Latest Server related questions

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YoungDinosaur avatar
How Do I Setup Subdomains in Private AWS VPC?
do flag

I have a domain registered at GoDaddy. Let's call it Servers that are publicly available have their subdomains registered at GoDaddy. Example: and

I have a VPN set up in AWS with private subnets that do not have public ip addresses. How do I register private server subdomains in AWS Route 53? Example should only be available when you are c ...

Score: 0
pileup avatar
Can ping from host to VM but can't ping from VM to host
th flag

I have Ubuntu 22.04 Server VM on Windows 11 host with VirtualBox.

The Windows host IP is and the VM IP is

When I ping from the Windows host to the VM I get a reply. But when I ping from the Ubuntu VM to the Windows host ( I get no response.

ufw is inactive

The connection is bridged

Score: 0
Euklios avatar
Setting up 802.1x for Office Network
sz flag

I work at a smaller, development-focused company with some more prominent clients. One of these customers had new conditions for contractors, basically forcing us to implement 802.1x for our office.

We are currently running a Windows Server as our DC and AD. Our office has 3 Switches relevant to this change. One is in our Server room and connected to another switch in the office space. This switc ...

Score: 1
I. Iudice avatar
NGINX proxy_pass with html hard links
ve flag

I'm trying to run a web app listening on a different port of the same server. I'm using NGINX in order to proxy requests. I will show you an example to clarify.

server {
  listen 80;
  location /app {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/public/foo;
server {
  location / {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
} ...
Score: 0
Tobia avatar
On Premise antispam and MS 365 Hybrid deployment
in flag

I'm configuring a MS 365 Hybrid deployment, MX will be keeped to Exchange on premise server.

I have a On premise antispam (LibraEsva) that I don't want to remove.

This is the actual configuration:

enter image description here

Following MS guide lines, the connection between Exchange On Premise and Cloud has to be direct without any filter.

As you can see the there is a SMTP 25 from public internet to MX interface filtered by ...

Score: 1
Bil avatar
openLDAP certificates untrusted or revoked
td flag

I've already spent two days on this problem but I can't find any solution.

Two openLDAP server run from docker on different hosts in master/master scenario. ldapsearch command or syncrepl process run perfectly with ldap protocol.
Now, I want to use a valid LE certificate to enable ldaps but I've got error : TLS: peer cert untrusted or revoked (0x80002) but not from everywhere !


Docker image  ...

Score: 1
PeteSE4 avatar
Import mail using doveadm import on a Hestia server setup
cz flag

I have a Hestia CP server running Dovecot. The mail lives in /home/[username]/mail/[domain]/[account]. I've copied the mail directory of the account I want to import into the /tmp/ directory and now trying to figure out how dovecotadm import works so I can merge all those messages into the active mail account.

I've tried doveadm import -u [email protected] maildir:/tmp/account/Maildir /home/username/ ...

Score: -1
Belgarath Sorceror avatar
R420 iDRAC7 not working when server off
ms flag

I have Dell R420 with iDRAC enterprise in my home lab however I don't have a dedicated management interface, it is using one of the onboard NICs for that.

However when I shutdown the system both onboard NICs go dark (i.e the LAN leds don't work anymore) and I can't connect to iDRAC or use WAL. The iDrac IP is not responsive at that stage and etherping can't reach that system.

As I keep those in a ga ...

Score: 0
Boot Re avatar
how to setting nginx extension wildcard
yt flag

i want to hiding my extension like .php

but it's not only to hiding, if i enter the nginx rewrite to index.php but, url address must be the same (

In summary, what I specifically want is,,,,,[]~?&/^,

All must be rewritten to ...

Score: 0
GloomyDay avatar
Rocket.Chat: HA (docker/kubernetes) tips and sticky sessions
vg flag

i have several questions about rocketchat.

My general question is sticky sessions, are they are realy need to be enabled in 2022 rocketchat on kubernetes with multiple pods (10-16) ?

