Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
Pacemaker fence_drac5 agent ... cannot see where to specify password
nl flag

I am setting up a pacemaker cluster with two nodes on Ubuntu Server 22.04.

Both are Dell servers with a fully licensed idrac module, so I would like to use the drac5 stonith agent to make the cluster happy without a third node. The problem is that I cannot seem to figure out how to specify a password for the agent. Password is simply not a config option in either the pcsd GUI or with "pcs resou ...

Score: 0
BiMi avatar
AWS S3 > Life Cycle Policy > to delete S3 bucket profiles not utilised over 3 months?
gy flag

I am looking into possibility to setup a policy to delete the profiles within S3 bucket that have not been used over 3+ months. Is that possible and where would I setup?

Would appreciate your guidance.

Score: 0
Max Muster avatar
is there a postfix relocation service?
se flag

since i am running out of disk space on my debian server, i bought a usb raid and mounted it in the system under "/raid". I now want to move the whole postfix email directory "/var/vmail" to "/raid/var/vmail". I could now change in the following files


the directory, but I remember from before that there was a  ...

Score: 1
Borkhuu Enkhjargal avatar
What happens if the only DC fails?
ar flag

I recently started an internship in System Administration and I am currently tasked with researching and potentially setting up an on Premise Active Directory in our company. Lets say, I am running Windows Server 2019 or 2022 on a single DC and using AD, ADDS etc. services. Using the Standard Edition with 16 Core licensing and 40 User CALs.

My first question is, what happens when the only DC fail ...

Score: 0
SScotti avatar
Issue with 'mkdir(): No space left on device" in Docker Container. Might be some other issue though?
cn flag

I have some docker containers (NGINX / PHP, MySQL, etc.) that have been running fine for years. However, recently I started seeing this error when running a PHP script in Laravel in the NGINX / PHP container.

mkdir(): No space left on device

From what I can tell, it looks like it is being thrown / generated when the web app tries to send an e-mail during the Login OTP / 2FA step, using Illuminate\Su ...

Score: 0
Joe avatar
Nginx Error after upgrading php
in flag

I have an aws server that runs some php code.

I recently upgraded to php8. Now when I access php pages on my site (for example I get a nginx error.

I look at the logs with sudo tail /var/log/nginx/error.log and I get this:

2022/11/22 10:43:23 [crit] 2309#2309: *12122 connect() to unix:/run/php-fpm/www.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while  ...

Score: 1
Arne Fallisch avatar
openLDAP config broken after Ubuntu upgrade (20.04 -> 22.04)
in flag

I have problems with openLDAP after updating from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04. If I use slapcat after the update it leads to the following error:

olcAttributeTypes: value #0 olcAttributeTypes: Duplicate attributeType:
config error processing cn={4}ppolicy,cn=schema,cn=config: olcAttributeTypes: Duplicate attributeType: ""
slapcat: bad configuration fil ...
Score: 0
user1777224 avatar
rsync --inplace does not update file
lk flag

I try to use rsync to backup a virtual box vm. This does not succeed: the disk image is not updated. I tried it on the vdi file alone as a test. The virtual machine was not running. The file is very large so I use the --inplace option to save diskspace and speed it up. I tested two ways to do this:

  1. Using a rsync daemon running on the destination.
  2. Using NFS to the same system.

The command for optio ...

Score: 0
KaliMucho avatar
How to proper dns zone config for selfhosted email server
dz flag

Looking to harden the sending authentication of my email server, I am looking for some usefull hints on the topic.

As I have in total 4 Vps Servers where emails will be send from, registration confirmation, password resets etc... aswell multiple domains, I am looking to harden the security of the email autorizations.

So I have VPS1 that is the emailserver based on IRedMail, where I configured

domain 1, ...

Score: 0
Incitu_MJ avatar
Cannot find/update firmware for IBM x3650 M2
li flag

I am trying to revive an old IBM x3650 M2 server, but am running into trouble with IMM/IPMI related to the FW being almost as old as the server itself. Server is from 2010, firmware is from '09 (UEFI) and '11 (IMM/DSA) and is running ESXi.

I checked the official supportsite (that has no firmware at all for the server) and did my best Google-fu, but have not found any useable FW download. The problem ...

