Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
Andries avatar
Bonjour multifunction not recognized
cn flag

I'm using 3 different macOS systems. Only 1 of these systems is able to recognize that my multifunction printer is also a scanner. The other 2 only recognize it as a printer. The printer in question is a 'Samsung M267x 287x Series'. (Which is now part of HP btw)

I've tracked the problem down to how those 3 systems are seeing the printer on the local network. Only one of them sees the 'Bonjour Mul ...

Score: 0
asadz avatar
How to restrict local admin from disbaling or changing firewall setttings
ng flag

I have a scenario, where the member servers are not able to RDP to other member servers I have managed that using local firewall rules, but at same time the local admin should not able to disable or change such rules on target servers. I m thinking If I change the default GPO policy, add a new GPO where all admins would have restrictions over firewall service, unless that admin belong to a special secur ...

Score: 1
Aleh Smalyanau avatar
iptables bidirectional nat udp configuration for multiple sources
hr flag

I have the following setup, all udp packets:

client ( -> ( nat_server ( -> ( udp_service

nat_server has to receive incoming udp from client over a public ip and redirect the packet to the udp_service over a private network. Then it has to redirect all the responses from the udp_service back to the client.

The client negotiates connection to a sp ...

Score: 1
mbethke avatar
HP SmartArray: how to extend a fully populated RAID1+0
jp flag

I have a bunch of machines with HPE Smart Array P408i-a controllers and fully populated drive bays, and I was wondering if there is a way to extend the arrays without dissolving them and reinstalling everything.

There is a single RAID1+0 from 4x2 drives per machine, so considering the manual says "use replacement drives that have a capacity equal to or greater than the smallest drive in the array" ...

Score: 0
Pradip Waghela avatar
How can I write an Nginx rewrite from the IIS URL rewrite?
er flag

I have set up React + Flask app on windows IIS it is working fine. Now I want to use Nginx instead of IIS. I have created URL Rewrite in IIS from fronted to backend waitress server API calls.

photo for reference .

What will be the syntax for creating the same entry on Nginx Rewrite?

Following is nginx current config, I tried but got a network error during login.

Error Reference Error Reference 2

Following are details of the server and port:-

  • Machine: ...
Score: 1
user15566016 avatar
How can I install application as root and start and stop it as non root?
bt flag

I have a script which will install mysql server, java and then my java application. I want to create a test user and group testg, the application will start and stop by non-root user (here test user) however the installation will be done as root user. example: service mysqld start/stop will be run as non root user.

I am using centos 8 machine. Is there any way it can be achieved. I tried to give  ...

Score: 1
Mehdi CHEBBAH avatar
nginx dynamic forwarding requests coming from users
bf flag

I have a backend application that binds users with server ports (I attribute a random available TCP port to each connected user)

Using NGINX, I want to redirect all requests coming from a user -Identified by his unique id- to his actual port (All requests come to port 80 then they'll be forwarded)

The list of ports is stored on a database, I can write those ports to a file of any format easily in ...

Score: 2
lunadesign avatar
iperf3 errors and retransmissions on ESXi
id flag

When running iperf3 to test a 100G connection between a VMware ESXi box and a TrueNAS Core box, I'm seeing the following on the ESXi box:

  1. The message "iperf3: getsockopt - Function not implemented" on every interval
  2. A large number of retransmissions reported on the first and last intervals but not in the summary stats

Are both of these OK to ignore? Or are they indicative of actual problems?

Here are t ...

Score: 1
Milad Zahmatkesh avatar
Docker container cannot use its host's /etc/hosts file
lr flag

After I joined some of my Ubuntu servers (mostly 20.02) to an AD domain(using realmd and sssd), they're unable to use their host's /etc/hosts file! Which they could do before they were a part of AD.

Has anyone ever faced anything like this before? I really need to figure a solution out for this.

Appreciate your helpful answers.

Score: 0
asboey avatar
Trying to install RHEL 7 under QEMU s390x emulation
ca flag

I'm evaluating the use of QEMU to create s390x Linux virtual machines for use in software builds. I've had some success creating machines using newer Linux distributions such as RHEL 8 and Ubuntu 20, but I really want a RHEL 7 machine.

