Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
harith avatar
HAProxy Configuration alternative of dst_port
by flag

I am trying to route my webpage based on url and not port.

My haproxy.cfg is like this :

    frontend website-in-2345

        bind *:80
        bind *:2345
        acl website-in-2345 dst_port 2345
        acl website-in-443 dst_port 443
        acl website-in-80 dst_port 80
        use_backend website-out-2345 if { path_beg /monitorpage/ }
        #use_backend website-out-2345 if website-in-2345
Score: 0
Port forwarding through socks5 proxy without ssh
US flag

I want to redirect connections to localhost:5353 on my PC to remoteserver:53 (udp).

However, the connection to the remote server is restricted and must be made through a socks5 proxy.

So I have to redirect the connection through socks5 proxy.

I have heard that it can be done using ssh.
But I will be using a small server with few resources,
so I think I need a way to do it without using ssh.
(a lightwe ...

Score: 0
Faulted PCI device causes system to hang, unable to reboot
co flag

I run a hypervisor with multiple PCI devices that get passed into the hosted Virtual Machines.

I recently encountered an issue with one of the physical cards which caused it to stop responding, and this seems to have caused many parts of my system to hang, including shutdown / reboot commands.

Concern: To recover from this fault, I had to physically smother the machine by holding the power button. The  ...

Score: 0
iiiooo avatar
Can a Windows11 VM hosted on Azure autologin?
sd flag

A user is running a 3rd party program on a Windows11 VM on Azure. Because the program isn't a service, whenever the instance reboots (e.g. after a system update), user has to RDP into an instance and login, which causes the software to start. This is annoying, because it's important that it runs 24/7, or close.

Has to be Windows11, can't be Windows Server, because program relies on Docker Desktop ...

Score: 1
Can't get a tftp server working on Ubuntu 22.04
nl flag

I had tftpf-hpa working on my Ubuntu server to send/receive images and configs from my Cisco devices.

Today it is not working. The service won't start, even if I try it manually. It does not tell me why it won't start. If I run the start-stop-daemon with strace I get a lot of output, but I cannot see what the problem is.

I tried switching to atftpd, but that core dumps when it tries to write a fi ...

Score: 3
Andy Sukowski-Bang avatar
WireGuard Double VPN: Only forward WireGuard traffic
ua flag

The Goal: A VPN chain

I'm attempting to achieve a VPN chain. The first server is my own VPS, while the second one is from Mullvad VPN. I use my VPS for multiple purposes and I would like to only redirect the WireGuard traffic. All of the remaining traffic is not supposed to go through Mullvad.

Your Device <---> VPN Server 1 <---> VPN Server 2 <---> Internet

Client to VPN Server 1

The connection between the client and my VPS already works. This is the WireGuard confi ...

Score: 1
Eduardo Raupp avatar
NGINX + HTTP2 + ALPN (ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol and No ALPN negotiated)
my flag

the protocol http2 is not working and I cannot see exactly where the error is.

server { listen 80 ; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; listen 443 ssl http2; ... }


* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
*  CApath: none
} [5 bytes data]
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [512 bytes data]
* TLSv1.3 (IN),  ...
Score: 0
peppy avatar
ModSecurity / CRS 3 - Tons of 920100 Warnings. Need Help Fixing/Explaining Rule Violation
gb flag
Ubuntu 22.04
ModSecurity-nginx v1.0.3
CRS 3.3.2

I found out today that my server froze up because ModSecurity created tons of log files 10GB each and the server ran out of disk space. The Audit Log is set to "Relevant Only" to show Warning and Errors. I found there are just too many Warnings showing up.

After investigating, I am seeing that 99% of the vast majority of the warnings are all ...

Score: 0
Chris Strickland avatar
mysql -V shows a different version than mysqld -V
cn flag

I'm running centos 7 with mySQL mysql -V shows Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.26-29, but mysqld -V shows Ver 5.7.11-4. systemctl status mysql and systemctl status mysqld both show the same running database. SELECT @@version in the client shows 5.7.11-4-log. The database acts like it is running the previous version (some differences in JSON functions, for instance).

Some background: when we started  ...

Score: 0
Jonny avatar
NGINX Crossed Mappings
it flag

I appear to have a issue with my mappings in my NGINX configuration.

