Latest Server related questions

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SupaMonkey avatar
Mac's searching Windows Shares yield no results
vn flag

We have a couple of clients running Macs (Ventura v13, but this was occurring since they got their M1 Mac's last year on an older version of macOS).

They can search their PC's in Finder/Spotlight without issue - however, the moment they attempt to search for something on a network mount / shared folder (hosted on Windows Server 2012 R2) - they get no results.

Specifically, in Finder, they can search ...

Score: 0
Amar172 avatar
Device not reporting to Windows Defender ATP
no flag

I ran a script to offboard the PC and onboard the PC after deleting the reg key and everything in the cyber folder using the sysInternals tools. Now that I have onboarded the PC. I have waited for just under a day. Does anyone else have any experience onboarding a PC, and how long should it take?

I have tried offboarding the PC and onboarding the PC for the second time. Furthermore, I have also t ...

Score: 0
Sacrifyser avatar
L2TP VPN disconnects after requests to NAS in VPN network
cr flag

I installed a L2TP IPsec VPN over a Unifi USG for a client of mine.

Everything works like a charm, expect one user, that tries to connect with a MacStudio. He permanently gets disconnected after he fires a request to the NAS in the VPN.

That behaviour started some weeks ago after he tried to download a large video file about 8Gbs.

Here is the ppp.log for the connection:

Mon Nov 21 16:13:35 2022 :  ...
Score: 0
Mohammed Hafiz avatar
Strongswan remote_ts as, now I can't access my vps
mo flag

I have a vps, and I tried to install a site-to-site vpn using stronswan and swanctl, I accidentally put remote_ts to and now I can't access my vps through ssh.

How can I regain access ?

Score: 0
Does splunk require K8S clusters to have unique POD IP Ranges
fr flag

I am setting up a number of kubernetes clusters in my organisation. We are using SPLUNK for monitoring. I have been told that we will need to reserve unique POD and service CDIR's for each cluster because SPLUNK requires it.

This seems strange to me so was hoping someone could clarify if it is correct?

Score: -1
Zekeriya Akgül avatar
Very poor performance on Kubernetes with 100GbE network
ht flag

we are using ConnectX-5 100GbE ethernet cards on our servers which is connected one to each other trough the mellanox switch. And we are using weavenet cni plugin on our Kubernetes cluster. When we make some tests using iperf tool with the following command we get the 100Gbps connection speed in the host.

# server host
host1 $ iperf -s -P8
# client host
host2 $ iperf -c <host_ip> -P8
Result: 98. ...
Score: 0
ranban282 avatar
Are there any potential pitfalls to changing the permissions of config files under /etc to a non-root user?
mx flag

There are various services which are being run on our machines, e.g. cassandra, datadog, etc.

Occasionally, we need to change the configuration, and we wish to automate the propagation of the config files and restarts.

We use Jenkins for automate the workflow for our application software, and were thinking of using this for services as well. We do not wish the server Jenkins runs on to have remote  ...

Score: 1
Jevin Gala avatar
Thin-LVM readonly mode
us flag

I use this command to move data of one thin lv to another lv on separate server.

dd if=/dev/vg/my-lv bs=24M | throttle -v -s 512 -w 2 -m 2000 | ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/my-ssh-keys/id_rsa -q root@destination-server-ip dd conv=sparse of=/dev/vg/new-lv bs=24M

After completion, I run lvdisplay thin-pool on destination server and it says :

LV write Access : read/write (activated read-only) ...

Score: 1
Cade Daniel avatar
Why does `hdparm -t` take so long to produce accurate results on my EC2 instance?
ni flag

I'm profiling a data-processing program that I wrote and I want to understand the theoretical throughput of the machine I'm on. Specifically, I want to measure what disk read speed my g4dn EC2 instance is providing my application. This particular instance has an ephemeral NVMe drive, which is what I want to benchmark.

I notice that it takes quite a few runs of hdparm until the throughput it reports stop ...

Score: 0
pmagunia avatar
Block spam mail from forwarded domain
cn flag

I get a lot of spam mail at my Gmail account. I also get a lot of important mail at my Gmail account.

The spam email is coming from a handful of domains.

I have Gmail forwarding all email to my postfix server with MX records correctly setup.

I have postfix pcre setup.

Looking for some command line magic to automatically delete forwarded mail originally from domain X (not on my postfix server. ...

Score: 0
Sourabh avatar
Azure App Service + Nginx not able to handle more than 5 concurrent requests
us flag

I have a PHP 8.1 application deployed on Azure App Service, Nginx and PHP-FPM which is supposed to have long running scripts.

