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mrbitnbyte avatar
[AWS Lightsail wordpress]HTTPS domain name hyperlinks replaced by HTTP static IP
je flag

I moved my blog to AWS Lightsail for Wordpress instance. I have Ezoic CDN enabled + DNS management proxied with Cloudflare. Domain name redirects to HTTPS from HTTP. -->

but, but all of my hyperlinks within the articles are replaced by HTTP static IP automatically. --> hhtp://1.123.456.78/article1

what could be the reason? As it happ ...

Score: 1
jamiep avatar
How do I open ports on a docker image?
my flag

I am using a docker file as shown here, in my project :

I start the container with:

docker-compose up app

But cannot connect to the socket. Can't see what I am doing wrong.

The ports are not accessible either on my local system or when I put the docker container on a server.

After docker-compose up app I see the following:

Score: 1
yildizabdullah avatar
Remote shutdown with a shutdown reason code
id flag

I'd like to power off a remote machine by Stop-Computer command in PowerShell. Is there any way to send a shutdown reason code (like Hardware: Maintenance (Planned)) as if choosing during local shutdown?

Score: 0
Jean-François Kener avatar
Connectivity between two EC2 instances does not work
it flag

I try to ping or ssh between these instances (A to B), neither work, both time out.

  • Instance A (i-0e332d1880c8f93ae) - CentOS
  • Instance B(i-0a1e4a76358059ba3) - Debian

They share VPC, and the security groups and Network ACL are properly configured. The AWS connectivity analysis tool confirmed this for both ICMP and ssh.

(Image: , no enough reputation)

There is ...

Score: 0
nop avatar
Samba doesn't run root preexec
cn flag

I have Windows Server 2019 AD and Samba Winbind joined to the AD. The Samba is technically used for home directories and a shared folder between all domain users.

How to force Samba to create directory seems to the same issue. However, when I log into the account I just created in the Windows AD, Samba doesn't create automatically home directory. I think the script is not even executing. What is  ...

Score: 0
biplab  avatar
zabbix connection to external database
pg flag


I am trying to setup zabbix with two database , one on localhost and another on diffrent machine.

zabbix server: external database :

I setup zabbix with localhostdatabaase and its working perfectly,Then I created sql dump file and put it in external database ie,, but when I change the database ip in zabbix frontend PHP file it gives me permission denied,Ihave c ...

Score: -1
user1969903 avatar
How can I update IIS 10 v1607 to IIS 10 v1809 on Windows Server 2016?
nu flag

I am tasked with updating IIS 10 v1607 to IIS 10 v1809 on Windows Server 2016. I know v1809 comes installed with Windows Server 2019, but I can't upgrade to 2019.

How can I update IIS 10 v1607 to IIS 10 v1809 on Windows Server 2016? Can this be done?

Score: 0
T-Me avatar
MACs in DHCP reservation are changing randomly
in flag

For the second or third time now our dhcp server forgot parts of its reservations and made up random MAC addresses. Why?

We have 2 dhcp servers in failover mode. Everything worked well for years. But now out of the blue after installing some windows updates (and rebooting) the primary server is randomizing the reservations.
New computers are automatically assigned to an IP in a separate network without ...

Score: 0
Chris Ward avatar
How to get the kernel not to treat a packet injected through tun/tap as a 'martian'
US flag

I have a new test case for here . It is for filtering flows; the idea is to send the first packet of a flow to userspace, have the userspace determine (by looking at the fivetuple of the packet) whether the flow is acceptable or not, and setting an entry in an eBPF map accordingly. ...

Score: 0
Sebastian Stark avatar
How to make timeout(1) behave in cron like it behaves in interactive shell
in flag

Running this command in an interactive bash:

$ timeout 1 sleep 2; echo $?

returns 124 after 1 second, as expected and as documented in timeout(1).

However, if I run the same as a cron job, or if I give that as a command string to bash, it does not:

$ bash -c "timeout 1 sleep 2; echo $?"

Adding -i to the bash invocation does not help, neither does using the --foreground parameter to timeout(1 ...

Score: 0
marafado88 avatar
How to handle characters that need UTF-8 on XML retrieved from HTTP GET on powershell?
in flag

I am not able to retrieve data under UTF-8 encoding, through a HTTP GET request on powershell.


