Latest Server related questions

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Sudoo avatar
Crontab not working as expected
kr flag


i configured script in crontab to run every 10 minutes and its not working at all. I dont see any entry in configured log path (/var/log/cron)

"*/10 * * * *"

However if i change crontab syntax to following:

"* * * * *"

It executing script every 10 minutes. I see that in configured log path Crond is running, it even has been restarted. No errors in cron log  ...

Score: 0
homecrow avatar
local pc as ssh proxy between to other server
um flag

I have the following problem, I have two servers A & B
Server A needs access to a software repo but cannot reach it.
Server B has access to the repo
Server A can not reach server B and vice versa.

My client (C) can reach both A and B via SSH.
But A and B cannot reach C.

How can I set up an SSH tunnel from C that allows A to access the desired repo via B?
Score: 0
user3782114 avatar
nginx forwading request to different url with load balancing
au flag

I am new to nginx, I am using it for request forwarding purpose, each incoming request is getting forwarded to another server/url below is my configuration :

    http {
        include       mime.types;
        default_type  application/octet-stream;
        sendfile on;  
        keepalive_timeout  65;
        server {
            listen       8008 ssl;
            listen       localhost: ...
Score: 1
nkirchho avatar
Before-queue Content Filter won't inject data back to Postfix
cn flag

I have been building a before-queue filter with Postfix on NodeJS to retrieve the data from outgoing mails, remove the attachments, upload them on a CDN and inject back the URLs in the outgoing mail.

So far, nothing too complicated, I guess, as Postfix supports doing this via the Before-Queue Content Filter.

After implementing the filter and following the Postfix documentation, I am able to retri ...

Score: 0
wiltomap avatar
php command not found after PHP8 install on OpenSUSE Leap 15.4
cn flag

I have upgraded my OpenSUSE Leap from 15.3 to 15.4.

I then want to upgrade PHP from version 7 to version 8. Before upgrade, PHP version is:

server:~ # php -v
PHP 7.4.33 (cli) (built: Nov  3 2022 12:00:00) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
  with Zend OPcache v7.4.33, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

I first started with a classic installation:

Score: 0
JoyBuggy avatar
Rewrite subdirectory to root (Apache)
se flag

We have a mod_rewrite question here about going from subdirectory to "root"

Here are a few strings :

  • /fr/spil/spil-til-pc/steam/publisher/dovetail-games
  • /fr/spil/franchise/little-nightmares/little-nightmares-complete-edition
  • /fr/spil/franchise/south-park/south-park-the-fractured-but-whole-gold-edition

This is just a few of the paths, what we like to do is to "remove" the subdirectory and take the last ...

Score: 1
Sinauwae avatar
AWS S3 Bucket Static Website Index/ Home Access Denied
ae flag

So i have problem with AWS S3 Bucket Static when i try to access my domain without filename.

http://customdomain/ >> Error access denied

http://customdomain/index.html >> normal

but it's normal when i access it with default endpoint like >>normal

what is the problem n solution? thank you

Score: 0
Dev avatar
Increasing memory giving error in VMware ESXi
yt flag

I'm getting this error when I tried to increase the memory of a VM in VMware ESXi

Failed to reconfigure virtual machine XXX. Unable to access file [VMS] XXX/boot.vmdk

boot.vmdk is already exist but still I'm getting this error.

  • VMWARE ESXi version is: 6.7.0 Update 2
  • Running DellEMC Customized version of VMware ESXi Image
Score: 0
山河以无恙 avatar
Virtual machine startup error, file system corruption how to, reboot
ss flag

My virtual machine had a power failure and forced shutdown, when I restarted it, it entered rescue mode and reported the following error, I want to know how I should start it, there is some information in it that I need

[23.8678251XFS(sda1): Metadata corruption detected at xfs_agf_read_verify+8
×78/0×128[ xfs], xfs_agf block 8x1
[23.071343] XFS(sda1): Unmount and run xfs_repair
[23.072926] XFS(sda ...
Score: 0
mbakhiet avatar
SCP to an EC2 instance is failing but SSH works
ba flag

I'm trying to scp a jar file to an EC2 instance that hosts a service I'm working on. I'm able to ssh into that EC2 instance without issue. When I attempt to scp the file with the following command:

scp -vvv foo.jar instance-id:/tmp/

I'm prompted for a password and then get the following output after I authenticate

debug1: Authentication succeeded (password).
Authenticated to <instance id> ( ...
Score: 0
Vincent Dapiton avatar
Modular Dependency in my Docker "dnf module enabled -y php:7.4 php-oci8"
br flag

So I'm running a command dnf module enabled -y php:7.4 php-oci8 but I'm getting a Modular Dependency Problem, this was not an issue before.

