Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
cassepipe avatar
Difference between "location /" and Nginx default server block values
tg flag

What is the point of defining location / { } since, if I understand correctly this will match all potential URIs and "lose" any battle against a location with a more specific URI ? My reasonning is you can just put all default values directly into the server block instead of defining a location / { }.

Hence if I am correct, this serves no purpose :

server {
   root /www/html;
   location / {
      root /w ...
Score: 0
Jordan Wynn avatar
Redirects Stopped Working Properly
ps flag

My .htaccess file look like this:

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule /oldpage [R=301,L]
RewriteRule /oldpage2 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule /oldpage3 [R=301,L]
RedirectMatch 301 ^/.*$

The last rule I need to redirect all other pages to

When I try Redirect 301 instead of RewriteRule - it ...

Score: 0
Virendra avatar
Configuring Nginx and Tomcat to Access HTTPS content
eh flag

I'm using nginx as a load balancer and reverse proxy for Java spring boot + Angular application on tomcat. I've total 3 servers, 1 has nginx and other two has application hosted on it.

I've configured HTTPS and SSL on nginx so that users can communicate over HTTPS. With the below configuration I'm able to reach application's login page on https, but when I click on login button I'm getting error  ...

Score: 1
jack avatar
Error Missing X server or $DISPLAY on brave on Ubuntu mate
lb flag

i run a container ubuntu mate on debian 11 but when i run Brave in ubuntu mate i have the message:

root@0b3bd7aba275:/config# /bin/brave-browser [6194:6194:1116/] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See

root@0b3bd7aba275:/config# /bin/brave-browser --no-sandbox [6220:6220:1116/002954.827870:ERROR:ozone_platfo ...

Score: 0
AWS Professional avatar
Does Alpine image build to support linux/amd64 and linux/arm64
cn flag

I started working on creating a multi-architecture support docker image, for that, I have to write the dockerfile from scratch and add the rootfs-* kernel from locally and create a docker image through docker buildx , does any one have experience on buildx , guide on how to write the alpine dockerfile to support multiarchitecture

Score: 0
can you add your own SSL cert for custom domain of an Azure Static Web APP?
pk flag

We use the excellent azure static web apps with custom domains for our "site down" pages, and use traffic manager to switch to these for the few hours a month we are down.

The problem is that these web apps use a free SSL cert, which fails to update as by default they are not accessible via the custom domains DNS (as its pointing to our "real" site most of the time).

then when we want to put up or s ...

Score: 0
Recruitment Expert avatar
GKE Mulitple networking
cn flag

I don’t find in GKE documentation a reference for supporting Multus or IPVLAN attachement , all I find is related to Anthos on baremetal

Could you please give us some indications how multi-networking is supported for Pods running on GKE ?

First is first can I have GKE nodes with multiple NIcs attached ?

Thanks a lot Best Regards

Score: 1
Zenmaru avatar
Webclient for mbox files
pk flag

I have 20 OVH mail accounts. Whit imapbackup i create mbox file for each my account on a local server. To read the files i need to download the folder then import to Thunderbird. Is there a easy way to show ALL mbox using a web client ( like roundcube) whitout install dovecot and similar mail server?

Score: 1
Dmitry avatar
OpenVPN restart systemd service if TLS error occured
na flag

I have a systemctl service which starts openvpn command with given config file.
openvpn *filename*
But if somebody uses same certificate to open VPN from another device - service logs TLS errors and VPN stops working. But the service doesn't stop and restart after that. It continues to work even through VPN doesn't.
How can I manage the service to restart after the error occured? Thanks in advance. ...

Score: 0
ECS containers on EC2 cannot mount EFS volumes
cn flag

I have created an ECS cluster backed by an EC2 auto-scaling group and launched a service in it that uses EFS for NFS storage. The service is running in awsvpc network mode so that I'm able to control traffic to and from it. There is a security group that allows access to TCP2049/NFS4 from itself and (for troubleshooting) from, and it is attached to both the EFS mountpoint and the ECS servic ...

