Latest Server related questions

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henfri avatar
ipv6 address gets lost
io flag

I am running debian buster. The machine has one network card and IPv4 is set static, whereas IPv6 is provided by DHCP. To be honest, I am not sure in what file this is configured, as I configure it via the GUI of Openmediavault.

Unfortunately, from time to time, the System looses its ipv6 address. Ifconfig then looks like this:

enp0s31f6: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
Score: 0
Voxel avatar
Matrix, Synapse server can't be reached
bi flag

I set up a matrix server and everything seems to be happy, but I can't connect to the server. Calling it with: results in ERR_TIMED_OUT

Calling it with: results in ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.

I get an answer when I ping from command line.

My guess is, that I'm missing a config that exposes the service to the internet.

This is what I did:

  1.  ...
Score: 0
Bigliettiperfavore avatar
nginx, two websites on two ports to two URLs instead?
it flag

I have experience with IIS but not with nginx (on Windows). I have two websites on a server as follows;



and would like the following:

I'm wondering how to solve it. DNS can't be used and I guess Azure application proxy cant be used either? Some setting within the web application configuration  ...

Score: 0
Ryan D avatar
Win 10 VM loses connectivity randomly. Hyper-v, SET teaming, Server 2022
bq flag

Deployed a new hyper-v server a few weeks ago and during install I read that the old way of NIC teaming does not work anymore for vswitches inside of a hyper-v. It was replaced with SET Teams that need to be set up in powershell. Cool, no biggie I think to myself. I got all that figured out and a SET team set up with 4 physical NICs and one "SET team".

Now for background I am a network engineer a ...

Score: 0
Michael McCauley avatar
XRDP sesman Port Not Active
br flag

So I originally posted this question about some issues I'm having with RDP sessions over XRDP on Debian 11:

Configuration Issues with XRDP and Gnome on Debian 11 server

After some further investigating, I found that xrdp-sesman isn't listening on port 3350 like it should. This is what I see when checking on the active ports by calling netstat -plnta4:

Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Score: 0
LeonardoHM avatar
Win-Acme - Renew a Certificate: No TXT Records found
ms flag

This post is for a newbie, sorry for the stupid question, but quick long history, we have a dameware server proxy and the application have the certificate but its about to expire, we want to renew the certificate but when we try to renew the certificate we have a message:

[DBUG] [] Attempting to create DNS record under

Dom ...

Score: 0
Ezioadf2 avatar
can i able to ip forward and keep original client ip from server A to B?
mp flag

im web developer and i have not good knowledge about devOps and server config, i use this code for forwarding data from server a to b from client my mean is:


now how can i keep original client ip when i use ip forward to server B? is there any way? i used following commands before but i don't know it work for my new concept or not?

sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forwa ...
Score: 0
wwwnick avatar
kubernetes - enforce nodeaffinity/nodeselector
si flag

I'm trying to achieve this:

  • Anything in app namespace gets scheduled onto specific nodes
  • other namespaces does not have ability to schedule pod to specific nodes
  • developers should not have option to interfere with this

So, I should probably use PodNodeSelector and PodTolerationRestriction, however it requires api restart and few articles claim that it will be deprecated once NodeAffinity is good en ...

Score: 1
peter avatar
How to configure a system wide proxy for php file_get_contents on CentOS?
sa flag

I want to let the php file_get_content function connect to network via system-wide proxy. I tried to add the following lines in /etc/environment:


But it does not work for file_get_content, although it works for wget. I also tried to add the following lines to /etc/ ...

Score: 0
Allder avatar
Rewrite credentials on specific website in http request
tz flag

I want to automatically connect someone to a website without having to enter credentials. for this i want to use nginx as a proxy to handle the credentials and create a login request to the website instead of the user. How can i do that? Thank you in advance.