The first mapping handles UserID or Username.

The second mapping overrides the first mapping, and is forcing token in place of id or username. This second mapping should only handle two types of string hashes we use to authenticate.

Both mappings allow 2 types of parameters each.

First Mapping Expected   *OR*   ...
Score: 0
CitizenX avatar
Rails Server on VirtualBox VM Inaccessible Via Web Browser on A Different System
cx flag

I have a VirtualBox VM running Ubuntu 22.04 in Bridged mode. It has Rails 7.0.4 with Ruby 3.1 installed. It has a basic crud website on it at the moment. The VM can be accessed via SSH from a different Windows system. The VM, clearly, can also install software from the internet. However, when I attempt to access the aforementioned Rails site, Wireshark is showing the response as "Destination unreac ...

Score: 0
Henlo avatar
3proxy doesn't work from another computer
dj flag

I have 2 MacOS computers on the same LAN: and The 3proxy config that looks like this:


When I run it, I can see using lsof that it listens on all interfaces:

3proxy    64544   a1    4u  IPv4 0xeae00056baed30d3      0t0  TCP *:1080 (LISTEN)

And it works fine from localhost (both work):

curl -x socks5h://
curl -x socks5h:// ...
Score: 1
FACTORY909 avatar
Apache2 is serving "download" document instead of website
ph flag

I updated my Ubuntu server this morning from 20.04 to 22.04. Apache2, PHP, Mysql all got updated in the process. I have Cacti installed on this server to monitor a few of our switches and firewall. After the OS update, when I try to visit the Cacti site, Edge, Safari, Firefox, etc etc, all try to download a file called.. "download". It the index.php of the cacti directory.

Thinking PHP wasn't ins ...

Score: -1
Angel Castillo avatar
CRM 2016: There is no Email Configuration under Settings
fo flag

I'm trying to create an Email Server Profile as described in this article:

When I go to Settings --> There is no Email Configuration tab/icon, etc. showing in this area

What's missing? or is there some other configuration that needs to be changed to show it? I have b ...

Score: 0
Ozgur Erdogan avatar
How to restrict exim accept mails for one domain from certain hostname?
tg flag

I have setup proxmox mail gateway in front of exim with many domains. But only some domains in exim are enabled for mail gateway. But sometimes, those domains recieve spam mails bypassing mail gateway. Because spammers are directly deliverying mails to exim ip.

So I need to set a rule in exim-filter (I think), to accept mails from only mailgateway hostname and reject the rest. But must be able to ...

Score: -1
M9A avatar
Can a DNS server accept queries from both IPv4 and IPv6 clients?
cn flag

I have a remote BIND9 server with an IPv4 address that clients use for their DNS queries. This is mainly a forwarding server where most queries get forwarded to Google’s DNS servers. This works perfectly fine when the client making the request is on an IPv4 network. However, if the client is on an IPv6 network then my BIND9 server ignores the queries.

Is there anything I can do on the BIND9 ser ...

Score: 0
Luis Mercado avatar
(Solved) Apache 2.4 multiple subdomain with fallback folder
lr flag

I want to have a default folder when the folder does not exist in the VirtualDocumentRoot, I have this code:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAlias *.development

    UseCanonicalName Off
    VirtualDocumentRoot /usr/local/apache2/sites/htdocs/subdomains/%1/public_html

    # Something like
    VirtualDocumentRootFallback /usr/local/apache2/sites/htdocs/subdomains/default/public_html

</VirtualHost&g ...
Score: 0
JudgeGregg avatar
Systemd timer triggered after suspend despite persistent=false?
ma flag

I cannot understand how systemd timers are supposed to behave when the host is suspended:

Here is a simple service: foo.service

Description=Test timer

ExecStart=echo "TEST TIMER"

And the corresponding timer: foo.timer

Description=Run foo every day

OnCalendar=Mon..Sun 17:47:00

If I start the timer, suspend the host with systemctl suspend a few seconds bef ...

