Latest Server related questions

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Jonathan avatar
Pihole behing Nginx doesn't work
bd flag

I'm trying to set up a pihole server behind nginx (as a proof of concept more than that it's practically necessary to do so). I'm running both in Proxmox, pihole running as a docker image in a VM (IP, pihole web interface at port 8080) and nginx running in a container (IP My nginx configuration is as follows (I've been messing with it a bit to try to get things working, so feel f ...

Score: 0
Eugen Konkov avatar
Is this OK that certificate was logged?
ru flag

I am using to configure otm service. And I have some question about nginx-proxy-letsencrypt and its logging. When I did docker logs -f otm-nginx-proxy-letsencrypt-1, I can see that cert is logged:

2022/10/10 10:31:27 [notice] 59#59: signal process started
Creating/renewal certificates... (
[Mon Oct 10 10:31:28 UTC 2022] Usi ...
Score: 3
Omid Shojaee avatar
Cannot add ESXi installation disk to datastore
in flag

My server has 2 hard drives: 1xSSD and 1xHDD.

ESXi is installed on the SSD.

HDD is added as the datastore.

I can't find a way to add the SSD as a datastore too.

Here I see it:

enter image description here

But when I click on "New datastore" and give it a name, I reach here:

enter image description here

The problem is I can't select any partition here so I tried to edit partitions and delete that big VMFSL (111GB) but it failed too.

What I'm missing?

Score: 1
Sergey Guzenkov avatar
kubernetes: how to check pod IP range allocated to node
co flag

Every node in a kubernetes cluster has a dedicated range of IP addresses that it can allocate to the pods. How can one check what that IP range is?

Score: 0
MGS avatar
Promote to Master a MySQL slave that has its own slaves
tg flag

MySQL standby & chained replication

Having the current setup (not using GTID) (see link to image):

  • STANDBY NODES: -> SLAVE (B) (with log_slave_updates enabled) -> SLAVE (B1) + SLAVE (B2)

The standby nodes are meant to be promoted to the main production nodes if main MASTER (A) fails. So, if the MASTER (A) fails, we want to promote ...

Score: 2
M.Atkinson avatar
Microsoft Powershell Signature Script - Stopped working with latest office 365 build
lb flag

This is my first post on here, so I hope I get all the information across to you!

Firstly, I know that there are paid solutions that can do this, but this solution has been working for the company that I work for a little while now. Therefore, I would like to get it working on all versions of office that we use on site - 2013 through to Office 365. Plus, it makes it a bit more interesting if some ...

Score: 0
fischbrot avatar
Change host & nameservers at the same time
tv flag

I am about to move hosts for my website. I need to change the nameserver (Siteground -> Cloudflare) as well as edit the A-record so that it points to the new host (SG -> Cloudways).

Since I have never carried out a move like this before and my research has not shown anything yet, the question is which procedure is best so that there is as little downtime as possible.

  • Should I first move the nam ...

Score: 0
All In avatar
Regular expression for url longer than 3 characters Nginx
bm flag

There is a website I need to write a regular expression where pages longer than 3 characters only work after the first slash. If in this case there are other pages after the slash, then 404 was returned. For example -> ->{string of any length} -> 404

I wrote the following regular expression,

map $example {
Score: 0
divyashie avatar
Docker/Mariadb: Error starting userland proxy: Listen tcp {IP}:{PORT}: bind cannot assign requested address
hm flag

I have been unable to run the command: docker-compose up --build -d as I get the following error:

ERROR: for mariadb Cannot start service mariadb: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint cdr_performance_tracker_mariadb_1 (c98f1e65cf0226cfd2ea3e5493d8a13eb2dc14d1ea4194cae31f0789090d6172): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 {IP}:{PORT}: bind: cannot assign requested address ERRO ...

Score: 0
A. Neodizzi avatar
Apache Logfile full of 'wp-login.php' not found or unable to stat because is not WP site
it flag

the server has no sites with WP and I am aware of what those lines in the log files mean, so in order to reduce requests to wp-login.php as soon as possible the question is: let the server respond with 404 as does it currently or is it better to give a 202 answer with a fake wp-login.php? Thank you all.