Score: 1
Sam avatar
How to trace/find "lost" emails with log files and doveadm?
in flag

One of my clients is missing some emails and I try to find what is going on, but my knowledge is limited. Have asked the server support guys, but they say all is fine and attach just the logs (which I can't read well > ♻️ )

What have I done?.

root@myserver:~# zgrep [email protected] /var/log/mail.log.2.gz

There I see mails, and they get a queue and message ID attached:

Queue-ID: 2125915E4BB, Mess ...
Score: 0
Arc-XX avatar
Xenmobile DEP Token Renewal, all devices on status waiting for check-in
hm flag

After i renewed our DEP Token in xenmobile all devices are on mdm status waiting for check-in. When i re-enroll a device i have no problem. But all the "old" devices which where enrolled before i renewed the token are no longer able to download apps and get their config deleted by an OS Update.

Citrix Ticket is open for about 1 Week without any progress from their end. Also opened a Ticket with o ...

Score: 0
Kedare avatar
Force nginx to close the connection before receiving the whole body
kr flag

We have a upload system that is working behind a nginx reverse proxy, the system checks the authentication before starting to stream the request body from the client (passing through nginx) to the storage system, if the authentication failed, the backend doesn't stream the body but returns directly the HTTP 401 with a Connection: close header.

When testing authentication failure to the backend directly, ...

Score: 1
Lorenzo Sorace avatar
Cron not working after pam customization to check groups
in flag

I need help with a PAM configuration.

I've a Debian 11.5 machine with kerberos connected to an MS AD server. I want to configure the machine in order to allow some AD user to login, filtering them by AD group membership. My AD users uids starts from 3000. The local machine users have to login as usual.

So I edit the PAM configuration in /etc/pam.d/common-auth here the entire body:

auth    [success=4 defa ...
Score: 1
Jürgen Depicker avatar
What is the best practice to handle expiring S/MIME mail certificates
bd flag

where can I find info regarding the proper way to handle expiring mail certificates?

Here's the problem: our certificates for digitally signing mails expire after a year. If, a week before expiry, I revoke a certificate and create a new one, Outlook complains whenever I open an older mail, signed with a now revoked certificate.

I think this shouldn't be so, since the old mail was signed at a time w ...

Score: 0
Steve avatar
Multiple php-fpm pools and nginx
be flag

I have a website which is built on Codeigniter 3. It is a typical nginx + php-fpm setup. Now I need to direct some of the requests to be handled by another php-fpm pool. Here is a simplified example of the configuration:

nginx configuration


server {
    root /var/www/ci;
    index index.html index.php;

    location ~* \.(ico|css|js|gif|jpe?g|png)(\?[0-9]+)? ...
Score: 0
cstack avatar
Open SuSE MicroOS Add Disk
cn flag

I am working on OpenSuse MicroOS using their pre-configured HyperV disk. I got it up and running successfully, but after trying to install a few containers I ran out of space. I stopped the VM and added another disk, but am not sure what to do now. I have a basic understanding of LVM, but that doesn't appear to be what MicroOS uses. Can anyone tell me how to extend the /var partition (I believe that's t ...

Score: 0
Ryan West avatar
DNS Zone has no address records (A or AAAA)
US flag

Whenever I run systemctl start named.service I get the error: zone NS '' has no address records (A or AAAA) Now the confusing thing for me is that even though this failed, I'm still able to ping my server with a client using ping hostname even though the DNS service isn't running. I also want to note that dig, nslookup, and host commands aren't worki ...

Score: 0
karelk avatar
Combination of HTTP authentication and Shibboleth authentication on the same Apache 2.4 website
uz flag

I'd like to have 2 types of authentication on my web app (PHP 7.4 on Apache 2.4):

  • for the URLs /api/ and its children /api/xxxx (not actual directory, just url) I'd like to have HTTP authentication
  • for any other URL, I'd like to have shibboleth auth

in my main .htaccess in the root folder, I have the following:

AuthType shibboleth
Require shibboleth

for HTTP authentication, I would use something ...

Score: 1
STrike avatar
RHEL 8 extend iSCSI LUN without reboot
bo flag

In short: I´m building computer systems with mounted iSCSI storage. Is it possible to extend the iSCSI storage in live operating without rebooting the systems?


