Latest Server related questions

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Reza Kazemi avatar
Nginx redirect all the incomming request base on the location block
us flag

I am using Nginx as a reverse proxy. I assume I have a domain like and a location block with a path like /test. the location would proxy_pass to another website like when I type the URL on the browser, it redirects the first request to the application ( --> However, All the incoming requests would be sent without the location wh ...

Score: 0
how are DNS queries processed in Linux?
US flag

I'm trying to understand how are the DNS queries done in Linux.

I understand the programs can check first /etc/hosts for an IP attached to the name and then /etc/resolv.conf for the DNS server.

So how does it work for a browser? When I type what does the browser do first?
Does it check only those files and send the query to the DNS server if there is nothing in /etc/hosts?
How i ...

Score: 0
CDuv avatar
Redirect all URLs to other (external) site except for one path?
ph flag

I have a working website ( that (uses PHP-FPM) for which I want to redirect all incoming trafic to an URL on another website (ttps:// except one specific path (/api).

Here is the Nginx configuration I tried (put the PHP handling stuff in a dedicated location for /api and a return 301 on location /):

upstream php {
    server unix:/var/run/php/php7 ...
Score: 0
Can I Upload SSH Keys to Azure Keyvault using azcollection?
pl flag

I'm writing an Ansible script to perform key rotation across my company's Linux estate. We use Azure as a cloud platform and I'm looking to store a backup copy of the public and private keys in Azure Keyvault. The Linux estate itself is hosted on VMWare and isn't part of the Azure cloud.

Using the azure_rm_keyvaultkey I have been able to successfully generate a new key via the Keyvault itself usi ...

Score: 0
wureka avatar
how to configure a different catalina.out log for each deployed WAR built with Grails on tomcat
br flag


  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • JDK: OpenJDK 11.0.12
  • Tomcat: 9.0.68
  • test war: gtest.war, built with Grails 5.2.4

There are two WAR files built with Grails in my tomcat9.

I want to configure different catalina.out log files for each deployed WAR on tomcat.

I know there is another similar topic how to configure a different catalina.out log for each deployed WAR on tomcat.

The approach in above topic ...

Score: 0
safae avatar
Is there any way to auto upgrade Ansible roles?
nr flag

Is there any way to upgrade Ansible version along with the playbooks which are written in older version of Ansible. Any kind of script which would read all the modules in the playbooks and recommend / update them to new versions

Score: 0
Fredy avatar
send all traffic from Wiregurad to GRE Tunnel
ee flag

I'm new in the Linux world so I don't know how to do the IPtable configs. my scenario is like this: I have a MikroTik and an UBUNTU Linux server. I created a GRE Tunnel between them and it works well. I also created a Wireguard on my Linux server and I can connect to it from my windows PC. all I want now is to send all incoming traffic to my Linux server from Wireguard connection to the GRE Tunnel. i al ...

Score: 0
Jayman avatar
How to modify remote desktop message
my flag

Is it possible to modify the message when a user connects to a machine via RDP? We need to modify the message especially on those users that doesn't have access to remote desktop connection like the one below

enter image description here

Can it be done via GPO?

Thank you!

Score: 0
mxcolin avatar
Recommended partitioning strategy Windows Server 2022
kr flag

I’m setting up a Windows Server 2022 machine and was wondering about partitioning strategies. I will be using the server for Terminal Services (2 or 3 users) and Hyper-V. Running maybe 12 or so VM’s. The VM’s will be database servers mostly for testing. The machine will have 128GB RAM and 12 Cores. I have a 1TB NVME, a 500GB NVME, a 500GB SATA SSD and a 250GB SATA SSD. How would you set this out f ...