Seconds quetions is a tips ,if you have any tips or advices about rocketchat on kubernetes with multiple pods please share it with me)

My setup:

Rocketchat version: 5.1.3

10 rocketchat pods 1 Haproxy ingress controller ...

Score: 0
Are SPF records checked depth first or breadth first (or something else)
kh flag

We have a domain which has 11 includes; so is failing SPF validation as it's gone over the limit. Most of the lookups are for third party resources, so flattenning the SPF record isn't ideal; we'd rather ensure that things are updated dynamically when the third parties update their records.

One of the lookups is a legacy value that we've not found documentation for; so we're not sure whether it's ...

Score: 0
LuckyLuke avatar
How could I use single elastic IP for multiple instances (AWS)?
et flag

What would be best way to achieve such thing:

I have limited amount of elastic ips, and I have bunch on EC2 instances to launch small apps.

I have an idea to have load-balancer or an EC2 instance that could route traffic to any other EC2 instances.

For example there would be 3 instances:

  • Instance 1 (
  • Instance 2 ( ...
Score: 0
Gonta avatar
How do you store access like ssh root@…
hu flag

I need to store a large number of accesses to remote machines like '''ssh root@serverIP/DNS''' how do you store such entries and quickly connect to them? I am using macOS Catalina. Extremely grateful to all, thanks.

Score: 0
TeoD avatar
Can't modify header Content-Type in PHP with Nginx
it flag

I have a nginx/1.18.0 and php-fpm 7.4.19 (fpm-fcgi)

PHP code header('Content-Type: text/css',true) doesn't modify the header, the same for application/javascript or image/jpg, files are sent with content type text/html.

instead, these headers work header('Cache-Control': max-age..., header('Expires: ..

A workaround that works is adding this to the website nginx configuration: location = /my-file.php {  ...

Score: 0
Black avatar
Override MySQL Variable from conf file
id flag

I try to override the variable optimizer_switch and change rowid_filter=on to rowid_filter=off.

The official documentation does not provide an example.

Attempt #1:


Restart services:

sudo service mariadb restart
sudo service mysql restart

Attempt #2:

Same as #1 but I moved my file here /etc/mysql/conf.d/70-optimize ...

Score: 0
lolozen avatar
why does my slapd.log file isn't created?
id flag

I'm setting up an ldap server to log the user in my association. My client connect using sssd and I would like to enable the logs on my server side. I followed this article bug my /var/log/slapd.log file don't want to appear even after multiple restart and reboot try.

Do you have any reason why ?

Score: 1
lgekman avatar
How to setup tunnel/vxlan using "ip encap" for ipv6 on Linux?
cn flag

Using light-weight tunnels allows the same (tunnel)device to be used for many destinations (among other things). For vxlan/ipv4 it works;

ip link add vxlan4 type vxlan dstport 4789 dev eth1 ttl 4 external
ip link set dev vxlan4 up
ip route replace dev vxlan4 encap ip id 100 dst

But the same configuration does not work for IPv6;

ip -6 link add vxlan6 type vxlan dstport 4789 ...
Score: 0
user123456 avatar
How Do I access iis by private ip addreress using
hr flag

I have created a vm using

I have installed IIS it is working in localhost,

how do I remotly access the iis by public or private ip address ?

Score: 0
juanbits avatar
can dokku be installed on a dedicated server with vestacp?
eg flag

Actually i have a dedicated server with vestacp, i have around 10 user accounts and each account with al least 1 domain and 1 subdomain

Im interested on dokku to run some apps with separate environments.

Mi question is: can dokku be installed and coexist with vestacp without affecting the performance of vestacp websites (nginx) and subdomains that dokku may create?

Score: 1
vvkr avatar
azure pipeline job to check for file changes in a specific directory with a git commit
mr flag

I am working to create a job in a stage that determines if a particular git commit has any file changes in a specific directory. If so I want to run another job.

