Latest Server related questions

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RLBChrisBriant avatar
How to start up VM in personal AVD host pool?
iq flag

We have about six users who require an Azure Virtual Desktop environment.

I am looking into the best options as they would like to have dedicated VMs per user. I have been looking into the personal host pool deployment.

With the personal option it would require six VMs to be created, but there might only be two people using the AVD at one time so the other four VMs are being wasted if that is the ca ...

Score: 0
Niek van der Steen avatar
MariaDB Master-Master replication with 3 servers, no ports open on master
sy flag

I want three MariaDB database servers, one master and two "slaves". I want to be able to read and write on every server, and have this replicated on the other servers. I read on the internet that this is called "master-master replication".

Now I do not want to open any ports on my 'real' master server, and only on the two 'slave' instances. Is it possible to have the 'real master' open the socket ...

Score: 1
SrNewbieEngineer avatar
MAC verified OK not showing when running Openssl
pn flag

The tutorials I read when running SSL commands state I would see MAC verified OK after running the any creation commands. I don't see that output but the files are created fine. Is that an issue? I'm using PowerShell for Openssl v 3.0.7.


openssl pkcs12 -in -clcerts -nokeys -out cert-file.pem

That should give a print of:

input password: 
MAC verified OK

But it doesn't appe ...

Score: 0
Joy1979 avatar
git and/or azure devops treat folders that start with . as submodules
cr flag

I have a problem with the pipeline where it wouldn't checkout the .iac folder. However, when I changed it to iac (from .iac)it worked. Additionally I am seeing that the .azuredevops folder isn't being checkout either.

I thought it may have been related to the .gitignore file. However, I didn't see an entry for either .iac or *.

This is Linux build agent.

My only other thought is that it treats the .*  ...

Score: 0
dhoefer avatar
LSI Storage Authority (Windows) losing registered ESXI after reboot
it flag

I have an issue with the RAID Monitoring Software LSA for Windows (LSI Storage Authority).

I can add an ESXI manually and manage/monitor the RAID controller fine, but as soon as im rebooting the server or restart the LSA service, the ESXI server is missing and i have to manually rediscover it.

LSA - Manage Server Page

From different support docs it's said that server connections will be stored in an  ...

Score: 0
Alecu avatar
Best way to host a TURN server using Coturn
in flag

We are researching into what would be the best way to host several Coturn servers, around 3 instances for availability reasons. We need them because we are using WebRTC.

We thought of hosting the servers inside a process/container orchestration platform like Service Fabric or Kubernetes.

But from what I have in most tutorials and in some practical examples, people prefer dedicated machines or virtua ...

Score: 0
Windows scheduler : will same process instances concurrently run across different Tasks?
ng flag

I have configured Windows Scheduler to not run many instances of my application : enter image description here

But i am not sure about how windows will detect many instance. I mean i have an executable that deeply change its bheaviour accordingly to command line. For that reason i have many task that will trigger the same executable with different parameters.

Will the "Do not start new instance" of one task scheduler block execution ...

Score: 0
Eric K. avatar
Server 500 error caused by mod_rewrite with Apache
vu flag

So i've been trying to get this particular script installer to run, and I cannot seem to figure out why it won't process the rewrites properly. In my .htaccess file within the root directory, I have the following:

  RewriteEngine On
# RewriteBase /public
# Uncomment the below 2 lines if you like to add an auto redirect from http:// to https://
# RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
# RewriteRule (.*) https://% ...
Score: 0
Marc avatar
Heroku Redis upgrade from free to paid stuck in "preparing (plan upgrade in progress)"
cm flag

I'm trying to upgrade Heroku Redis from the free hobby plan to a paid version but it seems eternally stuck in in "preparing (plan upgrade in progress)".

What's the best way to deal with this?

Score: -1
MrPeachyPenguin avatar
Local user login on a domain machine, receiving System error 5 occurred Access is denied error
ai flag

We are trying to use the command prompt net group from a local login on a workstation.. This workstation is on the domain, but I'm logging in as the local user: .\localuser and not the domain\user.

Command prompt we are using. net group MYDOMAINGROUP /domain

I can't get the command prompt above to run on the .\localuser, but I can get it to run on the Domain\User. How can I get this to work on the . ...

