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Score: 0
ignore avatar
Exim and Logwatch Missing Return-Path
br flag

I have been trying to troubleshoot a weird issue I am having with logwatch and exim. I have logwatch setup so send via another exim smarthost.

If I send a test message via GNU mail. It gets through fine.

If I sent a logwatch email, it fails. I narrowed it down to the fact that the return path is missing when sending using logwatch. I can easily fix the issue by replacing exim with sendmail. But a f ...

Score: 0
load balancing with Bird
ge flag

I have the following routes pushed into my edge router      via on br166 [master01 22:53:55] * (100) [AS64514?]
                   via on br166 [worker_03 22:53:55] (100) [AS64514?]
                   via on br166 [worker_01 22:53:55] (100) [AS64514?]
                   via on br166 [worker_02 22:53:55] (100) [AS64514?]
Score: 0
Irkoska avatar
IPV6 conflict VM Ubuntu 20.04 - Netplan
ma flag

I have a problem, I've two virtual machines, but the problem is that when I turn on the second VM I lost the connection on the first one and vice versa.

Here is the bridge netplan configuration on the host server :

  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
      dhcp4: no
      dhcp6: no
        - 2001:xxx ...
Score: 0
J.Wincewicz avatar
GCP Compute Engine full disk not resized file system on public image
us flag

GCP VM with 99,8% full disk has not resized its file system after increasing the disk capacity in google console.

I have a small VM on GCP based on public image ubuntu-2004-focal-v20220419. There was a 10GB disk with root partition and file system. Some logs occupied 99,8% of the disk capacity. I am able ssh the VM because GCP can still copy ssh keys to it, but to detect a heavy folder I had to use a ...

Score: 0
Arnau Serra avatar
MySQL have_ssl and have_openssl DISABLED but certificates installed - Windows Server 2012
td flag

I want to enable an SSL certificate in MySQL Server for some users.

I tried following this tutorial - the one that is below Best Answer.

I installed OpenSSL, created all certificates and edited the my.ini. Then, after running SHOW global variables like '%ssl%'; I have the following result:

Variable_name Value
have_openssl DISABLED
have_ssl DISABLED
ssl_ca C:\mysqlCerts\ca-cert.pem
ssl ...
Score: 0
sam23 avatar
How to assign an IAM role having the same permission set as the IPs have?
cn flag

How to update the IAM policy below so that the IAM role, arn:aws:iam::7574333677569:role/dev-abc-webserver, also have permissions?

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Id": "Policy1517260196123",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Stmt1432661968133",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "R ...
Score: -1
Kuezy avatar
How should I design my 'public' network of an project?
it flag

I'm thinking about doing some online projects as a Developer/IT Technician, and I have some concerns regarding security.

I'm unable to host my servers locally for my project and I thought why not to host the servers in datacenters using hosters like Hetzner. My plans are also hosting an active directory server on one of these servers and join the others to that domain to have a better management  ...

Score: 0
sina nasiri avatar
prevent PowerDNS to be open_resolver
fo flag

sorry if my question is too long.

I have 4 PowerDNS servers, as below with sample IPs.

in my network, ns1 & ns2 are authoritative servers that have some zones and reverse_zones. and rec1 & rec2 are recursor DNS servers. I have configured rec1&rec2 to ask for my own zones from ns1&ns2 wit ...

Score: 0
Chris Nelson avatar
Why can't I reach ng by the interface IP address?
cn flag

I'm trying to use VirtualBox to set up an Ubuntu Linux VM to emulate the server I'm developing for. The server has three network interfaces.

On the server, there is a web page hosted by ng and an instance of Mosquitto. We want these to be available from one interface, the management interface, but not the other two. We use a VRF to isolate the management interface.

The VirtualBox adapters are  ...

Score: -1
Joy1979 avatar
Cloning a repo from Azure DevOps at a client
cr flag

We are running into a weird issue while cloning a repo from Azure DevOps at a client.

Error: RPC failed; curl 56 Failure when receiving data from the peer

So far we tried;

  git config settings - SSLbackedn, sslVerify, postBuffer, proxy.
  We also tried being on client's VPN and without VPN. (just fyi - we received machines from client, that is where we are currently working and having issues)

Ple ...