I'm on Fedora 36 x86 and I've been trying the following with both the Fedora QEMU 6.2 packages and current QEMU 7.x built from source:

qemu-img create -f qcow2 rootfs.q ...
Score: 0
Baldovín Cadena Mejía avatar
How can the local time clock of a server become the NTP time source in a network?
ck flag

I want to make a the local te clock in a Stratum 1 server be the network time source for my network (I don't want a Stratum 0 server with the antenna). How may I set this up in a network? Is there a tutorial which explains how to use network time protocol and set this up? I have not found anything so far on Google on how to achieve this. I would really appreciate your help.

Score: 0
George Prodromou avatar
nginx rewrite and proxy pass
br flag

I want to setup Nginx to rewrite a URL before proxy passing to backend. The URL in question is


What I ideally want is to rewrite the buildID Q4tMYXGjDnTfBtYGNUrKu to what will be in a request header i.e. $http_build_id

So any of these URLs:

/_next/da ...
Score: 0
Gilberto Martins avatar
After upgrading Debian in my OVH PVE, I just can't access its SSH or WebManager
cn flag

This PVE has 1 VM in it. After updating the PVE OS (Debian) it has been rebooted. Since then I can't access either its SSH or the webmanager, BUT I can SSH the VM in it!!!

The only way to access the PVE is by OVH's IPMI.

These are some of PVE's configuration files:


auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
    mtu 1500

Score: 0
greenone83 avatar
munin not receiving full plugin output over network but plugins work locally (munin-run)
mu flag

I have the strangest problem with munin:

When I use telnet or netcat to directly connect from my munin master to the target node or when munin-cron does its thing, some plugins only send the first line of output or sometimes no output at all. munin-cron is then waiting for the full reply to finish and eventually times out.

Here is an example: I connect from the master to the target node and fetch th ...

Score: 0
Chuck Herrington avatar
TransientServiceErrorException trying to call Update-MsolFederatedDomain
ls flag

I am trying to migrate from an older 2012 R2 server with ADFS to a newer 2019 ADFS farm. Years ago, I followed the MS guides to federate with Office 365, and it has been working fine with the older server. Now I want to update Office365 to use our new server.

The old setup used the DNS name The new setup uses the DNS name

Both ADFS instances are running ok, althoug ...

Score: 0
Jesús Ángel avatar
Weird connections from file server to clients
br flag

I am facing a strange situation in a Windows domain environment. There are some fileservers initiating connections to PCs. It seems that the servers try to use the SVCCTL (AKA MS-SCMR) protocol to control remotely Windows Services on other hosts.

I can not wrap my head around this behaviour. Why on earth does a fileserver try to connect to PC clients?

This is the traffic I captured:

  1. The server st ...
Score: 0
Pol Hallen avatar
a strange situation in /var/log/
eg flag

glance into log file I sew a strange situation:

drwxr-xr-x 2 root     root          4096 Nov 13 15:03
-rw-r----- 1 root adm 726 Nov 13 15:03 user.log

cat user.log 
Nov 13 15:03:25 #026#003#001#001 #001#000#001#034#003#0037g
Nov 13 15:03:25 A#024��=�#026�JٿU#037�Nw���]q�Up#02 ...
Score: 0
Dannykman avatar
SANBOX 5602 - Having diffculty changing control from XP64 to Win10
lt flag

We use a Sanbox 5602 to route fiber data from several Xyratek Raids to several PC workstations. Had used XP64 workstations in the past, now migrating to Win10. Cannot get any version of Java to work on Win10.Sanbox 5602 FW version is V7. (Obtained from serial port) . I tried to follow advice posted for Sanbox 5800, can't find newer FW anywhere - between qlogic & Oracle. Any ideas would be gr ...

Score: 2
stkvtflw avatar
Google Cloud App Engine with network peering
ca flag

I'm trying to connect App Engine application to MongoDB Cloud over a peering connection.

All services in my GCP are using non-default network called "main". I've setup peering connection with terraform:

resource "google_compute_network_peering" "mongodb_peering" {
  name         = "mongodb-peering"
  network      = google_compute_network.main.self_link
  peer_network = "projects/${mongo-cloud-project} ...
Score: 0
ciis0 avatar
Debugging netsh portproxy tls client hello tcp connection reset
ng flag

On a Windows 2016 Server (1607) we're currently facing quite strange TCP Connection Reset issues on TLS1.2 Client Hello on a port with port-proxy (netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 ...); sometimes the Client Hello leads to an Connection Reset error, some times the connection is properly established.