The process is working fine for upto 5 requests at a time, but when I am making a 6th request, that request waits until one of the first 5 requests finishes.

To test this, I have a simple php script which writes to a file for 20 seconds and then finishes up.

Score: 1
index.php displays as listing on Apache2 server
ca flag

My OS is Ubuntu 22.04

I started out by installing php 8.1

I then installed Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server

Then I added the following:

sudo apt-get install -y php php-cli php-common php-mysql php-zip php-gd php-mbstring php-curl php-xml php-bcmath libapache2-mod-php

The command: php -v, produces:

PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.8 (cli) (built: Nov  2 2022 13:35:25) (NTS)

Then I modified:

/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir. ...
Score: 1
user1204270 avatar
postfix logs showing ??? as command from client
us flag

I am running an Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS server with the postfix 3.1.0-3ubuntu0.4 package.

Both the Apple Mail client and the Postbox client experience a weird delay when first sending an email to the smtp service. Eventually Apple Mail retries and works but Postbox gives up.

In the initial exchange, the email client appears to send a '???' as a command after the server greeting, or at least it is logged  ...

Score: 0
campos avatar
How to set the path of folders in the compilation of samba?
ro flag

I'm compiling Samba 4. By default the folders are stored in /usr/local/samba.

With the command below I made some changes:

./configure --bindir=/bin/ --sbindir=/sbin/ --sysconfdir=/etc/samba/ --mandir=/usr/share/man/

However, the following folders are still located in /usr/local/samba:

bind-dns include lib libexec private share var

I wanted to compile samba to use the same directory paths as the D ...

Score: -1
Nipp avatar
Dell R640 NVMe backplane connectors
ar flag

I am trying to figure out the R640 NVMe backplane. How it looks right now. The goal is to use the NVMe drives in front bays and use HBA to connect to external enclosure. So I am trying to figure out what part numbers do I need and how to make any sense out of this layout on Dell support site:

Or in general, is there a "field service manual" for the R640, where I can  ...

Score: 0
D.Zou avatar
dell R730xd disk size less then total disk size after raid 0
it flag

On my R730xd, I have 6x1TB and 20x 300GB HDDs. That should give me about 12TB. But after I do the raid setup I am left with a 6.8 TB disk? I am doing raid 0 because I don't plan on storing anything critical on there but shouldn't I get at least a bit more space out of it? I expect to lose some due to the paritioning but to lose over half?

raid controller is as follows:

  • 1x 300GB disk raid 0
  • 6x1TB + 19x300 ...
Score: 0
Trezc0 avatar
KVM/QEMU Virtualization on server with multiple nics to WAN - full split?
no flag

long time reader, first time's been over a decade, crazy.

Today, I've set up a left over server from my old job in a local data center for a friend of mine and myself.

As by my contract, the data center colocation includes 2 separate switch ports and a /29 net of public ips.

To split my friend's server stuff from mine entirely and to be able to use the distro of choice, I have set up the se ...

Score: 0
check_snmp plugin gets a value but returns UNKNOWN
ng flag

I've got an SNMPv3 command in Icinga that uses the check_snmp Nagios plugin. The plugin completes the check and gets a response from the server (confirmed by running in verbose mode) but returns UNKNOWN. Anyone have any experience with similar problems, or is there any way I can get more in-depth debugging out of this?

Verbose output shows the command which is run, and the return value of 0:

$ /usr/ ...
Score: 0
Touisteur EmporteUneVache avatar
libvirt/KVM 10Gb-capable network interface without virtio
in flag

Is there a way to set up a 10Gb-capable virtual ethernet port in a guest VM (RHEL) without using virtio ?

I have to put some kind of RHEL7 in a guest VM but the kernel used in there has UDP fragmentation bugs when using virtio ethernet devices. The problems don't appear with the e1000 device (but then I'm capped at 1Gb/s), and no amount of futzing around settings can unbreak this virtio bug (and  ...

Score: 0
alexander7567 avatar
Azure P2S killing Kerberos Connection
id flag

EDIT: I can confirm that doing the registry change as mentioned here and here does in fact Band-Aid the issue. But why? Why do I need this work around just because I am using a laptop on the VPN when I dont need it on VMs in the subnet?

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\DisableDomainCreds - Set the value to 1

Original post:

I have a weird issue with accessing file shares on a VM host ...

