Latest Server related questions

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Cornelius avatar
Do I need to have an A record to send/receive mail?
se flag

This is basic level question, I'm not running my own servers. I've bought a domain name, but I wonder, do I also have to buy hosting with an A record, or I can just configure DNS mail records in the domain's dashboard?

Score: 0
Dick Fairthorne II avatar
Is there a tool for copying files directly from any running Kubernetes pod to another?
cn flag

I would like to move a large file set from a running Kubernetes pod to another (possibly in another cluster) in order to migrate quickly from one Storage Class to another with little or no downtime.

I want the files to be copied directly from one pod to the other, preferably with rsync.

I have figured out how to accomplish the task, but I am wondering if there is an existing tool before I embark on  ...

Score: 0
Nikolay Dyankov avatar
nginx redirect www to non-www not working over https, only over http
ni flag - The site loads, but I just want the www gone.

server {
    location / {
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgr ...
Score: 1
acgbox avatar
Where do I find all the ipset options?
ng flag

Where do I find all the ipset options (ipset v7.15)?.

man ipset online are not all. I didn't find them on the command line either, by running:

man ipset
ipset --help

For example this options:

ipset -A
ipset -F
ipset -N
# maybe more options

In tests carried out, the output of these commands is the same:

ipset -A = ipset add
ipset -F = ipset flush
ipset -N = ipset create

But I would like to access an of ...

Score: 0
resle avatar
IIS FastCGI configuration for high concurrency
yt flag

I am hosting, on Windows Server 2022, a web application that makes regular ajax calls to a PHP backend.

The calls themselves are quite light, just pulling and pushing data from and to a MySQL db.

Over 1,000 users could be logged in concurrently (up to 10,000 in the near future). It doesn't seem to be an issue, until 100+ or so users log in concurrently, or near-concurrently.

I then get the server clogg ...

Score: 0
Budianto IP avatar
awk to process multiple lines and return several strings
cn flag

I have these strings:

  Certificate Name:
    Serial Number: 37aadb8fae7b908e1228c3e71
    Expiry Date: 2022-11-20 02:14:29+00:00 (VALID: 3 days)
    Certificate Path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
    Private Key Path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  Certificate Name: www.domain2
    Serial Number: 37aadb8fae7b9 ...
Score: 0
Elianny L avatar
Approach to map custom users with OpenStack
bi flag

I'm trying to build a simple app where users create their own instances (vms) and I charge them by the billing time (similar to DO). My app uses OpenStack as a backend to do all the heavy lifting.

The question is about the best approach to associate users in my app with my OpenStack deployment.

Should I map each user in my app to a user/project in OpenStack? should I map all users in my app to a sin ...

Score: 0
Log into Google Cloud VM with as specific user using IAM
ru flag

I created a VM with an Ubuntu 22.04 image and I log in using IAM credentials, not SSH keys, for example:

gcloud beta compute ssh --zone myzone vmname --project myproj --tunnel-through-iap

My command prompt has the username I want.

I just created another VM and it is using my default username ariel_balter_gmail_com.

I have no idea what I did with the first VM to make my username the one I want.

On the firs ...

Score: 0
Ezioadf2 avatar
How can i define white list for x-forward-for in nginx?
mp flag

I have 2 server and in server A


i set x-forward-for header for client ip on serverA, now i can access ip in server B, But now, how can i allow ip with x-forward-for ip ?

Score: 0
complex1984 avatar
No DDoS protection in favor of AWS Route 53
pl flag

I'm in the beginning of creating a small CDN for our streaming server needs. I know, that there are multiple ways to route a user to an ideal server:

  • Anycast for the whole HTTP traffic: Let the network in help of BGP figure out which is the ideal server. This would be the premium solution, but very few provider offer it and it's it's not cheap.
  • GeoIP DNS Services (like AWS Route 53): It seems like the ...
Score: 0
The Tech Guy avatar
Removed failed disk from
in flag

I have a problem with a software raid running mirror. One disk is dead and the server cannot find it. Normally I would have removed it as well.

mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --remove /dev/sda1

But after it can't see the bad disk I got an error saying it couldn't see /dev/sda1

I then chose to have the disk changed and run the raid again. But if I now do a cat /proc/mdstat it comes up with the following


Score: 1
user206746 avatar
rsync Delete only Matching files
kz flag

How can I use rsync (or another program) to delete identical files between directories? To be identical, location and metadata should match (permissions, ownership, timestamp)

For example, I backup dir X to Y. After time, there are files added and removed in X.