Screenshots (links due to reputation) below;

the connection is coming from, accessing ...

Score: 0
Nasenbaer avatar
Error LPT2.280C1DID.cer when expanding IIS hosting tree
ve flag

When trying to expand the web hosting as one week ago, now its not working anymore. I found not a lot related answers.

I have tried sfc /scannowand restart and scandisk. All without success.

Perhaps it occured when harddisk was full for short time. Now over 50Gb are free.

enter image description here

Score: 0
Module_art avatar
What time is used when I set crontab @daily?
co flag

What time is used by crontab when I use the option @daily?
Where is this information stored on Debian/Gnome?
And how can I change this time value?

Score: 0
roberth avatar
How can a Azure-AD joined device log in to onpremise Active Directory (for Windows-authentication and SQL-server)
in flag

I don't understand how to handle this case:

A laptop is joined to Azure-AD and the user logs in with a PIN-code (for example). This part works fine.

Now the user needs to work with the on-premise domain too. The on-premise AD is synced with Azure-AD using AAD Connect Provisioning Agent Wizard. The NPS Exension for Azure AD is installed so the on-premise Domain Controller can access Azure to authenticate.  ...

Score: 0
zanglorion avatar
Piping data from ethernet to serial and back to ethernet doesn't reach destination
sa flag


I'm trying to establish a bidirectional communication where ethernet UDP packets enter a linux system (suppose a Raspberry pi) from eth0 interface and piped into the UART hardware of the system, then read by the second linux system, piped into the eth0 interface and transmitted again as UDP packets to a sensor and vice versa.

In other words I'm trying to convert UDP packets to s ...

Score: 0
linus avatar
How to expose multiple databases in local network for other applications to connect with them
aw flag

I am following up this question here, in which I made the incorrect assumption of being able to access a database using HTTP.

Because I seem to lack conceptual knowledge, I would like to ask a more general question first:

What's a good way to expose multiple databases in a local network, where multiple applications connect with them?

I am already able to use a Host (domain / IP ) with a mapped port  ...

Score: 0
adamitj avatar
Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04 - Remote ssh or rsync killing all process from user
in flag

I got a weird strange odd behavior (there's not enough adjectives for that) on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

This is a IBM Db2 test server. The server runs a Db2 service under db2inst1 user id (UID 1002). The server name is srv-db2-teste.

Everytime I run a scp or a rsync from a remote machine to srv-db2-teste server using the db2inst1 user id, after the successful copy of the files ALL services ...

Score: 0
Un tipo Random avatar
How to pass through a Nginx reverse proxy to IIS and Apache
gg flag

Ive been dealing with this scenario for a while and a can not find the error or the config that gets me to this: I have one domain and several subdomains (, etc.) The port 80 and 443 are pointing to the Nginx serve by a VM (IP I also have a VM with Windows Server serving IIS port 80 and 443 (This web server works fin ...

Score: 2
philolegein avatar
spamhaus sbl error — blocked using; Error: open resolver
cv flag

For I don't know how long — maybe a decade — I've had the following in my postfix configuration:

smtpd_client_restrictions = reject_rbl_client,

Recently, I've had users occasionally get bounces, where this is what I see on the server:

Nov 14 03:23:33 ip-10-0-200-150 postfix/smtpd[25205]: connect from mail-cwlgbr01 ...
Score: 0
DavidDunham avatar
Bareos job deleted, space not free'd up
au flag

How to "free up" space after having deleted BareOS job? (free space still showing up as the same)


Deleted BareOS job like so in bconsole:

delete job 10130

enter image description here

job is deleted: enter image description here

space still the same as before:

enter image description here

Score: -1
Swisher Sweet avatar
What are the required networks (physical and virtual) for a 3-node VMM cluster?
in flag

I'm setting up a 3-Node Synology Virtual Machine Manager cluster and I am unclear on how to properly setup the dedicated cluster network vs other networks. I've read through all of Synology's guides and spent hours searching for blog posts or YouTube videos that describe how to do this, but there is no good documentation on how to properly setup the network for this cluster.

I realize not a lot o ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.