
Kubuntu - Problem viewing the bottom left menu

cn flag

Good day everybody Lately I tried to run a live version of Kubuntu 21.10. After launching the Live version I realized that there was no menu visible. I suspect a screen resolution but cannot fix the problem in the screen parameters.

I use a laptop

Anyone has an idea ??

Daniel Caron avatar
cn flag
Here is my screen resolution. 1920x1080
Daniel Caron avatar
cn flag
I cannot find a way to add screen res images
Will avatar
id flag
What makes you think it’s screen resolution? (1) can you post a screenshot; (2) are you able to connect an external monitor?; (3) did you try adjusting the screen settings?
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Does your machine meet the minimum resolution? It's `VGA capable of 1024x768 screen resolution` for main Ubuntu, and many of the standard Ubuntu tools used to install etc (for all *flavors* to in the *live* media) The super key may still allow menu to be usable, otherwise it's open terminal & use commands; at least what I'd be trying next.

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