I want to remove from X all files/directories that match identically in Y. Do not touch files in X that are different.

Note: I'm familiar with  ...

Score: 0
Nick avatar
Does AWS CLI bring data across local network when doing `aws s3 mv` between two S3 locations?
pg flag

When moving data between two S3 locations using the AWS CLI, for example:

aws s3 mv s3://bucket/prefix s3://bucket/other-prefix

Is the data downloaded to your local computer and then re-uploaded? Or does it stay in the data center? Is it different for cp vs mv, or if moving data between buckets in different regions/azs?

Score: 3
Unable to run the Google Cloud SDK CLI on Windows + Powershell 7 due to python issues
cn flag

Recently after having no problems for months I suddenly am unable to run the Google Cloud SDK CLI / gcloud commands in Windows Terminal / PowerShell 7 (7.3).

The error I am getting is:

C:\Users\admin10lap\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe: can't find '__main__' module in ''

This appears to happen both with and without the bundled python option on the Google Cloud SDK installer  ...

Score: 0
Force ECS to wait for previous container to have exited before deploying new task version
cn flag

I have a couple of ECS services that cannot under any circumstances run two instances of a container (embedded elasticsearch, mysql). Is there any way to force ECS to wait until the container has actually stopped (not just transitioned to DEPROVISIONING) before deploying the new task revision?

Score: 0
DevelJoe avatar
Getting a SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused in PHP Apache Docker container using mariadb, if connected via Dockerfile's CMD (PHP CLI works)
in flag

I'm trying to run a Docker container based on:

  • PHP 8.1
  • Apache 2.4
  • MariaDB (latest official docker image)

It all starts up without any issue; but I'm unable to connect with the Docker Container's DB via PDO.


FROM php:8.1-apache

WORKDIR /var/www/html/

RUN pecl install xdebug \
    && apt update \
    && apt install libzip-dev -y \
    && docker-php-ext-enable x ...
Score: 0
WildWilyWilly avatar
kube-apiserver.service failing after complete reinstall of kubernetes and kubectl plugins
gg flag

I'm having an issue where kube-apiserver.service will always fail on my local Fedora 36.

Getting the namespaces from a context I was experiencing certificate issues that prevented me from succeeding. I was using kubens and getting the error:

> error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized) 
> error getting namespace list

First thing I checked my ~/.kube/config and everything seemed al ...

Score: 0
Githendra McShane avatar
nginx location proxy pass to another port path
us flag

I have two docker containers running for react (http://localhost:90) and nextjs ( / http://localhost:85) applications, and I have Nginx configuration similar to the following

    server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    ssl on;
    ssl_certificate /foo.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /foo.key;

    location / {
        proxy ...
Score: 2
T.Anand avatar
Windows Update failed to check for updates with error 0x80072EFE
br flag

I am unable to Download/Install Windows update on my Windows Sever 2016 Std. Version 1607 OS Build 14393.5501

Windows Update failed to check for updates with error 0x80072EFE

Most of the Solution are related to problems with the server unable to reach the Internet or Microsoft Update Servers, but I am able to reach the Internet from the server and able to ping and able to download standalone ...

Score: 0
user9102437 avatar
Google cloud VM instance schedules do nothing
ba flag

I have an issue with my google cloud VMs: when I try to set a scheduled startup or stop for them via google cloud's "instance schedules" nothing happens at the specified time. I will walk you through what I have done to try to make this work.

I have created a schedule in Compute engine -> VM instances -> Instance schedules, after that I was prompted to give the service account the appropriate perm ...

Score: 0
Patrick Collins avatar
Does the data size of an SSD chip have compatibility issues with certain boards?
us flag

I'm considering getting an 8TB SSD storage chip for my Intel NUC mini-server (I install linux on it). However, I'm wondering if there are any considerations one needs to take when adding that much storage space.

