Latest Server related questions

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s4m0k avatar
How to bypass DNSMASQ traffic redirect (address=/#/ after Captive Portal Authentication?
do flag

I wanted to write a captive portal from scratch using the following:

  • hostapd v2.10 to setup my wlan0 as an AP and eth0 is connected to the internet router.


  • dnsmasq v2.86 as DHCP & DNS

    dh ...
Score: -1
Slbox avatar
Can Wazuh work for a single agent with less than the stated minimum hardware requirements?
bh flag

I was surprised to find that the Wazuh server requirements state 2gb and 2 cores are the minimum requirements - but I wonder how much these numbers are tailored towards supporting multiple agents.

Is anyone running Wazuh with less than the stated minimum requirements? Specifically I'm looking to run it for a single Linux agent.

Score: -1
zcaudate avatar
hiding sensitive information from cdn provider
se flag

I have an app that I want to connect to cloudflare for cdn. However, Cloudflare handles the https encryption for me so I'm worried that user passwords may be logged.

What are some good practices for shielding sensitive information from cdn providers?

Score: 1
Erick Calder avatar
Re-enabling commands in a cluster environment
mn flag

we are running Redis as a container in a Kubernetes cluster (v1.21.14-gke.3000) where it is installed via Helm. Helm uses the Bitnami image, which disables the FLUSHALL command. As with this article, we want to re-enable Redis command but editing the configuration file is not feasible. is there an alternative?

below is my helmfile.yaml:

- name: bitnami
  url: ...
Score: 1
michael avatar
Client VPN Endpoint - Use IPV4 address instead of cpvn hostname
de flag

Is it possible to get the IPV4 address for a client vpn endpoint? If so, is it then possible to associate an elastic IP to the client vpn endpoint?

The router I am configuring as a vpn client only accepts IPV4 addresses for the server.

The Less ideal solution would be to use whatever the dynamic IPV4 address is associated to the endpoint. The more ideal solution would be to have an elastic IP associ ...

Score: -1
David C avatar
Is it Possible to Bypass CDN to Access Source of Truth?
jp flag

Developing an application to access information in race-like conditions - at a specifc time. Referring to Akamai. My understanding of CDN is that servers will cache data and may refresh this data after "local" client requests. I've used dig +trace to see the levels of DNS servers.

Background: In tests, using a VPN, entering the world wide web from different cities, I am seeing the data come from vari ...

Score: 0
Huzaifa khan avatar
Not allow all traffic through openvpn
bt flag

I have installed the OpenVpn server in my Ubuntu 22.04. When i connect to my openvpn server then all traffic start going through it however, i don't want it.

My server.conf is following:

    port 1194
;proto tcp
proto udp
dev tun
ca keys/ca.crt
cert keys/server.crt
key keys/server.key
dh none
topology subnet
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
crl-verify keys/crl.pem
;push "rou ...
Score: 1
John Kraft avatar
Cannot get over 100k iops from storage on 10g network on 4k random blocks
ru flag

My setup description:

storage system for vm storage: supermicro server, 1-socket Xeon E5-2620 v4, 82599ES-intel-based RA-Link 10GE network adapter, 8x pci-e 2.0, plugged in 8x pci-e 3.0 slot, debian 11

compute node for vm hosting: supermicro server, 2-socket Xeon Silver 4216, same adapter, pci-e configuration and OS as above.

BIOS set to performance mode, as cpu govenors in OS, all vulnerability mitiga ...

Score: 1
beauk avatar
prevent zfs storage driver in docker rootless mode
in flag

I'm trying to use rootless docker, but when pulling and image, docker is trying to use zfs as the storage driver. I can confirm that docker info shows the zfs driver. I didn't intend or configure that anywhere. My OS isn't defaulted to zfs (btrfs the the root, boot etc). My home directory is in a mounted zfs.

The instructions for zfs in docker explains how to use the daemon.json to set the storage d ...

Score: 0
M Herbener avatar
Does Windows Network Load Balancing feature support QUIC?
ag flag

I'm trying to determine if the Windows Server feature Network Load Balancing supports the QUIC protocol. It seems unlikely but I am not finding anything definitive through web search. Assuming Windows Server 2022.

Anybody seen definite word or validated through experimentation?