Score: 0
anaximander avatar
Terraform running Helm deploy against AKS fails with "failed to find any PEM data in key input"
ph flag

I'm setting up a one-click deploy of an environment for some webservices, in which Terraform is used to deploy the infrastructure and then run Helm to populate it. The Terraform step is working fine and I can see the Kubernetes cluster created in Azure, but the Helm deploy is failing.

I'm using the Hashicorp Helm provider, and the config in looks like this:

provider "helm" {
  reposito ...
Score: 1
Have NGINX automatically upgrade websocket connections in reverse proxy
in flag

I have several services I'm placing behind an NGINX reverse proxy, which was simple enough to setup, but I've run into a problem with websockets. A single endpoint is simple enough to specify with a location that includes

   proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
   proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

The problem is that there are many endpoints with websockets. And we keep finding new things that ...

Score: 1
Using racadm to change from Dedicated to LOM1?
cn flag

Is it possible to use racadm to change iDRAC config from the default dedicated port to one of the server's main NIC/LOM ports?

There is relatively little in the documentation beyond configuring the network settings (ip/subnet/gateway), which is done with:

racadm setniccfg -s $ipaddress $subnetmask $gateway

I am able to view the full network config (as well as which port the iDRAC is configured to use ...

Score: -1
daniel p avatar
How to migrate Azure server including IIS sites with the same name, different DNS
at flag

We currently have a Classic VM whose IP is directed by the DNS subdomains and The IIS server has configured the sites and Any user in the internet can visit both sites.

The goal is to migrate to another VM, basically creating a replica, creating two DNS subdomains and pointing to the new VM's I ...

Score: 0
Daniel avatar
rhel 9, firewalld(nftables backend), libvirt and custom bridges, masquerading not working
cn flag

I have a remote server with one network interface, which has a public IP address (enp5s0). I've created an isolated network as follows:

  <bridge name="lanbrdige" stp="on" delay="0"/>
  <mac address="52:54:00:XX:XX:XX"/>
  <domain name="LAN-bridge"/>
  <ip address="192.16 ...
Score: 0
Javier salvañá avatar
Install postgres-client-13 on debian buster
pg flag

I need to run pg_dump from a Node.js docker image (node:16-buster) to a postgres 13.6 docker image. The problem is that for Buster version the only package available for postgresql-client is 11 and I get this messages when trying to run pg:dump.

pg_dump: server version: 13.6; pg_dump version: 11.15 (Debian 11.18-0+deb10u1)
pg_dump: aborting because of server version mismatch

How can I install postgres ...

Score: 0
albertoiNET avatar
A proxy forward to redirect some calls to avoid crossing the proxy. Only redirect proxy forward
cn flag

I'm trying to redirect with 301 some https calls with some proxy forward. The idea is not to go through the proxy, but to return a 301 redirect with the new location. I've got two cases: ->

So when I call a curl

https_proxy=myforwardproxy:8080 curl

It should return a redirect ...

Score: 1
Ralequi avatar
Deb package trigger loops
it flag

I'm having a recurrent issue with custom .deb packages and their triggers. We have made some "meta packets" for our deploys to force & check some configurations. The idea is to keep many servers with the "same" config without needing to check manually on each update. Let's call them as an example: grafana-conf and elasticsearch-conf.

In order to execute the reconfiguration scripts when the "child p ...

Score: 0
Victor R avatar
How to force Nginx Ingress controller to respond HTTP 426 to deprecated routes
mo flag

I have the following ingress for my namespace on Kubernetes with paths /api/1.0/ redirecting to my old-service and the rest redirecting to the new. Before deprecating & deleting my old-service I would like Nginx to respond with an HTTP 426 redirect error code only on the /api/1.0/ paths.

How can I do this ?

kind: Ingress
  name: xxx-ingress
  namespace: xxx ...
Score: 0
Jorge Rodrigues avatar
Azure Function App - Azure Defender compliance
al flag

Azure Defender on Azure has two policies for Azure Function authentication that I'm not able to implement from other azure resources that support http calls.

  • Function apps should have Client Certificates (Incoming client certificates) enabled
  • Function apps should have authentication enabled

On Azure Datafactory if I choose authentication as system managed identity and I try to pass a certificate o ...

