Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
Frobozz avatar
udev rule/script to suppress kernel event
us flag

I am in need of a method (udev rule and/or script) that will effectively suppress a kernel event that is crashing my display manager.

I have been successful suppressing the kernel event manually by:

udevadm control -s  # Suspend queue processing
<blah blah>         # Do whatever triggers the kernel event
sleep x             # Wait for event to queue (udevadm monitor -k)
udevadm control -e  # Clo ...
Score: 0
Mathieu avatar
How to upgrade a MariaDB database to utf8mb4_unicode_ci?
at flag

I have a Drupal 9.4.8 website a MariaDB database and phpMyAdmin.

My website is already active with data in its 220 MB database.

How to upgrade a MariaDB database to utf8mb4_unicode_ci ?

Here is my website setup :

enter image description here

Here is the current database. It's really a mess, because there's utf8_general_ci and utf8mb4_general_ci :

enter image description here

If updating is possible, c ...

Score: 0
Egy Mohammad Erdin avatar
NginX dynamic rewrite location and alias
gn flag

For developing purpose, my apps need to be tested on different version,
so my idea was to serve it in different url like this :

my files/folder like this :

      | apps/
          | 3/public/index.php
          | 4/public/index.php
          | 20/public/index.php
          | 45 ...
Score: 1
Nate Houk avatar
How to create pvc using existing pv?
cv flag

I have deleted the pvc on my mediawiki kubernetes deployment and I am unable to get the deployment back into a running state because it can't reattach to the existing pv.

If I install it fresh, it just creates a new pvc withi a new pv. I want to use an existing pv (which has all my data) when I reinstall.

    ## Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims
    ## ref: https://kubernete ...
Score: 0
RogerFC avatar
How to edit patch items in a Kustomization file for doing gitops with Helm (and avoiding patches piling up)
us flag

I'm looking for a better way to update docker images defined ina HelmRelease using GitOps, as my current method is generating noise.

After introducing Helm to a cluster I'm managing with GitOps, I'm finding some difficulties on how to properly declare new docker image builds to be used in the cluster.

In a deployment I can use a simple Kustomization resource to replace image elements, e.g.:

apiVersion: k ...
Score: -1
erax avatar
Nginx: remove port from URL
hn flag

I got a service running via npm on port 3000.

My nginx configuration looks like this:

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server;
    root /var/www/html/public/;

    # Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP
    index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;

    server_name _;
    return 301 http://fake.url:3000$request_uri;

Its working, i can open the site w ...

Score: 1
Eddie Rowe avatar
Apache: How to "hide" a subdomain but serve over https
cn flag

I will freely admit my ignorance - or perhaps enough knowledge to be dangerous.

I have a subdomain http://db.<mydomain>.com that serves the phpMyAdmin utility. It's currently in a directory with an Apache directive to require a valid-user from .htaccess which made sense at the time, because I don't want to expose the phpMyAdmin login page to the general public.

The problem this created was  ...

Score: -1
Chris Ward avatar
Getting unexpected failures running netperf. Any idea what causes them?
US flag

I am getting

tjcw:Downloads$ grep netserver run-all-6.txt
+ netserver_pid=623321
+ netserver -p 50000 -4
Starting netserver with host 'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' port '50000' and family AF_INET
+ netserver_pid=623938
+ netserver -p 50001 -4
Starting netserver with host 'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' port '50001' and family AF_INET
+ netserver_pid=624493
+ netserver -p 50002 -4
Starting netserver with host 'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' por ...
Score: 0
RabbitSF avatar
Can Bitlocker be applied to a shared volume of the Windows 2022 server? + SMB Encryption?
gn flag

Our school has a remote file server (Windows 2022 virtual server on a colo) that provides network shared drives. We have both Windows and MacOS clients accessing it through SMB.

Recently our IT Sub-committee recommended me enable Bitlocker on these shared volumes.

First question regarding SMB encryption: Microsoft has the following on SMB encryption. My understanding is this is for the encryption on th ...

Score: 0
Jonathan Wood avatar
Does FileZilla Server require a public key to work?
ug flag

I've installed FileZilla Pro Server to host my FTP/SFTP site.

If I try to log into the SFTP server using FileZilla client, it works just fine.

But we have another company trying to log in and they are getting errors.

