Latest Server related questions

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John Fisher avatar
How to disable auto-update for virtual machines in Azure?
mp flag

In my azure environment there are sets of virtual machines that are rebooting at the same time, I assume it has to do with auto-update settings. How do I turn off the auto-updates and enable manual scheduling for Azure Virtual Machine updates? When I go to the update blade it doesn't provide me any options.

Score: 1
Using public key SSH works, but SFTP gives error
tm flag

On a server I installed openSUSE, configured SSH so only one user is allowed, only public key is allowed (no pam, no password), coming from specific IP.

SSH works, X11 forwarding works, SFTP works.

Now, I needed secondary system, pretty much identical as outer world is concerned. I installed Xubuntu, set SSH, firewall, I copied exactly the same SSH config and keys from openSUSE, and...

SSH works, X11 f ...

Score: 0
D. Del Signore avatar
Can't see AWS EBS snapshot tags from different account
cn flag

I have private snapshots in one account (source) that I have shared with another account (target). I am able to see the snapshots themselves from the target account, but the tags are not available, neither on the console nor via the cli.
This makes it impossible to filter for a desired snapshot from the target account.
For background, the user in the target account has the following policy in effect:

Score: 0
How to fix a Nextcloud docker container after skipping a major version?
mx flag

I am running my private Nextcloud instance using docker (docker-compose). I tried to upgrade to a newer Nextcloud version but did not realize I was not supposed to skip a major version (from 21 to 23). Now I cant start it at all:

  • When I try to start the container with version 23 and trigger the upgrade, it fails because it cannot upgrade from 21:
    leifb@***:~/nextcloud$ sudo docker-compose exec --use ...
Score: 0
How to set up a server with cgit on the frontend and git-http-backend on the backend without nginx
cn flag

I want to set up a git server with cgit on the frontend and git-http-backend on the backend. I want to avoid using Nginx/Apache/lighthttpd/etc. right now, and just get it working with uwsgi right now. Here's what I have so far: test.ini

http-socket =
plugins = cgi
threads = 20
cgi = /=/usr/libexec/cgit/cgit.cgi
cgi = /*/info/refs=/usr/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend
http-so ...
Score: 0
Wordpress wp-options table is huge, even after optimisation. Only dropping table and importing fixes
in flag

I run a number of Wordpress based sites. In each case, the wp_options table is growing massively within MySQL, hosted in Azure.

In one case, phpMyAdmin shows the table size as 3Gb. If I export as an SQL file, it is around 20Mb. If I drop and re-import the table, it shows as 20Mb and everything works as expected.

There is nothing huge in the original 3Gb table, the biggest rows are nowhere near enoug ...

Score: 0
mcv110 avatar
replace APC smart signaling cable with RJ-45 to RJ-45
in flag

Is it possible to replace the APC Smart Signaling Cable PN: 940-1525A with an RJ-45 to RJ-45 cable?

The cable is built as an RJ-50 to DB9, but I need to connect it to a console server that only uses RJ-45. I have pin-out diagrams that show the cable pin-out...but I do not know how to convert the DB-9 pin-out to RJ-45.

APC cable diagram

940-1525A cable diagram

Initially, I made a rollover cable for t ...

Score: 0
Windows Server 2012 R2 TLS 1.2 Issue
cn flag

I am facing issues with TLS 1.2 on my Windows Server 2012 R2 (application web server,IIS), where I am unable to access via Internet Explorer even after I see that TLS 1.2 has been enabled.

I have another server with the same OS and same OS updates (but no IIS) and this server has no problem accessing the API or any other endpoint with TLS 1.2)

On the problematic ...

Score: 0
GCP Route in IPSec VPN between AWS TGW and GCP
by flag

I am setting up IPSec VPN with BGP between AWS and GCP. On the AWS side, I am using TGW. It is a HA VPN with two Site-to-Site-VPN on AWS side. There 4 tunnels in total. As confirmed from both the AWS side and the GCP side, all the 4 tunnels are "UP" and BGP is working in all 4 of them.

When I previously used Virtual-Private-Gateway on the AWS side to set up 4x HA IPSec VPN Tunnels to GCP, the rou ...

Score: 0
GooSH avatar
Error "no matching mac found" with ubuntu 10.04 and github
it flag

I have a web application mounted on an old server with Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS and for a short time I have not been able to deploy it due to a problem that occurs with the connection to github to download the code:

no matching mac found: client
hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,[email protected],hmac-ripemd160,[email protected],hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96
[email protected],hmac-sha2-256-etm@ ...
Score: 0
How do I migrate my Exchange 2016 from Windows Server 2012 R2 to Server 2016?
cn flag

I have Exchange 2016 CU22 installed on a Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V VM. I need to migrate that Exchange to a Windows Server 2016 VM. There are about 80 mailboxes totaling about 1.2TB. We have about 200 mail flow rules. Eventually this will be used in a DAG scenario, but right now it's a single Exchange Server.

How do I migrate Exchange to the Server 2016 VM without any downtime, or very little ...

Score: 0
reign avatar
How to list systemd unit files with descriptions
pl flag

The command

systemctl list-units

only displays instances of units, such that are currently loaded into the memory. The command

systemctl list-unit-files

on the other hand lists all unit configuration files found in the search paths. Unfortunately, the latter does not include descriptions.

Is there a handy command with which one could list all unit files with their descriptions?

Score: 0
toothless92 avatar
Accessing a server-side VLAN through OpenVPN
jp flag

I am a networking noob and could use some help.

I am trying to set up a TAP connection using OpenVPN to access devices that are on a VLAN on my remote server. Right now, I can connect and ping the interface (, but I can't ping anything on the VLAN (like I don't care about the VLAN coming accross my VPN connection, I just want to be able to see those devices.

The "public"  ...

Score: -1
Dunatotatos avatar
Why MetalLB cannot provide a real load balancing feature in layer 2 mode?
th flag

The documentation of MetalLB states that:

In layer 2 mode, all traffic for a service IP goes to one node.

To my understanding, this is mostly due to the fact that:

one node assumes the responsibility of advertising a service to the local network.

As mentioned in the rest of the said documentation, this behavior implies a severe limitation. The traffic bandwidth is limited to what can pass through the ...

Score: 1
Does chrony need driftfile to survive a reboot
es flag

I'm setting up chrony to run on a flash-based embedded system. Should I put the driftfile in a volatile filesystem (/tmp or /var/run) or one of our flash-based partitions? If I do the former then, obviously, the file will disappear on reboot, but if I do the latter then I'm potentially opening up a problem with a lot of writes to the flash filesystem causing the device to wear out more rapidly.


The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.