Score: 0
iateadonut avatar
mysqldump encrypted table - keep encryption
th flag

If we have a table that is encrypted at rest, like this:

How can we configure mysqldump to dump encrypted data and the key in the tablespace, so that the sql file can only be successfully imported by a server that has a matching master key?

Score: 0
nick519 avatar
How to allow some SFTP users SSH access as well?
mt flag

I'm deploying a SFTP server for a team, but some of those users also need SSH access as well to administer the server.

PAM is sssd with our AD. So i can't create separate local users for them to use for SSH, or create separate AD accounts just for SSH access.

Currently, I have this:

Match group server_ftp-only
ChrootDirectory /shared
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp
Score: 0
Sophie avatar
rsyslog is not capturing logs from remote server post log rotation
au flag

I have configured the rsyslog on my CentOS-7 server to receive logs from a network device. And, it is receiving logs at the configured file path. But, when the logroatation is done, it creates a new file and zip the existing log file as configured. But the new log file created under the log path is not receiving any logs until and unless the rsyslog service is restarted.

So, to fix this issue I h ...

Score: 0
h0mayun avatar
Installing XtraBackup on Centos 6
km flag

I’m trying to install XtraBackup on centos 6 using this guid but i get these errors:

Error: Package: perl-DBD-MySQL-4.013-3.el6.x86_64 (C6.10-base)
Error: Package: perl-DBD-MySQL-4.013-3.el6.x86_64 (C6.10-base)

I searched for the file but i have instead of

Score: 0
linux bridge vlan-aware and untagged traffic
ge flag

I have the following use case. A machine which runs VMs that have to be located to a VLAN with ID 166. The traffic must go out of an physical interface enp89s0 which is connected to the primary network non-tagged traffic. For such use cases in Linux a bridge helps to connect stuff together. The machine uses a Linux distro so I use netword to configure the network interfaces. Here my attempts:


Score: -1
Seandex avatar
Access Internal IP by Sub-domains
cn flag

I'm trying to access applications with internal IPs via subdomains from outside.

From my research, when it comes to http running apache, it seems feasible with a DNS server inside.

How to point sub-domains to different local IP

However, what if the application is other than the website without using apache?

what I'm trying to do is

if port 8000 requested on, it points to ...

Score: 0
mfloris avatar
How to generate McAfee ePO logs?
ro flag

I'm configuring rsyslog to parse, store and forward the logs generated by McAfee ePO

How can I trigger some real logs to be generated manually so that I don't have to wait (it can take a while) to see if rsyslog configuration is correct?

I tried entering one of the host machines and scanning a file or the whole system but to no avail.

Score: 0
PF firewall how to increase `max states per rule`
us flag

My firewall is hitting a problem related to max states per rule.

#  pfctl -vvsi
Status: Enabled for 0 days 13:05:38           Debug: Urgent

Hostid:   0x6556c6a9
Checksum: 0xe80368af9b3c0a876218cd2af59fbed5

State Table                          Total             Rate
  current entries                     7614
  searches                       323053106         6853.3/s
  inserts                          66 ...
Score: 1
Insertx2k_Dev avatar
Is it possible to disable and re-enable on-board PCI devices in Linux?
sk flag

So as the title suggests, Is there a way I can disable and re-enable PCI devices or on-board devices on Linux using Terminal like the disable and enable device functions in Windows' Device Manager. I want to do that everytime my PC boots up because there is an issue with the on-board ethernet controller causing it to stop working until I disable and re-enable it using Device Manager (that's on Windows), ...

Score: -1
llaime avatar
Windows Boot disk doesnt boot in Gcloud Vm Instances
ls flag

I'm trying to boot differents physical disk in gcloud. So the complete process is:

I dd the physical disk in linux (with a bs of 1G). Later i compressed in format tar.gz (with format=oldgnu, like gcloud want).

I uploaded that file in a google cloud bucket and later with gcloud compute, i converted that image.tar.gz in a gcloud image to boot a vm instance.

The problem is when i'm trying to boot that ins ...

