Latest Server related questions

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SofterPanda avatar
Is there a way to add a drive which has a mismatched txg in a ZFS zpool?
ug flag

I've got a raidz2 that should be finding one more drive, that is physically there, only its txg # is out of sync, so I think that is causing it not to be added. (Disk 4 did indeed fail and is missing).

  raidz2-0                                DEGRADED     0     0     0
    fe444bbe-e0b4-490f-9e1a-3f547a02d4c5  ONLINE       0     0     0
    b871a408-4bbd-45d6-bedb-210d89dc1243  ONLINE       0      ...
Score: 0
Jonathan Rixon avatar
No Microphone in Server 2019 / RDS
gu flag

I think I have the same problem as here: No sound from microphone over Remote Desktop (Windows Server 2019) but I don't have the reputation to comment/ask on that question. I have checked all the same things in the question and the answers mentioned on that post.

The remote server just shows no recording devices available.

I have been through all the troubleshooting options I can find mentioned on ...

Score: 0
Gabe Chantayan avatar
Emails from a certain sender are being automatically deleted
se flag

I am part of an organization that uses Microsoft 365 and Outlook for our mail and we have a user who, when they receive an email from a certain account (lets call it [email protected]), it gets automatically deleted with no way of recovering it. Our user will get incoming notifications saying that [email protected] has sent an email, and can read the contents in a preview, but when they go to read ...

Score: 0
Dhamer Nader avatar
Linux missing lvm
md flag

hello so i have a ubuntu hpc cluster and i got a problem with storage

whenever i try to access the storage from my compute nodes i cant i keep getting this error

mount:mounting or /installer_root
failed :operation not supported trying to mount again 

i managed to get one running but it cant access the storage and when i type lsblk i dont get anything under sdb

Score: 1
Patscat avatar
Configure postfix to relay from machines on subnet
kw flag

I'm trying to set up postfix as a relay, for some ancient equipment inside our netwrok which can't be upgraded to use current security protocols to send email.

At this stage I'm just trying to prove access using telnet.

The current state is that using telnet, on the machine where postfix is running, using, works:

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220-cogapp.c ...
Score: 0
9ieR avatar
Using wireguard server on cloud as a medium to access local server from internet?
sm flag

Basically what I want is that, I want to use the public IP of the google cloud vm to access to my local webserver. I don't have any public ip on my local side.

When I put gcloud_public_ip:80 in my browser url bar, I want to get access to my local server's web port instead of the cloud vm's web.

I've successfully configured wireguard. wg0 interfaces on both gcloud vm and local server are up and runnin ...

Score: 2
Jake Baker avatar
NTP Server Precedence using systemd-timesyncd
us flag

I'm looking for documentation which specifies the precedence / priority of NTP servers (ubuntu 20.04).

I am using timesyncd which has the ntp.ubuntu server But when connecting to the network via DHCP I want to use the NTP sever which my DHCP server is using - thus i have option 42 set for my systemd-networkd settings. In the case in which the DHCP server does not offer NTP server information, do ...

Score: 0
Granwille avatar
How to configure 2 x NIC with each having their own gateway?
cv flag

I am going to give a brief unrelated explanation first to make sense of my question:

I have 3 Linux boxes with each having 2 x NICs, 1 for the WAN interface and 1 for the LAN interface. Each Linux box has a full public subnet from the ISP configured on the WAN interface and I can successfully reach the "internet" using said interface.

As for the LAN interface on each box, they are configured on the  ...

Score: 0
Della avatar
Is It Possible to Make an EC2 Instance Part of a VPN Protected by Global Protect
ke flag

What am I running?

EC2 instance Ubuntu 22.04 with a static elastic ip address The instance has only one network interface, whose details say it is an Elastic network interface. (I believed every instance has a primary network interface, but I do not see any PNI).

What I want to do?

My company has an on-prem virtual machine running MSSQL server at, but that is behind the globalpr ...

Score: 0
Marc avatar
nginx regular expression reverse proxy location
eg flag

I try to create a location based reverse proxy.
My config does not work as expected.

It should pass every request that is made to /api & /auth to the backend, and everything else to the frontend server.

server {

 listen 80;
 server_name localhost;

 # remove server version
 server_tokens off;

 try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

 autoindex off;

 location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_n ...
Score: 0
V Damoy avatar
Can't install an Ubuntu Desktop edition (20.04, 22.04, 22.10) in a VMWare virtual machine
uy flag

I can't install a recent Ubuntu Desktop guest OS in my VMWare ESXI 7.0.0 (Build 16324942).

