
Graphics Driver and Resolutions

cn flag

I'm using Ubuntu 21.04, and I have installed 20.04 before. Both of them are unable to work correctly with my graphics driver. They only show up two low screen resolutions. I tried to add screen resolution. With Ubuntu 21.04 using WAYLAND, I switched back to Ubuntu with Xorg, and add new resolution: 1366x768. With Ubuntu 20.04, I did the same thing. But after adding new resolution, my screen is still blur, so I think that there was some problems with my Intel graphics driver. I'm using Intel Pentium G3450. Maybe it's too old for Intel Drivers? Screenshot in my settings that might provides some info.

At once, it suddenly appears two new resolutions, one of them are my desire one: 1366x768 after I restart my computer, so I don't know if it was my driver or something else. But when I restarted again, they disappeared and I came back to blur screen with only two resolutions

I'm new user, so if you need any other information, I'll try to update this question as soon as possible.

hu flag
The screenshot you've posted looks very clear. Where is the problem exactly?
Giao Lê avatar
cn flag
I don't know, honestly. It suddenly switch back to my desired screen mode,and after I logout, or restart several times, it'll change back to blur screen. If I couldn't figure out why and fix it, maybe it's best to switch back to Windows.

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