Is there at the very least, a work around to restart or kill that user session without restarting?
from a TTY, try running the following:
killall kwin
This should hopefully restart your user session.
As for the actual fix, we will need to see logs in order to provide this. Most Daemons run on a per-session basis, so it could be literally anything freezing up a session.
To enter TTY, you just push Ctrl + Alt + F5 (for example) to go to TTY5. Replacing F5 with F6 will take you to TTY6 and so on.
You will be prompted for username and password. Once you are logged in, you should be able to run the commands in both my answer (above) and @SanchoS.ReinstateMonicaCellio 's answer. Hopefully, these will provide you with a workaround.
Next, try running the command
dmesg --facility=daemon
exactly as it is typed here. Just dmesg
will work, but this will trim the output to what we likely need. If not, we can circle back and 'widen the net' a bit.
The result will look like a log file. The solution to your issue is likely within those logs. They are in order by date / time (listed for each log), so it should be relatively easy to find the time of the last crash and examine the logs for that time period.
If you need any extra explanation, just let us know. We are happy to explain.
Be sure to post the output of the logs to your question (during the timeframe of the last incident.)