$headers_tables.Add("content-type", "application/xml; charset=utf-8")
$xml_employee_future_jobinfo = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url_employee_future_jobinfo -Method GET -Headers $headers_tables


<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <row id="2968" employeeId="839">
Score: 0
IDSK avatar
.htaccess for Wordpress in a subfolder
th flag

I have a setup where a static website sits in the root folder and Wordpress is located in a subfolder. So I need to rewrite all requests to index.html while all Wordpress-related requests should go to the subfolder. I'm achieving this using two .htaccess files: one in the root and another in Wordpress subfolder.

Root .htaccess:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ...
Score: 0
bwright avatar
Connecting to hosts postgresql from django app running in a docker container
in flag

I am trying to connect to my hosts postgresql server (version 14) from my django app running in a docker container.

here are my settings


version: '3'
     build: .
       container_name: dm-api
       - .:/code
       - static:/code/dojo_manager/static
       - media:/code/dojo_manager/media
       - 8080
       - "data ...
Score: 0
Robert Koszewski avatar
Unable to login via RDP into a VM from a domain joined Windows client to a VM that is joined to another domain
gp flag

The setup is the following:

  • Windows VM (Domain Joined to Domain A (Internal) - AD is under my control) [Windows Server 2022]
  • Windows Client (Domain Joined to Domain B (External) - AD is not under my control) [Windows 11 Enterprise]

I'm trying to RDP from a Windows Client to a Windows VM by using "Remote Desktop Connection" that comes with Windows. But it's not possible to login to the VM from this Clien ...

Score: 0
Konrad Höffner avatar
docker stats reports the same memory usage for each container
cn flag

On our server with 16 GB RAM, docker stats --no-stream reports the same MEM USAGE value for each container:

docker stats --no-stream
CONTAINER ID   NAME                 CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O           BLOCK I/O       PIDS
1ee032e01189   webprotege           9.42%     7.211GiB / 15.63GiB   46.14%    1.73MB / 6.92MB   3.86GB / 40GB   454
9432aa1e98d9   webprotege-mongodb   9.72%  ...
Score: 0
shorif2000 avatar
openstack selfservice network error Invalid input for operation: Segmentation ID should be lower or equal to 4095
us flag

I am running ubuntu 22.04 lts with openstack yoga. when i run the following command openstack network create selfservice --debug i get error

POST call to network for http://controller1:9696/v2.0/networks used request id req-286cd601-99e7-4f1e-999f-a99110123e0f
Error while executing command: BadRequestException: 400, Invalid input for operation: Segmentation ID should be lower or equal to 4095.
Traceback ( ...
Score: 1
Pascal Diu avatar
Disable read/write workqueue for Ubuntu Full-Disk-Encryption
gp flag

I am currently trying to set up multiple devices with Ubuntu (20.04.5 LTS) and the drive must be encrypted, so I used LUKS during the installation. (I checked "Use LVM with the new Ubuntu installation" + "Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for Security" in the process)

However, the encrypted drive is much slower (as expected), but I read this article about the possibility to speed up dm-crypt I/O ...

Score: 0
nop avatar
Samba Winbind - Windows Server AD - Users are able to see each other's home directories
cn flag

I'm running AlmaLinux and Samba Winbind joined into Windows Server 2019 AD. The domain users have home directories and a pccommon directory (shared folder).

When I create a new domain user in the active directory, I have to create a new folder on the linux machine in /home and change its owner to that user's name.

mkdir -p /home/newaccount
chown IIT\\newaccount: /home/newaccount


Score: 0
Bastien avatar
Two IP addresses on different networks - Netplan
ky flag

I have a server with only one network card (enp2s0) and I would like to have two IP addresses on two different networks. However, I would like to have one static IP and one using DHCP.

The first network on which I want a static IP is: This first network is only composed of 2 servers: this one and an other one, which has a static IP as well The second network on which I  ...

Score: 0
EthanKyle avatar
Php mail transmission error using postfix
gn flag

I need your help

I am using AWS and ubuntu os 20.04. The web server uses nginx and uses php mail I installed php 7.3 pfm.

I used postfix for mail function and connected to SMTP. It's not Google, it's an e-mail called NAVER Works used in Korea.

On the server

server code

"This is Test" | mail -s "This is the subject" [email protected] - aFrom:[email protected]

I checked that the mail was s ...

