Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
Why does nginx respond to IP address without a default_server directive?
us flag

I have an nginx webserver with two sites that listen to port 80 for two domains: and

In sites-enabled I have files for each of these, and, which are identical but for the server_name directive. It is either server_name *; or server_name *;. The rest is virtually the same but for a location to help me debug and it looks like this ( ...

Score: 0
shorif2000 avatar
openstack oslo messaging exception in nova-conductor
us flag

I have set up opensatck yoga in ubuntu 22.04. I have gone through each verify step after install which all worked fine. I have 1x controller and 1x compute. In my controller i keep noticing this message.

==> /var/log/nova/nova-conductor.log <==
2022-11-28 08:35:58.338 76768 WARNING oslo_messaging._drivers.amqpdriver [req-9a1d29ba-756a-4a94-bef1-7c1caba6fb8d - - - - -] reply_284f5c12afcb4d0cb ...
Score: 0
Bert avatar
Can I run a Select query on an SQL dump?
ng flag

Here is my issue. I've a backup system, that creates an SQL Dump from a DB cluster every day. Works fine, yade yade. The cluster died one day and we realized, the sql dump were wrong for the past 1 month. They were created and everything, just outdated data. (no details, this is not the question) The question is: Is there a way to check if the sqldump really has the most up-to-date data in it? On an sql ...

Score: 1
Boomerang avatar
Windows Update Cleanup - Disk Cleanup via script/command prompt
pg flag

We've noticed that when running Disk Cleanup utility manually on a windows server 2019 that 'Windows Update Cleanup' takes up a substantial amount of space. Is there away to clean this up via a command prompt/powershell

I've looked at a number of scripts which do not clear this down. Could anyone advise what is the best way to achieve this? enter image description here

Score: 0
Hoodad Tabibi avatar
Enabling Cephx In cephadm depolyment
ly flag

Hello i am trying to enable cephx in my ceph cluster i added this three lines to /etc/ceph/ceph.conf

 auth_cluster_required = cephx
 auth_service_required = cephx
 auth_client_required = cephx

i didn't don generate any keyring since cephadm did that for me already. the problem is after a while this 3 lines automatically gets removed from ceph.conf ;

Score: 1
omgsoblunt avatar
Change "Loaded Configuration File" for a specific domain [Not the entire server]
au flag

I do not want to make modifications to the default php.ini the server uses. I've made a new one to use, which is located in my site's own directory on an Nginx server. The issue I have come across is not being able to change the Loaded Configuration File when I go to the phpinfo page to locate it. I'd like to be able to change this so that the new configuration is only used on one site and not on oth ...

Score: 0
Rahul avatar
Enable the App linking in all the subdomains
gu flag

I'll explain what is my requirement in high level.

I'm having a root domain as, and I'm having several subdomains (, where I hosted an application. I'm also developed an android app which I need to enable the app linking with the instance. So, as per this guide, I've created the directory and the respective JSON file inside the document root. Now I want to  ...

Score: 1
Syed M. Sannan avatar
Keep MySQL strict mode disabled after server restart (Hostinger VPS with Ubuntu 18.04)
fr flag

So I have a site hosted on VPS Hosting Plan 2 of Hostinger, and it uses MySQL for the database, with the OS of my Virtual Machine being Ubuntu 18.04.

I have to keep MySQL's strict mode disabled globally the entire time for some parts of the site to work. For context, I am only managing the server end at the moment, so I cannot fix the parts of this site that require me to disable strict mode. Those f ...

Score: -2
Himanish Lekhi avatar
Can't find computer object in AD
pt flag

I replaced ex-sysadmin and there is a laptop that is giving me an error of trust relationship. The computer object is not available in AD. But, I can ping the computer name. I don't know the password of the current logged on user and I don't know the local user accounts also.

Can someone please explain why the computer object doesn't exist in AD anymore? It is giving me the error of security data ...

Score: 1
Ruixing Wang avatar
Disallow port forwarding to bypass VPN
by flag

We have a linux workstation that is used by a group of users via Internet. For security, users must connect to our private network by VPN and then can ssh to the workstation.

The job they run on the workstation needs Internet connection, so the workstation is connected to Internet via NAT.

However, then it is possible that any normal user can use port forwarding to bypass VPN. For example, by runnin ...

