Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
pilog avatar
Can't ping Openstack guest VM from other machines in the provider network - are there FW rules lacking?
sd flag

Can't ping Openstack guest VM from another machine in the provider network.

I have a small setup of Openstack Zed on Ubuntu 22.04. A control host, a compute host and one host "external" in the same networks used by Openstack (management and provider). The 3 hosts are VMs in Oracle Virtual Box (Network bridged, Promiscuous allowed for all, Nested VMs allowed)

----+-------------------+-----provider-ne ...
Score: 0
user850498 avatar
How to snapshot a local Ubuntu machine
in flag

I have an old laptop with an external HDD as a home server. The server runs Ubuntu 22.04. It is my DNS server (pi-hole), file server (smb), a web server for local sites, a bunch of python scripts on corn, and much more.

I have an additional identical laptop and external HDD. I would like to backup my entire server: my files, but also configs, cronjobs, python libraries, and stored web credentials ...

Score: 2
Victoria Ivanov avatar
how to generate terraform code of existing AWS EKS cluster?
lu flag

I created EKS cluster on my AWS account, finished all necessary configurations, the environment is working as expected. Now I would like to generate terraform code to have a possibility to create another EKS by request from app. Is it possible to generate terraform code from existing EKS cluster, did anyone have experience of that?... thanks in advance!

Score: 0
Matt Welander avatar
htaccess rewrite rule not applied when in A2HS/PWA mode?
th flag

My symfony5 application serves up a microsoft azure SSO link up front, and it works great through the browser. When a user opts to add my app to their iOS homescareen however, there is a problem.

Here is my htaccess config

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/public/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ public/$1

This makes the public/ level of my folder structure invisible, so that URIs f ...

Score: 2
guettli avatar
Create JSON Patch 6902 from two yaml/json files
cn flag

Imagine I have a file foo.yaml and a modified version of this file called foo2.yaml.

Is there a way to create a correspondig json patch 6902?

Score: 0
Ofek Shilon avatar
Windows11, WSL2: Unable to uninstall ubuntu 20
bd flag

My ubuntu installation over WSL2 is a mess and I wish to start over. Per online instructions I uninstalled all 'Ubuntu' apps, and installed the latest one (22): enter image description here

But in Terminal, previous Ubuntu installations still appear (with all their disk contents): enter image description here

How do I actually uninstall them?

Score: 1
GoldFrite avatar
Setup a streaming server
aq flag

I would like to setup a streaming server, with RTMP and HLS protocols (and with Nginx). For that, I have a VPS (running Debian). I succeed to make everything works, but I still have an important security problem: anyone can use my server to stream with, without streaming key or other passwords.

So here is my problem: I would like to setup a server as it follows.

  • RTMP encoding an ingetsion requiring a si ...
Score: 0
Tomás Figueiredo avatar
Authentication error in trunking between two asterisk
eg flag

i'm creating a connection between two asterisk servers. I want only make calls from right side server to left side server, but i receive an authentication error. I can´t find the problem.

The Error



Score: 1
Gelunox avatar
Recover storage spaces pool
ph flag

I've got an old 5x5TB storage pool that I am convinced I set up with two-way parity at the time but now it seems is actually just one-way parity that right now refuses to function anymore. One disk failed as I was preparing to backup all the data, and another now refuses to attach.

PS> get-storagepool -isprimordial 0 | get-physicaldisk

Number FriendlyName SerialNumber MediaType CanPool Operatio ...
Score: 0
Ajit Panday avatar
How to check logs in google workspace?
np flag

I have google workspace account which has 24 users in a single domain, I want to check logs of a particular user. I followed this blog post but it has limited informations. Can anyone guide me on this.

Score: 0
C-nan avatar
Vault init-container not injected into Pod with Kubernetes
sa flag

I have the following (very basic) StatefulSet in Kubernetes:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx
    app: nginx
  - port: 80
    name: web
  clusterIP: None
    app: nginx
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: web
  serviceName: "nginx"
  replicas: 1
      app: nginx
    metada ...
Score: 0
alienobserver avatar
VNC connection through SSH
is flag

I have a problem, I need to establish a VNC connection with ssh, so I can have remote desktop (graphical) access to my server. I tried doing it with Remmina and it was asking me for some ssh key, but I only have the hostname and password of my server.

