Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
giosh94mhz avatar
Postifix: use myorigin=$myhostname for local email and myorigin=$mydomain for trusted networks
fr flag

I have a postfix instance configured for address rewriting which allow canonicalization of from header.

Current (required?) configurations

This are the relevant configurations:

# Basic conf
myhostname = hostname.example.test
mydomain = example.test
mynetworks =,
myorigin = $mydomain
mydestination =

# Rewrite options
append_at_myorigin = yes
local_header_rewrite_clients = permit_m ...
Score: 0
Mojo78 avatar
Apache 2.4: ProxyPassMatch prevents mod_rewrite?
do flag

I try to setup a new development-environment in docker, with:

  • Bitnami Apache 2.4 - bitnami/apache:2.4
  • Bitnami PHP 8.0 - bitnami/php-fpm:8.0
  • Bitnami Mysql 5.7 - bitnami/mysql:5.7

The whole thing is up and running fine, except:

In my vhost.conf i redirect php-files to php-fcgi with ProxyPassMatch:

LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/
ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ fcgi://php:90 ...
Score: 1
Jaguards database configured incorrectly
in flag

After following the steps given in the README of the open source tool provided by Jaguards, I always get the "Database configured incorrectly" warning icon, and can't manage to login with the default credentials, or worse, a "checkDB error : 500 The call failed on the server; see server log for details" popup.

Steps followed :

  • Install a tomcat serve ...
Score: 0
boog avatar
Simple NTFS/permissions q
kz flag

Say I would like to only allow domain admins write permissions to a folder, and disallow everyone else.

If I set write permissions for domain admins, but then read-only for 'authenticated users', which takes precedence?

Does the domain admins write permission trump the authenticated users read-only permission? Or will the domain admins be unable to write because domain admins are included in authent ...

Score: 0
Eldar Omerovic avatar
Ufw not showing open port
kz flag

I'm new to linux and I use ufw to open / close ports on my Debian 11 VPS.

If I use ufw stauts verbose I get the following list of open ports:

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
25565                      ALLOW IN    Anywhere                  
21                         ALLOW IN    Anywhere                  
22                         ALLOW IN    Anywher ...
Score: 0
RainerZufall avatar
Block by IP via Linux Traffic Control
bh flag

i have 2 PtP Interfaces and i am using TC to realize some simple Passthrough setup. I am mirroring the traffic from the incoming if to the outgoing if like so

tc filter add dev <ingress_if> parent ffff: protocol all prio 2 u32 match u32 0 0 flowid 1:1 action mirred egress mirror dev <egress_if>

now i want to be able to block traffic based on src/dst ip or Port. How would i do that using TC ...

Score: 1
Limit systemd service manual restart rate
in flag

I have a system where a service (nginx for example) is sometimes restarted excessively by 'systemd restart nginx' (as result from other scripts, eg. to apply a new configuration or rotate logs).

Even when restarting a service "manually" this way, systemd fails with restart rate limit. Also it is not useful to restart nginx 10 times in a certain second of course.

So how to limit the services manual r ...

Score: 0
OpenVPN over PPPoE with DDNS
uz flag

I have a router (tp-link AX5400 with vpn support) that is connected to internet over PPPoE. The server has a built in open vpn server. I linked a DDNS to the router and enabled openvpn server but cannot connect to it. Is it possible the PPPoE can be the source of the problem?

Thanks !

Score: 0
user3142695 avatar
How to configure /etc/resolv.conf in my kube-flannel-ds pods of a k8s cluster?
cn flag

I'm running a kubernetes cluster (bare metal; v1.23) with one master and three workers. I'm using flannel (v0.19.2) for pod network.

In my syslog I see errors like: Nameserver limits were exceeded, some nameservers have been omitted, the applied nameserver line is: 2a03:4000:8000::fce6, which has its origin in the kube-flannel-ds pods. Inside of the pods I see:

$ cat /etc/resol ...
Score: 0
qknight avatar
How to assign incremental exif creation date(s) in JPEG images on a series on images exported from Power Point with filenames as Folie1, Folie2,
in flag


I wanted to create a fotobook of a power point presentation with 84 pages but the import of would create a random order of pages then as it did not follow the image names nor the creation date of the image.