Score: 1
crowd42 avatar
How to interpret smartctl output
in flag

I ran a SMART scan of the ssd of my server, and I'm having difficulties to understand the output. Any insights please ?


smartctl 7.0 2018-12-30 r4883 [x86_64-linux-3.10.0-1160.71.1.el7.x86_64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-18, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Model Family:     Crucial/Micron BX/MX1/2/3/500, M5/600, 1100 SSDs
Device Mo ...
Score: 1
Michael McCauley avatar
Configuration Issues with XRDP and Gnome on Debian 11 server
br flag

I have a light duty Debian 11 (Bullseye) server. It will mostly be a file server when ready. I had installed XRDP so I can connect to and manage it from my Win10 machine when working with the UI would make more sense, depending on what I was doing. It was nice, worked perfectly, and even would bump out a locally logged in session for the RDP connection.

Later on I accidentally borked up some pack ...

Score: 0
rita1989 avatar
Ssh login error - Permission denied (publickey,password)
au flag

i just had configured a debian server and installed aapanel on it. I also changed the default port to 50001 instead of 22.

now i tried to login with ssh -p 50001 [email protected] and got this error

Permission denied (publickey,password)

here is some debug info

OpenSSH_8.1p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 47: Applying options for ...
Score: 0
Scott Brookes avatar
Having Trouble setting up 2 Virtual Hosts with SSL
tz flag

Im trying to setup a second webserver on my machine however im running into problems with the virtual hosts and im not sure which file and what i should be changing.

  1. I have 1 server running with SSL
  2. I was able to add another server with HTTP that worked.
  3. When activated SSL for that domain i've been stuck with it redirecting to the first domain.

Would someone be able to help point me in the right di ...

Score: -1
Alexis avatar
Is there a way to have Windows active directory give a different ip address?
nc flag

Here is a summary of my problem. I have configured a switch with DHCP capabilities and have connected my machine running Windows Server 2019 to the switch and received an IP from the scope perfectly. No complaints there. My question is, after having set up my Active Directory with the IP I received from the switch, is it possible to make a DHCP scope that is completely different from the IP received fro ...

Score: 0
kokokok avatar
How to setup Azure Application Gateway + Web Deploy?
th flag

I am trying to setup an Azure Application Gateway and then to setup IIS Web Deploy in a vm.

Web Deploy requires a SSL certificate to access remotely.

I have used the default one, the WMSVC-SHA2, but when I open from a browser using I get the error 502 points to the gateway.

msdeployis enabled and working fine. I can open it from a different VM in the same v ...

Score: 0
What are the default settings for the "Default Domain Controller Policy"?
nl flag

TL;DR: See title.

Background: Back in the "old days", we did a lot of bad things: We used the same server for Active Directory and other services (anyone remember Windows Small Business Server?), and did not follow best practices with respect to Group Policies.

Fortunately, those days are over, but we still use the same Active Directory domain as back then. We recently noticed that the "Default Domai ...

Score: 0
HappyFace avatar
How do I expose an L2TP client as a socks5/http proxy?
cn flag

I want to be able to do this:

curl on client with proxy configured -> L2TP client which acts as a socks5 server -> L2TP server on the remote machine

I don't control the remote machine, and hence can't set up a better protocol. I also can't use L2TP as a VPN, as I need it for very specific purposes and it's otherwise not usable. (E.g., it's metered and has a lot of sites blocked.)

I prefer not to us ...

Score: 0
SeeShellRun avatar
Exchange migration failure: Active Directory property 'homeMDB' is not writeable on recipient
US flag

Performing an Exchange 2016 on-prem mailbox migration and receiving the following error;

Active Directory property 'homeMDB' is not writeable on recipient..

I've ensured that inheritable permissions are turned on for the AD object, and even went ahead and disabled\re-enabled them to try and force permission re-sync, still receiving the same error when trying to resume the mailbox migration.

Score: 0
habsi avatar
PHP 8 on IIS 2019: Sometimes Session can not be written
ph flag

From time to time I get the classic "Failed to read session data" error on my application running on php 8, IIS 2019. This is usually associated with a) the directory does not exist b) the permissions are not set. I can rule out both cases.

Sessions are stored in c:/Temp/phpsessions. All read/write permissions are set correctly. Most of the times there is no problem. But if users doesn't log in f ...