Score: 0
Aref avatar
How can I implement k8s cluster with openstack magnum while openstack api is limited on public api?
vu flag

We have a private deployment of OpenStack and we have another service in front of it to do all API calls.

In OpenStack magnum k8s deployment, the heat container agent is using os-collect-config to access to public API of heat and the k8s cloud manager to talk directly via API. in our scenario we don't provide direct API access. could you please tell me how can I manage this kind of scenario?

the fro ...

Score: 1
etnguyen03 avatar
Remove physical volume from LVM volume group without erasing data
np flag

I have a volume group:

$ vgdisplay
  --- Volume group ---
  VG Name               Ethan-PC
  System ID             
  Format                lvm2
  Metadata Areas        2
  Metadata Sequence No  19
  VG Access             read/write
  VG Status             resizable
  MAX LV                0
  Cur LV                2
  Open LV               1
  Max PV                0
  Cur PV                2
  Ac ...
Score: 0
Anton A avatar
postfix + dovecot error: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from localhost[]:
cn flag

I setup a postfix/dovecot outgoing only mailing setup for my new mastodon instance.

My mail log:

Nov 20 04:51:57 simplysocial postfix/smtpd[23374]: connect from localhost[]
Nov 20 04:51:57 simplysocial postfix/smtpd[23374]: warning: unknown smtpd restriction: "spermit_sasl_authenticated"
Nov 20 04:51:57 simplysocial postfix/smtpd[23374]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from localhost[]: 451 4. ...
Score: 1
Tuaris avatar
How do the TLD DNS servers handle so many zone file updates?
cn flag

I've always wondered how the DNS infrastructure for (say a .com) TLD is designed. It must not only be able to maintain a high level of reliably, but also support high amounts of real-time updates to the records.

I would assume that ISC's BIND is used at that level. I have a fairly clear picture on how someone would build scalable infrastructure using BIND. The part I am unclear on is how would ...

Score: 2
Pascal de Sélys avatar
create a self-signed certificate for a subdomain, the main domain does not belong to me
cn flag

I have my internet box provider who offers me a free subdomain to connect to my network, ex:

I have generated a self-signed certificate for the subdomain I tried to install it in windows but it does not validate my certificate NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID

Is it possible to generate a self-signed certificate on a subdomain and the main domain name does not bel ...

Score: 0
Oben Sonne avatar
How to get information about an instantiated systemd service after it exited
tg flag

For regular systemd services it is possible to retrieve information about the most recent run via systemctl show .... I'm interested in state change time stamps (mainly when started and stopped). This works fine:

$ systemctl show -p ExecMainStartTimestamp,ExecMainExitTimestamp some-service
ExecMainStartTimestamp=Thu 2022-11-10 09:45:42 UTC
ExecMainExitTimestamp=Thu 2022-11-10 09:45:46 UTC

For insta ...

Score: 0
Logister avatar
Kubelet node not found
us flag

I'm trying to set up a kubernetes cluster. My kubeadm init times out with The kubelet is unhealthy due to a misconfiguration of the node in some way. Looking at Kubelet I find that is continuously reporting Container runtime network not ready, Error getting node, and Nameserver limits exceeded.

Looking around for similar problems and I find that existing solutions for similar problems dont work or don ...

Score: 0
1n4ho12 avatar
How to redirect all HTTP traffic to a proxy server?
gp flag

I am looking to redirect all HTTP traffic to a proxy server and the these iptables commands doesn't work:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp –dport 80 -j DNAT –to-destination
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp –dport 80 -j REDIRECT –to-ports 3128

Error message:

iptables v1.8.4 (legacy): unknown option "-m"
Score: 0
Nuro007 avatar
Accessing more properties of Local Security Policy with powershell
va flag

I want to modify any property that is in secpol.msc > Security settings > Account Policies. Microsoft unfortunately only gives support for a few of them, so there are still properties that I can't access.