2022-11-29 13:25:39.207 FTP< CONNECT

processLoginCommand(): Exception while Connecting for InbdProfId: 5915 UserName: XXXXXXXXXedi

Exception: ...

Score: -1
whatfield avatar
Windows Server 2019 - RDP is not accepting valid user credentials
at flag

I have setup a fresh Windows Server 2019 installation on an ESXI host, and the WS2019 guest will only allow the Admin user to establish an RDP connection.

I have configured 2 additional users (so that we can stop sharing admin accounts!) and added said users to the admin group as well as the remote users group.

I have successfully logged in locally (via ESXI web console) to both of the new users, to ...

Score: 1
Arad avatar
Modify the `Host` header or pass `X-Forwarded-Host` instead when using Nginx as reverse proxy?
pl flag

I'm trying to use Nginx as a reverse proxy and the upstream server is an ASP.NET Core application where I've registered the ForwardedHeadersMiddleware, which will read three different X-Forwarded-* headers:

  • X-Forwarded-For
  • X-Forwarded-Proto
  • X-Forwarded-Host

Now, I understand the first two, but find the last one (X-Forwarded-Host) confusing. I've seen Nginx reverse proxy configurations usually rewriting ...

Score: 0
woodz avatar
Deal with systemd-journald namespaces
pk flag

I am trying to find out how the namespace mechanism of systemd's journald operates.

How to configure it, whether journal namespaces are equal to unix / linux namespaces and how to attach my custom processes to such a namespace to make them able to log to a namespaced journal instead of into the default namespace persistent journal /var/log/journal/12345abcde67890/*.

Are journal namespaces equal to unix /  ...

Score: 0
danielbgto avatar
How to resend SNMP trap which was already received and translated
ne flag

I have monitoring system where devices are sending traps. The traps are translated. After translation I'm using regex to get the "human readable" data and insert it into the monitoring page. In order to skip new real tests when regex need change - how I can recreate/resend such translated traps. Is there some trap recreating software?


SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0: 1493732113, SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB::s ...
Score: 0
FrediWeber avatar
vSphere Datastore and VM Permission
in flag

Given a vSphere user has roles that allow it to perform low level file operations on datastore A and attach existing storage on VM (in VMware vSphere), does this allow the user to attach existing VMDKs from datastore B to VM A (programmatically)? There is no datastore permission to „attach disks“ or „use vmdks“ on a datastore level so I assume this should be possible, given the user knows the ex ...

Score: 0
netanel shteren avatar
How to download the SSL certificate from a website using PowerShell?
br flag

I want to download an SSL certificate using PowerShell

I glad for any help

Score: 0
Joanna Josiah avatar
Can i use one company to host website and different company for email using same domain
kw flag

The domain was purchased with go daddy, website was created on wix and dns linked to that but email will be with ionos. Can this be done? and if so how do I do it?

Score: 0
hendr1x avatar
Debian 11 : Can't add squashfs to /proc/filesystems
ec flag

I'm trying to fix an issue with snap I'm having :

root@puppeteer:~# snap install core
error: system does not fully support snapd: cannot mount squashfs image using "squashfs": mount:
       /tmp/sanity-mountpoint-180662911: unknown filesystem type 'squashfs'.

It seems like squashfs is installed

root@puppeteer:~# apt install squashfs-tools
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree...  ...
Score: 1
ram ajay avatar
Adding Chained CA certificate on /etc/ssl/certinfo.ldif file
eg flag

I have been created following files for my LDAP server using certtool. 1.root.pem 2.ldap_crt.pem 3.ldap_key.pem

Above created files has been configured in the /etc/ssl/certinfo.ldif file like mentioned below.

olcTLSCACertificateFile: /etc/ldap/ssl/root.pem
olcTLSCertificateFile: /etc/ldap/ssl/ldap_crt.pem
olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: /etc/ldap/ssl/ldap_key.pem

As of this everything is working fine for me wi ...

Score: 1
Maya avatar
Can't add vxlan to bond interface
al flag

I'm trying to add vxlan100 to bond0 interface but it doesn't seem to be working

Here are the commands. I have a wg0 (wireguard) interface on which I'm creating L2 vxlan100.

sudo ip link add vxlan100 type vxlan id 100 dev wg0 
sudo ip link add bond0 type bond
echo 0 > /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/mode

sudo ip link set vxlan100 master bond0

However the last line "sudo ip link set vxlan100 master bond0" ...