Score: 1
Nafiul Alam Fuji avatar
Is it possible to use DPDK in a server with single NIC?
cn flag

I have a a server with single NIC which has 4 pci ports. I already tried DPDK binding so before binding " -s" returns this :

Network devices using kernel driver
0000:01:00.0 'OneConnect NIC (Skyhawk) 0720' if=eth0 drv=be2net unused=vfio-pci *Active*
0000:01:00.1 'OneConnect NIC (Skyhawk) 0720' if=eth1 drv=be2net unused=vfio-pci
0000:01:00.2 'OneConnect NIC (Skyhawk) 0720' if=eth2 drv ...
Score: -1
john_smith avatar
Can I connect two vpc's with one site to site vpn in same region?
ca flag

I currently have one site to site vpn connected to one vpc.

I want to add a vpc here(It's the same region),

but I want to connect the on-premise network connected through site to site vpn through site to site vpn without a separate vpn.

I think you can connect to the vpc connected to the vpn with vpc peering.

Is this possible or is there another way??

expected architecture

Score: 1
linuxpro avatar
How to reduce MySQL Server CPU usage or load?
zw flag

How to reduce MySQL Server CPU usage or load ?

Here is my.cnf :




innodb_read_io_threads ...
Score: 0
paulsm4 avatar
Microsoft Teams: how can I give read access to anybody in the organization *WITHOUT* adding them to the Teams Channel?
in flag


  • We've posted documents to an internal MS Teams Channel (e.g. .pdfs).
  • We have an IIS-based intranet web site.
  • We'd like to be able to post a link to the documents, giving anybody who can access the intranet site read-only access to the document.
  • Creating a link for "read only > anybody in the organization" does NOT work for anybody who's not a member of the Teams channel. They get an annoying ...
Score: 1
RonJohn avatar
Can't find NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER to give it Read privs on a cert
id flag

I've got SQL Server 2016 happily running under the default account NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER. Now, though, I need to give that pseudo-account read priv on a newly installed SSL Certificate.

The pseudo-account exists here:

Windows knows about it here...

But is not findable by the Add User dialog box in mmc when managing the cert:

but not here.

Is there a way to find it, or must I run SQL Server using an actual user account in this case?

Score: -1
Jonathan Wood avatar
Adding SFTP to Windows Server 2012
ug flag

I need SFTP functionality on my Windows 2012 VPS server.

According to this page, one of the prerequisites is that I'm running at least Windows Server 2019 or Windows 10 (build 1809).

My hosting company says they can migrate everything to Windows Server 2022, but there will be costs and my sites will obviously be down for a little while.

  1. Does anyone know if a SFTP server can be installed on Windows Server ...
Score: 1
Max avatar
which ECS task network mode?
ng flag

I have an Application Load Balancer in a private subnet (used by API Gateway) that targets an ECS task. I want that task to only be accessible from inside the VPC, not from the internet, but I do have to call 3rd party APIs, so I need outgoing internet access. Which network mode and configuration would be best for this?

As I see it:

  • awsvpc forces me to put my task in a private subnet and use a NAT ga ...
Score: 0
Ralph avatar
kubeadm 1.25 init failed on Debian 11 with containerd -> connection refused
aw flag

I try to init a kubernetes master node running on a Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) system with kubeadm version 1.25.4-00.

I followed the official guideline on I installed containerd and have set SystemdCgroup = true in /etc/containerd/config.toml.

      runtime_t ...
Score: 0
Tyler Durden avatar
Getting an iperf "connect failed: connection refused" error on ubuntu when running multiple threads
gw flag

I have 3 computers hooked up to a local network. I have written a python script to open a dedicated iperf server and an iperf client on separate threads. I want every computer to connect to the other 2 computers and at the same time, accept connections from the other 2 computers. For this, I am running 4 different threads (2 server threads that accept incoming client connections, 2 client threads that c ...

Score: 0
aristosv avatar
can't automate the authentication process with PowerShell on Linux
sz flag

On Debian 11, I have installed PowerShell 7.3.0. I am testing if I can run commands on a remote Windows computer. This is a simple example to get the remote computer hostname.