For the Account Policies for example, only the following are aviable to change via net accounts

[/FORCELOGOFF:{minutes | NO}]  
Score: 0
Navid Nabavi avatar
Openstack Helm OVN deplyment
in flag

I'm trying to deploy OpenStack using Helm. I'm searching to find a way to deploy OpenStack with OVN utilities. But the only things I found in helm files are three lines about it while I see many differences in their architectures there is nothing about OVN modules in neutron deamonset pods. I just found:

# networking_ovn.l3.l3_ovn.OVNL3RouterPlugin for OVN


# mechnism_drivers can be: openvswit ...
Score: 0
outstore avatar
Nginx : Get last value of URL
vc flag

I am posting here because I have not found an answer to the following problem.

I have the following url:

and I need to keep only 5852555.pdf to pass this value to http://localhost:3001/download.php?file=5852555 .

For now, I have the following configuration:

location ~* ^/archives/([0-9]+)\.(txt|rtf|doc|docx|pdf)$ {
      proxy_pass http://localhost:300 ...
Score: 0
Codemonkey avatar
Can't stop/restart MariaDB after a server ran out of disk space?
ml flag

Using CentOS Stream release 8.

I've made space, but my site still responds with Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused in /var/www/sites/mysite/inc/DB.php

I've had similar issues before and a systemctl restart mysql would normally fix it, but that just appears to hang, doing nothing for minutes on end. Same with systemctl stop mysql.

Should I assume it's doing s ...

Score: 0
SomeDudeSomewhere avatar
Why does ASG for Target Group keep adding Targets with port 80 when all I have are containers with Dynamic Mapping? (ECS running Rails app)
ng flag

Current setup is a Target Group with an Auto Scaling Group providing the instances for an ELB (Application Type).

This strange behavior is happening, as soon an instance is added, it has this port 80; whereas all the containers are using dynamic mapping. Obviously this port 80 becomes unhealthy right away, sometimes it's the same instance of a healthy target, but the health check fails on an inst ...

Score: -1
Salar avatar
why gmail smtp reply message size limit is different
vi flag

According to google documentations with following link , message size limitation for inbound emails is 50 MB but as i was testing gmail smtp server there was a reply as follow:

220 ESMTP p14-20020a7bcc8e000000b003c6f289e99esi5592406wma.88 - gsmtp
ehlo at your service, []
250-SIZE 157286400
250-8BITMI ...
Score: 1
untagged traffic must become tagged traffic after passing through the bridge
ge flag

I'm trying to achieve something simple.

I have a machine which has a single physical port enp89s0. this is connected to the native VLAN (VLAN=1).

I need to create VMs and place them on a separate VLAN=166.

In order to not specify the interface name of the machines in the systemd networkd, I have created a bridge and connect VMs there.

This bridge has as uplink an vlan interface eth.166 which is connecte ...

Score: 0
Anton A avatar
how to send test email with sendmail
cn flag

I've setup the FQDN in /etc/hosts: hostname.domain hostname localhost
  • however if I run hostname it returns the FQDN?? is something wrong here?

Then ran: sendmailconfig

I've used this to test: echo "Subject: hello" | sendmail -v [email protected] < mail.txt But i can't sucessfully send... It hangs like this:

root@debianxx:~# echo "Subject: hello" | sendmail -v [email protected] &lt ...
Score: 0
user3782114 avatar
nginx windows load balancing very slow for single request
au flag

I have been using nginx with load balancing for request forwarding purpose, each incoming request will be forwarded to ip/domain defined in upstream, below is my configuration :

    worker_processes  1;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    include       mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream; 
    log_format post_logs escape=none '[$time_local] $realip_remote_addr  ...
Score: 1
peppy avatar
Nginx + + Nodejs: How to configure on custom path
gb flag
Ubuntu 22.04
Nginx: 1.23.2
Nodejs: 12.22.9 2.0.3

I had a basic Node.js chat room built in Apache2, but I migrated everything over to Ngnix and I'm having problems trying to get the chat room working again. I am trying to get my chat app working as directory /cnode2/ rather than the root URL (as I have other apps).

When I try loading the page, I am getting this error:

WebSocket connection to ' ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.