Latest Server related questions

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Samba AD GPO “Display information about previous logons during user logon” does not apply and makes it impossible to logon
sz flag

We are performing tests to deploy a Univention UCS domain with samba Active Directory in our company and, to comply with a security normative, we need to activate the GPO "Display information about previous logons during user logon" found in "Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Logon Options".

I have been testing but I can't get it to work correctly ...

Score: 1
How to turnoff azure internally?
kr flag

We have a build machine which takes 3 to 4 hours to do the build process. So, earlier it is in aws, so kept lambda to turnon during early morning and after 4 or 5 hours, the last step of build command is to send an email and turnoff the machine.

But, now we migrated to azure. If we kept the same shutdown command here, the machine is getting shutdown but as per azure documentation, there is differ ...

Score: 0
I am unable to edit email message body in evolution following update
in flag

I updated my system and now when I open an email to send, I can add header information but not the body of the message. Same with trying to reply to an email. No cursor will parse to the body of the message. It's read only.

How do I re-enable my message body in evolution?


evolution version

Score: 0
Raymond avatar
Docker-compose erratic parameters reading
co flag

I'm trying to build a container stack for an application and using the .env file so as to pass the various parameters to be used during the build process.

Stack Config:

    Docker version 20.10.14, build a224086d
    Docker Compose version v2.5.1
    Docker Desktop version 4.8.2 (79419)
├── docker
│   ├── php
│   ├── caddy
│── Dockerfile
│── Docker-compose.yml
Score: 0
Typewar avatar
Performance, Security and Scalability of nginx proxy vs ssh tunnel
in flag

I'm wondering about the difference in performance, security and scalability for nginx and ssh tunnel for a web application.

For my case, I have a VPS set up, whos only job is to forward the traffic to my home router. This traffic travels between the 2 servers unencrypted (HTTP) and I think it would be easier to use a SSH tunnel for this case instead of having to set up HTTPS twice.

I could not find  ...

Score: 0
Zaffry avatar
Cannot Ping Primary interface after configuring second INT on AWS
in flag

I have an Amazon EC2 Instance running Ubuntu server 16.04

I want the EC2 to have two network interfaces. After configuring the secondary interface. I cannot ping my primary interface from my other instances. This is my configuration of the /etc/network/interfaces.d/51-secondary.cfg . I have enable to allow all traffic on the ec2 as well. My interfaces are ens5 the primary and ens6 the secondary.  ...

Score: 0
jotyhista avatar
Docker + Symfony + Nginx + PHP 8.1 bad gateway configure php for Nginx
cn flag

I am trying to access my symfony application via a docker compose setup

I have issues with nginx default.conf When trying to access the app I am getting bad gateway

docker logs show an error:

no resolver defined to resolve app, client:

so I tried putting instead of app:9000 and I get a new error:

connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream

Score: -2
allahZu avatar
Can't figure out what's wrong
co flag
    Listen 8080
    LoadModule status_module "modules/"
    ErrorLog "c:/users\public/logs/error.txt"
    CustomLog "c:/users/public/logs/log.log" access
    LogFormat "%h" access
    ServerRoot "c:/users/public/htdocs"
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    AllowOverride All
    Alias /icons/  ...
Score: 0
Rodrigo avatar
Disable disconnection logging on PostgresSQL
jp flag

I am seeing a LOT of Postgres disconnection events on the logs, is there some way to disable this specific log?

May 30 10:13:08 my-app app/postgres.456514 [SILVER] [11-1]  sql_error_code = 00000 time_ms = "2022-05-30 10:13:07.600 UTC" pid="1235859" proc_start_time="2022-05-30 10:13:07 UTC" session_id="629398b4.12db93" vtid="" tid="0" log_line="3" database="XXX" connection_source=" ...
Score: 0
Pathfinder avatar
Issues during Synology NAS LUN backup
us flag

I'm having an issue with my Synology DS210j, DSM 4.2-3211 version.

NAS LUN backup fail issues began occurring for some time, with different backup tasks failing. Issue reported in logs for this job is: "The lun is being backed up by another user" There is no second user or device which is accessing this target LUN. This is special iSCSI connection to this Synology device only.

WD My Passport 25E1 at ...

Score: 0
ofirule avatar
OpenVPN adding static ip for client dynamically based on a script
cn flag

In my VPN logic all of my client certificates have the folowing CN template: where number is between 2-65536

For each CN I add a config file which looks like so:

$ cat

So basically based on the CN number area I configure the static ip in the relevant file, conversion from number to ip logic:

$ python3 -c "print('10.22.{}.{ ...
Score: 0
Erasure code overhead for heterogeneous hardware
cn flag

I need to setup a Ceph cluster on a set of 10 machines having different disk sizes and numbers. The numbers ranges from 16x500GB to 8x4TB, with various intermediate values, the most common being 8x2TB. My idea is to go for a k=6 m=2 erasure code with host failure domain, but I don't know how to get an estimate of the expected available disk space. Most (if not all) of the examples I found about how to c ...

Score: 0
Cache gems for every build on GitLab Runner
us flag

I have a GitLab Runner installed on a Ubuntu server. It uses 'docker' executor.

I want every CI job which executes on this runner to use the same Ruby gems cache, to prevent downloading from the same version several times in a row.

There seems to be two solutions:

  1. Use cache: instruction in .gitlab-ci.yml. I don't like that because I would have per-project cache instead of single cache ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.