Score: 0
S4rg0n avatar
Ubuntu on VMWare with multiple adapters - can't ping outside
ar flag

I've made a machine with 3 nic adapters. Everything works inside configured networks, but It looks like routing is not working correctly:

ping: connect: Network is unreachable

Here's my config:

/etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml :

  version: 2
          macaddress: 00:50:56:aa:00:1d
      nameserv ...
Score: -1
Della avatar
What Does Avoiding Vendor/Provider Lock in Mean in Cloud Operations?
ke flag

Am a relatively noob machine learning engineer interested in DevOps and Software Development, sorry for the vague and opinion based question.

But multiple blogs and tutorials teaching some cloud concepts advise me against using services that will result in vendor lock in, but do not make clear what kind of services are they.

As an example, if I am using automated scripts to manage cloud server boot  ...

Score: 0
salman_sali avatar
Which ec2 instance should I choose for my mongos(query router)?
in flag

I am hosting a sharded mongodb on ec2. I am planning on going with m4.large for my shard instances and t2.micro for my config servers. Should I go with m4.large for my mongos(query router) instances or can I go with something cheaper.

This is the initial number of instances I am going with:

2 Mongos, 3 Configs, 3 Shards * (2 server per shard) = 11 servers.

Score: 0
DevelJoe avatar
Setup Apache Docker container to keep running after executing php shell CMD
in flag

I'm trying to run a Docker container based on:

  • PHP 8.1
  • Apache 2.4
  • MariaDB (latest official docker image)


FROM php:8.1-apache

WORKDIR /var/www/html/

RUN pecl install xdebug \
    && apt update \
    && apt install libzip-dev -y \
    && docker-php-ext-enable xdebug \
    && a2enmod rewrite \
    && docker-php-ext-install zip \
    && rm -rf /v ...
Score: 0
Restoring a domain machine which name is already in use
cn flag

I have such situation: one of domain PCs was broken and replaced by new one using the same machine name. Now the old machine is back from service and I want to use it in different place, but if I try to authorize on it, I get an error that trust relations between workstation and domain are lost. There's no local account on this "old" PC. How do I restore the machine while not touching the new one?

Score: 0
user3073309 avatar
kubenetes iptables not works stable (esxi, ubuntu 22)
de flag

kubenetes iptables/dns not works stable.

sometimes it can parsing(netcat) correctly. sometimes not. i belive it related to network(iptables) not work stable. PS: those 3 servers(cluster0/1/2) they are all vm on same esxi server, same ubuntu vm image.

root@cluster2:~# kubectl exec -i -t dnsutils -- nslookup kubernetes.default.svc
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

command terminated  ...
Score: 0
SrNewbieEngineer avatar
SSL cert questions - PFX to .key , .crt, and. csr for ACM
pn flag

I'm a long time lurker but I can't figure something out and wondered if someone can offer guidance.

I am following AWS's tutorial on how to convert pfx to .crt and .key but I have a question.

When removing the password for the privatekey,

openssl rsa -in privatekey.pem -out withoutpw-privatekey.pem 

The output doesn't start and end with

Score: 0
HWD avatar
How to set Apache-accessible SELinux policy for EFS mounted user directories?
fj flag

When I mount my EFS to a user directory, the directory policy becomes system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0, which is too restrictive - I need it to behave more like a typical user directory, which is unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0.

How do I change this?

Score: -1
Haetnim Ha avatar
Can I create an SSL Certificate to a domain that redirects to other domain servers?
nl flag

I hope you could help me with this one. Here is the case:

I have a domain in ZoneEdit name

This domain has the following A records:

HOST IP ADDRESS TTL 193.10.xx.xx default default 193.10.xx.xx default default

Basically, is just a domain that redirects to ei ...

Score: -2
BaltoStar avatar
Splunk Universal Forwarder on Windows : how many logs to forward?
de flag

Splunk Universal Forwarded Windows Server 2019

When configuring the forwarder, a large variety of logs can be forwarded :

Application Logs Security Log System Log Forwarded Events Log Setup Log

In addition, Performance Monitor can be logged :

CPU Load Memory Disk Space Network Stats

Additionally, Active Directory Monitoring can be enabled.

While it's tempting to check all the boxes so that max data is ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.