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Score: 0
Recovering RAID5 - using Linux "mdadm"
ng flag

Using Linux mdadm to recover from failed disk / partition. Here are titles of the steps I took so far - I can post detailed copy if it helps. ( I am not sure how to post file link here...)

The last response to "run" is :

nov25-1@nov251-desktop:~$ sudo mdadm --run /dev/md0
mdadm: failed to start array /dev/md/0: Input/output error

What would be my next step to "activate" th ...

Score: 3
Does VMware Converter (6.3) *only* work with vCenter?
in flag

I have a small office that has an old Windows XP system with some proprietary software on it that's not available any more but the office still uses (with continual data being updated). I've been tasked with ensuring the longevity of that system, considering it's on a workstation that's over 10 years old: fortunately the disk (my greatest fear of failing) is still working.

My plan is to get a new ...

Score: 0
Pidi avatar
VPN configuration iptables
cy flag

I am connected to a s2s VPN and I have already opened the routes on my clients. How can I open the port on iptables to connect all my PCs to the customer's network?

I was thinking something like this:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s 10.X.X.X/24 --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

Where: 10.X.X.X/24 customer public IP

Obviously, access to the open port must only take place from the IP of the VPN.

Score: 3
Polynook avatar
Docker NGINX reverse proxy does not work with one docker service, but works with another
vi flag

I'm trying to run a service Mautic ( behind NGINX reverse proxy in Docker and can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

A little preamble to introduce my setup:

Since Mautic listens on port 80, and I already have NGINX container listening on port 80, so I have changed port 80 to 8081 in the following files inside Mautic image: /etc/apache2/ports.conf /etc/apache2/sites ...

Score: -1
How to create RAID5 with existing data? EFDITED
ng flag

Here is the original post There is very ancient post on this forum about adding / creating new RAID5 using EXISTING data on non RAID5 partition. I ASSUME the discussion was pertaining to HARDWARE RAID5. Can I add / create / build RAID5 partitions using SOFTWARE RAID5 using exiting data on one partition? I am familiar with Linux "mdadm".

Edit Dec 7 And here is the repeat of the title and my ques ...

Score: 0
SharifS avatar
How to discard a request from burst queue after a certain time in NGINX?
sl flag

I want to set a low rate limit such as 5r/s to an upstream. I don't want to reject any request for surpassing QPS limit, So I am setting the burst value to a high number and using default delay value 0, which means to delay infinitely. However I want to discard requests after they are waiting in the burst queue for some time, e.g. 30 seconds.

I tried to set some timeout values but as I learned ti ...

Score: 0
Jean avatar
Using ZFS, volume size increase are not seen by LXD container
jp flag

I'm trying to use LXD to test Ansible deployments, but the container are too small. I read the documentation from here, and I still cannot increase the size on the root disk of my LXD container :

I'm running these versions :

lsb_release -a                                                                                             [15:07:41]
No LSB modules are available.
Distributo ...
Score: 0
How do I add a second virtual host to an Apache server config?
ug flag

I have an Apache server running on an AWS EC2 instance. Currently, one virtual host is running successfully on the server, and I want to add a second virtual host / domain, but I can't figure out how to get it working.

Anonymizing the data, here's the original information I added to httpd.conf to get the first virtual host running:

<Directory "/var/www/site-1/public">
    Options Indexes Foll ...
Score: 0
alex_223 avatar
Postfix email forwarding working for one address but not for another
vn flag

I have Postfix configured to use MariaDB to hold data. Everything is managed through webmin.

This is what my forwardings table looks like (the first row is supposed to capture everything that's sent to an undefined alias):

I just found out that emails ...

Score: -1
Slimepi avatar
sharing the memory of a program between ec2 instances
au flag

Is it possible to combine the memory of ec2 instances? For example, let's say that I run a program that requires 2gb ram to run on one ec2 with 1gb ram instance,

can I somehow share that program's memory with another 1gb ram instance?

Score: 0
unlikely avatar
Hyper-V Production Checkpoint issue with Debian 11 Linux VMs
us flag

Just added the first Linux VM (Debian 11) to Hyper-V Server Core 2016. An error is raised while exporting VM with

Get-VM ... | Export-VM -CaptureLiveState CaptureDataConsistentState ...

