
Holding a key down in game repeats as if I'm typing instead of holding

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When I hold a key in a game, the key is not held. Instead, it holds for a moment and then stops and repeats - the behavior you expect to see when typing. The most obvious example is holding tab in Counter-Strike causes the scoreboard to flash instead of being shown continuously. Other issues caused by this is jittery movement when using wasd.

This behavior is fairly recent (started maybe 2-3 weeks ago) and I can't think of any significant changes I've made recently that may have caused this. I've noticed this in Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (both running natively) and Satisfactory (running through Proton).

I use a wired keyboard on Ubuntu 21.04.

Edit: Looks like the problem is with the keyboard itself. Plugging in another keyboard solves the issue. If anyone has any suggestions for how to fix the keyboard - I'd really appreciate it.


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