I tried below in a bash task:

  • task: Bash@3 inputs: targetType: 'inline' awsCredentials: ${{ parameters.awsCredentials }} workingDirectory: envs/${{ parameters.environment }} script: | commitid=git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD changes=git diff-tree - ...
Score: -1
Tier 1 OEM Grade Memory?
eg flag

We need to buy some memory for some servers. I have three quotes in total. One for memory from dell, one for Kingston memory and one for Crucial/Micron memory.

The one for crucial memory and Kingston memory are half the price as the same memory from Dell.

I inquired with Dell why their memory is 2x more expensive than alternatives and the answer I got back was that:

"Dell memory is more expensive as it ...

Score: 0
pysquirrel avatar
Cannot start Docker on WSL2
me flag

I am running Docker Desktop on W11. Docker Desktop > Settings > Resources > WSL Integration is enabled. Tried to restart the WSL from services (Lxssmanager) or to shutdown/reboot it with wsl --shutdown, no effect.

WSL Integration enabled

Although when I try to build image from Dockerfile this error pops up:

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon ...

Score: 0
danielW avatar
IIS Reverse Proxy with same hostheader under condition on 2 internal frontend server
bt flag

a reverse proxy should be simple i thought but i encountered a problem. i try to accomplish the following: ive 2 webfrontends (serverA, ServerB) which hosting a webapplication contoso.local. then ive a server which is a reverse proxy on iis (with ARR & URL Rewrite)

the reverse proxy should send all incoming requests of contoso.local to serverA

if path123 is in the url it should send the request  ...

Score: 0
nluizsoliveira avatar
How to setup diffferent location properties on nginx server block configuration files?
je flag

I'm very new to configuring a server. I followed a tutorial which indicates denying all requests not targeted to root, which makes perfect sense:

server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;

        root /var/www/;
        index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;


        location / {
                try_ ...
Score: 1
Der_Darm avatar
Visually distinguish AWS accounts (prod vs dev)
us flag

Is there a way to visually distinguish AWS accounts? Something like adding a banner on the top of AWS console with the word "prod" on it? we have several accounts for different environments and it is really easy to get confused. Any ideas/best practices?

Score: 1
Sym avatar
Methods for AWS AMI runtime configuration
nf flag

We have a deployment system that borrows from the immutable servers pattern. That is, we bake AMIs with our application on in a way than when they are booted, the application runs and can be added to a ALB pool.

(The reason for this is somewhat complex, mainly because we have a lot of infrequently changed read-heavy data in the application, and we need to add capacity quickly. Let's assume this archit ...

Score: 0
FullFullTwist avatar
Configure 2 Nginx reverseproxy with SSL
ec flag

I'm tryng do do something with 2 nginx.

I have a wordpress :

I need this infra :


I have some difficulties to configure ssl with let'sencrypt.

  • Nginx1 :
  • Nginx2 :

If I have servername : in Nginx1 and same servername in Nginx2, I can't generate SSL certificate for Nginx2 because IP was not correct.

Someone can help me to make a secure installation?

Score: 0
Alex Lum avatar
RDS/RDP : Connection reset by client on one network
us flag

I have an issue with RDS access on ONE network only (assuming It give me "crendetials didn't work" message just after log in.

RDS access is ok all other networks ( and for example). When i connect to server from VMWare Console, i can RDS other servers in NLA is activated for ALL networks.

My client is but when i trie to connect  ...

Score: 3
Disable intractive SSH depending on connection origin
th flag

Scenario: Same users can connect from two different network segments to a ssh host. But they should not be able to use interactive ssh session when connecting from one (it's actually long-distance tunnels), only chrooted sftp should be allowed.

How can it be achieved? Is this achievable by sshd's settings? Or by tcp wrapper (libwrap) + sshd?

Score: 0
Raloseq avatar
Migrating Wordpress to IIS convert .htacces to web.config
pe flag

An outside company is making a website, they are working on LAMP, there is an IIS server at our place so I have to prepare this server for the implementation. Preliminarily it has been prepared (I mean it works normally) however there is a problem with the plugin that substitutes jpg files for webp (webp-express plugin). The entire wordpress folder has an awful lot of .htaccess files ~25, most of them a ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.