Score: 2
Isolating CPUs on AWS/GCP: error mounting cpuset
ng flag

I have two 32 vCPU instances on AWS/GCP. I'm trying to set up cpu shielding so that CPUs 0, 1 are used by the system, and cpus 2-31 are shielded and only used explicitly by userspace threads.

System info:

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
Release:    22.04
Codename:   jammy
$ cat /proc/filesystems | grep cpuset
nodev   cpuset

However, when I try to run cset shield, I get a ...

Score: 0
Legion avatar
Checking visitors IP for open port 25 smtp and blocking this IP
in flag

I try to figure out which IP is a residential proxy. The most IP's with a fraud score +75 has an open port 25.

A normal visitor's IP does not have port 25 open.

So you can assume that it is a configured IP address, right.

My questions

  1. Is there a relatively reliable way to expose a residential proxy IP if that IP is using/opening port 25?

  2. Is it possible to query an IP that calls a webstei directly on ...

Score: -1
A X avatar
Windows Server 2022 join Azure AD Domain Services over VPN - How to do this?
my flag

I have servers spread across multiple on-premises locations that I want to join to Azure AD DS, and I don't want to setup ADFS because it is too much work.

So here is what I am thinking:

  • Use VPN to connect each server to the AD DS network
  • Join the domain
  • Configure the VPN connection to only apply to traffic related to Active Directory

Has anyone done this? If so, how do you actually do it? Any advic ...

Score: 0
Dima avatar
Jumbo MTU and switches
mo flag

I have a network with several file servers, workstations and application servers. For simplicity we can consider it all attached to a single switch, say Dell 4032F with maximum Jumbo MTU size of 9216. I would appreciate your help with some questions related to MTU. So my first question is:

  1. What is this (9216) - HW MTU or IP MTU according to classification (in other words, does it include 14-bytes fra ...
Score: 0
MaxLP16 avatar
How can i send the logs with syslog-ng from my pfSense to a Ubuntu Server?
fr flag

I wanted to send the logs from my pfSense to a Ubuntu Server with syslog-ng. I have searched how to do this but have not found a good solution. I have tried it several times, but so far it has not worked. I hope someone can help me

Score: 0
vasikan avatar
PC/Switch (in one subnet) connect to Switch (in another subnet), but not to PC connected to the switch
lk flag

[UPDATE] The problem/behavior described below was caused by the public network connection on the system -which had a default gateway. The unusual behavior was a result of the private network sending traffic through the public network. The issues disappear once the two are properly isolated.

Two subnets on the same vlan. Everything works fine within the subnets & can ping from PC/Switch in one subn ...

Score: 1
Jackie avatar
How do I avoid IPV6 errors when trying to use kylemanna/openvpn image
ng flag

I am trying to run the following deploy command...

docker run -v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn -d -p 1194:1194/udp --cap-add=NET_ADMIN kylemanna/openvpn

I get

Sysctl error for disable_ipv6, please run docker with '--sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0'

So I run

docker run -v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn -d -p 1194:1194/udp --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 kylemanna/openvpn
Score: 0
Robert Campbell avatar
How can I port an Apache RewriteCond and RewriteRule to ngnix?
cn flag

I have to convert an Apache reverse-proxy configuration that uses RewriteCond and RewriteRule, to Nginx.

How can I convert something like this to nginx configuration?

(this is in the main/only <VirtualHost *:443> block)

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^stagingapi$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [R,L]

Score: 0
mr.bug avatar
why ssh Local Dynamic forward doesn't work on centos
ie flag

I wanna to create a local dynamic forwarding in centos without using another machine as a proxy. so I used dynamic forward command and is working fine in one of my centos vms as vm1.

ssh -fN -D root@localhost

but in another machine (vm2) doesn't work properly. looks like there is a network routing issue or something like that in localhost! because if i using vm1 as proxy to vm2 forwarding tr ...

Score: 0
Mohammed Hafiz avatar
ike-scan 0 returned handshake 0 returned notify
mo flag

I need to establish vpn connection to a specific site, I used strongswan and configure my side according to the provided parameters from another side, but when I try to connect I get 'peer not responding'. I used ike-scan on the ip they gave to me as the 'encryption domain ip' and get '0 returned handshake 0 returned notify', what does this mean?

Thank you.