The message mention an issue while creating Production Checkpoint because of VSS integration guest error 0x80004005. From what I understand hv_vss_daemon is running in the guest

root@...:~# ps -ef | grep hv
root   ...
Score: 0
U. Windl avatar
How to start and stop SAP instances (including databases) automatically with OS boot and shutdown, respectively?
it flag

Running SLES15 (uses systemd), how can I make SAP instances and databases start automatically on system boot, and stop them properly on system shutdown or reboot?

One example I found is for the obsolete LSB start mechanism.

Score: 0
md7 avatar
Windows event log shows events in the future
cn flag

One of my Windows server VMs seems to be time travelling without my permission: Screenshot of Windows Event Viewer The text reads:

time service was not able to sync the system time since 1601267 seconds (adds up to the ≈ 18 days it jumps into the future the first time) time will only be refreshed once the service was able to sync with a time server [...]

The server has since returned to "normal" time ...

Score: 0
Chris avatar
Spamassassin ignores spam in multi-part email
is flag

Sometimes my email server gets multi-part emails where the embedded email is detected as spam, but the containing email gets a score of 0. So the message is marked as SPAM but not moved to the quarantine folder, still delivered to the recipient. What can I do to change this?

This is on a Debian/Postfix/Dovecot/Spamassassin/Amavis system.

Score: 1
Anon avatar
How to test whether NTP server is secured or not
us flag

We are trying few of the configurations of NTP in ntp.conf file and want to be sure whether the NTP server is secured or not.

Following the recommendation provided here:

we added :

IPV4: restrict -4 default limited kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery

IPv6: restrict -6 default limited kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery

Now the questio ...

Score: 0
Della avatar
How to start up GPD for Palo Alto Network in Headless Ubuntu Server?
ke flag

Trying to install and work with GlobalProtect from Palo Alto Networks on an Amazon Ec2 . headless machine (runs Ubuntu 22.04). I just installed Globalprotect alright, but it is not working. From some reading, I came to believe the GPD service is not starting up. This is what I get when I query the status of GPD service.

$ sudo systemctl status gpd
[sudo] password for della: 
● gpd.service - Globa ...
Score: 0
Sinauwae avatar
Elastic Beanstalk 1 ELB for multiple website and domain
ae flag

Can I use 1 Elastic Beanstalk to manage multiple website with different domain? How to do that?

Score: 0
Mhd Wael Jazmati avatar
ElasticBeansTalk Rebuild Environment issue
dm flag

After rebuilding an existing environment, it's keep failing due to using none existing SSL Certificate for LoadBalancer, any idea how to update the configuration to use the new ARN of SSL, or to remove the SSL from Load Balancer as a temp solution

Score: 0
Vkare avatar
ufw enableing error on POP OS
sj flag
ERROR: problem running ufw-init
iptables-restore v1.8.7 (legacy): iptables-restore: unable to initialize table 'filter'
Error occurred at line: 1
Try `iptables-restore -h' or 'iptables-restore --help' for more information.
iptables-restore v1.8.7 (legacy): iptables-restore: unable to initialize table 'filter'
Error occurred at line: 1
Try `iptables-restore -h' or 'iptables-restore --help' for more informa ...
Score: 0
Fardin Kamali avatar
pwoerdns only replicates after I manually re-creater the slave zone
pg flag

Hi guys I have two master/slave PowerDNS servers with MySQL backend, which is supposed to be replicated using PowerDNS replication itself (not MySQL replication). But the slave node will get the updates when I re-create the slave zone using pdnsutl. here are my server ips:


here is my setup on master:

gmysql-user= ...
Score: 0
lmonninger avatar
WireGuard VPN client does not work behind FritzBox!Gastzugang. Does FritzBox!Gastzugang ship with a UDP filter?
iq flag

While staying with some older relatives in Germany, I discovered my Wireguard client could not complete its handshake with a Wireguard server I'd stood up.

I thought the problem was likely me and my Terraform script, so I spent a little time checking the configs, logs, etc. I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. I then figured I could determine whether or not the issue was on my end by try ...