  • One LUN is planned with 5 TB of data.
  • For the beginning we want to start with 600 Gigabyte for the LUN.
  • The LUN is used for database systems.
  • We don't want to create a LUN with 5 TB. We want to keep them small, what gives us flex ...
Score: 0
Initialization of Samba Active Directory in Podman fails
us flag

I have created a Samba Active Directory PDC that runs inside a Podman container.

I was trying to working on how to restore the server from an offline backup, when I encountered something unexpected on the setup of the backup server.

I have a file called that is being called only during initialization a container running Samba.

It came back with following error:

Initializing samba da ...
Score: 0
knirirr avatar
Nginx prerendering, redirections, content negotiation and HTTP HEAD requests
cn flag

I'm running a javascript application with enabled for Google bots etc.

Using the configuration recommended by any matching user agents are redirected to their site and served the pre-rendered page.

There's a requirement to work with some partner services which will attempt to connect to our javascript pages and either make HTTP HEAD requests to get information about the pag ...

Score: 0
s_arabov avatar
openssl - how to check which keys were used to encrypt a file
qa flag

I'm troubleshooting some keys and I want to check with the community if you know how to print out the certs used to encrypt a file using openssl.

Score: 0
Dmitry avatar
OpenVPN TLS Error after few hours of normal working
na flag

I'm connecting to remote device through VPN. I use OpenVPN Config: client

dev tun
proto udp
port *port*

remote *ip*




</key&gt ...
Score: 0
Surya H avatar
AWS-EC2 100% CPU Utilization
in flag

I am curious to know about 2 things below about the AWS-EC2 CPU utilization and CPU Credits.

What will happen if my AWS-EC2 instance CPU utilization is constantly 100% and I ran out of CPU credits?

Assume that my EC2 burstable (t-series) instance is in a shared host(which is a 8core CPU) shared by 2 VMs each 4 core. Now both the VMs are utilizing full CPU i.e. 400% each at the same time. Both the VM ...

Score: 1
TheSETJ avatar
Mounting using NFS result in Operation Not Permitted
td flag

I followed an article from DigitalOcean to mount a directory from my backup machine ( on my service machine (

mount -vvv /nfs/general

But it fails with the following log:

mount.nfs: timeout set for Tue Nov 15 13:17:28 2022
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 'vers=4.2,addr=,clientaddr='
mount.nfs: mount(2): Opera ...
Score: 0
Segfault avatar
Spreading a subnet via VPN
cn flag

There is 1 network behind FW-A that is already in place, in the subnet

I would like to establish an IPSec tunnel between FW-A and FW-B,and have devices behind FW-B to also be located on the same subnet as FW-A in

Here is a representation:


Now from what I know, the way you achieve this kind of topology is by natting both networks and have them communicate through their na ...

Score: 3
Tomáš M. avatar
How do I ensure a docker network (interface) exists even when it's not running?
in flag

I have a container stack (specified by a docker-compose.yml). The stack requires a PostgreSQL database, but I am using a locally running native instance instead of having it be a part of the stack (to make e.g. backups easier, and to conserve resources). The PostgreSQL instance is set to bind and listen on, the IP under which the host is reachable from within docker containers.

However, du ...

Score: 0
Daniel avatar
powerdns delegation - nslookup print ANSWER and SERVFAIL at the same time
tj flag

Two powerdns are configured and divided into A and B. B is delegated by A. Host A configured pdns and pdns-recursor, host B configured pdns.

[Version info]

pdns-server : 4.7.2
pdns-backend-pgsql : 4.7.2
pdns-recursor : 4.2.1
postgresql : 15.0

Here is my configuration.

[A pdns.conf]

gpgsql-d ...
Score: 0
Roland avatar
nginx upstream $http variable (exists) checking
jp flag

Want to use proxy cache on selected pages, for these I've added a header variable ngx_cachekey. Other pages that is not for caching are don't have this header variable. (has the ngx_cachekey in the header) (has no the ngx_cachekey in the header)

I can debug this with add_header X-NGX-CacheKey $upstream_http_ngx_cachekey; , so setting the variabl ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.