues outbound connections?
sa flag

I have a server running httpd for several websites. Using the top command, I found many httpd processes exhaust memory. Using the netstat command, I found the httpd processes are connecting to an external ip address. Is it possible to locate the (php) script(s)/functions that issue the connections?

Score: 4
peter avatar
How can I see the httpd log for outbound connections?
sa flag

The access log specified in httpd.conf for a website only shows the information for incoming connections. For outbound connections such as those issued by php file_get_contents function, how can I get the log?

Score: 0
Clodoaldo avatar
Can't restart podman container
in flag

I have installed a mtproto-proxy container:

# podman container list
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                     COMMAND               CREATED       STATUS             PORTS                        NAMES
02e39044364c  /bin/sh -c /bin/b...  8 months ago  Up 11 minutes ago>443/tcp  mtproto-proxy

But I can't restart it without a S ...

Score: 2
Axel Persinger avatar
Generate self-signed certificate for Firefox to accept
mt flag

I'm setting up an internal testing network, and I want FireFox to accept my self-signed certificates. Specifically, I'm trying to configure a certificate for nginx so I can use and *

Here is how I'm generating my certificates:

rm rootCA.**

# Generate rootCA
openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 4096
openssl req -x509 -new -subj="/C=US/ST=CA/O=MyTes ...
Score: 0
Mathis avatar
Linux randomly routes packets to the wrong interface
kh flag

I own a dedicated server with some kvm vps running for my clients. My main network is The vps have a dedicated network on a bridge interface brv6. The ipv6 traffic goes through my isp router as each vps have it's own ipv6 address. But for my security, the ipv4 traffic is routed through a nordvpn wireguard vpn ( Here is the routing table for the vps:

defau ...
Score: 1
Anton A avatar
nginx systemd[1]: nginx.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'
cn flag

as relevant with current times so i'm installing myself a mastodon instance...

when I try to restart nginx i get the error

root@instance-20221113-1925:/home/ubuntu# sudo systemctl restart nginx
Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status nginx.service" and "journalctl -xeu nginx.service" for details.

here's the log (it says Nov 13 09:45:11  ...

Score: 0
Aravind Voggu avatar
Forward UDP broadcasts to another IP
ar flag

I receive UDP broadcast packets on wlan0 on my Raspberry Pi which I'd like to forward to my desktop for analysis via eth0.

I'm running a modified WiFi firmware on a raspberrypi which sends UDP packets on wlan0. I can capture them with tcpdump on the raspberrypi:

root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# tcpdump -i wlan0 dst port 5500 -vv
tcpdump: listening on wlan0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), snapshot length 262144  ...
Score: 3
bugmeu avatar
SELinux is preventing in:imjournal from unlink accesses on the file imjournal.state
cc flag

I have a problem on Fedora 36 with rsyslog, selinux and /var/log/messages components.

As you can see:

AVC avc:  denied  { unlink } for  pid=XXX comm="in:imjournal" name="imjournal.state" dev="XXX" ino=654207 scontext=system_u:system_r:syslogd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 trawcon="system_u:object_r:syslogd_var_lib_t:s15:c0.c1023".

Selinux is refusing access, and  ...

Score: 0
Ori Daniel avatar
GCP extended memory commitment
mq flag

We've just ended 3y of commitment to GCP. Now we wish to commit again but they made some changes.

Article says Committed use discounts do not apply to extended memory. The question is that relevant only for the extended part / all memory / entire machine with extended memory ?

Thanks Ori

Score: 1
user548475 avatar
DNS Resolution of CNAME records in Route53 fails in some AWS accounts
km flag

A hostname that is a CNAME record resolves correctly outside of an AWS environment, but within AWS, it resolves correctly from EC2 instances in some accounts and fails (NXDOMAIN) consistently in other accounts.

A hostname that is an A record resolves correctly everywhere.

I have used nslookup and dig to check name resolution.

To rule out failures due to bad cache entries in some of the resolvers on the ...

Score: 0
Behzad Soltaniyan avatar
force ovpn user to request for non public DNS Server
cg flag

I need to force users for request to for connect to openvpn server, as is not public dns and not resolve by dns server.

Can I change clients ovpn file to force request from for example from ?

I use " dhcp-option DNS <dns_server_ip_address> " in ovpn file but not request dns to my dns server because until client no connect to openvpn server this op ...

Score: -1
David NG avatar
Challenging Multiple Domain Controller Upgrade Questions (parent and child)
jo flag

I am new to this domain controller and new to the company. all the below domain controller are in windows 2008.

we got two parent controller


we got 4 physical location office, each location has its own child controller, all the location office domain controller connected to the parent controller above. and they are

  • locationA-DC1-2008.example. ...
Score: 0
anikomei avatar
Can't SSH into OCI instance after Ubuntu sudo do-release-upgrade
pk flag

As the subject line says, I cannot ssh to my OCI instance running ubuntu after i did do-release-upgrade.

The instance was running ubuntu 22.04 which i tried upgrading to 22.04.1.

I am hosting a website on the instance. It is not accessible as well. When i try to open the website in the browser I get an error saying the server is not responding.

The upgrade went through. I did a reboot after it was comp ...

Score: 4
Tessaract avatar
How does Azure Backup backup running VMs?
mf flag

We are planning on implementing Azure Backup backups of our VMs but I'm struggling to find any documentation that clearly states how the backups are taken?