Score: 0
Gaurav Kumar avatar
How to delete chrony server from client side without restart service
gs flag

I am trying to setup chrony client server on local and try to add chrony server and delete on the fly

I am able to add without needing to restart chrony using this command 'chronyc add server iburst prefer' and i can check chronyc tracking show time is in sync

But when i delete 'chronyc delete ' then it deletes successfully from sources but chronyc tracking show time is still in sync

Score: 0
inframan avatar
Ansible trouble while launching an exe through win_command
cn flag

I'm currently writing a playbook about uninstalling Fusion Inventory Agent and then deploy GLPI agent 1.4 on Windows Server 2016-2022. For all the tests i detail below, i use my domain account which has admin rights on any servers.

(I run ansible core 2.12.10 + python 3.9.2 on a Debian 11 freshly upgraded)

  • The Fusion Inventory agent uninstaller registry path is located at "C:\Program Files\FusionInventor ...

Score: 1
Pavel Klimov avatar
Why is "tcp-request content accept" frontend instruction is required for proper HAProxy SNI-based routing?
in flag

I've recently tried to set up SNI-based routing on HAProxy for mongodb mongodb+srv protocol connection.

I made it working, but it wasn't until I put

tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }

in my frontend configuration that it started working properly

Without these (or with just one of these) I kept getting sporadic connection resets for around 70% of m ...

Score: 0
alpha-evzone avatar
Virt-manager: unable to interact with existing vms on a server
lv flag

I have 3vm's on a kvm. of recent i have been able to manage these vm's visually through virt-manager. on a windows machine i have been using mobaxterm to access the server and everything was working fine. however, after switching to linux(fedora36) and adding a user (to the wheel group, libvirt and kvm) i am still unable to open virt-manager gui. i get the following error. If i access the server with (s ...

Score: 0
test1696150 avatar
simple openvswitch forward demo not work
fo flag

What are the details of your problem?

Hi, that is my first time try ovs. i am using Arch Linux, and installed openvswitch.

use sudo ip link add v1 type dummy && sudo ip addr add dev v1 && sudo ip link set v1 up created v1, v2 (, v3 ( three virtual network cards.

add v1 v2 v3 to ovs by sudo ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbridge $NETCARDNAME.

add a flow rule by  ...

Score: 0
ClontarfX avatar
Ubuntu/netplan/iproute: route everything except specific /24 across interface
kr flag


  • on ens160 -> * (assume multiple non-merging subnets)
  • on ens192 -> management

Through ens160 I can hit other networks via routing. Through ens192 is my management interface which isn't routeable via ens160.

ping -I ens160
PING ( from ens160: 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
2 ...
Score: 0
deservestarseed avatar
Linux distro and/or pre-configured software to start a webhosting provider?
ae flag

I have a spare server (yes, it's powerful enough) that I would like to repurpose by selling webhosting to a few clients. Ideally I'd like a distro that includes tools for this type of administration - i.e. adding new clients/domains to the web server, setting up a cpanel account, etc. Presumably I'd be selling VPS hosting to a few clients with websites that don't generate a ton of traffic (I'm not worri ...

Score: 1
Access value of specified dictionary key within a list of dictionaries in Ansible
us flag

I am installing list of packages in ansible registering variable and outputting it with debug:

    name: "{{ package }}"
    state: present
  register: package_install
  until: package_install is succeeded
    - pam-reattach
    - pinentry-mac
    - jorgelbg/tap/pinentry-touchid
    loop_var: package

- debug:
    msg: "{{ package_install }}"
Score: 0
guillermo_dangelo avatar
nginx not serving static files after adding app to docker-compose
be flag

I have an app (blog) made with Python and Django. Using docker-compose I've managed to deploy it to a Digital Ocean droplet.

The Docker stack includes a Postgres db nginx, nginx-proxy and the nginx-acme companion for SSL. The app works fine in production.

Then I wanted to add an app for tracking usage, called Umami, with its Postgres DB. I've managed to add it to the same docker-compose stack. Both  ...

Score: 0
Mihir Shah avatar
Use of dual-port NIC
az flag

I was wondering, what is the purpose of a dual-port NIC on a blade compute unit, in the context of a datacenter rack, like which of these configurations is more in line with modern datacenter architecture?

  1. Having a backup top-of-rack switch (is this normal?) and connecting one port of my NIC to the regular one and one to the backup.
  2. My compute unit is NUMA dual socket (so 28 cores on one, 28 on the ot ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.