Each time I try, the installation process crashes on the "Where are you?" screen (when you have to choose the meridian in which you are), and the window is closed.

Then I can see the Ubuntu OS which were started from the ISO file (this VM is not installed in the VM. It is he "try Ubuntu" OS).

This is my VM's conf ...

Score: 0
Ayyanar sithanandhan avatar
I need to record the process which is using more CPU when the usage goes to 90 percent in Server 2019
de flag

We are using Remote Application Server in Windows Server 2019 and it connect more than 100 users. Sometimes the CPU goes more than 90% as per PRTG alert monitoring system, but can't login and capture which process or user consume more CPU from task manager.

Are there any tools that record the process or users when CPU usage goes to 90 percent?

Score: 0
Ceccoclat avatar
How to have a RAID1 accessible from both Ubuntu and Windows?
ga flag

This topic has been discussed many times, but i didn't find anything specific to my situation. I would like to create a RAID1 with 2 sata drives (same brand, model,capacity). My objective is to have this raid accessible from both Windows and Ubuntu, wich are located in 2 other separate drives. So i am not trying to boot from the raid, i am just using it for storing data. I know that the easy solution wo ...

Score: 0
Lars avatar
MySQL replication fails with connection error when server has second IP address
de flag

For a few days I've been struggling with a MySQL + Docker + ClusterIP problem. I'm trying to create a failover for my servers. If Server1 fails, Server2 should take over automatically. Both servers are running MySQL 8.0.31 in a Docker container. These databases are synchronized with a replication (master->slave or master-master).

That works quite well so far. The problem now comes when I assig ...

Score: 0
Dhanunjaya avatar
moving the files from one directory to another in sharepoint using python
dz flag

I am using the below code to move csv files from one directory to another directory it ran successfuly by using cloud function but there is no action in the sharepoint and in cloud function also I am not seeing any error. Can any one findout what is the root cause and please provide the code if possible.

from office365.runtime.auth.client_credential import ClientCredential from office365.runtime. ...

Score: 0
Bee_Riii avatar
Unzipping to general file share is slow on azure shared disk. Clustered windows server 2019
co flag

I have a file share server running on an azure VM cluster.

Copying already existing files to the file share gets really good speed. Averaging about 60 MBps. So if I copy a file from a local machine to the file share I get good performance.

What I've noticed as that when writing a stream of data to the share it runs at only 3-8MBps.

So for instance running an unzip from a local machine and extracting  ...

Score: 2
Pagespeed delivers content with gzip header but not gzip content all out of nowhere?
in flag

All out of nowhere our website did not longer load CSS.

The Chrome browser console showed


With the httpie tool a similar error:

$ http ",,__dist,,_css,,_all.css,,q1669307021+typo3conf,,_ext,,_tiny_png,,_Resources,,_Public,,_Stylesheet,,_lightbox.css,,q1642153071+typo3conf,,_ext,,_example_theme,,_Resources,,_Public,,_Css,,_lazy-lo ...
Score: 0
eciii avatar
Does Windows Server 2012 R2 really support only one server signature algorithm?
sk flag

I'm neither a windows expert nor an information security expert. Recently I inherited some Windows server 2012 R2 hosts that I have to manage. For reasons explained in this other post I realized (using sslscan with the --show-sigs option against the winrm port 5986) that all those hosts only support one Server Signature Algorithm, namely rsa_pkcs1-sha1 (see screenshot below).

enter image description here

  • Is it true that this is th ...
Score: 0
EcksRay avatar
Patroni interconnection failover
gd flag

3 Data Centres:

Patroni version: 2.1.4

PostgreSQL version: 14.4

Etcd version: 3.3.11

DC Server Name Host Status
1st Patroni patroni-s11 Leader
1st Patroni patroni-s12 Sync Standby
1st ETCD etcd-s11 Leader
2nd Patroni patroni-s21 Replica
2nd Patroni patroni-s22 Replica
2nd ETCD etcd-s21 slave
3rd Patroni patroni-s3 ...
Score: 0
LifeWithLucifer avatar
Exchange 2013 Search Admin Audit Log Error
de flag

I am hoping someone can help me with an issue I can't seem to get past. I am trying to search the admin audit log on an Exchange 2013 server. Here is the error.