I see snapshots are being taken but how does Azure Backup backup VMs without shutting them down? If a machine is in the process of writing files or changing settings how/at what point will the backup be taken if it isn't being shutdown?

Score: 0
Sanjay Goswami avatar
URL rewriting in nginx for multiple projects php & react
pl flag

I am facing a 404 error when I access my site directly from IP. The default root directory is /var/www/html. And I am accessing it through http://<server_public_ip>/folder_name.

This is my folder structure.

          ├── WordPress1/
          ├── WordPress2/
          ├── CI_or_Larawel/
          ├── any_direct_file (.php,.zip or anything else)

Generally  ...

Score: 0
Majx avatar
Best way to isolate websites on Apache server
jm flag

I have read about multiple approaches on isolating websites on Apache server such that if one website is compromised, wont affect the rest nor the server itself. But I was confused and not sure which approach is the best in terms of security and usability?

Some of the approaches are:

  • Having every website in it's own Apache server in a docker container and using a proxy to map different requests to corre ...
Score: 0
Displayname71 avatar
Apache include value of %{TIME_YEAR} variable in an HTTP response header
ng flag

I'm trying to do something like the following:

<If "%{IPV6} == 'off'">
  Header always set Attention "you are using still using IPV4 in %{TIME_YEAR}, please blahblah etc"

(please withhold commentary regarding the viability of communicating with humans through HTTP headers)

without the %{TIME_YEAR} it works fine but with it it gives an error Unrecognized header format %,

removing the  ...

Score: -2
kshetline avatar
macOS: How do I expose a localhost port to the LAN IP on the same computer?
br flag

On a Raspberry PI I have, whatever I run on, say, http://localhost:8080, is automatically visible to other computers on my local network at or http://pi.local:8080.

This doesn't happen with my Mac. If I'm testing an Angular app which runs on http://localhost:4200, that app will not be seen at http://mymac.local:4200 by other computers on my local network.

All I want to do is expo ...

Score: 0
IndyDevGuy avatar
Can not get Virtualizor IP pool working with /27 subnet
cn flag

I've been scratching my head a few days at this now and I am by no means a networking expert but I know (most) of the basics.

I've got Virtualizor setup on CentOS 7 and I'm trying to add a new /27 (216.x.x.0/27) I got from my hosting company. My servers main IP is the first available IP in the subnet (216.x.x.2), the rest of the IPs should go to any VPS that gets spun up.

So far the furthest I've go ...

Score: 0
J Fabian Meier avatar
Kubernetes in company network without internet connection
cn flag

I would like to install Kubernetes on CentOs VMs. These VMs are not connected to the internet, so it would be great to download binaries or RPM packages from somewhere and copy them to these machines, then do the installation.

For (Docker) images, I would like to access a company internal repository.

Since this is just for experimentation, I do not need production ready security.

Can someone give me ad ...

Score: 1
Ahimsa avatar
Web application - Integrated windows authentication issues with layer 4 load balancer
mc flag

Evening folks

We currently have an internally developed web application that is hosted on IIS using Windows Authentication.

Our users use Edge in IEMode to connect to our web app - currently they don’t have to enter any credentials as IE is using windows integrated authentication so the browser is automatically passing through the users credentials to the web app and providing a SSO experience.

Score: 2
C-Otto avatar
logrotate fails to run Java postrotate program
ru flag

Somewhat recent versions of logrotate fail to execute postrotate actions that invoke Java when logrotate is started via systemd. In my logs I see:

logrotate[123]: Error occurred during initialization of VM
logrotate[123]: Failed to mark memory page as executable - check if grsecurity/PaX is enabled
Score: 0
Przemo Memo avatar
Nginx rewrite - not working - convert from htaccess
dm flag

I have a .htaccess file and I'm trying to convert it to an NGINX URL Rewrite configuration. Unfortunately, none of the available converters help. Every time I get either a 403 error or 'No input file specified.'. PHP 8.1/nginx/aapanel

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
        Options -MultiViews -Indexes

    RewriteEngine On

    # Handle A ...
Score: 0
miguelmorin avatar
Daily budget on AWS
jp flag

I am looking for a daily budget alert on my AWS usage, for example in case I leave an EC2 instance running or if a user requests too many one-time passcodes on SNS. I already use monthly budget alarms, and CloudWatch alarms attached to EC2 instances.

In 2020 AWS announced daily granularity on Budgets for some customers:

Daily budget granularity is already available to Savings Plans and Reservation budge ...

Score: 0
DjMohsen avatar
iptables Limit port : ip 1:1 ( each port 1 ip only ) in order to limit each user
az flag

we use port range from 1000-12000 and each port for one user, so basicly i need to limit each user

    port 1 <--> 1 ip 
iptables -A INPUT -dports 1000:12000 -m iplimit --iplimit-above 1 -J REJECT


--match multiport --dport 1000:12000

i think it must be done using iptables resent for 60 sec , once first ip connected to a spesific port, it will be allowed using Related,Established an ...

Score: 2
Damn Vegetables avatar
Understanding Current/Maximum allocation of VirtManager (LibVirt)
in flag

When I first saw the UI in VirtManager, I thought "Maximum" is the amount of ram that appears to the guest, and "Current" is the reserved RAM when the VM starts. I thought that VirtManager will automatically reserve more RAM when the guest request it up to the size of "Maximum".

But when I test it, it did not work that way. The guest always sees the "Current" value as its total RAM size. Then, wh ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.