 Problem: module php-oci8:21c:8060020221011134100:34611983.x86_64 requires module(php:8.0), but none of the providers can be installed
  - module php:7.4:8030020200615123046:a4870ff1.x86_64 conflicts with module(php:8.0) provided by php:8.0:8060020211215065547:0a326c8 ...
Score: 1
T-House avatar
Can't configure unique IPs in Parallels VMs
bd flag

I have 4 VMs running Ubuntu within Parallels (host machine is OS X). I am trying to set up SSH so that I can SSH into them, but I can't connect to them individually. They are all reporting the same IP with ip -a. I've tried it with both the Shared and Bridged networking modes, and get the same thing both times. They all have unique hostnames, but if I try to connect via hostname from OS X, the hostna ...

Score: 1
Lev avatar
Systemd maximum number of services
io flag

Is there is a limit on how many services I can create with systemd? Let's assume I'm installing the service units into ~/.config/systemd/user/ or /etc/systemd/system/. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Score: 0
Prado avatar
How to connect overlapping VNets in Azure?
us flag

I am working on an Azure-based networking solution.

enter image description here

We have a typical hub and spoke VNets topology. The Hub VNet connects to on-prem DC via ExpressRoute and spoke VNets peer to Hub VNet. There is an Azure Firewall in the Hub that filters traffic between Hub-spokes and hub-on-prem segments. GREEN in the diagram

We have a bizarre requirement of adding a new isolated VNet (RED in the diagram) that wi ...

Score: 0
Sam Goldberg avatar
Nginx config: Block access to common url across multiple virtual hosts
cn flag

I've just inherited a server running nginx with many Wordpress sites on it. We've just discovered we are getting constant hacking attacks on xmlrpc.php across all the WordPress sites.

Our nginx is configured with multiple config files and nested includes. Each web site is a virtual host and has its own config file.

For example:

    /etc/nginx/nginx.conf: (top level)
       include ...
Score: 0
phantomflash avatar
Can't sync to OneNote files moved from local SharePoint to the cloud SharePoint
de flag

I have searched on the web, and not found any description of anyone dealing with this exact problem.

We had our own SharePoint site, including a OneNote notebook with lots of documentation. We moved the whole site to the cloud, on But I had the Windows OneNote app running, using it every day, and somehow didn't realize it wouldn't know the files had been moved. After a long time I ...

Score: 0
andymi avatar
Chrome without headless and GUI
pr flag

When I run Chrome with --headlees attribute then browser dosn't requare GUI, but for my application need run Chrome without headless mode becouse app dosn't work under headless. Maybe there is way run Chrome without X server?

Score: 1
handle avatar
Apache mod_rewrite RewriteRule loops despite L flag
ru flag

I am trying to achieve that similar URLs (e.g. "/anystuff.htm") are externally redirected to "/something" which internally is "something.html". But the following rules cause a loop instead of stopping, i.e. "something" is matched

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^something$ something.html [L]
RewriteRule ^(some|thing|any|stuff).*/?$ /something [L, R=301,NC]

But it seems th ...

Score: 0
Rob Mosher avatar
Simulate Outage on primary SQL Server in Azure Failover Group
in flag

I have a SQL Server with SQL Database in Azure that is replicated to a secondary SQL Server with a Failover Group. We have some functionality in code to redirect failed read requests to the secondary in cases where the primary is inaccessible but hasn't failed over to the secondary yet.

How can I create transient failures on the primary database to test our redirection code?

These tests will be run  ...

Score: 0
jimmi4u avatar
port forward ssh from traefik reverse proxy on docker to a k3s container
kh flag

I'm running a k3s cluster (1 master + 2 workers) and a docker traefik container on the same host (master). The traefik docker container is actually doing the reverse proxy stuff for tls which is working already on ports 80 and 443 for my different subdomains. I'm trying to get ssh working (for only one subdomain) too but without success so far.