Score: 0
MyatKaung avatar
mount error(112): Host is down
mg flag

I want to mount the shared folder from windows to raspberry pi. The goal is to save the images in shared folder after I captured images with pi camera. However, I have got mount error(Host is down). Anybody having this issue before? Then pls help me suggest how to overcome this. Thank you.

   pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo mount.cifs -o username=<USER>
// ~/Desktop/w ...
Score: 0
weetch avatar
Monit: Editing in-built alert text
br flag

i have the monit tool setup on a linux box, and it's been monitoring apache and the overall system for a few months. The apache config file is:

check process apache with pidfile /var/run/httpd/
      start "/etc/init.d/httpd start"
      stop  "/etc/init.d/httpd stop"
      if memory usage > 70% for 2 cycles then alert
      if memory usage > 90% for 5 cycles then restart
      if cpu >  ...
Score: 0
Kairaoi T avatar
Making Local time and universal time same
pn flag

How to change Local time to be the same with the Universal time. As shown below Local time is one day ahead of Universal time which is not the case. The reason being that today is Tuesday

    [root@raku etc]# timedatectl
      Local time: Wed 2022-10-12 00:58:45 +12
  Universal time: Tue 2022-10-11 12:58:45 UTC
        RTC time: Tue 2022-10-11 12:58:45
       Time zone: Pacific/Tarawa (+12, +1200)
Score: 3
Auberginer avatar
SAN Solution for diverse VM Servers
om flag

I recently got my fingers into Server Administration. I am currently the only person administering an air gapped network with 8 sites. Most things are dated and old but I get the money to renew things.

Currently we run a couple of Servers with ESXi and Proxmox at each site. All new Servers are ESXi and all old ones Proxmox. All of these Servers have Local SSD Storage on the Box. Additionally we  ...

Score: 1
Skippy avatar
Error: does not have storage.buckets.get access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket.'
ms flag

I am trying to connect FTC's fmltc( with Google Cloud and train the datasets for object recognition. I am able to login to fmltc and immediately I got the the error of: Error: does not have storage.buckets.get access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket.'

I am new to Google Cloud. I googled the error and I am not able to solve the proble ...

Score: 1
cyberoblivion avatar
Haproxy log format to mimic Common log format
cn flag

I would like to have haproxy log access using the same format as most webservers default, CLF or also known as NCSA Common log format.

Does anyone have documentation for doing this?

Score: 0
Austin Witherspoon avatar
Windows 10 struggles to see files in DFS path after changing the target
cc flag

A little background: I'm a programmer for a small company, and we have a lot of internal python tools that employees run. Our "deployment" process clones our git repo into a deployment folder at a unc path.

After that, we run pytest on it and build the python environment yada yada - and finally run a few powershell commands to:

  • Add \\pipelinetools\Code\deployments\deployment2 as a target to our DFS p ...
Score: 0
kaplan avatar
How do I properly remove a staging subdomain that's no longer needed?
cn flag

I have a WordPress Multisite configuration on an Apache/2.4.46 (Ubuntu) server. I make staging sites using a subdomain of the main domain, then when that staging site is ready to be 'live' and uses its final public domain, I update the vHost file, and disable, then remove the -le-ssl.conf file. Once I enable the updated vHost, I make a new certificate with Let’s Encrypt, making a new -le-ssl.conf to g ...

Score: 0
Ramon avatar
WireGuard consistent disconnection - Ubuntu Server and Android Client
ua flag

Problem Description: Wireguard Android client disconnects after every ~10mins.

Attempts I have made: 1. Tweaking the KeepAlive 2. Changing the IP address (private) and restarting the service multiple times 3. MTU tweaks

Observation: After client disconnection, the port is changed from the client side. (See the log below)

[Oct10 20:01] wireguard: wg0: Receiving keepalive packet from peer 1 (CLIENT_IP:475 ...
Score: 0
Katie avatar
Confused as to why SSL certificate will not install
in flag

I am transferring a few websites from Digital Ocean servers to SiteGround. I am confused as to the behavior I am seeing and my understanding of TTL. I have been doing this kind of thing for years (run lots of websites on both DO and SG) and I have never seen this. It is bothersome, because meanwhile, the transferred website is not running on https and warning any potential visitors.

Here are th ...

Score: 0
Benoît avatar
Is my process not accepting TCP connection fast enough?
md flag

I have a process P that listens for incoming TCP connections on one port. I am observing that sometimes clients have to issue several SYN to get a SYN-ACK back and then the processing of their connection. I think the process P is not able to handle more than a dozen of incoming parallel connections per second.

Is this delay and retry coming from my process P that is not accepting new TCP connecti ...