Will the NUC have a hard time doing read/writes with that much storage? Let's say I had a 100 TB SSD chip, would that affect performance?

Score: 0
nathou avatar
OpenLDAP slapd.d configuration directory not updated
in flag

I have 'inherited' an openldap (CentOS 7) server which configuration is handled dynamically (using a slapd.d directory and a tree of ldif files).

I used ldapmodify to add an attribute (olcDbCheckpoint) to one of the backends. The change had the expected results, and I can see it with an ldapsearch -D 'cn=config' ... query.

But none of the files in /etc/openldap/slapd.d has been updated and I canno ...

Score: 1
RabidTunes avatar
Docker Stack Deploy doesn't resolve environment variables with default value like Docker Compose does
hm flag

I have the following example files


version: '3'
    image: webapp:${VARIABLE_A:-${VARIABLE_B}}



VARIABLE_A is not set on purpose so it should fall back to VARIABLE_B

Docker compose is able to resolve the default value of the environment variable, however docker stack deploy is unable to do the same resolution

user@laptop:~$ docker compose  ...
Score: 2
Prof Von Lemongargle avatar
Microsoft Teams filling Security Log with seProfileSingleProcessPrivilege
mx flag

Recently, we started seeing a phenomenon where any machine running Microsoft Teams (office 365 E3 version) will emit event 4673 at a high rate, indicating a failed attempt to use the seProfileSingleProcessPrivilege. Counting one random second's worth of these entries, I saw 120. The volume of these audit failures is causing the security log to fill and overwrite so quickly that no valuable information ...

Score: 0
Daniel Darabos avatar
Check response of one backend before proxying to another
de flag

I have two backends in two locations behind an Nginx frontend. Backend A implements authentication with OAuth. Backend B doesn't.

I think a lazy way of adding authentication for location B would be to send each request to backend A first. The flow I have in mind:

request for /b/kitten.png --> [ nginx ]
                              [ nginx ] --> request for /index.html --> [backend A]
Score: 0
mwg avatar
Get source Ip and port - NAT
wf flag

I routed all my traffic through my code . I used Iptables in Linux to forward all requests which requested 53 port with this command :

iptables -t nat -p udp -A OUTPUT -j DNAT --dport 53 --to-destination

My code only received a requested query . There is no source Ip and Port number Then how can I realize the source Ip and Port number ? How VPN connections are working ? Is there using  ...

Score: 1
peter avatar
Why environment variable set by SetEnv in apache httpd.conf cannot be passed to php?
sa flag

I set an environment variable in httpd.conf:

SetEnv http_proxy "http://localhost:3128"

But I cannot get this variable in php using getenv:

echo getenv("http_proxy");

getenv returns empty and print_r($_ENV) shows the following content:

Array ( [LANG] => C [PATH] => /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin [NOTIFY_SOCKET] => /run/systemd/notify ...
Score: 0
HTTP 401.2 Error when using Azure Application Gateway
kh flag

I have an ASP.Net site hosted in IIS 10 on Windows Server 2019 DataCenter in Azure. This site has only Windows Authentication enabled.

When I access the site directly ( I'm prompted for credentials, after which all works as expected. When I access the site via the App Gateway (configured with private IP) ( I'm prompted for credentials, after  ...

Score: 0
acgbox avatar
how to add multiples ips cidr with ipset save and restore options
ng flag

i have this loop to block IPs and CIDR with ipset/iptables:

# this is just an example. the actual list IPs/CIDR is very large
cat blockip.txt
cat blockcidr.txt


ipset -F
ipset -N -! blacklist hash:net maxelem 1000000
for ip in $(cat blockip.txt blockcidr.txt); do
    ipset -A blacklist $ip
iptables -A FORWARD -m set --match-set blacklist dst -j DROP ...
Score: 0
Aladdin avatar
AWS set ec2 instance as unhealthy if specific service is down
sk flag

I have couple of instances part of ASG, these are worker ec2 instances not exposed to the public, there is a systemctl service initialized via user-data, sometimes initializing the service fails for a reason or another.

When such case happens I need a way to set the instance is unhealthy so that the ASG replaces it.

I thought if having cronjob running inside the ec2 instance or lambda function and t ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.