  • port 22 is open through ufw allow (on Ubuntu 22.04)
  •  ...
Score: 0
timarion avatar
CRON Job to delete files (not folders) with specific extensions within a folder and subfolders
kr flag

I need a cron job that will delete all files with these extensions (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .pdf) in a folder (including files in subfolders, but not the subfolders themselves) twice a day. I'm using Dreamhost which allows you to customize the frequency within their UI, so I believe I just need the command.

Because the files can take a minute or two to get processed upon upload for extra safety it wou ...

Score: 0
pierre fro avatar
Amazon Linux 2 SSL setup with Godaddy subdomain Certificate
iq flag

I have two sites and on a Amazon Linux 2 instance. I used a Loadbalancer and a godaddy certifcate with subdomains site1 and site2 but for cost reasons wanted to get rid of the loadbalancer and install the certifcate directly on the machine. I managed that.. but now the sites only show the Apache boilerplate page.. and not the content in my var/www/html/site1 and sit ...

Score: 0
srluccasonline avatar
How do web clients access vpn protected servers?
ky flag

I'm not talking about joining the VPN network through a client like OpenVPN, I'm talking about the user's connection to the VPN server, for example:

Normal flow: Web Client >>>> Server (No VPN)

Server flow with VPN:

Web Client >>> [ Reverse Proxy ? / Gateway ? ] <<<< VPN >>> Server

I know it's a good practice to leave the servers in a VPN, so that failures of each ...

Score: 0
wirelessben avatar
How do I remount /home as the ec2-user in Ansible?
in flag

I can manually remount /home as the ec2-user by executing these three lines:

$ cd /
$ exec sudo -i
# mount -a

How do I do this in Ansible without rebooting?

Edit: /home is on a separate volume. No other users are on the box. The cd / removes usage of /home. The exec sudo -i kills the ec2-user process, which was using /home, and leaves me logged in as root. Now I can unmount and mount home without p ...

Score: 0
night-gold avatar
GIt lfs on s3 using gitea can't clone
fr flag

We are doing a test install of gitea and trying to use the gitea lfs to s3 feature. The configuration is straightforward and we did it like that:

#PATH = /opt/gitea/data/lfs
MINIO_LOCATION = us-east-1

That works,  ...

Score: 1
DevelJoe avatar
Setup Authentication for landingpage fetching data from proxy via access restriction?
in flag

Imagine the scenario where you have a client who wants you to implement calls to an external API on a landingpage that you've setup for them. The external API works based on a contract and API keys which are obtained through that contract; hence you must not expose the API keys in fetch() calls from your frontend.

You thus now have the mandate to implement a Docker instance which acts as an intermediary ...

Score: 3
Pierre avatar
How to repair zsysctl after manually deleting snapshots with `zfs destroy`?
pm flag

I am running Linux Mint 20.3 with ZFS (including for /). Up until very recently, whenever I installed or removed packages, it would also create a snapshot so that I could select it when booting to revert a change that might have broken the system.

But it seems there is a limitation of this system, where it can't cope with a large (1200+) number of snapshots. I can't find the issue anymore, but it sugges ...

Score: 0
IndyDevGuy avatar
How to configure a /27 subnet on vlan Centos 7
cn flag

I have a dedicated server running Centos 7. I purchased a /27 subnet from my hosting provider. They said: "Your /27 subnet should be acceptable over vlan-interface with tag 18."

I asked them if they could configure the interface for me but they said they are not familiar with my OS. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to do this either. Everything I've tried has bricked my network interface.

Any help or  ...

Score: 0
ICT Teacher avatar
Setting up LAN gateway for school club network - "No subnet declaration for enp3s0"
ms flag

I am a computing teacher, I am trying to setup a "sandbox" network with internet access for an after school computing club.

I have an old PC (Debian 11 installation) with 2 ethernet interfaces, one interface is connected to the standard school network. This is used to be used to transfer internet traffic to the second interface. The second interface will provide dhcp & internet to a small cla ...

Score: 0
BiMi avatar
Identify the profiles stored in S3 Bucket?
gy flag

New to this, and new to AWS in general.
Currently reviewing the profiles in S3 bucket to identify which ones can be deleted.

it is not easy to identify whom it belongs to as its a SHA256 generated code.
enter image description here

Is there an easy way to identify what is the email hidden behind it? Otherwise, I need to convert a lot of emails to hash and compare that way ... long process.

Kindly note, ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.