This is the files after the export in PP:


However, I noticed that this platform uses the EXIF creation date field to ...

Score: 0
astroengineer avatar
Block access for IP for custom URL (query_string)
vi flag

nginx 1.19.9

I have URLs like this


and I need to block some IP. How do I do this?

Score: 0
Dave avatar
Openvpn comunity setup ldap
hk flag

I have got installed openvpn server on my debian virtual machine. Evrything it's OK,but now I want conenct this server to the windows active directory. I not found any working manual for this task. Unfortunately I don't have Access server, for which I found lot of configuration.

Can you help me please? Thank you very much

Score: 0
Spider999 avatar
Nginx works with IP address but not URL for home page, gives too many redirections error
ir flag

I have spent the last 2 days going over a lot of questions like this but I can't seem to understand what I am doing wrong or if for some reason my case is just different.

So yes I know this is a common question but I feel I have exhausted all other options before posting this question.

I have a site "" fake site, but it is good for the point of this explanation.

I also have a data kee ...

Score: 1
jaafar Nasrallah avatar
kubectl not getting all pods
ch flag

I am using Google Cloud Platform, and I have two different kubernetes clusters running on GKE. Now these clusters are zonal clusters, and are running on different zones. the issue is when I am using the cloud shell, kubectl get pods is getting pods from another cluster. I have used kubectl config set-cluster xxx to set the cluster, but still, the other pods are showing only.

Score: 0
Rahul Raj avatar
AWS Beanstalk - Website refreshing infinitely during scale up
io flag

I have a configuration in my Elastic Beanstalk where the maximum number of instances can be "3" and minimum is 1.

When the website is running with just one ec2 instance, it loads without any issues. When the website receives traffic and it scale up to more than 1 instance, then the website gets into an infinite refresh loop. I had some testing and this happens irrespective of the underlying code  ...

Score: 0
Johnny Sheppard avatar
OpenShift - Docker Rate Limit and Regular Pulls
ag flag

I am learning how to use OpenShift but I have a problem with my cluster that I haven't found an answer to.

Every hour one of the nodes from the cluster makes about 8 pull requests to Docker Hub. I can't work out why or how to stop it.

The other issue is, it's making these pull requests anonymously and affecting the office Docker Hub Rate Limit. I've added account details to the pull-secret secret that' ...

Score: 0
Roberto avatar
openvpn: Monitoring gateway usage
in flag


Is there any way to determine if the openvpn server is being used "as intended" by everyone? Company rule is to only allow the local network through the vpn, not the "full" internet. But sometimes some users set it up wrong and as far as I know you can't even force this from the server side, right? So I'd like to at least monitor it.

Score: 0
RK-Rohan avatar
554 5.7.1 Relay access denied postfix
na flag

I have facing problem with send email from cyberpanel rainloop. i'm testing on mx toolbox, its show

Status Ok   SMTP Reverse DNS Mismatch   OK - resolves to
Status Ok   SMTP Valid Hostname OK - Reverse DNS is a valid Hostname
Status Ok   SMTP Banner Check   OK - Reverse DNS matches SMTP Banner
Status Ok   SMTP TLS    OK - Supports TLS.
Status Ok   SMTP Connection T ...
Score: 0
raghav18185 avatar
Openstack VM not accessible from Local network
km flag

I am new to Openstack and trying to deploy Openstack environment to instantiate VM for Customer Demo. I am able to instantiate VM and multiple VM are able to PING/SSH each other from console (accessed from Horizon) but i am not able to reach to these VM directly.

Looks i am doing something wrong but not able to figure it out yet. My setup is as below :

HW -> HP Proliant G10 ( 72 vCPU, 256Gb Ram,  ...

Score: 1
Elham Khan avatar
Windows server shared printer appears on search but doesnt exist on server
ca flag

A deleted printer HER_W001 appears on AD search, filtered by location HER

AD Search

Although this printer doesn't exist on the server anymore.

Print Management

How to solve this?

Score: 0 avatar
Connect to Cloud SQL from Google Cloud Functions
bs flag

I have a few already deployed and running functions that use a custom VPC connector (projects/dc-****/locations/us-east1/connectors/serverless-vpc-dev-use), then I created a Cloud SQL from scratch with only the public IP.