Score: 0
Tùng Nguyễn avatar
Best way to config gunicorn and nginx with django?
je flag

I am trying to deploy django with gunicorn and nginx on heroku, and i'm kinda confused with the way to config gunicorn and nginx, when i searched through internet, they usually create gunicorn.socket

Description=gunicorn socket



and gunicorn.service

Description=gunicorn daemon
After= ...
Score: 0
frequency ent avatar
How to forward traffic from one LAN router through another router then to the original gateway?
st flag

I have two routers connected to my ISP within one town in the subnet A can reach router B successfully. I have higher bandwidth on router A than B. I would like to make A the default gateway for router B so that all requests are forwarded through A so that all traffic appears to come from router A to the ISP default gateway. I don't know how to achieve this kind of routing/NAT.

Score: 0
Unknown avatar
enable gzip compression on nginx give me long time server response
sd flag

I have a web application running on a very low web server (CPU: ARM926EJ-S, RAM: 128MB), when I enabled gzip on nginx, I found that the server takes longer to respond, and I don't know if there is something wrong with the configuration.


   gzip on;

   gzip_vary on;
   gzip_proxied any;
   gzip_comp_level 3;
   gzip_buffers 16 8k;
   gzip_http_version 1.1;
   gzip_min_length 256;
   gzip_t ...
Score: 0
XPLOT1ON avatar
Docker DIND cannot apt-get update but curl works
ky flag

I've deployed docker-dind on my homelab k3s cluster. And try to build docker images there. However I am getting error while performing apt-get update command. But running curl command on the same network and within the docker:dind works as well as nslookup and ping. I was able to perform similar tasks apt-get update on the host machine fine. So It's probably not a network issue.

My network does not h ...

Score: 2
Kiran Thummalapalli avatar
MariaDB - Contiunes to use more memory
cn flag

We are running Maria DB 10.6.9 on CentOS and we are observing it continues to increase the usage of memory. Server Specifications: RAM - 128 GB vCPUs - 48 Swap - 100 GB

We have configured innodb_buffer_pool to 65 GB

Yet memory usage is as follows presently: enter image description here

And we continue to see swap continues to increase.

The server is dedicated to Mariadb and no other apps running on that other than Mariadb.

Score: 1
Zay Lau avatar
Windows lost server connection while transferring files via Samba
iq flag

I have a Ubuntu 22.04.1 server with Samba installed to allow other PC in the local network to upload/download files, there are 2 Windows clients (Windows 10 & 11), and they both are ok to connect and upload/download files to the Ubuntu server (via file explorer), all 3 machines are connecting to the network via WiFi (Netgear router).

The problem is when trying to upload a large batch of files ...

Score: 0
Budianto IP avatar
DHCPv6 address xxxx/128 timeout preferred 140 valid 450
cn flag

A couple of days ago, I activated the IPv6 for an EC2 instance. But, yesterday the instance was down twice.

When checking the syslog file, I found these repeated message:

ens5: DHCPv6 address xxxx/128 timeout preferred 140 valid 450

And while doing some research, I found this post, which simply says, the message is normal, but my question is is it?

Also, does it have anything to do with the server ...

Score: 1
Majid Hajibaba avatar
iptables rule not working on docker
gr flag

I have some containers running on different ports such as 80, 9010 and so on. For example:

docker run -d [some other configs] --restart=always -p 9010:443 -p 9010:443/udp xxx/myImage 
#myImage is FROM python:3.6-alpine

I want to prevent all connections from outside of host to 9010. I use many command to restrict it even I write this:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT # Allow SSH
iptab ...
Score: 0
serverstackqns avatar
GAWK not running in crontab
cn flag

I have the below script running successfully manually. But when it is executed in crontab (below), I dont see anything happening.


#!/usr/bin/gawk -f


#Reading from the file & storing in array
while read -r line; do
done < /etc/folder/automation-script/ip.txt

#Removing the lines based on line number of file

gawk -i inplace ' ...
Score: 1
MrDeanosupreamo avatar
Understanding how windows server storage spaces physical disk redundancy works dependent on where its configured
in flag

Im tasked with configured a windows server to used tiered storage using the following disks

  • 4x 900 GB SSDs
  • 10x 2.2TB HDDs

The SSD tier would be configured using parity with 1 redundant disk and the HHD tier would use parity with 2 redundant disks.

when configuring this via powershell I found that I could set the physical disk redundancy at two points, when creating the storage-tier and again when cre ...