The attempt to search the administrator audit log failed. Please try again later. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Search-AdminAuditLog], AdminAuditLogSearchException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=,RequestId=00153cf0-43f3- ...

Score: 0
Zoltan veress avatar
Is there a way to monitor data transfer per port on ubuntu?
in flag

We are running a server process which has multiple active ports. I would like to know what outgoing data transfer is associated with each port. I would like to see a 24 hour report like:

  • port 30000 : 2.4G
  • port 30001 : 1.2G
  • port 30002 : 2.3G

Is there a way to do this?

Score: 1
Jeff Bauersfeld avatar
Add Node to Fail-over Cluster Failing to Communicate over 3343
in flag

We have an existing Windows 2012 2 node cluster with file witness, but are replacing them with 2019 servers. So we can just reuse the existing cluster object, we're adding the 2019 servers to the cluster then dropping the 2012 ones once the clustered databases sync over. Validation test only reveals a few warnings, including the "only one pair of network interfaces" warning on Validate Network Communica ...

Score: 0
hoa.le avatar
"ALERT! /dev/mapper/vg0-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell!" when compile linux kernel
tm flag

I compiled linux kernel and got the error seems like initrd can't read file system. I tried both in LVM and non-LVM but none of them work.

With LVM, the error showed:

**ALERT! /dev/mapper/vg0-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell!**

With non-LVM, the error was slightly different:

ALERT! UUID=xxxxxxxx does not exist. Dropping to a shell! ...

Score: 0
Anup Buchke avatar
How is NAT Port Exhaustion handled?
ng flag

"Port address translation (PAT) resolves conflicts that arise when multiple hosts happen to use the same source port number to establish different external connections at the same time. PAT may then assign the connection a port number from a pool of available ports, inserting this port number in the source port field."

What if we have 10s of ...

Score: 0
Wiley Rush avatar
Error 502, phpinfo() directing to 7.4 when 8.1 is installed (File not found)
hm flag

I'm setting up a web server. I have a freshly installed Ubuntu 22.04, Nginx (welcome page works), and php-fpm which installed php8.1 and php-fpm8.1.

To test PHP, I created a /var/www//info.php which just includes:

phpinfo(); ?>

Browsing to this page gives Error 502 - Bad Gateway.

Checking /var/log/nginx/error.log shows this:

connect() to unix: /var/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock failed (2:  ...
Score: 0
Undermouse avatar
Router forces to use netcard's hardware mac
nz flag

I'm trying to connect to a network that manages device connections by it's mac. So, I want to connect a device, which has no interface to connect it properly by itself

I decided to use a different device using the adapter with mac of the device I really want to connect to enable wifi connection for it (pretty legal, as I think)

So, I use macchanger to change a mac of my wifi card (adapter) and it wo ...

Score: 1
72909903 avatar
Windows Defender won't install on Server 2016
cn flag

I'm trying to install Windows Defender on one of our WIN Server 2016s but am getting a failure message with error code 0x800f0831. I tried the install through Server Manager > Add Roles and Feature.

Defender was removed from this server several months ago and now it needs to be reinstalled. Upon checking the CBS log, I saw entries regarding a missing package for KB5014702. However, upon trying ...

Score: 1
eciii avatar
How can I force ansible (or python for that matter) to use openssl at seclevel 0 in Ubuntu 22.04?
sk flag

I have ansible installed in a host with Ubuntu 22.04, from which I try to connect to a host with Windows Server 2012 R2 using winrm. The problem is that I get a connection error.

After chasing the error for several hours I found the reason:

  • Using sslscan (with the --show-sigs option) I found that the windows host only accepts the rsa_pkcs1-sha1 Server Signature Algorithm (as far as I have investiga ...
Score: 0
TheMonkeyKing avatar
Letsencrypt - Existing domain certificate gets invalid when adding new domain
cn flag

When I try to add ssl certificate for a on the nginx server, It gets installed and works but the other existing show a certificate error

This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from
This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.

After removing certificate for new-domain and relo ...

Score: 0
user3840019 avatar
proper way of NATing and Routing when using TUN interface with iptables
ru flag

edit: I'm a newbie in networking and discovering new things :)

I created a TUN interface programmatically and able to interact with.

I set it up and running by ifconfig myTun up

and its up and running as I can see it in ifconfig and pinging

and to make 100% sure if my TUN interface is up and running with my written problem I did following:

I pinged and the packet  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.