Score: 0
How to connect to a computer with custom WinRM port using Windows Admin Center?
US flag

My remote computer has a custom HTTPS WinRM port, I can connect to it using Enter-PSSession just fine and everything works as expected, but don't know how to do it in Windows Admin Center, couldn't find any related info about using custom ports in WAC. I tried IP:port combination in computer name in WAC when adding a new Windows PC, but it couldn't find it. I need to use IP because my 2 computers are ...

Score: 0
Glasnhost avatar
how to check prod deployment in a complex cloud environment?
gh flag

My application is made of several "services" (APIs, DBs, web servers, backend, frontend/BFF) that must be integrated with similar applications developed by other teams in the company.

We have "dev" and pre-prod environments that are more or less integrated with other applications. But you'll never know what is going to happen when it's deployed to the real PROD environment: other applications ma ...

Score: 0
Ahron avatar
Nginx: try_fiiles directive with variable from path
fr flag

I have set up a server block that looks like this:

root /var/www/platform

location / {
 index index.html;

location /contact {
 try_files $uri /contact.html;

This works fine. I can go to and the contact.html page loads.

Now I want to add a subdirectory products with files like product1.html and so on. When the user goes to I want to load the html file.

Score: 0
santosh baruah avatar
Issue with Nginx Url Rewrite /Redirect
us flag

For new site config I tried NGINX rewriting for the blog plan and keep the paths the same, just redirect from 'www.' to 'blog.'.

and plan for RSpace API and CME have been configured and the ALB.

Blog ...
Score: 1
notsolowki avatar
Openvpn Server Windows need to prevent client from using defualt gateway on server
fm flag

I'm running OpenVPN server on Windows. I have multiple clients in the range. I host a TCP service on port 80 on the server that I want the clients to connect to. I don't want clients to be able to edit their ovpn and add --redirect-gateway and be able to push all traffic through the OpenVPN server's gateway.

Currently Avast premium antivirus firewall is the only firewall option. The ...

Score: 1
Global Accelerator IPv6 Cannot Connect
in flag

I have dual-stack ALBs in eu-west-1 (Dublin) and ap-southeast-2 (Sydney).

  • port 80 redirects to https
  • port 443 forwards to a target group (IPv4)

I can reach both target groups on IPv4 and IPv6 just fine by going directly to the ALBs (in each region).

Now I create a dual-stack GA with endpoints pointing at those two ALB.

  • endpoints are marked HEALTHY
  • I can get a normal response from the GA IPv4 addres ...
Score: 0
Rouzwelt avatar
How to create a VM with a specific external IP or IP range?
th flag

I have some problems with some google cloud IP ranges, they are blocked in my country, so I cannot connect to my VM if the instance is on those external IP ranges. I have tried reserving IP addresses but the reservation also ends up with the similar IP ranges that are blocked. so I wanted to know if there is a way to create a VM with a specific IP or IP range, I know you can select the region, but in ea ...

Score: 2
Shmack avatar
apache 2.4.54 (httpd) require not ip not blocking ip addresses
aw flag

So I am running apache 2.4.54 on a redhat centos 7 machine. I am using the below configuration to run my django application with mod_wsgi:

# create new
#LoadModule wsgi_module modules/
LoadModule wsgi_module "/home/ec2-user/.virtualenvs/myproj_prod/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mod_wsgi/server/"
WSGIPythonHome "/home/ec2-user/.virtualenvs/myproj_ ...
Score: 0
Memory errors in dmesg, do I need to replace a DIMM?
cn flag

The following errors show up in dmesg 10-20 times per day:

MCA: Bank 5, Status 0x8c00004000010092
MCA: Global Cap 0x0000000001000c10, Status 0x0000000000000000
MCA: Vendor "GenuineIntel", ID 0x206d7, APIC ID 0
MCA: CPU 0 COR (1) RD channel 2 memory error
MCA: Address 0xbb5561e80 (Mode: Physical Address, LSB: 6)
MCA: Misc 0x2140109086

The CPU is always 0, and the "bank" is always 5. The "Misc" and t ...

Score: 1
sebastian avatar
External-DNS with annotation filter on Kubernetes
cn flag

I have 2 external-dns servers with annotations filters.

internal dns for private zone: in (internal)

external dns for public zone: in (internet-facing)

This allows me to setup a split horizon dns.

The above annotation works great for Ingress Controllers. However I also have Services and Serv ...

Score: 0
Dovecot and Exim config to support domain alias
us flag

I use Dovecot and Exim in my mail server, and auth them against MariaDB. The server keep mails for multiply mail domain, and it works this way for years.