Score: 0
vicentG avatar
Configure a DHCP server with isc that gives the clients IPs depending on the OS
bg flag

The problem is that I cannot put a static IP or filter by mac because some clients have dual boot and use both Windows and Ubuntu, I need to be able to somehow distinguish between both OS and both with the same MAC address. How can I solve this? Thanks in advance.

Score: 1
Marcus GFC avatar
Computer Display Name Not Updating In AD
so flag

I have a computer in Active Directory. When this machine was initially added to our domain, I named it "PA-WB-TRAININGT". I named it this on the actual machine itself (Windows system settings when joining the domain).

A few minutes later, I went back into Windows system settings on the machine, and renamed it to "PA-WB-TRAINING4". However, for some reason, in Active Directory, it remained listed  ...

Score: 1
eof avatar
Copying files to/from EC2 instance using SSM alone (no SSH or S3 bucket)
us flag

I'm trying to setup a ready-to-run terraform template for some performance testing. It creates two EC2 instances in the same cluster placement group and preinstalls a bunch of tools. I don't know the SSH public keys of the users of it in advance and would prefer not to require users to copy and paste public keys into the terraform file before applying it.

For performance testing, I would need to  ...

Score: 0
A. Neodizzi avatar
Mdadm syncs disks on reboot and performance drops
it flag

I have a server debian 11 with 3 disks in raid, it happens that I have to restart it to do an update or other maintenance, when I restart it after days or months it synchronizes the disks and becomes underperforming until it ends. Is there a way to schedule the synchronization so that when it restarts it doesn't have to do it? I noticed that two or more short distance restarts only at the first resync,  ...

Score: 1
Dave Mar avatar
Microsoft-Account authentication issues after Office365 organization join
eh flag

Years ago I registered my domain for Windows Live Domains ( and created 5 accounts for me and my family (@mydomain.tld). These email-adresses are our primary addresses and also Microsoft-Accounts that we use to login on our PCs, bought apps in the store and so on. Back in 2014 Microsoft decided to close this service but everything continued working and I actually never thought about cha ...

Score: 1
Rodrigo avatar
Cloud Init not working on Vultr
jp flag

I am new with Cloud-Init, I am trying to install tailscale and Docker with it, and some other packages

I tried several times and no luck and no error logs.

What I am doing wrong?

Here is my script:


    - name: ubuntu
        shell: /usr/bin/bash
        ssh_import_id: gh:skhaz
        sudo: ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

    expire: false

apt_upgrade: true

    s ...
Score: 0
Decent Dabbler avatar
Not receiving mail or even connection attempts from Google
ua flag

I recently installed and configured my own postfix mail server on a vps. It uses a LetsEncrypt wildcard certificate, has a PTR DNS record with the vps' IP-address pointing to my mail server's hostname and is configured with SPF and DKIM (but no DMARC yet) and ufw is configured to allow incoming connections on ports 25,80,443,587,993.

Everything appeared to be working just fine: the mail server receiv ...

Score: 1
Cerolina avatar
Unable to ping through router switch router
td flag

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here## Question

  • Why in firewall_2 routing table rip address is not showing like router_b? As I done Rip routing In Firewall_2 as shown in the right side image




  • Here is a [Diaenter image description heregram]2 of the network/situation,
Score: 0
Serrver avatar
One port 2 external ip linked to MAC split by LAN ports
bf flag

The provider issues 2 static addresses linked to the MAC address of the device on one port. Is it possible to divide the ports of the Mikrotik router into traffic exchange through each address?

For example:

WAN (ether1 port): (gateway MAC 11:11:11:11:11:11 (gateway MAC 11:11:11:11:11:12

I want ether2, ether3, wlan1, wlan2 to be on and ether4, ether5  ...

Score: 0
xiedeacc avatar
kvm instance network sometimes fail when use bridge, how to fix this?
to flag

my host and guests OS all are ubuntu server 22.04. bridge created by host use below netplan config, host and guest can reach each other. but when I use kubeadm init to init a k8s cluster, http request to guest itself sametimes timeout, so whole init will fail. how to fix this problem?

➜  /root cat /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml
  version: 2
      dhcp4: false

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.