Score: 0
milgner avatar
AWX: prevent access from outside organizations
vn flag

After setting up login via Azure AD in AWX, we find that people from other organizations are able to log in, too.

After creating an organization map according to they don't get assigned to any organization or team anymore, but they're still able to see the list of users.

How can I complete ...

Score: 0
willdashwood avatar
Flash Crucial SSD firmware through PERC 730P Mini RAID controller
cn flag

We've got a number of Crucial drives in Dell r630 servers with PERC 730P Mini RAID controllers that need their firmware updating as they're still on version M3CR032 with the known issues.

The servers aren't live so there is always the option of taking them out of the server, plugging them into a another one with direct SATA connections and flashing them that way. But I just wondered if there's a  ...

Score: 2
Volker Raschek avatar
Module RPMs makes kickstart installation of RHEL based distributions unusable
in flag

The title of the post has it all. The first steps to migrate from CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux 8 fail (in my eyes) because of module RPMs.

If something is installed the traditional way via dnf, dnf notices if a dependency is only available as a modular RPM and activates the the app stream of the module to install other dependencies in the correct version.

For automatic installation of a customized distributi ...

Score: 0
Aasif Khan avatar
"Schedule Query Error" appeared while creating Schedule query in Big Query
dz flag

I have been facing problem while Scheduling my query to get daily update. Every time after scheduling my query when I click on saving that query "schedule query error" appears, after searching for all the possibilities for this, I found below mentioned points which have followed.

  1. Big Query Data Transfer - I have enabled
  2. BQ Admin permission requires - BI Admin permission given.

Request your kind su ...

Score: 1
Pc Monk avatar
executed php-fpm files get CPU to 100% usage
tm flag

Im running a e-commerce/LMS wordpress site with a 2 Core cpu ,4G Ram and 4Gswap ,100G disk space server with CentOS web admin panel.

today after getting serveral http 502 report from clients suddeny I noticed there was 14 php file executed 2 on index.php (nginx) and 12 on my wordfence wflogs php files (php-fpm) using this command watch -n1 "lsof | grep '\.php'".

After restarting both nginx and p ...

Score: 0
Eforen avatar
How to activate HD indicator lights on Dell PowerEdge 710 in Linux
cn flag

I have a particular drive that is failing (/dev/sdb)

I need to replace the failed drive but I am not sure which it is... I should have documented what drives were in what slots and what their devs were but I did not and it will be very troublesome should I need to shut it down.

I am running proxmox on the metal and the drive is part of a ZFS Pool. I would ideally have a command to make a particul ...

Score: 0
Sniper Tomb avatar
How To Forward Port to Different Port to an External IP using UFW Firewall
pw flag

I have an VPN server on Server B port 442

before I Forwarded a different Port to my Server B using firewalld and worked nice , now I want to migrate to UFW for some reasons,

I tried before.rules with

-A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 448 -j DNAT --to-destination {Server-B_IP}:443
Score: 0
Removing brackets ([]) from Ansible string
cn flag


            - name: Set category info as fact
                category_info: "{{ category_info|default([]) + [ {
                  'category_name': item | json_query('category_name'),
                  'category_description': item | json_query('category_description'),
                  'category_cardinality': item | json_query('category_cardinality'),
Score: 0
Patrick Mitchell avatar
Ansible-inventory of Vcenter that contains more info than just the vm name
np flag

I'm fairly new to Ansible and VMware. I've created a playbook to gather inventory info about all the VM's in a Vcenter instance and it works fine, but I want the inventory output to include more than just the VM names. This is the playbook I have below.

plugin: community.vmware.vmware_vm_inventory
strict: False
username: fake
password: name
validate_certs: False
with_tags: ...
Score: 1
RTSP Stream Cannot Be Accessed from KVM Guest using NAT - iptables forwarding
in flag

How should iptables on the host be configured to allow rtsp:// traffic from a KVM guest that initiated the connection via a NAT network interface?

It doesn't appear to be a simple mapping. I don't know what port the guest uses when it opens the connection to the rtsp stream. It could be random. For example, the kvm guest may use port 48000 when it tries to connect to a rtsp stream running on port 3011 ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.