#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

$username = "Administrator"
$password = "passgoeshere"
$secureStringPwd = $password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList  ...
Score: 2
Juan M.Victoria avatar
Ansible: How to merge list of dictionary objects with the same key getting one dictionary element with a list of thouse different values grouped?
tc flag

I have been struggled with Ansible for a time and finally requesting for any help if possible,

Having a set of Nifi policies:

"nifi_raw_policies": [
        "action": "read",
        "group": "8c052e6c-0184-1000-0000-000072a0bb44",
        "resource": "/data/process-groups/8b6b5c9f-0184-1000-57e3-f27fc56dd4aa"
        "action": "read",
        "group": "8c0536d8-0184-1000-0000-00001 ...
Score: 0
Censored4452 avatar
Why cant i kill the task remotly through my .bat Script? [solved]
nr flag

I want to write a .bat Script, where i want to kill a task remotly from my pc on my windows server 2022.

When i try the command "taskkill /u Administrator /p mypassword /s /im Cluster_Manager.exe /f /t"

it says:

Error: The process with pid 4664 (child process of pid 2384) could not be terminated. Cause: internal error

Firewall is already disabled.

I have no idea what it could be...

Score: 0
kneethan avatar
local IIS mvc web application using windows authentication keep prompting for credentials
tc flag

I'm using windows 10 enterprise. localhost/mywebapp even not hitting home controller rather stuck on windows authentication prompt and no matter if I enter correct credential or bad credential it keep asking again and again. I'm not able to debug via code since it is not even going index controller. What is the best way to pin point the issue? I already checked IIS logs and not helpful at all. thanks in ...

Score: 0
alienobserver avatar
VNC connection via SSH for remote access
is flag

I want to connect to my remote server via VNC using ssh, the problem is I don't understand how should I do it. I am able to connect to my server through terminal with a ssh config file, and all I have in my arsenal is the server's hostname, port, password and the ssh config file. Please explain this to me, it's my first time doing something like this and I'm completly lost.

The config file looks  ...

Score: 1
RockyMountainHigh avatar
Compare state of Windows Server 2022 VSphere instances
kp flag

Apologies for the noob question regarding Windows and VSphere. I am looking to solve a problem in my current organization where we never seem to know the current state of our servers due to too many people being able to log in and make changes. While I want to move us to something like DSC (and ultimately will), I am just trying to see if there are tools that will tell me the current state of any of my  ...

Score: 0
sam23 avatar
How to locate a specific request in AWS, cloudtrail or Athena
cn flag

How locate a specific request in AWS, cloudtrail or cloudwatch?

Request on 2022-11-17T17:07:52.037Z
Request URL:
HTTP Version: HTTP/1.1
Request method: GET
Remote Address:

I am looking for a full set of headers and values, especially the X-Forwarded-For list of IPs that came with the original request, before hitting ...

Score: 0
applewil avatar
NSD single record update without full reload
km flag

I have a large zonefile (2 GB) that takes 15 minutes to load into nsd.

nsd-control reload zone

I would like to add a new record to the zonefile and avoid a full zone reload.

Is there a strategy to avoid the 15 minute reload when applying a single record update to the zonefile?

Score: 1
Henry_Parker avatar
OneDrive, can you migrate shared locations from one computer to another?
bb flag

We are migrating users to new computer, and they have around 10 different SharePoint sites. Is there a way to copy the settings to a new computer, without manually doing so.

I've looked at Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive\Accounts\Business1 but that doesn't do anything when you migrate the hive to a new machine.

Any help would be appreciated.

Score: 1
Chris Douglas avatar
Renewing oVirt certificates
be flag

When I took over from my predecessor in my current position, I inherited a bunch of machines (as you would expect). One of these was the company's oVirt hypervisor environment (on 4.3, across two servers) which he set up and I will fully admit I've never been comfortable with the innards of. Unfortunately a situation has unveiled itself that I have to deal with: namely, it seems the certificates are exp ...

Score: -1
Weylin Piegorsch avatar
mailx Set Name of Attached File
sy flag

I have a cron job, whose output I send to mailx:

# Monday morning at midnight; "mail" is symlink to "mailx"
00 00 * * mon python3 | mailx -S 'from=noreply' -s "Report" [email protected]

When the email is delivered, the script's output is in an attachment named ATT0001.bin.

We like that it attaches the output rather than puts it in the body. But: is there a way to set ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.