Score: 2
Lars avatar
How to MySQL replicate or cluster to setup a failover scenario?
de flag

after a massive data problem from my provider in GER, I'm now forced to deal with failover scenarios. But there are a few questions that I can't find any real answers to. So I hope someone can help me here.

I currently have server1 running two MySQL databases in separated docker containers. These should now be replicated on a second server. In case that server1 fails, I can switch to server2 rela ...

Score: 0
Solr Search query is hitting only one node resulting heap issue on that node
US flag

We have multiple instance SOLR Cloud running, SOLR performs well but if we have spike in search request then only one node report heap issue and other node are working normal. if this happens then we need to bounce that node and heap stays normal for couple of days. if we don't bounce SOLR then eventually SOLR process will become zombie that means SOLR dashboard reports node as dead but in fact SOLR pr ...

Score: 0
mhilton avatar
iptables per-ip rate limiting problems
il flag

I am trying to deal with a persistent application level DOS attack on a web server (apache httpd 2.4, debian 10). The attacker appears to be spoofing public IP addresses given the sheer number of different ones used, but it is not close to consuming total bandwidth. I can isolate the offending requests within Apache and reject them instead of processing them but it still chews up too much of httpd's abi ...

Score: 0
Minesh Parikh avatar
sshd service fails to start : ssh.service failed because the control process exited with error code
ky flag

I'm not sure why it isn't starting or why its preventing me from connecting, i get this error:

root@vmi: "# sudo service ssh status
ssh.service OpenBSD Secure Shell server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2022-11-27 09:47:47 CST; 4min 58s ago
Docs: man: sshd (8) man: sshd_config(5)
Process: 446 ExecStartPr ...
Score: 0
Parse HTML as PHP on a Azure App Service (Linux) running PHP 8.1
in flag

I am really struggling to get an Azure App Service running Linux and PHP 8 or 8.1 to parse HTML files through PHP. The 8.0 and 8.1 versions run on nginx rather than Apache.

I have started by updating the nginx blocked used by the app service, located at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default, to read the below. This is as per default, except adding the HTML location alongside PHP:

server {
    listen 8080;
Score: 1
t11n avatar
How to configure IA_PD prefix length with dhclient?
us flag

My home internet connection is going through a router provided by my ISP. It gets a ::/56 ipv6 prefix assigned dynamically by my ISP every night.

Behind that router I have a debian bullseye box for subnet management and firewalling etc. It also provides ipv6 subnets by requesting a prefix with dhclient from the router provided by my ISP.

By default, the debian box requests a ::/62 prefix leaving me f ...

Score: 0
Marek Grzenkowicz avatar
VPC network interfaces - hot, warm and cold attach
in flag

According to Best practices for configuring network interfaces guide, there are three ways to attach a network interface to an instance:

You can attach a network interface to an instance when:

  1. it's running (hot attach),
  2. when it's stopped (warm attach), or
  3. when the instance is being launched (cold attach).

However, the only places where these terms are mentioned is the AWS documentation page linked ...

Score: 0
Grégory L avatar
GCP Function Deployment : Zip file from local build but not Zip File from Github Action
ru flag

I am trying to have a github action that build a zip file with code function source code and upload it to Google Cloud Storage

Then I have a terraform repository that deploy cloud function using this zip file.

The thing is that when I zip those file on my local environnement - WSL Ubuntu 18-04 - and I upload the zip into the same storage I can proceed with my terraform deployment and everything goe ...

Score: 1
kekosz avatar
Freeradius case sentivitity of letters
me flag

I have VirtualMachine with freeradius server (3.0). I am using the authorization file which contains my PPPoE users. The problem seems to be the username: the login is in UPPER CASE which collides with the incoming username.

I can't manually change this because my config file is generated by LMS (Lan Management System - I won`t change anything in code). Is there any method to turn off case-sensit ...

Score: -2
David Norbury avatar
I'm trying to get Windows explorer to show non Windows based computers in the Network folder
tc flag

For some reason my Windows machine has stopped showing non-Windows computers in the Network folder. It's Windows 10 22H2 19045. It does show other Windows computers. I can set up shares to folders in these linux based machines (and vice-versa). One of the machines is a Synology NAS and I haven't changed its networking configuration. The other is a Rpi. They are all on one subnet. I could include the sam ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.