Score: 0
Matthieu avatar
debian Linux QinQ (vlan stacking)
hr flag

I am trying to create stacked VLAN interface on a debian 10 server. Here is what I have placed in the /etc/network/interfaces:

iface enp34s0.300 inet manual

auto enp34s0.300.1239
iface enp34s0.300.1239 inet static
        address X.X.X.X
        netmask X.X.X.X

The first interface is going UP without any problem:

:~# ifup enp34s0.300

But the second o ...

Score: -1
boog avatar
Group Policy - Issues with DFSR, NETLOGON/SYSVOL?
kz flag

We have an issue where some computers don't seem to be picking up all of their GPO's. When looking in group policy management editor we see many many "red x", "file not found" GPOs (and which don't specify which GPO they are).

A little about our environment, we have 4 domain controllers at Server 2008 R2 functional level. 2 DCs are on-prem Server2k8R2, 2 others are off-site AWS EC2 instances runn ...

Score: 0
PRTG PowerShell Remoting Requirements for Custom EXE/Script Advanced Sensor
kh flag

I've created a script for checking the TLS certificate assigned to an SMTP Relay server which supports SMTPS. The code is available here if that's of interest.

The documentation says that powershell remoting is required on the target machine... but it's not clear what's meant by target; i.e. is that:

  • The PRTG Core Server
  • The PRTG Probe Server on which the sensor is configured
  • All PRTG Probe Server ...
Score: 0
August avatar
Azure application gateway causes sessions to dissapear
in flag

We've got a setup of:

  • Linux container web app (single instance)
  • Nodejs server with passportjs + openid
  • External Authentication (OpenID) provider.

If the frontend is contacted directly (through the authentication works as expected and sessions are working.

Then we've configured a new domain, which points to application gateway and gets redirected to the webapp. Now the UI itself loa ...

Score: 0
Dave avatar
Active directory to ldap synchronization
hk flag

I have two LDAP servers. First is Active Directory and second is openLDAP. I need setup between these servers. Is here anybody, who know, how to do it?

I tried to use this link for tutorial, but I found problem. When I started migration with the command, i got response this:

Error: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name javax.xml.bind.Messages, locale en_US

java.util.Missi ...

Score: 1
LukeJ avatar
Unable to access the virtual machine configuration (vmware automation) while cloning from template - Ansible version 2.13
al flag

I'm wondering whether any of you have encounter similar issue. I have 2 Ansible machines. One is running on Centos 7, version 2.9.27 (with python 2.7.5) and second on Ubuntu 22 with Ansible 2.13

Using Centos as my deployment machine I can clone and configure VM's from template without any issues. I'm using ansible collection community.vmware modulesby the way

While trying to deploy VM from template  ...

Score: 0
I'm trying to provide limited access to certain functionality using links, bash scripts and SUID. SUID script does not run with root access
mr flag

EDIT: this Sticky bit enabled Script can't write to a root file appears to be a similar problem

EDIT: How can I use SetUID on a shell script to run as a non-root user? is very similar as well.

I have a script, let's call it I have a file, lets call it secret.

# cd /home/normie
# echo "some stuff" > secret
# echo "#!/bin/bash" >
# echo "cat secret" >>
# chmod 600 s ...
Score: 0
gabogabans avatar
Can't send email on ubuntu with mail command
mp flag

on my ubuntu server (DigitalOcean droplet) I'm trying to send an email for first time.

I downloaded mailutils and mailx with following command:

sudo apt install mailutils -y

On configuration screen I chose default options: Internet site and then name sender as my droplet name.

To send email I do the following (replacing [email protected]):

echo "Hello world" | mail -s "Test" [email protected]
Score: 0
user2239318 avatar
Windows 10/11 HTTP Setup Trace Task wrong url added by netsh http add urlacl
ao flag

I'm trying to understand why the 8888 port goeas from open to close by itself....

I suppose to open the port with this commmand run as administrator:

netsh http add urlacl url= user="outputof:whoami"

But in Event log > Windows registers > System I found these row:

The reservation for the namespace identified by the URL prefix been added.

At ...
Score: 14
Shayne Fitzgerald avatar
Linux - RAM Disk as part of a Mirrored Logical Volume
US flag

We have a server with 64GB of total RAM, applications are using typically a maximum of 30GB of that available RAM. One of those applications deals with a lot of flat files, and we're having throughput issues, namely waiting on disk I/O. While exploring possible solutions the idea of a RAM disk came up. The problem I have with a RAM disk is the inherent volatility.

I've found separate documentatio ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.