Score: 0
gstackoverflow avatar
Can't configure VPN on tp-link router using PSK
sa flag

I've bought a VPS server and configured stronswan VPN. I was able to configure VPN on my Windows laptop(usinf certificate provided by Strongswan Web UI) and my android smartphon(configuration is provided by Strongswan Web UI) but I was not able to configure it on my router(TP-Link Archer AX55).

The dialog for configuring VPN looks like:

enter image description here

and I choose L2TP/IPSec. Then I see: enter image description here

I have no idea what sh ...

Score: 1
How to cause ASP.NET app to recycle when OutOfMemoryException is thrown
ss flag

I have a ASP.NET app (.NET framework 4.8) that runs in IIS on Server 2019. It happened a few times over that last few weeks that a customer tries to do some operation on the site that requires a large block of memory. The ASP.NET runtime is unable to find such a large block in memory and throws OutOfMemoryException. The site continues to work but some pages are working and some don't. IIS Application po ...

Score: 0
Bersan avatar
A certain IP keeps trying enpoints in my API such as `/.env`, `/info.php`, `/.env.production`, etc. Should I blacklist it?
tg flag

I deployed my first ever internet service recently (AWS). As I expected, I started getting these "internet robots".

I noticed one in particular that keeps trying the endpoints mentioned in the title, as well as the root "/", which works. But it bugs me that this is using my resources, and I expect more to come. My question is:

  • Is it worth it to manually block this one IP?
  • What are the best ways to automa ...
Score: 0
Nate Houk avatar
Recovering a persistent volume across Linode k8s clusters
cv flag

I upgraded my Linode k8s cluster to 1.24 and then fonud out that mediawiki isn't compatible with k8s 1.24.

Linode support has recommended that I create a new cluster that is version 1.23, and then attach the pv volumes to that cluster, create new pvc's and then recover the data that way.

I created the new cluster called "recovery" with version 1.23.

However, I can not see the pv volumes in this new 1.2 ...

Score: 0
Karnalta avatar
Ubuntu ethernet bridge limited to 1Gbs?
bb flag

I have an Intel 522SFP network adapter in a Ubuntu Server machine and I am facing a strange issue with speed.

If I use it "directly" with this netplan (enp1s0f0 interface) :

# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'
      dhcp4: false
      dhcp6: false
      - 19 ...
Score: 1
Fabian Schmied avatar
What does the MEMORY(bytes) value mean in "kubectl top nodes" on Windows AKS nodes?
in flag

When I run kubectl top nodes on my Azure Kubernetes Services cluster with Windows nodes, I get a value back for MEMORY(bytes):

PS >kubectl top nodes
NAME                                CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%
akswinxxxxxxxxx                     163m         8%     2407Mi          55%

This number (2407Mi) is not the Allocated value as returned by kubectl describe node

Score: 0
mikoni avatar
Limit what kind of policies and roles an admin role can create in AWS
pw flag

Is there a way in AWS to limit what kind of roles and policies another role can create?

In my setup, I have two kinds of admin roles: AccountAdmin and InfraAdmin. The AccountAdmin one having more rights while the InfraAdmin having only the needed set of rights to run day to day operations.

Now I have a situation where the InfraAdmin role needs rights to create bundles where I have EC2 instance, RDS datab ...

Score: 0
asteway avatar
Static route via nftables firewall
yt flag

I have a gateway "X" with 2 NICs

enp0s3 ( connected to (let's assume this is a WAN network)

enp0s8 ( connected to (presumably a LAN network)

I have created a NAT connection using nftables to allow hosts in the LAN ( browse the internet via the gateway "X".


flush ruleset
table inet filter {
  chain inpu ...
Score: 0
MrCalvin avatar
mdadm RAID5 mismatch, which file(s) on ext4 filesystem are affected?
cn flag

After a scrub of my 4-disk RAID5 mdadm array I got these log entries:

Dec 03 07:20:53 srv10 kernel: md1: mismatch sector in range 204340608-204340616
Dec 03 07:20:53 srv10 kernel: md1: mismatch sector in range 204340616-204340624
Dec 03 07:20:53 srv10 kernel: md1: mismatch sector in range 204340624-204340632
Dec 03 07:20:53 srv10 kernel: md1: mismatch sector in range 204340632-204340640
Dec 03 07:2 ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.