Score: 0
John avatar
Is PHP's error_log dependent on the OS, config file or something else?
ro flag

I have two HTTP servers:

  1. Live LAMP server.
  2. Local WAMP server.

When an error occurs on the live server PHP will generate an error_log file in the directory of where the script error occurred. The local server does not do that.

Is the error_log dependent on the OS, PHP configuration or something else and how can I effectively verify the answer?

Score: 1
mikakun avatar
how to set up nginx aliases on a localhost development server?
az flag

Struggling to adapt nginx to my framework and get the equivalent of, in apache config :

Alias /site1  "/home/framework/public_HTML"

(and then localhost/site1 displays site1 with local/dev settings thanks to $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])

What I have now with nginx :

server {

 listen localhost:80;

 server_name localhost;

 root /home/framework;
 index /public_HTML/index.php;

 location /site1 {

    # ...
Score: 1
petarmarj avatar
How to create snapshot ISO-image from Ubuntu server?
mt flag

I intend to run computationally intensive calculations on expensive cloud servers. Setting up the environment (starting Ubuntu server via cloud API, downloading and installing Python/models, downloading input file) takes 10-15 minutes, which causes unnecessary costs at 0.025 cents per minute. I could save a few minutes with a Docker image.

However, I would gladly choose the path via my own server ...

Score: 0
kyma-tester-123 avatar
Could not resolve host error when trying to reproduce Kyma expose function tutorial
cw flag

I am trying to setup Kyma for my local k3d cluster by following this tutorial. Everything seems to work fine up until the final step. My hello-world function shows status RUNNING and the corresponding API rule has status OK.

Kyma Dashboard

However, when I click on the host, I only get this: We can't connect to the se ...

Score: 1
Wodel avatar
Docker Is there a way to verify that a container belongs to a particular image build?
sa flag

I am a newbie in the containers world. From what I have read, when you want to update your container you do this :

  1. Stop the container.
  2. Delete the container
  3. Pull the new image
  4. Recreate the container, and now you are running the new version of the image.

My problem is like this, I used kolla-ansible to deploy Openstack, to update the images, the documentation here ( ...

Score: 0
LBRP avatar
IIS URL Rewrite rules to redirect domain suffix (path) to different ports on the same Virtual Machine
tk flag
  • I've made an A-record, pointing to the server IP-address
  • Installed ARR Routing and enabled Proxy
  • Installed URL Rewrite and made the following Rules: (screenshot with IIS config)
        <rule name="thin" stopProcessing="true">
            <match url="thin" />
            <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:0}" appendQ ...
Score: -2
Jason avatar
Virtual machine not meeting Windows 11 system requirements, even though it should
kz flag

I am trying to create a Windows 11 virtual machine on Hyper-V. I downloaded a clean x64 ISO from Microsoft. Here is my attempt using Generation 2 as a commenter recommended:

  • Generation 2
  • Default Switch
  • 8192 RAM
  • 128 GB hard drive
  • UEFI Secure boot enabled
  • TPM enabled
  • DirectX 12 enabled

However, when I start the virtual machine, I get the following message:

Unable to boot

I was able to get further using a Generatio ...

Score: 1
stupac8908 avatar
AWS EC2 - Difference between adding interface via Bota3 vs adding via web interface
cn flag

Apologies for dupes, I assume this is not novel, but I can't get the phrasing right to get an answer.

I have a lambda python script provided by AWS from this example (python script reproduced below to avoid having to unzip) from this tutorial. That lambda will create and add a new network interface in a private subnet to an existing EC2 instance. When it does this, the new interface can't reach the inter ...

Score: 0
bl4ckb0ne avatar
access public ip from localhost timeout on https
cw flag

I'm setting up a server to share files with some friends and familly. Everything works just fine with HTTP, but since I setup HTTPS this morning, I can't reach the server through the public ip/domain name I setup, I'm getting timeout. It works fine outside of my local network, I can reach it from my phone on LTE, and my friends can reach it too.

Here's my nginx config file, I set up a redirection ...

Score: 0
Antonio López avatar
Linux: 1 TB HDD showing 7 TB partition!
hr flag

I replaced a 1 TB HDD (which holds a single EXT4 partition with lots of hardlinks to backup files/directories also inside this partition. It has also a bunch of regular files/directories) with a 2 TB HDD and now I'm trying to copy the former's data back into the new disk from an external HDD reader. Unfortunately it seems the old disk didn't like to be dragged out home and now it refuses its only partit ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.