Score: 1
Bùi Nguyễn Hoàng Thọ avatar
I get 404 error when trying interper PHP with Nginx in Docker
pt flag

Sorry if this question is answered. It my first time using Docker in web dev. Im setting up Nginx - PHP - MariaDB for my projects . And get stuck when my Nginx show 404 error when everytime i access to php file


version: '3'
# Nginx
    image: nginx:latest
    restart: "always"
      - ./web.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
      # Index
      - / ...
Score: 0
Mitchell avatar
jackett pkg outdated. is it possible to manually install the latest update?
pg flag

The pkg and port listed for Jackett on FreeBSD is Version v0.20.989 however, the most up to date version is v0.20.2189. This version difference is causing some of my trackers to fail and will not consistently work. Is there any way to manually update this to the latest version even if pkg does not have the latest version?

Score: 1
JonC avatar
Ansible: Pulling a specifc piece of information from an output
ba flag

I'm trying to grab some information from the output of a playbook and save in a file for review. tor.j2 is just a list of expected lines in the config: logging , ntp, spanning-tree, etc.

 - name: Check the config 
       src: ./tor.j2
       defaults: true
     check_mode: yes

After running the code with a -vvv verbosity the last item in there is the differences: "updat ...

Score: 0
musical_ant avatar
Login to google chrome profile in a docker container
lc flag

I am using selenium standalone chrome image to run selenium automation scripts on a docker container. All the websites I am trying to automate have the option to sign in using google. But in order to do that I will need to be logged in to chrome session created by selenium. The brute force way to do that would be to enter my email address and password for my google account and disable 2FA. But I don't wan ...

Score: 0
Richard Krehbiel avatar
OpenVPN clients' DNS, unwanted ip routes added by dhclient
km flag

I've set up an OpenVPN gateway that provides access to a large cloud of IoT devices. Each device has a unique certificate, and upon connection, I grab the "common name" from the cert to make a local DNS name, and publish that via dnsmasq. And for a while, it looks great.

   default via dev ens5 proto dhcp src metric 100 dev tun0 proto kernel scope link src 10 ...

Score: 0
Nikita Fuchs avatar
Failing to proxy arbitrary URLs with NGINX
jp flag

I've tried multiple solutions to proxy arbitrary URLs through NGINX. By that, I mean requesting http://myhost/proxy/ and getting served. I need this to add CORS headers to the response. One solution I've tried is this, the other one I found in this answer, and both return a 404 instead of the content I need proxied.

Here is my (standar ...

Score: 0
user2634153 avatar
sssd/ldap does not authenticate against LDAP
gb flag

I have configured SSSD with AD as ID and Auth providers. I am not caching credentials, so I expect connections to AD for authentication when I ssh to the host, but I do not see any. The user account is created:

# sssctl user-checks ams
user: ams
action: acct
service: system-auth

SSSD nss user lookup result:
 - user name: ams
 - user id: 1000
 - group id: 1000
 - gecos: Aaron Stromas
 - home direct ...
Score: 0
PierreJ avatar
Is it (still) possible to overcommit cpu with Xen?
cn flag

Common hypervisors (Proxmox, Vmware, KVM..) do not prevent the sum of allocated virtual resources (such as vCPU) to exceed the number of physical ones, even if some of them (OpenStack) do limit the overcommittment ratio (virtual_resources/physical_resources) to a configurable value.

I'm confused about this paragraph from this article

XenServer previously allowed overcommitting vCPUs. However, thi ...

Score: 0
Muhammad Zaman avatar
set the permissions on all the files and folders within a directory (CentOS 7.0 )
jp flag

I kind of new to Linux/Centos world, is there any way to set the permissions on all the files and folders within a directory. I know chmod 777 will set permissions on the directory, but if it already has contents, I need to know how to set that too. In windows, you propagate the permission down, must be a way to do that in Linux. Thanks.

Score: 0
Mathew Berry avatar
How can you go about handling 100s of domains with SSL without having a file per domain?
gd flag


I currently run an ecommerce platform and at this moment in time when setting up a new domain the automated script runs. It starts by verifying the DNS records, generates an Nginx config file, then generates the SSL certificate using LetsEncrypt.

However this seems quite long-winded and not very efficient because if I need to make a change (like upgrading to a newer version of php) I then ha ...

Score: 0
P.Péter avatar
create item with regex preprocessing using the zabbix API
in flag

I am trying to create Zabbix items using Ansible and Zabbix API. The problem is that preprocessing params must have a newline between them, that cannot be in a valid JSON value.

The JSON I tried first is as follows:

{                                                                                                                                                                                             ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.