I've been able to connect to this Cloud SQL Instance using the cloud_sql_proxy, but I could not connect to it from my Cloud Functions using the same Cloud SQL public IP.

What am I miss ...

Score: 0
Max avatar
Store API keys for our API
ng flag

I'm building an HTTP API with API gateway and want to use API keys for authentication. Since they aren't supported by HTTP APIs, I plan on verifying them manually in a Lambda function.

Where would the best way to store these keys be? I'd rather not spin up a db just for this. I thought about just using parameter store because they will (for the moment) only be used internally and we need to store ...

Score: 0
SiBrit avatar
"Unknown token received from SQL Server" errors since recent Windows Updates
ae flag

I posted a question to Stack Overflow about this error when it started occurring for our older Delphi 7 applications on Windows 10.

It is now happening on Windows Server 2012 R2 systems that had these recent updates:

  • KB5020690
  • KB5019958
  • KB5020023
  • KB5020010
  • KB5020680

We uninstalled KB5019958, thinking it was the most likely culprit, but that didn't fix the issue. Rolling back all 5 updates did fi ...

Score: -1
Andrew Campi avatar
List all active devices in different subnets?
se flag

My company has a class A network that contains various subnets. I need to automate a way to produce a list of all online devices (in all the subnets). To start, just a list of responsive private IPs would be great.

I like using arp-scan which is great for my subnet. However, ARP is not routable, so it does not work for going across to other subnets.

Maybe some kind of ping sweep using nmap? It can't ...

Score: 0
Pierre-Olivier L'Espérance avatar
I want to serve https for my python flaskrestful API nginx and waitress server with docker on AWS ec2 ubuntu
mt flag

my api serve http trafic fine, but when I try to serve https it simply does not work. I try generating .pem .key files with certbot but when I run this line

sudo certbot --nginx -d

it doesn't allow it because of some certbot policy probly to do with AWS server or idk.

so I also try to redirect https to http by writing in the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file by adding these lines

server {
li ...
Score: 0
JLG avatar
pf rule for NATting multiple VPN interfaces, how to exclude two physical interfaces?
cn flag

Situation: VPN server, hosting OpenVPN and L2TP connections. OpenVPN connections share a "utun" interface, one per OpenVPN server process. L2TP connections each get a unique "ppp" interface. The easiest way to capture all of the potential interface permutations for NAT is a pf rule like this:

nat on en0 from ! (en0) to any -> (en0:0)

That works great. Except now the server has a second physica ...

Score: 1
BenJ avatar
Nginx won't serve for anything but
gr flag

According to the nginx documentation, the server block below should work for both and

server {

listen 443 ssl;

ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/joycegroup_org_chain.crt;

ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/joycegroup_org.key;

root /var/www/joycegroup_org/;


location / {
index index.html index.htm index ...
Score: 0
Ezioadf2 avatar
nginx config for mirror nor working
mp flag

i want mirror some websocket requst to port 7000 but this config not wrorking, i dont know what's reasson.

worker_processes 1;
events {
    worker_connections 1024;
http { 
    server {
        listen 5000;

        location / {
            mirror /mirror;
            proxy_pass http://something//;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_head ...
Score: 1
Darwick avatar
ip6tables state does not allow http connection outside LAN
sc flag

I have a Debian 11 machine acting as a router (machine A) for IPv6 with WAN (bond0) and LAN (bond1) interface and another Debian 11 machine (machine B) connected to its LAN interface. This setup works correctly as expected, until I setup the firewall rules in machine A:

ip6tables -A FORWARD -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
ip6tables -A FORWARD -p ipv6-icmp -j ACCEPT
ip6tables -P F ...
Score: 0
Dominik Spiertz avatar
Installation of e2fsprogs under ubuntu breaks because of ./usr/bin/chattr
ma flag

I have been running into an issue with the package of e2fsprogs under ubuntu for weeks. It keeps me from installing updates to my system and to upgrade the system.

I am using Ubuntu 18.04 on my server. All updates are blocked because of the required installation of e2fsprogs that blocks e2fsprogs-l10n.

If I try to run the installation, if breaks with E: Sub-Process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.