Now I need to migrate (rename) one of mail domains into another name (don't ask, business demands that), so all mailboxes in first (old) domain should have the same local_part in second (new) domain:

Score: 0
laimison avatar
LVM: one volume group that has HD and SSD disks - can I access SSD based logical volume when HD dies?
au flag

Let's assume I have two physical disks:

/dev/sda1 - hard disk

/dev/sdb1 - SSD disk

I create volume group:

sudo vgcreate hd_and_sd_vg /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1

Now I create logical volumes:

lvcreate -L 10G -n my_test_volume_on_hd VolumeGroupName /dev/sda1
lvcreate -L 10G -n my_test_volume_on_sd VolumeGroupName /dev/sdb1

I can use command such as pvdisplay -m to confirm that extents are distributed correctl ...

Score: 0
quantfinancequest avatar
Why should I disable insecure SSH hostkeys if I never plan on using them?
fr flag

A number of articles suggest removing insecure (broken) SSH key types in order to have a more secure server. In practice, if I only connect to the server with secure key types, why should I bother deleting insecure key types? What is a practical attack that can be performed if I do not remove these key types.

From SSH audit:

Disable the DSA and ECDSA host keys

From Secure Secure Shell:

DSA keys  ...

Score: 0
Muhammad Umar avatar
My website is working when but not when
eg flag

I have purchased the domain from Godaddy.

My website is working when

Not working when

I want to know where I need to add the suitable configuration. I have already added this to /etc/ngnix/sites-available/

server {
listen 80;
return 301$request_uri;
Score: 0
Jonathan Öhrström avatar
Debian Software Raid1 boot failure after trying to change one disk
bv flag

I have a server running Debian 11 with 3 HDDs, each 500gb using software RAID1.

I'm now in the process of upgrading so I have 2x1TB drives. To accomplish this I followed this guide.

The disk I removed first was /dev/sda. Now when I have 2 disks left in the server it cannot boot. BIOS says it cannot find a system disk with OS.

I managed to do research and my guess is that the bootloader is not ava ...

Score: 1
Long MMO avatar
RewriteCond rules from apache to nginx
nz flag
RewriteCond %{TIME_SEC} >40
RewriteCond %{TIME_SEC} <56
RewriteRule ^(.*)the-product(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

I want to convert it to nginx but there is no solution for it to run for a fixed time

RewriteCond %{TIME_SEC} >40
RewriteCond %{TIME_SEC} <56
Score: 1
jnbdz avatar
Podman is unable to start container with SELinux (sd-bus call permission error)
th flag

Here is the command I am using to start the container:

podman run -d --name busybox-top -v ./src:/dest:Z busybox top


Error: sd-bus call: Permission denied: OCI permission denied

I do not have in my user home directory (the user is not root) .config/ directory.

I do have .local/share/containers with:

drwx------. 10 jn jn 4096 Oct  8 22:16 .
drwx------.  3 jn jn 4096 Oct  8 19:42 ..
drwx------.   ...
Score: 0
Leo avatar
add domain to server, virtualhosts
ae flag

I have ubuntu system on my server. i had php,composer, also laravel project and it's working well. but i have one problem. Everything is working on my server ip, but also i have domain. So i want all this on domain. When i go to domain it pops up:

 This site can’t be reached

Then i cleared browsers dns cache but not work. In my opinion it needs apache virtualhosts or something ...

Score: 0
trouble_bucket avatar
How to import mbox file to Maildir
st flag

I have the following mbox file: /home/incoming/test_data/example_data/.transaction_emails_mbox. I want to move the emails in the mbox file to Maildir at the following directory, where all the user's other emails are: /home/incoming/Maildir/cur/. Here's what I've tried so far:

  1. Using mb2md. After running these commands, IMAP isn't identifying the 12 emails contained in the mbox file. I assume each of th ...
Score: 0
Nagev avatar
Does AWS CloudFront support country code top level domains not available for registration?
in flag

There are some ccTLDs that I am interested in that are not available for registration through AWS Route 53, according to their list. Having registered such a domain with another registrar, and being able to change the name servers, can I still use CloudFront as a CDN for a website?

Looked at Making Route 53 the DNS service for a domain that's in use but could not see a specific answer to this. Also, thei ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.