
How to force change the Ubuntu splash screen (18.04)

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All other answers refer to update alternatives. I have read and tried most of those solutions, here and elsewhere. It did not work.

I originally installed Ubuntu-Mate 18.04. Didn't like Mate, installed XFCE-desktop.

Ever since, I could not change the splash screen back to xubuntu-logo. (Currently on 18.04.6) I've tried (using update-alternatives)

  • reinstall xubuntu-logo plymouth theme
  • manually edit plymouth config in /usr/share/plymouth/themes
  • installed other themes
  • switched themes
  • removed mate-logo theme
  • physically removed the Mate theme folders (using cli) Each time, running update-initramfs -u.

No change. Shutdown shows a different logo, but boot up made no change whatsoever.

What am I missing?

edit: Correction - I did not use Plymouth manager. I just managed it with update-alternatives. edit: As I said, all other SIMILAR questions does not solve the problem. Not here. Not anywhere else. edit: Update-grub has run a thousand times since then after software updates.

edit: I realise that due to linux's infinite flexibility, not a single person's installation will match another's. My problem could be caused by any of a million things/tweaks/updates/etc I did to mine. I can't realistically expect there to be a generic answer to this question. But it was worth a shot. Guess I'll have to live with it till the next upgrade.

Someone avatar
my flag
After changing the themes etc . ( And confirmed that it has been changes but not showing up) run `sudo update-grub`
Someone avatar
my flag
Does this answer your question? [How to change boot splash screen in 18.04](
Someone avatar
my flag
`sudo update-initramfs -u` didn't this worked ? What is the output of this ?

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