Score: 0
Koori13 avatar
pwdFailureTime behavior for accounts that are set to no lockout
US flag

I want to have a no lockout policy, but would like to remove the consecutive failure timestamps from pwdFailureTime. I know that a successful login clears the pwdFailureTime attribute, but I don't want to have a buildup of failed timestamps before that happens.

I can see that IBM has a fix for this, but am interested to know if there's an openLDAP solution as well, and if not, what the possible solution ...

Score: 0
dima1002 avatar
CentOS - nft route beetween two interfaces
it flag

I have a server with 2 network cards. I want to route from the network to the network and back the same way. What am I doing wrong? I have already set forwarding. See below

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
Score: 0
J. Mick avatar
How to correctly configure OpenDKIM with Postfix on Debian 11?
dk flag

The desired settings are to create a multi domain mail server.

This is my main domain and this is my subdomain:

Taking the rDNS as the following verifications:

hostname -f
nano /etc/mailname
nano /etc/hostname

As a result:

I already have the DNS records in (TXT Record):

1 record txt: @ v=spf1 a mx ip4: ~all
2 record txt: _dmarc.mail   v=DMARC ...
Score: 0
anaigini avatar
OpenScap scan results are false-positive
om flag

I recently ran the OpenScap Audit scan on a SLES 12 machine, and the result seems to be false-positive.

Eg for these two checks :

1) Ensure sudo logfile exists - sudo logfile

The description for this item mentions :

A custom log sudo file can be configured with the 'logfile' tag. This rule configures a sudo custom logfile at the default location suggested by CIS, which uses /var/log/sudo.log.

I hav ...

Score: 1
eliko avatar
install rhel9 system using kickstart over http fails
us flag

I am trying to install a rhel9 system (vm) with a kickstart file.
The kickstart file was created using the anaconda-ks.cfg from a manual install of a previous rhel9 system (changed the ks file with new ip addres, hostname and the disk size).
The installation won't start.

This is the info entered in the boot option menu. I have also tried inst.stage2=cdrom instead of inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=RHEL-9-1-0-B ...

Score: -1
mikuzan avatar
computer get dhcp from windows server dhcp server that is in other subnet
hm flag

i have server with windows server 2019 with dhcp server role installed

i'v created this scope: - with subnet

also i'v created a virtual lan card with this ip: / for hyper-v


i'v create a hyper-v new machine and the machine getting the dhcp from

how she get dhcp if the virtual lan  ...

Score: 0
Farhad Sakhaei avatar
OpenConnect force clients to use special cipher
cn flag

I use ocserv on Centos as Openconnect VPN and I use config file for setting up the server
I need to force clients to use special cipher like AES-256-GCM
because it seems that VPN blocks on some 4G net by a strange firewall and I need to bypass that firewall
I use /etc/ocserv/ocserv.conf but it seems there isn't any setting for such things

auth = "plain[passwd=/etc/ocserv/ocpasswd]"
tcp-port = 443 ...
Score: 0
MrShakila avatar
Is there any way to use DIgitalOcean VPS as FTP server
st flag

Problem- I need to implement old CCTV footage into the cloud(for image processing), but DVR doesn't support direct cloud upload. it only supports FTP for file uploading if there any way I can achieve this?

Score: 0
Sethos II avatar
ZFS send/receive fails, target has been modified, because of a zfs userspace query?
jp flag

I use zfs send/receive to replicate a zfs file system to another server every day. The workflow is the standard send receive:

# 1. create snapshot on source
zfs snapshot ${source_fs}@${today}
# 2. send incremental update from yesterday to today to target
zfs send -i ${one_day_ago} ${source_fs}@${today} | ssh user@${target_host} "zfs receive ${target_fs}"
# 3. destroy old snapshots from two days ago ...
Score: 0
virtualeyes avatar
Routine SCP Command fails (VPN/Network Active)
cn flag

My dev machine runs on Fedora (36).

Recently I attempted to scp a file to a remote server (CentOS 7) and got a cryptic error message:

scp: dest open(""): No such file or directory

The command looks something like:

scp -C foo.ext user@internal-vpn-ip:~/

Nothing out of the ordinary, have done this many times over the years without issue. Strange, I thought, everything's up & running, yet scp can' ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.