Score: 1
tmoore82 avatar
SSH will not use password authentication, still tries disabled methods
cn flag

I'm running Fedora 36 Workstation with OpenSSH server 8.8p1. I want to log on a single remote user and authenticate with their password, but OpenSSH seems determined not to let me. I've tried every solution I can find online. Most of them seem to come down to "edit the password authentication line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config so that it reads as follows:

PasswordAuthentication yes

Done. I've also set the fol ...

Score: 1
Benj avatar
Why does cdrecord alter my image when writing to CD ROM and how can I avoid it?
cn flag

I want to use optical media for backups and hence created a luks image equivalent to that of a 80 min CD-ROM and recorded it twice using the cdrecord

# first run
$ cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 image.luks

# second run
$ cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -date image.luks

When afterwards trying to mount it, I receive an error message

$ sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sr0 samples
Device /dev/sr0 is not a valid L ...
Score: 1
Ansible shell module fails to find kubectl
cn flag

Running the command from the CLI on the server works perfect, but from playbook using Ansible shell module fails with:

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 127, "stderr": "/bin/sh: kubectl: command not found\n", "stderr_lines": ["/bin/sh: kubectl: command not found"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

Playbook task:

    - name: Reconfig AWX (kubernetes) ...
Score: 0
Dercni avatar
O365 redirect domain on send
de flag

Is it possible to redirect emails received to another domain using wildcards?

For example, we wish our client to send faxes to and then redirect the fax to

The purpose is to white-label the fax service as the client could email directly.

Score: 0
alphadmon avatar
Nginx not recognising "user" variable
vn flag

I have had a dev server set up for quite some time and am in the process of cleaning and setting up a new one.

I am running a frontend and three APIs via node.js and nginx. I have never had a problem with this nginx.conf before but for some reason it is now not working. I have not made changes to it yet nor have I made changes to the sites/*.conf(s) either. They were running fine on my other server.

Score: 0
zerkms avatar
Where does `ctr task list` get the list of tasks from?
cn flag

After upgrading containerd on ubuntu 1.5.9-0ubuntu1~20.04.4 -> 1.5.9-0ubuntu1~20.04.5 I started having weird containerd tasks:

# ctr --namespace task ls|grep -i unkn
49f54c1c7bce53a7f73314a9f3c80eaf1534dcc6095ddce29d7f77ac86ac5e02    0        UNKNOWN

see that it is in unknown state.

# ctr --namespace container ls |grep 49f54
49f54c1c7bce53a7f73314a9f3c80eaf1534dcc6095ddce29d7f77ac86a ...
Score: 0
AaplMike avatar
Set proxy for local users via GPO
ke flag

I have been tasked a) to create a kiosk machine and b) configure it so that users can only visit certain internal sites, and no external sites.


  1. Windows 10 machine, part of domain
  2. Local Kiosk mode, with passwordless, auto-login "Kiosk" user

For a) I'm using the Windows Kiosk Assigned Access option, which can create a local user Kiosk and has the option of running in browser mode. This is  ...

Score: 0
Lyndz avatar
Error Deployment of Wordpress Click to Deploy on Google Cloud
qa flag

I tried to deploy the Wordpress Click to Deploy from the Martketplace on Google Cloud and I always have this error:

{"ResourceType":"runtimeconfig.v1beta1.waiter","ResourceErrorCode":"504","ResourceErrorMessage":"Timeout expired."}

Anyone encountered this before?

Score: 0
Is checking broken TCP packets still a thing?
cn flag

I often see samples of IPv4 rules for iptables which are there to stop what is viewed as invalid or broken TCP packets. Certain combinations of TCP flags should never be used.

Here is an example of 4 such rules:

-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags ALL ACK
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags ALL RST
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags ALL ACK,FIN
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --tc ...
Score: 0
PDAVID avatar
Narrow Down Ubuntu Lock And Active User?
om flag

I have been trying to create a bash Script to Locked and Active ,locked User.Can anyone please guide me to narrow down locked and Active User list.tnx

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.